What gives with the wingnut fixation with beheadings, e. g. Janet Brewer?
Is beheading one of those things that just naturally fascinates people?
by DougJ| 62 Comments
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What gives with the wingnut fixation with beheadings, e. g. Janet Brewer?
Is beheading one of those things that just naturally fascinates people?
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Beheadings have a certain fascination for headless chickens.
This is particularly bizarre in Brewer’s case since, without a functioning brain in it, her head is pretty superfluous to the rest of her body.
Marie Antoinette Syndrome?
It’s a more primal form of killing, and the wingnuts are driven more by primality than modernity?
dj spellchecka
first to note the “walk on the wild side” lyric “head”line..
licensed to kill time
I think she suspects she may have been beheaded at some point in the past but is not sure about how to check it out. This is why she was staring at her cleavage in that video while searching in vain for words.
Best comment from that post
“It’s so much easier to get ahead in America.”
They’re trying to link illegal immigrants with Islamic extremists by invoking the ones who murdered Daniel Pearl. They do it in more explicit ways as well, like by claiming that Islamic terrorists disguise themselves as Mexicans to sneak over the border, but that’s what the subliminal message is of the beheading meme: Mexican immigrants = Islamic terrorists, so therefore we should be able to take any steps we feel necessary to stop illegal immigration.
Adam 'Pi' Burch
Reminds them of jihadi beheadings, and lets them tie those emotions together. Another dog-whistle type thing then.
By the way, did you know that the late Mike the Headless Chicken has his very own tribute website now?
This comment had its head cut off and was left in the desert.
It’s a good way to dehumanize immigrants.
I really believe they saw this on the episode of Breaking Bad where the evil drug dealers cut off the guy’s head and strapped it on a turtle. It’s not real life but it’s just too good an image to let go.
wasabi gasp
Morans engrossed in getting a brain.
Consolidation of the icky.
All things that make you feel unconfortable must somehow be realted. Hence the Pelosi-communist-ACORN mash up.
Here it’s a Terrosits-illegal immigrant thing.
In her mind Terrorists and Illegal Immigrants are the same thing. You say “Mexican” to her and somewhere in her brain the neurons fire and flash over to a vido of a journalist getting his throat slit.
It’s barbaric in just the right way. Sneering Arabs and Mexican drug-runners behead.
When your trade is fomenting a culture war, demonization through dehumanization and saying “those people will behead you and your family!” is the way to go. “Those people” can’t really be considered human if they do that kind of thing, right?
Who cares if it’s true? Americans are so ignorant they’ll fill in the gaps with any old bull.
Warren Terra
Jonah Goldberg would like you to know that the Democrats are in favor of beheadings, and that Republicans are against them, an indisputable fact he learned from seeing a television adaptation of A Tale Of Two Cities.
licensed to kill time
Umm, here’s some real life. Warning it’s rather disturbing…
Yes, it happened in Mexico, but Brewer seems to conflate Mexico with Arizona in her fevered imagination.
Midnight Marauder
And circle gets the square.
Is she running neck-and-neck with her rival in the polls? Politics is a cutthroat business. Maybe she should quit the fearmongering while she’s ahead.
Is she running neck-and-neck with her rival in the polls? Politics is a cutthroat business. Maybe she should quit the fearmongering while she’s ahead.
Mnemosyne @#9: LOL. Very appropriate to the thread.
hats off.
Bobby Thomson
When you’re a vampire, you tend to obsess about things like beheading.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sad_Dem: She should head off any criticism as well.
Cat Lady
I don’t want to think about the next line of that song. Have you seen her? Although she does look like a he. Well played DougJ. Again.
Its like Sheriff Joe insinuating to withered old ladies in Sun City that the virile, young Mexican gardener is waiting for the chance to take her against her will.
Warren Terra
Maybe she’s trying to promote the movie Machete on its opening weekend?
Bill Arnold
That (and general Al Qaeda-style beheading), and perhaps also colored by the guillotine, which was a left-wing institution (in the minds of right wingers).
It’s not the beheadings per say, it’s the fact that the mooslins build a mosque next to the headless body when the feelings are still too raw, too real.
Omnes Omnibus
@DonkeyKong: They can also build a second, smaller mosque at the site of the head.
Brewer’s performance in the gubernatorial debate can be diplomatically described as a Category Five Shit Storm that coincided with a 9.7 Shit Quake.
Did anybody watch the clip where the Arizona press was asking her why she made the claim about beheadings when it didn’t seem to be true in the first place? She just looked at the reporter and said good night. She is dumber than Palin.
I love that her need to reinforce the wingnuts’ Mescans = terrists concept is greater than her need to NOT FUCKING SCARE PEOPLE WITH BUSINESS AND TOURIST $$$ AWAY FROM THE BROKE-ASS STATE OF WHICH SHE IS GOVERNOR! Viciousness and rank stupidity are such an attractive combination.
@Frank: Sure. Best TV I’ve seen all summer.
@Cat Lady:
Plucked her eyebrows on the way,
Shaved her legs and then he was a she
@Warren Terra:
When Brewer goes off script, anything is liable to come out of that peroxided head. She is genuinely stupid, not merely inarticulate. She’s not as vile a human being as Sarah Palin, however. In a saner world, Brewer would be playing the slots at an Indian casino. Arizona’s Republican establishment used to offer solid candidates. Now the race to the bottom has finally found its nadir.
Forget the beheadings. What are our comsymp Canadian
apologists doing about all those befeetings? Of is that
pedipitations? You know what I mean. The shoes with feet that they are awash in.
Comrade Kevin
Classic TV bit:
Attila the Hun: Hey, I’ve got a present for you two kids in that bag.
(they pull out a severed head)
I want you kids to get a-head.
Speaking of headless chickens, are they more or less valuable than ones with heads when bartering for medical services?
The better clip is where a female reporter keeps pressing her to answer and Brewer’s aide leans closer to her and says audibly, “Fuck her,” and the Governor responds by turning to leave.
This. Don’t forget, they’re both brown.
And yes, beheading is particularly fascinating, given its history, brutality, and the fact that it even has its own machine to do it, the guillotine.
@ricky: Got link?
@licensed to kill time: I think the reason she was looking at her cleavage was because she wanted to know if anyone noticed her nipples were getting hard while talking about beheadings.
@shortstop: Oh, it’s the same clip Frank was referring to. I just hadn’t noticed her aide going, “Fuck her.” Just watched it again and he sure as hell did.
jake the snake
You know that verse is about Holly Woodlawn.
If you ever get a chance watch “Andy Warhol’s Trash”
Holly gave a remarkable performance. A friend and I saw it back in about 1972 and had a long discussion about whether she was a transexual playing a transexual or a transexual playing a woman. We finally concluded that it did not matter.
I think it’s kind of a confluence of special horrors for them. Obsession with beheading? Check. Ongoing relentless fury at Obama’s (and his gay Islamifascist thugs) ruthless insistence on shoving various ungodly projects and schemes down their throats? Check.
Question: am I right in assuming that after one has been beheaded, it is easier to access their throats for stuffage?
So there you are. I don’t know where that is.
Oh dear mama goddess/FSM/Ceiling Cat, please forgive me for the preceding imagery. Beheading is so shocking, so hideous; nobody’s okay with it. That’s why terrorists do it.
I think Brewer saw an advance copy of Machete.
I wish someone would ask her if she watches the TV show Breaking Bad. There have been a couple of beheadings-in-the-desert on that show — I think she just confuses TV with reality; it happened recently with 24 Hours, it happened a generation ago with Murphy Brown. Don’t know if it’s a Republican thing, but it keeps happening.
@Warren Terra:
She’s just afraid that she effed with the wrong Mexican.
If it were anywhere but Arizona (aka America’s diseased rectum) last night’s debate performance would have killed Jan Brewer’s gubernatorial campaign.
When confronted with the question of her fabrications about the AZ “crime epidemic,” she refused to answer either her opponent, or the reporters after the event.
Hell, she even fudged introducing herself and thanking the debate sponsors. She looked and sounded every bit the Community College dropout that she is.
So she’ll probably win in a landslide. :-(
@Violet: Violet, the current neglect of guillotines in favor of sawing off the heads of live persons, at least some of whom have not been heavily sedated, with large hand-held blades brings a whole new level of horror.
I’d go lie down, but I have to remain upright on account of a severe seasonal allergy attack, and no, I still want to keep my head, however dysfunctional.
Maybe she read that NY Post headline about the topless bar?
@Mnemosyne: So appropo!
New Yorker
Beheadings are something that fanatical loons are obsessed with. Think the Islamist thugs who murdered Daniel Pearl.
This probably explains the a GOP politician’s obsession with it.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Only the mentally unbalanced ones.
mai naem
I don’t think Brewer’s stupid. I think she’s an old alcoholic with the standard accompanying pickled brain and memory loss. The sad part is that chances are that this woman is going to win the gubernatorial election.
John Bird
Beheading naturally fascinates white people who are scared of brown people, that’s for sure. It makes Mexican drug gangs seem not like criminal cartels but like the average representative of a tribe of alien savages who must be kept from our Christian soil at all etc. etc. It’s very effective speech from racists, to racists, without missing a media beat. Terrorism? Remember Daniel Pearl? Yeah, that’s what the Mexicans are doing now. See how easy that was?
Remember November
@Bill Arnold:
Funny that, because Danton and Robesepierre, teabaggers of their times also fell victim to the slicer.
The aristocratic elite then are the Corporatocracy now- How long before ppl like Bankfiend et al have to hire mercenaries to guard their palatial compounds?
Does eating the rich make you a corporaphage?
Also, too- The Stooge known as the Nuge had a video on in the 80’s called “Heads will roll” involving a guillotine.
Yup, barbarity: invented by, practiced by, perfected by, and wholly owned by… the brown peoples.
It’s like after all this time, all this Xtianity, all this non-brown Old World and New World history, still: no one expects the Spanish Inquisition.