I saw this in a parking lot the other day. It’s a car covered with stickers (there were as many or more on the sides), but one stood out: “Simplify”. Click for a bigger version, and consider this an open thread.
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The Yearling
Kitteh dreams small…
@jeffreyw: That reminds me: coming home from Seattle with my brother we saw an elk spike right next to the freeway. His horns still had fuzz on them it was so cute. You’re lucky the dogs don’t chase off the deer.
General Stuck
Funny story, at least for me. Early this morning, I set out to do some laundry at the laundry shack in my complex, and since charlie has been being so good and obedient, I thought I’d let him off the leash to go with me. Well, as we stepped out the front door, I missed em, but there was a small herd of deer in the Pinon scrubs out front. Well, off went the pooch like a speeding bullet and the chase was on. I watched the show from my steps, and at some point, an adult deer must have thought enough of this running shit, and turned around on charlie and started chasing him. Then the tables turned again, and I decided not to panic and went on with doing the laundry, And when I returned maybe 15 minutes later after starting wash, still no charlie. So I started panicking and yelling for him for several minutes looking out toward the woods. And turned to get in the truck and go look for the little rascal, and there he was, sitting at my feet giving me the wtf look, snuck up on me.
@Yutsano: Jack will rouse himself to bark em, sometimes. Buddy pretty much ignores em. Annie doesn’t much care.
Note to all: Stillers game on so no word from our esteemed blog host for about three hours. Unless someone open threads it. The Rapist vs Jesus Boy. This should be fun.
And the FOX announcers are gonna polish Tebow’s knob this whole damn game. Someone shoot me now.
Every time I see a car like that, I think of this.
Started the dishwasher, ran out to buy coffee which I didn’t have the energy to pick up last night. Get trapped in a conversation with this random woman who lives/works nearby who keeps starting conversations with me. (I know I should be flattered, but I’m (a) taken and (b) antisocial and haven’t had coffee yet. I realize this is a small city and I have the habits of a New Yorker, but don’t fucking talk to me.)
Got back home, the cats are being weird. OK, whatever. Drink my coffee over email, feeling more human. The significant other is waking up, I go to put a pot of coffee on. Oh, the furballs are being annoying because the dishwasher exploded and is leaking all over the floor. Did I mention this is a 5th floor condo unit?
And then the relatives call while I’m cleaning shit up, trying to determine if my next major purchase is furniture and a new ceiling for the neighbors and wondering what happened to the dishwasher, and get to be harangued about an Eagle Scout ceremony that I’m not going to fly out to attend.
I want to start this day over from a save point.
Edit: Gah, Cleek beat me to the aggressive driver/bumper-sticker connection.
@Yutsano: Are you serious? Deer are big rats.
@stuckinred: Major difference I can think of: I’d never eat a rat. I’m a horrible shot, but I’d eat Bambi in a heartbeat. Mmm…venison stew.
In case nobody’s on the Republican sub rosa e-mail distribution list, here’s a sample. I got it this morning from an acquaintance.
@General Stuck: Sounds like Charlie has a sense of humor
Went berry picking. Getting my revenge on the blackberry bushes for sticking me numerous times by dropping a few of their children in my evening gin. Didn’t feel like a return trip to the mountaintop where the huckleberry patch is, since it was completely unripe last time I was there.
@Yutsano: But the idea of being lucky cuz the dogs don’t chase them away? We live in town and they ravage the garden and obviously we can’t cap em.
Allison W.
going to watch Young Mr. Lincoln with Henry Fonda on TCM.
J.W. Hamner
TRUE progressives own Subarus.
EDIT: So we’ve eliminated the strikeout have we? That’s kind of amusing.
Keith G
Cats on a train!
Well actually only one, but is she cute.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
In the interest of fairness, I think we owe it to Glenn Beck and the Tea Partiers to show the world that their rally wasn’t about hatred, anger, racism and incoherent rage (possibly NSFW, public libraries, or with small children in earshot of your internets).
@J.W. Hamner:
Oh noes!! What will happen to this blog’s identity?
testingAh, it’s just the button that’s gone. Still …
a couple of weeks ago, I was thinking to myself about how Tom Emmer was probably the type of guy who would road rage on someone with a COEXIST bumper sticker. (would be fun to try to ascii-fu that) But then it happened IRL, right? Can’t find the news story.
Thanks for the awesome IRL, slice of life irony, mistermix. Simplify, indeed. With a bike rack.
Keith G
@J.W. Hamner: @gnomedad:
I still have the button,
Can we take back our strike-out? I feel we might need it to restore our country’s honor. Anyway, the Founding Fathers clearly used one, and designed America as a strike-out country.
That many bumper stickers hardly seems like simplification.
I posted a facebook status update about how Albert Pujols was perhaps the stupidest athlete in history. That set off a nice firestorm among people I barely know. Apparently some people don’t think it was a bad move for a previously apolitical foreign-born latino union member athlete to attend the sickest glenn back rally of the decade.
@gnomedad: It’s the
D’oh! I’ve used it a million times. Power of suggestion.
@gnomedad: It’s misleading, should be
strikeJ.W. Hamner
strikethis</strikeout.Didn’t “s” work in the old days or am I getting senile?
My fav bumpersticker: My child was inmate of the month at the county jail.
@J.W. Hamner: both
My fave –
Hell, yes, I’m drunk
Do you think I’m a stunt driver
J.W. Hamner
So why can’t I make it work now?? Hey what are you doing there… I’ll call the cops… would you please just GET OFF MY LAWN!
these are not the illegals you are looking forstuckinred
@J.W. Hamner: Ha, the kiddies behind us brought us brownies so we wouldn’t call the cops on them for their loud ass party last night!
Egypt Steve
Maybe I don’t lurk here enough & the answer to this question is well known or obvious, but — whatever happened to the “clown shoes” tag? Used to be, almost everything was posted in “clown shoes.” Nowadays, not so much, if at all.
But then, what’s funny about the end of the world as we know it.
@Egypt Steve: and I feel fine
@Egypt Steve:
It would be funnier with clown shoes?
Left Coast Tom
Maybe all the stickers are substituting for Bondo[tm].
One sticker I liked was “Somewhere in Texas a Village is Missing its Idiot”, w/ a picture of Shrub.
hey stuckinred, have you seen the hilarious side show going on over at That Place about Siun and Kathleen and some blog named MonoWeiss saying how Hamsher and That Place are not sufficiently pro-Palestine, and all the anti-Israel shit gets moderated?? It is almost surreal in its comedy.
Saw earlier that some of the morons at Beckstock brought signs anyway. There’s a real doozy linked here.
Ever heard of a “dictator” that shrank their military? Me neither…
My last car was like that one, except it was full of lefty stuff. Many times, local patriots would leave dents for me to enjoy in response. The most memorable was the time some hero caved my driver’s side door in with one of those push bumpers you can get for pickups.
I eventually sold it to a guy for $350 and he sold it to some other dude who used it in a demolition derby.
My new car is a VW Beetle and I made sure my Obama stickers were the magnetic kind.
mark k
I have one of those bumper stickers, too.
Its from Thoreaus “simplify,simplify,simplify.”
@eemom: Nah, I drive by once in a while but I totally avoid Siun. It looks like Eureka Springs has checked out, that’s funny because he was what finally drove me off.
WereBear (itouch)
But there are so many funny bumper stickers! Obviously this person has trouble choosing.
Cat Lady
In late September of 2008 right after the economy crash I put a “Heckuva Job Bushie!” bumper sticker on my new (at the time) 2007 CRV. In Boston. I’ve been keyed bad twice right where the sticker is. Fuck those assholes – that’s who they are and what they do, and my car’s scars are representin’ liberals. Fuck them. I pulled in front of a car with a “Are you sorry now” Obama sticker and almost got him to plow into the back of me which would have been his fault. Fuck him too. Also.
@General Stuck: charlie the lion-hearted.
@Jamie: Write this one off and go to bed. Some days are just meant to be survived.
ETA: @Linkmeister: I am so not going to open that link. Bad, huh?
@General Stuck:
I got Molly a sd-800 so I could have some control in similar situations.
since there are so many bears ’round my cliff.
Really? How was that, if you don’t mind my asking? I know he was an arrogant asshole, but not more’n the rest of them that I could see.
Gen Stuck! You still about? Nineteen.
@Cat Lady:
I had a great sticker with a picture of Booshie that read “Call the village, I found their idiot.” Some asshole scraped it off at a kids’ football game, no less. But I immediately replaced it.
I also had one in ’08 that read “More of the same, that’s John McCain,” which I graciously removed after the election. (I did, however, preserve my “The Scream” Halloween ornament on which I had pasted a “President John McCain?!?” voice bubble.)
USA! Fuck yeah!
Egypt Steve
@Restrung: Yes, I really do think the end of the world would be funny in clown shoes. Always look on the bright side of life.
Here’s a good bumper sticker
Cat Lady
Win with the Munch.
People say to me all the time – oooh, look at that scratch. I’ve come to love those scratches as an opportunity to say yeah, look what they did, Republicans are assholes. Fuck them. That’s who Republicans are. It’s what I like to refer to as a teachable moment.
Well, from checking the play by play on ESPN.com it doesn’t look like Jesus Jr. has played yet. He can warm the bench with his holier-than- thou ass all season as far as I’m concerned.
And I thought being a Bronco fan was embarrassing last year. I detest McDaniels.
General Stuck
@jeffreyw: You will be this years champ, as I am too lazy to put up another feeder, and we seem to have fewer hummers this year anyways, which is normal for a very wet monsoon season like we’ve had.
@Egypt Steve:
That’s the spirit. Yes, we can. Just like Kelsey Grammer did on the Simpsons. er, Sideshow Bob.
I’ve been mulling over the key question of the pre-season: which would be more satisfying to throttle, McDaniels or Timbo? As yet, I have failed to decide, but am leaning tentatively towards both.
@General Stuck:
A most gracious concession, sir. Alas, my victory is due to quantity. I grant you the edge in quality. Until next year…
JH Christ, are all threads going to be football from now till f**king whenever?
You know, I can’t help but laugh whenever I see an intellectual wanker bemoaning the loss of the 19th century and the ‘age of reason’, as if it was some sort of golden age of rational discourse. The more you look at history, the more you realize that it’s all almost exactly like the present, except slower and in sepia tone.
Robert Waldmann
The one that struck me was “Orwell was right/ Big Brother is Watching You.” I understand that you photographed and posted a stranger’s car and I just now realize
I am big brother.
Is that matoko chan’s car?
@Peter: God, I love that last sentence hard.
@Yutsano: I have a friend who’s a Stillers fan, but was on the road. I was giving her updates on the Son of Jeebuz and how he was going to be the next Favre (read, great white hope, start fluffing, boys!). We both retched.
@Restrung: He had two DWIs back a decade ago. Not sure if road rage was part of it, but let me tell you this. I see his commercials (I mute all commercials) with his children, and I immediately want to go out and ram a car myself.