What the hell does this even mean?
Here’s a thought: The 70% of Americans who oppose what amounts to an Islamic Niketown two blocks from ground zero are the real victims of a climate of hate, and anti-Muslim backlash is mostly a myth.
by DougJ| 74 Comments
This post is in: Fucked-up-edness
What the hell does this even mean?
Here’s a thought: The 70% of Americans who oppose what amounts to an Islamic Niketown two blocks from ground zero are the real victims of a climate of hate, and anti-Muslim backlash is mostly a myth.
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I thought we were supposed to like Niketowns?
Chyron HR
It’s a reference to Nike, the goddess of victory.
(Disclaimer: It is probably not.)
The YMMA is really a McYMMA and the American people are under assault by the crase commercialization of faith which belittles us all.
Please disregard the 53% / 31% Support / Oppose numbers for people who actually live in Manhattan. They’ve clearly already fallen under the Imam’s terrible infomercial effect. Instead, look at this other poll I pulled out of my ass.
It’s funny how they wave around that 70% number like some kind of immunity totem, as if never in history has 70% of the American public been on the bigoted side of an issue.
Midnight Marauder
I don’t want no Islamic Ikea in my America!
The Dangerman
Wouldn’t “70% of Americans” claiming to be the “real victims of a climate of hate” be an anti-Muslim backlash by definition?
Niketown is a play on the Greek Nikopolis i.e. Victory Town (Nike + polis) which is a fairly common name for cities set up by conquerors in the Hellenistic period.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve: Two thirds of statistics are made up anyway; 84% of the population knows that.
some other guy
Jonah Goldberg wrote a book comparing Whole Foods shoppers to Hitler– and not metaphorically, but literally! It demonstrates just how feckless our media is that he’s treated as someone whose opinions are even worth commenting upon, let alone paid for.
is a strange question to ask about something written by Jonah Goldberg. It assumes that his words are actually meant to be meaningful.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
70% is 6% percent less than thought the invasion of Iraq was a swell idea.
I think it means that they are clinically insane.
Well, there’s all sorts of ads for Nike products on the sidebar. Maybe that’s what this was about? Jonah is getting kickbacks from a shoe manufacturer that exploits Indonesians, who are primarily Muslim?
Meanwhile, this kind of thing will pass by with nary a comment (Northern Ireland priest’s role in bombing covered up, probe finds)
Maybe it’s just a local thing, but in Portland, OR, “Niketown” is a big Nike store. Downtown. Called “Niketown”. A monument to commercialism and sports. So what are Americans not supposed to like? Kind of seems like it would be something these folks would like to see at Ground Zero. I’m just confuseded now.
General Stuck
How about an open thread?
kommrade reproductive vigor
It means Johan Loededhosen will keep the Stupidest Motherfucker on the Internons tiara for another year.
@General Stuck: Every thread is an open thread here, Stuck. I think you’re the only one that is polite enough to go along.
mr. whipple
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
Gen. Jrod and his Howling Army
70%, eh? Isn’t this just about the same as the percentage of people who were convinced Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11?
Maybe we’ve found another figure like the 27% Crazification Factor. Call it the Gullible Mark Factor: 70% of the country will be convinced by any sustained mass media bullshit campaign.
Interestingly enough, 70% is just about the real unemployment + underemployment figures for African-American teenagers these days.
Yet another time where 70% is bad.
Global-climate-of-hate denialism?
The idea that opposing Cordoba House isn’t mostly about bigotry should have been laid to rest when the video surfaced of a random, brown-skinned pedestrian nearly getting mobbed for wearing an Under Armour skull cap.
Bill Arnold
From the internets:
(from Frommers)
Not very useful for deciphering “Islamic Niketown”, granted.
it means that the doughy pantload is one stupid sonofabitch? (and i mean that literally as well as figuratively!)
General Stuck
@Martin: LOL, polite is my middle name.
James E. Powell
What he means is that white people, and primarily the slave owners, were the real victims of slavery.
Let’s not forget that a good chunk of that 70% do not know anything about the community center. Calling it the “Ground Zero Mosque” is close to a lie. Calling it “Islamic Niketown” is a deliberate distortion. Something probably close to 95% of Americans have no information that was not produced for them by right-wingers.
Um, no, not really.
Or, to paraphrase the Hitchhiker’s Guide, this must be some strange use of the word “thought” I’m not familiar with.
i hovered over the link, i saw “goldberg” in it and i knew there was no way there could be anything but idiocy on the other side.
I guess by the some reasoning, the white Southerners who discriminated against African-Americans were the real victims.
It is hard to believe that we are actually living in 2010 and so many people are behaving in such a childish/hateful manner.
these words are all together, but i don’t get what they’re supposed to mean.
Wait, so does that mean regular Niketowns are like monuments to Michael Jordan’s victory over white people or something?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
it’s also 50% more than 180% in my mcestimate.
It means that some people have become raving insane.
from the OED
raving, adj.
1. a. Delirious, frenzied; raging.
extract from the Examples:
1752 H. FIELDING Amelia IV. XI. vi. 171 When I came home, I say, I found the poor Man in a raving delirious Fit.
1836 DICKENS Pickwick Papers (1837) xi. 112 A settled gloom, which..finally terminated in raving madness.
1994 J. KELMAN How Late it Was 132 A raving fucking loonie man that’s what ye end up.
Hey, there were those Under Armor commercials a few years back with the football team yelling “WE MUST PROTECT THIS HOUSE!” Obviously, they were referring to the Cordoba House.
As always, it’s the stupidest thing Jonah’s ever written – until his next column.
i’m just waiting for the inevitable comparisons to sauron’s tower in mordor or some shit. big, unblinking islamic eye of fire etc etc.
General Stuck
Well, since Martin said it was okay.
Another general seems to be getting too big for his britches. And calls out Obama for his end date to the Afghan ground war.
“sustenance” sounds awfully close to accusing the presnit of providing aid and comfort to the enemy.
Time for Obama to get some new generals. Arrogant putzes.
I wonder how many seconds it would take Jonah to scream antisemitism if Hutton Gibson gave a speech on how Germans were the real victims of Kristallnacht.
Comrade Mary
Gotta make a move to a
Town that’s right for me
Town to keep me movin’
Keep me groovin’ with some energy
Well, I talk about it
Talk about it
Talk about it
Talk about it
Talk about, Talk about
Talk about movin
Gotta move on
Gotta move on
Gotta move on
Won’t you take me to
Bruce (formerly Steve S.)
So it would be okay to have it at Times Square? If my map of Manhattan is correct then the Muslim Exclusion Zone extends three or four miles.
Gen. Jrod and his Howling Army
@cleek: It’s an article that rips into Jonah like a mama bear protecting her cubs. Click freely.
Maybe we should have an American Idol style vote on the Bill of Rights.
“America has voted and one of the 10 Amendments is going home tonight. Second Amendment, you’re safe. America continues to cling to its guns. First Amendment. Sorry. An overwhelming 70% of the people who voted just didn’t like your inclusion of Muslim Americans.”
I do think the tactic of editing the FBI crime statistics by adding the 3000 WTC victims in as 3000 hate crimes committed by Muslims in the United States in 2001 has a kind of sick genius to it.
Dishonest and dumb as rocks, but audacious.
Added bonus is that it is numbers, so it must be right, Right?
Silly wingnuts, the Niketown will be in the proposed Freedom Tower. If 70% of Americans want to keep crass commercialization out of lower Manhattan, the only proper response is to point and laugh.
Midnight Marauder
“It’s us versus them! We must protect this house! WILL YOU PROTECT THIS HOUSE?!”
Listen to the cleek. He is a wise man who knows of what he speaks.
To be fair, I don’t think most of the anti-Islam crowd are capable of distinguishing a YMCA from a YMMA, but YMMV.
@GambitRF: Yes, that’s it. Jonah Goldberg can’t jump. Nike reminds him of all those times he was last to be picked to play kickball.
Bill Arnold
Here’s an image of Niketown
There is a visual similarity to the proposed Cordoba House, especially for those people that have trouble distinguishing between different colors and shapes.
Did you know that there is a YMCA only two blocks from the site of the Murrah building in Oklahoma City? Surely that is grossly insensitive to the families of the victims of the Christian bombers who leveled that building in 1995?
Because all US Christians are at fault for everything Timothy McVeigh did, the YMCA must go. The Tea Baggers and Jonah need to get down to OKC right now to picket that site.
@Bruce (formerly Steve S.):
Under Alaskan Rules, the exclusion zone extends as far as anyone who might feel a dagger in the heart and who has access to a Twitter account.
@Bill Arnold: The Niketown front in the picture is dominated by what looks like an Islamic arch, especially to people who cannot distinguish shapes. More evidence of sinister plot.
Jump? Jonah Goldberg? I’d be amazed if he can even achieve separation from the ground without a crane.
No Jihadi Legoland in My Backyard neither!
General Stuck
Goldberg is busy with his patent idiocy of convincing morons that this is about The Cordoba House, others off the MSM and blogosphere grid with the ears of so called “real America” are busy with transcribing the idiocy into religious terms directed at the real target, Barrack Obama.
warning for blogwhoring
Was wondering when they were going to get to that.
They never pass up an opportunity to cry and wallow in victimhood no matter how idiotic the claim. Then the tards will ride that Victimhood horse to victory, or beat it to death in the attempt. Teacons leading the way.
Mark S.
Per Jonah, not only are white people the real victims, those muslins should be kissing our asses:
Lousy ingrates.
Chad N Freude
I was going to write something really snarky and sarcastic, but this is just too depressing. (It’s interesting that he uses “mostly” as a qualifier. I’d really like to see him elaborate on the relative proportions of myth and reality.)
Chad N Freude
@Mark S.: Did we shed blood for Sunni Muslims or Shiite Muslims? Did we shed Sunni blood for Shiites or Shiite blood for Sunnis? And what about the Uighurs? It’s all so confusing.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mark S.:
Yeah, Somalia’s a paradise, and Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan are thriving democracies. What a window into the Pantload’s stupid.
@Mark S.: Aside from being an idiot, Jonah Goldberg is also an asshole. There are few things so repellent as a pampered mama’s boy who is so flippant about the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians. Whenever some nitwit asks “But why do they hate us?” they should be shown a picture of Goldberg along with that quote.
What kind of shoes was the shoe bomber wearing? Is Goldberg profiting from terrorism? Some might say he’s making light of a potential tragedy.
Mark S.
What amazes me about conservatives is how hook, line, and sinker they accept American propaganda about our foreign policy. They imagine themselves to be hard headed realists but they believe America invades these other countries because we just want their people to be happy. They honestly believed our troops would be greeted with flowers because they honestly believe the rest of the world sees America like they do.
On the other hand, when they hate somebody, they cannot fathom the enemy might act the least bit rationally. If Iran gets the bomb, it will immediately try to nuke anyone within range of their missiles, even if it means inviting certain destruction on themselves.
These people (basically the neocons) are unbelievably stupid yet they are the ones who are considered Very Serious People and always get airtime in the media no matter how many times they are wrong.
Listened to religious wingnut radio on the way home from class tonight. Almost had to pull off the road. The anti-Muslim rhetoric was astounding — all Muslims are terrorists, the ground zero mosque is a symbol of Muslim conquering and taking over the US, we will all be under Sharia law soon, the President loves Muslims and hates Christians and Jews, etc., etc., etc….Caller after caller explained how frighten they are. Will women have to be covered?
That people believe this crap is not just sickening, but it truly demonstrates how adept the right is in controlling the narrative — and, the only narrative they love to control is making ignorant people believe that specific groups — blacks, Muslims, progressive/socialist/Marxists — are trashing the constitution and taking over the country. All led by our Muslim, socialist, Marxist President.
I am in moderation — is it the use of “crap” that got me singled out?
Mark S.
You got thrown in moderation for soshalism.
As for talk radio, I listened to Rush a bit last week and he spent the entire time insinuating that Obama is a Muslim. The right has decided the way to win this November is not by the shitty economy and certainly not by offering any solutions, but by full on racism. It’s sickening.
Anne Laurie
@Mark S.:
Since all they got is their hammers, everything looks like a nail. If only they’d stop hitting each other in the heads with their little hammers of rhetoric, maybe their collective IQ wouldn’t keep sagging downward.
It seems to mean, “durr I got this job due to my mom”.
Well, I certainly do hate these motherfuckers, though I wouldn’t call them victims of it being as they really don’t give a shit how effete liberals feel about them.
It means that Jonah Goldberg’s stupidity is limitless.
El Cid
It’s a great thing that our billion dollar media carefully sifts through the most valuable intellectual prospects of our society and bring us such insightful philosophes as Jonah Goldberg.
65% of Californians voted in favor of racial housing discrimination in 1963, and they were thoroughly wrong then, too.
@300baud: Black people should have been sensitive enough not to try to live near white people, obviously.
Upside Down Alyx
The thing that gets me about this entire debate is not the fact that there is such a large opposition amongst “average” Americans versus the “mosque at ground zero”, it is the fact that there is a select few individuals allowing this issue to become perverted. The mosque is 1200 feet away from ground zero and is supposed to be built next to a Burlington Coat Factory.
I suppose mosques and Walmarts are two things New York oppose.