Tucker Carlson’s vanity project is killing me. In a post titled “New Left Media uses Trojan trick to get interviews,” we learn the following:
Chase Whiteside and Erick Stoll, the two young journalists behind “New Left Media,” tell attendees at Tea Party and other conservative rallies that they are student journalists working on a school project in order to get them to talk openly on camera about their beliefs.
The two were most recently at the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday for Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally, where some of those they interviewed were seemingly misled by the pair.
Whiteside told The Daily Caller in a phone interview that he and Stoll openly declare to everyone they interview that they are journalists “and that’s usually as far as it goes.” When interviewees ask for more details, Whiteside said that he and Stoll say they are from Wright State, which is a university in Dayton, Ohio.
Wright State sounds similar to Right State, and two women they interviewed at Beck’s rally Saturday told TheDC that they thought Whiteside and Stoll worked for RightState.com, a non-existent, but conservative-sounding political website — which many rally-goers could have confused with the conservative website RedState.com.
Sooo… Their “trojan trick” is accurately identifying themselves as students from Wright State. Liberals are just shameless with the deceptive methods they use to make conservatives look stupid! Here, the New Left guys employ another trick to make conservatives at BeckFest look stupid. They film them:
Tricky bastards, getting those conservatives to say all those stupid things.
How is asking simple, open ended questions and filming their response tricking people?
Damn those kids with using such dirty tricks as being honest and truthful.
Don’t they know how to be dishonest and lie, how else will they become part of the beltway elite (except of course being born into the elite.)
Omnes Omnibus
So…. The Wright State dudes told the truth and morons interpreted it the way they wanted, Wright State to RightState.com to RedState.com (the middle one being a non-existent but conservative sounding sounding thing), and this is the fault of the guys who told the truth? OK. Sure, that works for me. Great. I’m going to go drink now.
@anon: Because nobody should be asked a question that they don’t want to answer. Anything else is like using a jedi mind trick.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’ll join you. At least now we have a study to prove it’s good for us.
Great googly creeping god, but I hate the people on the right. Or Wright. Or rite. Whatever.
J.W. Hamner
Note that they actually are students at Wright State.
EDIT: Which I now notice Cole and others actually did. Ahem.
Have Ben Smith and Howie Kurtz written about this nasty trick yet?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Homophones have a well known liberal bias.
They also use “words” and employ “logic.”
You know who else used words?
Alan Turing called.
He wants to take his test back.
Mark S.
I read RightState all the time. I really like that Edward Edwardson guy.
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: Ha!
John Cole
I’m still laughing at the “trojan trick” aspect of this.
wasabi gasp
Those fellas misunderestimated the special needs of American exceptionalists.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sly: A friend of mine in the Army once reserved a great room on a Naval base by simply calling and reserving the room in the name of Captain [name]. It was his name and rank; however, in the Navy, Captain is the equivalent of an Army Colonel, three pay-grades higher. The Navy guys were a little pissed when some dude in his late 20s showed up.
Scott de B.
That’s why we have to keep them from getting married.
General Stuck
Good thing they weren’t from Morehead State, one of my old alma maters. Morehead.com would a rocked their wingnut world.
Roger Moore
Unlike homophobes.
Rick Taylor
This is similar to the viscious “journalism” Katie Couric practiced, asking Sarah Palin questions, recording the answers, and then broadcasting.
The Truth, besides having a “liberal bias” is also a mean son-of-a-bitch, so yes they are upset and feel misled. It’s this way because they are used to living in a world where they are fed constant streams of bullshit they can feel comfortable with.
In other news, politicians are running our government!
Amanda in the South Bay
Jesus Christ on a Wheat Thin, Tucker Carlson is one dumb motherfucker.
Funniest thing I’ve read all week.
Oh noes, their preconceptions lead them to say something they wouldn’t have said to those horrible horrible liberals if they had known.
Seriously, more and more the conservatives and their water-carriers look like 5 year olds screaming about taking their ball home because you won’t play fair.
Except “fair” to them is “completely tilted in their favor”.
Great example of IOKIYAR.
Tea for me but not for thee.
Ya know, I’m a goddamned bastion of hope so Chunky McChunky Canada-hater is totally fucking wrong. I am so goddamned hopey that Jesus comes to me on a regular basis asking how I can be so naive to think humanity as any last hope at all. I am a hope bastion … hmmm … that sounds like the lead character for an action movie ….
America Restored: The Story of Heroine and Part-time cookie-maker and Mommy, Hope Bastion leads a resurgence of patriotism and Americaness by repeatedly foiling the evil designs of various and sundry un-hopey enemies who want nothing more than to make America a hopeless place filled with less-than-hopeful patriots who like their tea verrrrryyyyy sweet! In theaters in October!
Now back to chunky McFucknut, motherfucker I AM hope and that’s all you need to know.
@Amanda in the South Bay:
I don’t think Tucker is that dumb. Tucker is a turd.
Sentient Puddle
Protip for the Tea Party: If you decide to talk freely and openly about your moronic beliefs, you do not get to complain about how you were tricked into making yourself look moronic.
Meanwhile, I’m pretty excited to hear about this New Left Media stuff. We could use some of that. I’ll bring it up at the next George Soros meeting.
@John Cole:
Yeah! That’s as bad as “durex duplicity”! Or something.
Sounds suspiciously like “state’s rights” to me. No wonder they were confused.
Words are so tricky. Damn them and their liberal bias! That’s why I advocate the use of grunts, gestures and lewd touching to communicate with others in public.
Southern Beale
Did y’all read that New York Times piece last weekend where the Teanuts blame dastardly eeevul libruls for all of the misspelled signs and racist crap appearing at their rallies? Of course the paper didn’t bother to counter that in any way …
See it’s all part of the poor, pathetic, downtrodden, white Christian male syndrome. They just can’t catch a break these poor white folk! They’re soooooooo oppressssssssed!! Whaaahhh!
gil mann
So it would’ve been more honest if they had made up a school whose name wasn’t a homophone?
Some guy commenting on Balloon Juice accuses Tucker Carlson of being a homophobe
After watching that video, I need to go find a bus, so I can step in front of it.
We could avoid all this confusions if those durned liberals would just identify themselves. Maybe wear an insignia. They all think they’re celebrities, let ’em wear stars!
Haha! Whiteside from Wright State? You may be on to something there.
This is getting out of hand, but of course will get much worse before David Gregory asks the hard questions, like “Why doesn’t Obama quiet this rhetoric sooner and more forcefully?”
You know what’s really devious, these guys had to plan to apply to, be accepted at, and attend Wright State all in preparation for someday tricking honest god-fearing patriots into believing they worked for a right-wing website that doesn’t even exist!
Genius, I tell you, genius!
or the Lifestyles legerdemain.
licensed to kill time
Next time, the “dirty horse” thing. Who knows where that would lead.
what’s carson making from writing this stuff? i’m curious as to going rate for a soul these days.
This is only a “Trojan Trick” if you are stupid enough to believe that the Greeks just knocked on the Gate of Troy, and said,
“Hey, let us in! I know we’ve been out here for like ten years, but we’re getting bored with it, and we just want to come in and kill you all!”
“Uhm, OKAY!”
[Opens gate] Trojans last words as they are getting slaughtered: “Hey, no fair, you tricked us!”
Carlson would tell you if only he had a soul, but instead all he has in place of it is a bag of frozen peas.
So, Carlson’s position here is that Whiteside and Stoll are dishonest, because obviously they must have foreseen that people would think they were from a nonexistent web site instead of their real live university?
Wellllll, if you ask me, showing up at a G.B. rally in a tie while calling yourself a student from “Right State” plays into a few stereotypes, if you ask me. Every one of those folks saw the tie and thought “nice young man, he must be on our side”. Perhaps I’m putting more James O’Keefe into this than I should, but that clean shaven/short hair/short sleeved shirt/tie combo hit me immediately.
If he’s from the evil left, I’m certain there should be much more hair involved, and tattered clothing. And a tattoo. And a sneer, of course. Otherwise how would they know?
Is this what they use to confirm hotel reservations in Key West?
One of the journalists shows up in the comments to make the point even clearer:
Chat Noir
I watched that whole thing. The attendees have all the requisite right wing, nonsensical talking points down cold. No facts to back up their claims. Honestly, it makes the idea of requiring people take a Civics 101-type test in order to be able to vote not seem so unreasonable. If these interviewees are any indication of the quality of the American electorate, we are totally hosed as a nation.
The ignorance is breathtaking.
After the failure of the United Pastry Jihad liberals are going ‘stealth’ by answering outright questions with honest answers.
Sneaky Bastards. Kill ’em all, says I.
God doesn’t shed his grace just anywhere, y’know!
I think he picked the cream of the crop, this was a virtual mensa segment of the lager gathering.
Maybe in Tucker Carlson’s version of the Iliad, a wooden horse disguised itself as a wooden horse in order to get inside the walls of Troy.
Tonal Crow
I love how teatards claim in one breath to constitute the vast majority of Americans, and in the next to be a tiny, powerless minority besieged on all sides by uncountable hordes of über-strong liberals.
@John Cole:
Very funny stuff.
Bob L
The beautiful part of this is eventually the right will be so paranoid the person they are talking to is some Trojan Liberal looking to trick them into truth telling that they will begin to dissimulate with each other, thus fueling their own paranoia. Eventually the Wingnut even horizon will be reached when one Wingnut wouldn’t be able to understand the other Wingnut.
Seriously though, why is this a problem? If the Right thinks they have the TRUE WAY(r) then why are they scared to talk to liberals about it, even stealth ones? This sounds more like some kind of political Calvinism were if your not among the chosen elect you will never be.
“He tricked me! He tricked me! I was talking about politics in Teabagistan, not reality! Just like a liberal to bring reality into it!”
Tucker Carlson is a hack and has no business anywhere anything resembling “journalism”.
I feel kind of sorry for these guys.
They are about to get the Frost treatment.
Right now keyboard kommands are skimming though school directories, campus event calendars, google-street-views. Various university organizations and housing units are getting beliigerent phone calls. Soon the truth that these two college students, um.. go to college we be determined.
lalo alcaraz
HILARIOUS. How dare u pick on those poor folk. LOL
Al Sharpton’s Black Panthers. LOL!
Black folks are all the same to these loons. Black Panthers, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the Nation of Islam, the NAACP, Original Black Panthers, New Crazy Fake Black Panthers, the Congressional Black Caucus, The Temptations, The Jackson 5, the National Black Republican Association…well, maybe not that last one.
@Bob L: Sadly, I disagree.
This only re-enforces the current paranoia. Only say the party line (dog whistles and talking poitns) and only listen to the party approved sources (mainstream media is the evil).
The women who talked to these students are now going to have to stay quiet and forever maintain thier victum status. (If they were men that would be more difficult, but on the right only a few select women are allowed to step into the spotlight )
wasabi gasp
If the no-good hippie kid was wearing a button that read, Me and my goat are supremely fucked, this story might make a little more sense.
As he so often does, Tbogg wins teh internets:
When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag, carrying a cross, sitting in a lawn chair and eating a KFC Double Down.
I love the woman in the video, at about 11:30, who speaks of pregnant immigrant women, hanging out in Arizona, waiting to drop their Anchor Babies…. in parking lots (?!)
The best part is the woman who insists the terror babies plot is real because her sister saw some pregnant women in the parking lot of a hospital in Arizona and could just sense that they were illegal Mexifascist terrorists plotting against America.
The second best is the guy who sounds *exactly* like that Onion article, stating “all I need to know about Islam I learned on 9/11.”
It’s not just that they’re so fucking ignorant; it’s that they seem so proud about it. I guess the old saying is true — ignorance really is bliss.
I laughed several times at the video – especially at about 9:00 in when he got someone to basically turn into this guy. But let’s not make the same mistake the rest of the media schlubs made with Breitbart’s tripe and draw sweeping conclusions from edited videos of 15 participants in an event of 700,000. It’s entertainment, it’s funny, but that’s all it is.
The Grand Panjandrum
Cole needs to take up a collection (ala Erick the RedState) and send Tucker a plexiglass stomach, that way he can see out, because he obviously has his head up his ass.
Any faith I may have had in humanity just died. The stupid…it burns!
Tone In DC
@Scott de B.:
At 09:30, the man interviewed says “I learned all I needed to know about Islam on 9/11”, which is the exact same story currently on the Onion’s frontpage.
Teabaggers, they’ve gone to plaid!
ETA: @Jeff:
High Five!
Not being able to see the vid at work, I’m gonna guess the other thing they did “wrong” was letting themselves be seen on video asking the actual questions. Instead, they should have been oh so careful to make sure their back was to the camera so they could later insert overdubs of their voices asking “questions” crafted to make whatever answer they were getting fit their chosen narrative. In other words, they were doing it totally wrong!
Or maybe Tucker Carlson is just an incompetent hack who can’t even manage to ride the nepotism gravy train to a lasting payday.
Short Bus Bully
Still have yet to hear any kind of coherence out of any right wing apologist. It’s all emotion and blathering of boilerplate talking points devoid of any real logic.
The code words are so hard to unravel it’s going to be the fodder for many, many, many social anthropology PhD dissertations in the generations to come.
Mark S.
I got through about half of it (that’s about all I could take) and was wondering why Tucker’s panties were in a bunch. It’s not like they were being rude to the teatards. So I followed the link:
Follow-up Questions: The new liberal bias.
Tone In DC
Sounds suspiciously like “state’s rights” to me. No wonder they were confused.
Words are so tricky. Damn them and their liberal bias! That’s why I advocate the use of grunts, gestures and lewd touching to communicate with others in public.
where some of those they interviewed were seemingly misled by the pair.
As opposed to the 87,000 knowingly misled by the prophet Beck.
@Jeff: yea right
As a Whiteside in DC I’m just waiting for Tuck to declare that I must be the same guy and sic the nutters on my house.
Horribly depressing videos. Person after person saying, in effect, “I can’t tell you exactly why I am unhappy with the current guys, but I am.” I’m sure some of those people were unhappy anyway for other concrete reasons, but how many of those folks are living the same lives they always have but have now been made to feel unhappy by the demagogues they’re watching on tv?
August J. Pollak
Hasn’t it become clear at this point that Teabaggerism has essentially transcended reality? It’s merely an obstacle at this point. Anything that constitutes a refutation of a teabagger belief is merely liberal bias.
Case in point: Joe Miller won the Alaska primary. There are now only two valid options in Teabagger world: Miller wins, or Murkowski cheated. If more ballots show up for her, they are fraudulent. There is no other. It is as it always was.
Obama was not born in America. His birth certificate is not a birth certificate. And if it is, it’s fake. No reality exists where they are simply wrong.
It’s like a religion where every member is the Pope, and retarded.
Chat Noir
@Mark S.: The guy asking the questions was very patient and polite. There’s no way I could have been that polite to that kind of ignorance. My husband’s Wheaten Terrier is smarter than the interviewees in that video.
I was really laughing (and bit frustrated) because that one woman said that they weren’t allowed to pray at the Lincoln memorial. Never mind, that she’s already broke one rule of Christianity of not to worship false idols, but she clearly has no idea what the 1st amendment is.
Clearly, our education system has failed us. We seriously need ramp up government classes. The systemic failure of what people understand government does is startling.
@jacy: it is genius… it’s the same kind of genius Obama’s relatives used in planning his birth and his upbringing knowing that someday all their plans would bear fruit and he’d be elected president of the good old USA…
@August J. Pollak:
I’m going to go ahead and award that the win.
The Moar You Know
@Jeff: Try 87,000. At best.
I like your troll-fu, though. Well done.
Anybody catch Robert Seigal interviewing the head of the southern baptist group (whatever they call it on NPR) He had some volatile questions there, which I found the answers very frustrating.
The best part was when he declared at least to me that Mormon was not a real christian religion because it had a different root. It was a religion but not one he identified with.
licensed to kill time
Even better, she called it the Lincoln Monument.
@Bob L: that may actually be happening in the current crop of GOP candidates… their “unity” events have been crumbling like week old bread.
Tonal Crow
“You’re not allowed to pray at the Lincoln Monument”
The lies, they burn like 10,000 dragons’ exhalations.
Mark S.
I’ve noticed that too. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of these teabaggers saying they lost their job or their health insurance, or even that they know someone who has. It’s all this abstract bullshit about restoring honor and losing our country and soshalism, soshalism, soshalism.
They are all up on important current events like praying at the Lincoln Memorial, the latest statements of Jeremiah Wright, and the emerging threat of the New Black Panthers. I wonder if any of these people watch a lot of Fox News.
The Bobs
Is that the meeting where George Soros hands out all of the checks?
@Cain: I’ll have to give that a listen.
Omnes Omnibus
@August J. Pollak:
Avignon, Rome, Branson, Tupelo… It will make easier to get indulgences.
These folks have seriously never heard Glenn Beck on that extremely viral clip of him saying “Barack Obama is a racist with a deep seated hatred for white people”?! on Fox News!?
It’s his most famous quote. LOL! He WALKED BACK THE VERY COMMENT A FEW DAYS AGO!
How can they know nothing about Beck and come all the way to DC for his rally? They seem disgusted by the notion that anybody would say something like that. If they saw him say it before they came to that rally, they’d be twisting themselves into pretzels defending it.
Cult of personality. Hmmm…
Tonal Crow
@Hahaha: They’re LYING. End of story.
@August J. Pollak:
My favorite part was the guy who claimed to know exactly how the Native Americans felt because of what’s happening with immigration now. Then he coughs, and I wonder if he’s got small pox, too.
That clip was funny. Could have titled it “Who let the tards out?!”
A Trojan trick? Yeah, right. The interviewer could have been wearing a sweatshirt with the words “Wright State” printed on it and our spelling-challenged class with their keen intellect still could have seen RedState.com. Or what, if those lawn chair warriors thought they were talking to someone from a liberal college their IQs would have somehow risen then they wouldn’t have sounded like complete morans?
Speaking of morans, maybe Carlson could ask the interviewees if they were deeply offended by the obvious Trojan trick. Guessing the response would be something like “Did they violate me? I didn’t see no rubber.”
Tax Analyst
Not only that, but look at the subterfuge that whippersnapper is employing to make that microphone look like…like…uh, like a shovel. Yeah, that’s it, like a shovel. Or something.
@jacy: That shares space with what is left of his brain.
Freaking maroon.
@Tonal Crow: No, I would say that most of them are not lying. They didn’t hear it. They heard: “You are justified in being scared of Obama.”
@Southern Beale wrote about: white Christian male syndrome.
In the video I made it as far as the bubba explaining how all the 9-11 attackers were Muslim. I’m thinking “All male, too.”
The Bobs
Maybe they thought the students said “White State” and assumed it was a white supremacist web site?
licensed to kill time
Oh, the incoherence of the humanity!
@ 5:10
“I cant believe America would elect someone so anti progress..”
ROTFL! I have no words, just lols.
Such whiners! I don’t recall Tucker Carlson or these people getting upset when FoxNews’ Bill O’Reilly sends his team of low-life stalkers to surprise people with an interview when they least expect it outside their homes etc.
Midnight Marauder
Yeah, I’m pretty at ease with extrapolating the behavior of the people in this video and painting the entire “conservative movement” with it.
That is not a thing I am concerned about.
They’re losing.
They’re used to thinking that they — privileged white people with time on their hands — are supposed to be deferred to in every matter, just because.
They believe this is the natural order of things; it must be, because that’s the way it’s always been. They’re not supposed to have to try, they’re not supposed to have to explain themselves, and what’s wrong seems so self-evident to them that they can’t understand why everyone doesn’t see it.
They feel their “natural” place in the pecking order slipping away, and that’s what makes them so pathetic in spite of their stupidity.
History is moving away from them and there’s not a whole lot they can do about it . .. except show up when and where a herd of others like themselves is forming and cheer really fervently for the hucksters with the microphones who tell them it’s not too late.
Take back their country? I’m sure that’s what they want. They just don’t get that they’re not the natural descendants of Jefferson and Franklin and Lincoln. They’re more like the natural descendants of clueless well-off supporters of King George – people who pretty much liked the way things had worked out for themselves and wanted nothing more than to keep their own goodies.
We can expect a lot more of this kind of entertainment as it dawns on them that they really are the new minority.
Tonal Crow
@YellowJournalism: That reasoning permits the most bigoted of bigots to escape responsibility for their bigotry because they’re so bigoted they can’t see that they’re bigots.
They’re lying, just like their masters.
Did you all catch the pregnant demon wants a sandwich at the rally?
@Tonal Crow:
They’re obviously confusing it with the Jefferson Memorial. If you try to pray there, a mechanical arm pops out of the center of Jefferson’s chest and bops you over the head with a copy of the Unitarian Bible. Not good. When you think about it, mixing up the two memorials is an understandable mistake for first time visitors to DC to make, really. Those white marble buildings are sort of like black people – they all look the same, if you’re new in town.
Yellow stars, by any chance?
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: I bet none of these cretins made it to the Einstein statue!
salacious crumb
those pregnant ladies in the parking lots are really scary women, I tell ya. They dont support our country, our freedoms, they dont respect it, they will tell babies to ensure no one can pray in front of the statue of Lincoln. The horror.
@geg6: Why yes, that would be the appropriate color. Also too, since they’re so la-di-dah, not just regular american five pointed stars will do. They’ll need extra special six pointers!
Chyron HR
But his name is “Whiteside”. White. Side. How were they supposed to know he was actually on Obongo’s side?
Paul L.
Interesting to see those who condemned the “students” in the Bob Etheridge video are defending this.
You guys, seriously THERE ARE PREGNANT WOMEN IN PARKING LOTS. How can you not fear this threat? Pregnant women. Parking lots.
*dies of laughter*
Just Some Fuckhead
Good thing they aren’t attending Ball State, they could get their asses kicked.
Villago Delenda Est
“Wright State sounds like Right State”.
You know, it’s the stupid that really bothers me the most. There’s so much of it, and it’s not even commented on in the mainstream media, because they’re all complicit in it.
I am so tired of these constant attacks on my intelligence that these assholes try to pull. It’s not that they’re dangerous in any way, but they’re annoying and incessant, like gnats in Georgia in August.
El Cid
Shit! You mean that caller asking about my taxes last year was the IRS? I just thought it was a pretty lady named Iris wondering how my last year went!
El Cid
@Villago Delenda Est: Well, you libruls might not like us Real Amurkans bein’ stupid, but lemme tell you somethin: We are stupid! And proud of it! And ain’t nothin’ you can do about it ‘neither! I’m stupid, my daddy was stupid, my grand-daddy was stupid, and if they’s anything I can do about it my kids gon’ be stupid too! And if you don’t like it, you can leave.
El Cid
I heard that one time these people tried to pray at the Lincoln Memorial and the next thing everyone saw was a bunch of flashing lights and Chinese soldiers running from every direction and the next thing you know those people trying to pray were gone and woke up in a bathtub filled with ice with their brains removed, but it didn’t bother them.
Judi Powell
Hey, I went to Wright State University and it’s in Fairborn. BIG rivalry between WSU and University of Dayton. By the way, UD produces a LOT of lawyers……..
Tonal Crow
@Villago Delenda Est:
I typed and erased at least 5 snarky responses to your comment. So here’s an earnest one: this is the same stupidity that gave us George W. Bush and almost gave us Palin. ‘Nuff said?
Mark S.
@El Cid:
Yeah, like anyone would steal their brains. Riiiight.
Every time I see these interviews…I am just reminded of this.
Dude, you realize your crowd guessimate is off by about 600,000, right?
Bob L
@SpotWeld: Well consider this; how does preaching to choir advance the cause? Sure it enforces discipline but it isn’t building a majority. And on top of it people are constantly getting the boot for not being a TRUE Conservative.
El Cid
@Mark S.: It could have been their asses, but they get those confused.
@Mark S.:
I think it would look a little something like this.
El Cid
@Bob L: Don’t knock preaching to the converted. The main thrust of what came to be called the First Great Awakening in Western Europe and the North American colonies was bringing a new way to worship to existing believers — i.e., the famous Jonathan Edwards et al.
Mark S.
Yeah, that comes to mind.
New Yorker
After watching this, I’m all on board with removing birthright citizenship from the Constitution. That way, we could make the people in this video take a citizenship exam much like we do with all those dark-skinned people with the dirka dirka names who come over here to steal our jobs. And once 95% (conservative estimate) of the people in this video have flunked that exam, we can deport them, preferably to George W. Bush’s neoconservative paradise that is Iraq.
@Steve: Xenia, OH is also the setting of the film Gummo. Fitting, I’d say.
so because these students had the temerity to show up at glen beck’s rally aka whitestock, indentify exactly who they were and ask questions, they’re at fault for the moronic responses they received? The hell???? Conservatives always concerned with personal responsibility. Assholes all of them…
@Nazgul35: Why don’t people make movies that funny any more. Humor that is still relevant over 30 years later. I somehow don’t feel like “The Hangover” will hold up was well.
I liked the reclining woman’s claim (the only one she could think of when asked for specific examples) that her freedom of speech was restricted because prayer is no longer permitted at the monuments in DC. She said this while attending an event with a lot of praying. At a monument in DC.
Next thing you know she’ll be complaining about the ban on yellow shirts and folding chairs.
That kid with the microphone was very impressive. No snickers or eye-rolls.
@El Cid:
At least Jonathan Edwards was intelligent and educated and thoughtful. I’m not wild about his brand of Protestanism, but at least it’s coherent and consistent.
The Teatards, et al would not be able to read nor understand one page of Edwards. I’d love to hear Say-rah discuss his ideas.
@New Yorker:
The Iraqis have suffered enough at our hands.
But he did have a Milky Way in his back pocket.
I don’t always have my switch on, so I have to ask. Is John laughing at the term “Trojan trick” because the journalists were honest and there really is no “trick” to asking straightforward questions? or is John laughing because it might be more properly called a “Trojan horse trick” and a Trojan trick is the one I used in high school when I said don’t worry, I have my Trojans?
The Lincoln Monument phrase is pretty priceless.
but I wondered what the origin of this was.
Apperently a couple of weeks ago on his show Glenn Beck claimed that The Kennedy Center told him he couldn’t pray at an event he had planned there.
Google it. The right wing blogs have been talking about this. However, I couldn’t find any actual news articles on this, any thing that doesn’t simply take Glenn Beck’s word for it
As I said over at PJ. I heard a radio ad for “The Heritage Foundation” on my local RWNJ radio station this week, I cannot quote it exactly but the basic premise was “conservatives rely on educated and informed people” yeah right.
Jeebus, people, do I have to spell it out for you? WRIGHT State, W-R-I-G-H-T. As in Reverend Wright.
Oh, now you moonbats aren’t laughing so much, are ya?
Jeesh, the T-baggers are a thick bunch. Couldn’t they tell from this guy’s haircut he was Teh Librul?
Also, too, isn’t everyone under the age of 30 a liberal pinko commie?
After watching this, two thoughts come to mind.
1. These guys at New Left Media are heroes. So rational and calm, just giving the interviewees enough rope to hang themselves with.
2. It’s amazing how these people not only speak in talking points, but actually speak Glenn-Beck Fox-News phrases. It’s as if they’ve heard the same phrases so many times they’ve coopted them into their speech. It was great showing three different people utter the same exact phrase. So telling. So obvious they’d not given any critical thought or done any research.
Objective Scrutator
What depresses me the most about this event is how none of my fellow baggers of the tea are actually proposing solutions to the horrors that are sweeping America. “Muslims and illegals are taking over America!” “We can’t pray at the Lincoln Memorial!”, blah blah blah. Such complaining about the status and not taking up personal responsibility characterizes Marxists. If my fellow ‘baggers are waking up, then this is understandable, but they still need to learn.
That being said, the solution for getting rid of anchor babies is forced abortions. As life begins at conception, aren’t these babies in the women’s bodies already American citizens? Kill the babies now! In addition, we should also petition the Mexican government to give people who fornicated in America illegally but fled back to America forced abortions.
If we aren’t allow to pray at the Lincoln Memorial, we should protest by praying the Lord’s Prayer the next time there is an anti-war rally. And forgive us our debts, liberals! What don’t you understand about that?
As for the Islamists conquering us, I did here someone propose defiling their holy symbol, the moon.
Boat, me, in it. Not getting out. However, I heartily enjoyed the ripostes ripping through this thread. Thanks!
Phoenix Woman
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: It was assholes like those that made Turing’s life so fucking miserable he found himself wanting to end it.
Yellow Dog
Sorry, late to the party.
Imagine the twisted, evil genius required to think of telling the truth, in order to induce their victims to act completely in character! This is the kind of people we’re dealing with – ones who are willing to tell the truth in order to achieve their nefarious ends!
(Couldn’t watch the whole thing, I felt like I was at a family reunion!)
John Bird
I have to admit, it’s a devious plot that must have taken much planning to execute. Asking Republicans their opinion in public; openly recording it for later viewing; properly identifying yourself as a local student in a way only Tucker Carlson could misunderstand . . . it all fits together when you step back and look at it, and its nefarious beauty shines like a diamond, a diamond of evil, if you will. The only question is when this conspiracy will be outed and the supervillains behind it prosecuted.
In college I read an explanation for our existence called “evolution.” They suggested that nature, in all it’s brutal beauty, essentially refines species over time. Weeding out the weak, the slow, the foolish, allowing the strongest and best adapted to survive. Over the millenia, this process allowed a surprisingly attractive and intelligent group of apes to eventually arise and walk as man.
I also heard rumors that this theory was widely disliked, particularly in the south and mid-west. I was told that some people think the entire planet was basically thrown together in about a week by a senile old man.
This video has really opened my eye. Can’t believe how much time and money I wasted going to school…