Via the Washington Monthly, this Jan Brewer opening statement is terrifying:
It’s the Palinization of politics. Sharon Angle, Jan Brewer, just go down the list. Ignorant know-nothings who spew the right-wing talking points, refuse to take questions from the press, and when off-script, are seen for the train-wreck that they are. Yet half the country embraces these clowns. It’s terrifying.
mr. whipple
Can US Americans find Arizona on a map?
Yeah; and the trainwreck got worse afterwards. Reporters tried to follow-up with Brewer on her false claim about headless bodies in the desert (which Terry Goddard rightly pointed as being more disastrous to economic recovery than any boycotts over SB1070):
Oh. My. God. Just staring into her own cleavage for another RW talking nugget. Clearly qualified to be GOP politician.
Anyone else see the Maddow takedown of Brewer’s ties to private prisons and her refusal to answer any of the reporter’s questions on the subject?
She’s dirty. And stupid.
So that title was not a critique of your blog commenters?
mr. whipple
Thank you!
“We have did what is best. . .” Now cue Plain telling the gathering of dolts how liberals think they are stupid. . .
Ah, but remember this is all the fault of Dirty Fucking Hippies who criticize Obama!
priscianus jr
Half the country? Really?
Couldn’t she have taken a hint from Palin and written out the answers on the palm of her hand?
Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther
Of course, half the country is a train wreck, so, yeah….
Dave C
Seriously, people, watch this video. She is unbelievably pathetic.
(huddles in corner, weeping)
You know who this make me feel really bad for? Jeanine Pirro. She was just slightly ahead of her time.
Just Some Fuckhead
Stupid people banding together and electing stupid people – that’s Democracy! The alternative was stupid people ruling by virtue of their stupid royal bloodlines.
Here’s another good local rundown from the local fox channel:
Well, as someone who does a fair bit of public speaking, I can sympathize with getting completely lost in your thoughts during a speaking event, but it also underscores the lesson to remedy the problem – practice.
This was also uncovered last night with Boxer/Fiorina as it was clear that Fiorina was not prepared to stray off of her talking points either and got fucking plastered by Boxer over her record at HP. Had Fiorina weathered a reasonable amount of media scrutiny prior to this (on her own two feet, and not through the PR outfits she’s paying to do it for her) then I don’t think she would have unravelled nearly so badly. Palin two years out has yet to learn that lesson, and clearly so has Brewer.
I’d be willing to concede a lot of campaign finance ground in exchange for a mechanism that ensured that political candidates routinely were stress-tested by a fair media in a manner that the majority of affected voters would witness. Sunlight is all that’s really needed.
@BGinCHI: Last night, Maddow also reported that the Brewer campaign pulled all its advertising from the Phoenix CBS affiliate that was trying to get answers on the private prisons story.
kd bart
That’s down right embarassing and wouldn’t be accepted in a high school debate.
But to those who believe, it just proves she’s one of us!!
@TooManyJens: I wonder how her face looks without a nose.
Okay, I don’t want to Godwin this, but I’m reminded of the mystery of how a society of highly educated, cultured people supporting a maniac like Hitler. The fact that the Boxer-Fiorina, Angle-Reid, Johnson-Feingold races are even close leads me to believe that this country is seriously losing its shit. Starting to scare the shit out of me.
And the reporter who led off the post-debate questions about the beheadings, Christina Boomer of ABC15, has posted the following on twitter:
Just got off the phone with Medical Examiner’s Office in Pima who told me re: beheadings in the desert…
Eric Peters: “No we have never seen one single beheading in nearly 1,700 cases we have handled in the past decade of border deaths.”
Over in Yuma County – just got off the phone with an investigator in their medical examiner’s office. re: beheadings he said, “Never had one”
I think she’s got bigger problems than that. I think she believes what she says about her own state: that there is a huge immigrant crime wave. That simply isn’t supported. If there’s one thing she should know, it’s what is actually going on there, and she doesn’t.
In your memory, has a governor ever, ever wildly exaggerated violent crime in their own state?
If I’m sitting on one of the millions of homes for sale in that state, I’m ready to cut her head off.
WTF? Is she trying to hurt them?
Seems only fitting that in times so troubled we’ll hand the wheel over to a pack of know nothings.
It’s the beginning of the end my friends.
Cue The Doors.
Mama Grizzly, indeed.
Jay in Oregon
Why does it have to be either/or?
licensed to kill time
The reporters yelling after her “Aw, Governor, come aaahn!” was priceless. Total disgust in their voices.
My guess is that 47% unemployment had a little to do with it.
Her performance AFTER the opening is just as bad.
Please AZ, wake the fuck up.
Chad N Freude
@Martin: I heard part of the Boxer-Fiorina debate last night and was not terribly impressed with either one. Fiorina was very well-prepped with microscopically detailed (and clearly skewed) tidbits of Boxer’s voting record but incapable of answering any questions that didn’t lead to the conclusion that off-shoring jobs (excuse me, right-shoring jobs) creates jobs in the US. Boxer sounded disappointingly like a career politician scattering random bits of how-I’ve-stood-up-for-my-constituents for the past 18 years. Not at all satisfying to me.
It’s not terrifying, it’s warmly familiar and comforting. Here we are back with Ronnie Reagan again.
A genial empty-headed know-nothing spewing gibberish…and half the country loves it.
All Sharron Angle needs to do is coo “Facts are stupid things,” and the circle will be complete.
It’s a great thing to pursue because it would explain the mystery of why a governor would scare people away by exaggerating violent crime.
They generally just don’t do that. They don’t announce a crime wave, one they made up.
You may think this disqualifies most candidates, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she were on a damn Vice Presidential shortlist for 2012. This is it now. Hell, the wino down the street ought to start a exploratory committee now.
@licensed to kill time: We’ve come to a strange place as a country when political reporters have to shout the question, “What about the headless bodies, Governor?”
Chris G.
I generally think President Obama has been doing a good job after being dealt a bad hand. Having said that, maybe he should have looked at who’d take AZ over if he appointed Janet Napolitano to a cabinet post, decided he could wait til 2011 to have her work for him, and put someone, anyone, else in charge of DHS.
Midnight Marauder
This is really one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. I love how she just stands there utterly incapable of saying anything. She just has that look on her face of “Fuck, how do I get out of this one?!”
And that’s why I can never buy in too much with the whole “The Democrats are going to suffer a bloodbath in the fall” nonsense. Once the the bright lights shine on these know-nothings, and people start actually paying attention, and they actually have to step outside the comfort zone of their talking points, they are proven to be fundamentally incompetent.
It’s comforting to know that your opposition has such an innate, perpetual weakness.
It almost makes me believe in divinity. Well, Loki at least…
Neat post from the Fox local news website:
I hear that Brewer was so mad after the debate that she told her campaign manager to pull all her Governor Ads off PBS. When her manager explained to her that PBS doesn’t have an ads she said “Really? Well where in the world do they get their money from?”
Of course, saying that PBS does not have ads would be a surprise to Exxon/Mobil. They might ask what the hell they have been giving money for all these years.
@Chris G.: The same is true of Sebelius in Kansas. I kind of liked the idea of the cabinet as all-star team, but it did take out of commission a few potential map-changers.
@TooManyJens: Reminds me of “Show me the dead Canadians” when the right tried to make the case that Americans shouldn’t buy prescriptions from Canada. I wonder why the liberal media won’t report on all the headless bodies and Canadians killed by perscriptions…
licensed to kill time
So true. And she stands there looking like “I cannot believe they are asking me about this! It’s almost like I am being held responsible for the things I say, for heaven’s sake!”
@Midnight Marauder:
I’d like to think so myself. But there is a wide swath of voters out there for whom, _contra_ Michael Dukakis, it’s not about competence, it’s about ideology. They’ll choose the inept/idiotic/unprepared/inarticulate Republican because she or he is a Republican. There’s frankly no question that Conway would be much more helpful to the people of Kentucky, getting them their fair share, etc., as compared to Paul; perhaps even more so for Reid over Angle; but a LOT of voters are itching to make a purely symbolic statement.
Omnes Omnibus
I was only able to watch half of it before I became too embarrassed for her and had to stop.
Bubblegum Tate
@kd bart:
This. Exactly. When it comes to the Brewers, Angles, Palins, etc. of the world, information means nothing. The fact that they repeatedly reveal themselves to be in way, way over their heads means nothing. “Qualifications” are things for filthy LIEbrul elites to worry about. The only thing that matters is that they are “one of us” to the lunatic fringe. As long as they are, then the lunatic fringe will back them and protect them no matter what.
@Chris G.: You gotta remember that Janet Napolitano was in her second term, same with Sebelius. Jan Brewer probably would have ran for Governor, though she wouldn’t have this legislation to tout as an achievement.
@priscianus jr: On the up side, decidedly not half the country. Probably not even half the gops. Just the hooligans.
Bubblegum Tate
@Midnight Marauder:
This is true as far as it goes, but I think you err in assuming that once these people are shown to be fundamentally incompetent, they won’t get elected. The voting public is not exactly a rational actor en masse, you know?
Too, Obama uses a teleprompter, you’re arguements are invalid.
Its a lot like WMD’s, Yellowcake and the mysterious vial of Colin Powell. The Republicans rely on their lies, and to point out that they’re lying is unpatriotic.
quaint irene
In her pauses, it looks like she’s praying for guidance. “Please, Jeebus, put some words in my head.”
Next time, write that shit down on your hand.
Midnight Marauder
I can’t disagree with that sentiment. But if we take my favorite example of my main man, Jack Conway, he is seriously kicking ass in Kentucky right now. After full-throatily going after Rand Paul the past few months, he was essentially polling dead even with him before he put his first campaign ad on television.
Now, this comes on the heels of Rand Paul dismissing the drug problems in Easter Kentucky as not “a pressing issue” and saying that he doesn’t favor devoting federal funding for Operation UNITE, a program created by Republican U.S. Rep. Hal Rogers of Somerset to provide drug treatment and law enforcement coordination.
It’s different in every state, in every race, but I feel that this election especially, as people begin to become more aware of the stakes and just how extreme some of these Republican candidates are, you’re going to see the kinds of shifts in support people like Jack Conway are enjoying. Because when you’re campaigning against someone who is inherently self-destructive, you will never be in short supply of opportunities of a potent issue to hammer your opponent with and to potentially change the dynamic of the race.
The entire Republican Party’s electoral hopes this fall are like a house of cards put together by Helen Keller.
c paglia
Urban liberal elitists are simply incapable of hearing the music in Governor Brewer’s syncopated, old frontier, salt-of-the-earth, dare I say cutting edge ellipses and down-beat staccato. This is the woman of the future who will leave our weak tea, old school feminista sellouts spitting out the dust of her ruby red V8 gas guzzling Cadillac Eldorado convertible. An authentic American.
Midnight Marauder
@Bubblegum Tate:
“Errbody got ta have a dream.” — Skinny Black, Hustle & Flow
I just can’t get my head around this whole thing.
Her tenuous grasp on English seems like sufficient evidence to ask to see her documents. The moderator really missed his chance.
@Midnight Marauder:
George Bush got reelected in 2004. He was an incompetent know-nothing. Problem is, a lot of Americans seem to like that, so long as the “values” match up.
that’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen.
So wait… we don’t have any examples of male politicians being dumb as rocks? None at all from the last 10 years?
It seems to me that what we’re seeing here is some female politicians of the same caliber as male politicians we’ve been seeing for years. They just lack the
inherent gravitaspenis necessary to pull it off.Midnight Marauder
I suppose I should clarify that my comments are premised on the notion that enough people in this country are only now beginning to learn just how grave of a mistake that decision was.
Jan Brewer is a “baked in the sun” right wing hag from Scottsdale, the Az R’s had her in (what they thought) a nice, safe job as Sec of State, Brewer was over her head in that job and when Napolitano resigned, bingo, this moron is Governor….when she was SS she didn’t know she had to certify elections.
My family and I watched this debate last night on our local PBS channel, and we just about threw up.
I am thinking of starting a Facebook group called, “Get Jan Brewer’s signature off my degree!” I finished my master’s in May, and this dumbfuck who didn’t finish college’s signature is on it. I don’t think she’s authorized to sign anything. If I can figure out how to start the group, I will post a link.
Chris G.
@SlyFox: Yeah, but then at least Brewer wouldn’t have been guaranteed two years as governor. And Kansas’ LG wasn’t a crazyperson, was he?
Isn’t Palin showing stuff written on her hand and making jokes about it? The crowd goes wild! Maybe Brewer will now start her speeches by staring at the floor with an embarassed grin to thunderous applause. She’s one of us!
Right now, there’s enough American voters who want to vote Republicans back into office even as that party offers NOTHING in the way of jobs creation (GOP solution: Tax cuts and kicking out the Hispanics) or financial stability (GOP solution: Tax cuts and further deregulation of banks and Wall Street) or national security (GOP solution: hire private mercenaries who work for tax cuts and bomb all the nations we don’t like).
The question is, WHY? Why are there so many Americans willing to vote back into power a Republican party that hasn’t learned from any of its mistakes that led to its ouster in 2008?
Wanna know how I lost my job back in 2008? One of my supervisors kept telling me “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” My problem was, my supervisors never really told me exactly what it was I was doing wrong, so I kept doing the same things anyway and got cut for it. I admit I made mistakes: I just wish my bosses did a better job of telling me earlier what my mistakes were and what I needed to do to get better…
The Republican Party is acting out that warning I got: The GOP *is* doing the same thing – Tax cuts! Deregulate! Trust Our Corporate Overlords! Bomb Iran just like we did Iraq! – over and over expecting different results. But because the Republicans *lie to us*, and distract us from our real problems with this Culture War crap – Anchor Babies! Ground Zero Mosques! Obama’s a Secret Socialist Kenyan Muslim! – a majority of voters can’t see the madness that engulfs the Republican Party. A majority of voters are perfectly willing to blame Obama and the Democrats for things – the unemployment rate, a weak economy – that were and still are the fault of the Republicans.
All because the Republicans do a better job of lying to their voters. Because the Republicans do a better job of distracting everyone.
Goddammit America. WAKE. UP.
Stop voting Republican! THEY ARE LIARS AND HYPOCRITES. Just, please, for the Love of GOD. WAKE UP.
@Midnight Marauder:
1. who is going to point bright lights at them? the media that’s afraid to seem biased ?
2. any plan that requires the American people to “wake up” or “start paying attention” or equivalent is doomed from the start.
ah cynicism…
Sadly, this will probably not hurt her with the significant number of nuts who find her idiocy endearing.
And yet they find Chris Matthews credible now, because he decided now would be a good time to say ‘Obama can’t say anything without a teleprompter’. Fucking idiots, the lot of them.
wasabi gasp
Too bad she didn’t bust out the Ashlee Simpson jig.
Bubblegum Tate
It’s a shame Brewer wasn’t more headstrong.
Can you tell me if this link works?
@suzanne: Works for me!
@suzanne: Worked for me
Paul in KY
@Gus: Hitler was an insane wacko, but he wasn’t a stupid insane wacko. He was a published author, somewhat decent painter, veteren rabble-rouser, etc.
@Chad N Freude: I don’t disagree with that assessment, but politicians who have been in DC for any period of time need to fall back on that to a fair extent. Boxer didn’t make the mistake of turning a local race into a national debate. So far, that’s been killing off republican challengers more than any other thing, so it’s good that she kept returning to ‘here’s what I’m doing for California’.
We might be more worried about what she’s contributing to the big national policies, but most voters won’t be. Fiorina talks about creating jobs, but she’s trapped between the GOP talking points that she thinks she needs to win the base (stimulus bad, deficits bad, blah blah) and the reality is that voters here don’t give a fuck if people in Arkansas get taxed, so long as it makes jobs in CA. She’s not providing any good answers – and frankly, the burden is strongly on her to fix that. Among other things, a LOT of voters are confusing her and Whitman (which female, republican, self-funded, ex tech-CEO is Fiorina again?) and Whitman is plastering the airwaves with calls for cutting jobs.
@suzanne: Ah, shit. The degree was in architecture, not computer science. Try this one.!/pages/Get-The-Governors-Signature-Off-My-Diploma/122447154473508
@Chris G.: Are you serious? Brewer is going to pay dividends for Democrats. Competent Republicans are what you worry about – but the more insane ones you can put in the spotlight, the more voters will determine that Republicans aren’t competent.
Another example of the liberal media harassing Republicans with ‘gotcha!’ opening statements.
Wait, what?
@Paul in KY: True. Also, Americans aren’t that well educated or cultured.
I’m not terrified. There is a cultural sea change going on a we speak, and that always brings out the worst-the racism, the incitements to violence-of the people who perceive they have the most to lose, the ignorant, uneducated, old white people who unfortunately make up a good segment of our population. We have weathered these types of storms before (albeit not usually without bloodshed) and come out better on the other side. We all may not live to see it, but there is hope for a better day.
If not…we move to Canada.
This is true, but George Bush was good at pretending he wasn’t insane. I think this is the crucial key. A lot of swing voters are not good at issues and resonate with a folksy candidate, but not with a jabbering howler monkey. And Bush squeaked into reelection against a lackluster candidate while still early enough in his presidency to play the 9/11 card in every hand.
Chris G.
@Martin: Yeah, but on the flip side there’s now a crazy person running Arizona, and I don’t think Napolitano is doing anything at DHS that someone else couldn’t do as well.
In a debate? Never! Your charge is simply not true.
By the way, think about it, how in the world would Obama (or anyone for that matter) use a teleprompter in a debate? Nobody gets their questions in a advance in national debate.
How many people voted bush because we were at war?
How many presidents have been defeated after their first term during wartime? A quick look says none. I think this has something to do with it.
The humanity
Thus riseth the stupid. Pass me the word salad and wingnut dressing
The pessimism/cynicism around here is pretty thick lately. I know the rest of the country is full of idiots (present company excepted) but I think the number of ding dongs who will vote for an openly incompetent candidate in a time when it is clear we need some people who know what they are doing is probably limited to your famous 27 percent.
I’m with Midnight Marauder, all politics is local and the more these national ideogogues show themselves ill-equipped to deal with real local issues, they are going to lose out.
@Ruckus: Stealing the election a second time in Ohio may have had something to do with that squeaker of a victory also, too.
you might also want to keep in mind that Boxer is a horseshit Senator so she really does not have much to say for herself. The saving grace (for her) is that she has a job-killing asshole running against her. That might be just enough for her to squeak by.
@JAHILL10: But they’re being given the opportunity to prove their incompetence, and they can do a lot of damage with a term or two.
My Pet Goat II: The Dumbening
In defense of Sarah Palin, Bush started it!
This is one the things I’m kinda mad at President Obama for. We had a Democratic Governor in Arizona until he tapped Napolitano for DHS, leaving this trainwreck in charge. Arizona will probably have sink lower than Alabama before another Democrat gets elected as Chief Executive.
Triassic Sands
Is Mars visible from Arizona?
Not yet, but just watch what happens in 2012 if Palin runs. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see her demand getting her questions in advance or refuse to appear. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the MSM agreed. Anyone who thinks it can’t get any worse had better hang on tight…
The humanity
@Triassic Sands:
Correct. The uber-wealthy are waging class warfare and are perfectly willing to go all-in. We ain’t seen nothing yet
Chris G.
@Triassic Sands: Or she’ll do what she did last time and announce that she’ll answer the questions she wants to answer and not the questions she’d actually been asked.
But she hates Mexicans.
Just Some Fuckhead
Everyone always has at least one redeeming quality.
@Triassic Sands:
It won’t matter. She could just do what she did in the 2008 VP debate with Biden, ie if the moderator’s question get too difficult, just ignore them and create your own ones.
The second time she pulled that crap, I turned off the TV. She had no business being in that debate not being able to answer the simplest of questions.
@Omnes Omnibus: I agree – shades of Miss South Carolina.
Just watched this after hearing about it.
She’s singlehandedly brought the state ‘back from the abyss’ in 600 days.
OK. If you say so.
I am wondering if a lot of folks didn’t feel some sympathy for her, being that we’re not a nation of public speakers.
And yeah, you should expect your gubernatorial candidate to be better than that, but she showed her human side.
OK. Her stupid unprepared human side.
How was the rest of the debate?
Umm, no. John Cole’s affection notwithstanding, Ronald Reagan did.
The same voters who love that racist, sadistic Robert Mugabe wannabe Sheriff Joe Arpaio will vote for this idiot of a governor in droves.
Like already mentioned above: Cue the Doors. This is the end.
I am hoping a few things.
1) that Obama appoints Elizabeth Warren soon after Labor Day. She’s wise, competent, and connects with people.
2) that as bad as it seems right now, our terrible tea partying politics is the last gasp and death throes of the Republican party.
It’s frightening that we’re treated to such abysmal candidates and nonsensical platforms in the midst of the worst economic and societal upheaval since the 1930s-40s.
Maybe this will be short term poison and voters will rectify what they can in 2012.
All that said, we’ve seen this movie before, and it’s a tragedy.
Objective Scrutator
If she hadn’t signed the legislation, or if it had never come up, no one would be giving a shit about Jan Brewer.
However, since she signed that bill, she shall be placed upon a holy pedestal for the wingnuts to admire and fawn over. Any disparagement of her will result in being labeled an outcast from the Bagger of Tea movement and/or Republican Party.
Also, I’ve always thought that Dan Quayle made the funniest and most embarrassing gaffes of anyone with major recognition in American politics.
If you believe that, I have some swampland to sell you. These guys wouldn’t go away if you nuked them.
@Chris G.:
As an Arizonan and a Democrat, I think you nailed it!
True, they won’t go away, but they may have killed their vehicle and host.
After a nuclear holocaust, 2 things will survive: German cockroaches, and Teabaggers who hate them because they’re brown-colored immigrants.
@Triassic Sands:
Not at this time of day. Has to do with Daylight Savings, y’all, which AZ does not use.
…also, too, Brewer is about the same of dumb as Rick Perry, but no one beats up on HIM with the tough questions like ‘what about the __________ you made up?’ Sexism.
I don’t get it. Why is this terrifying? It’s what is. What, is there something better hiding behind a curtain?
Then you’re uninformed. The number of ding dongs who will vote for an openly incompetent conadidate in a time when it is clear we need some people who know what they are doing is well oer 52% of the electorate. It’s a landslide.
How do we know?
The 1980 election. Jimmy Carter vs Ronald Reagan. The genial openly incompetent candidate won by a landslide. And he wrecked America, and went on to become one of the most beloved presidents of all time.
The more unions Reagan busted, the louder the public cheered him. The more federal college money he cut, the more wildly the college students applauded him. The more federal support for single mothers he slashed, the more eagerly poor single mothers clamored to shake his hand at rallies. The more homeless people he put in the streets, the more the average person cheered their throats raw and jumped to their feet to give him a standing ovation at speeches.
Holy fuck nut. I’d be sympathetic if it were a kid nervous about public speaking. But she’s a politician, and a lying, crazy one at that.
What was the epic comment about a train wreck, falling off the tracks, hitting the water, passengers eaten by sharks, etc.?
Not. Getting. Off. The. Boat. That said, Cole, I have to criticize you for the title of this entry. I am a freak, and yes, I do come out at night. She is not a freak. She is crazy. Crazyville is the projects of Freaktown, but the two are not the same. Thank you very much.
Grover Gardner
She must have had a small stroke. Seriously, she looks completely disoriented.
Zuzu's Petals
Hey, it worked for Arnie.
‘Course that was only California.
Zuzu's Petals
@kd bart:
Yeah, and what about that lamestream moderator getting all “Gotcha!” by asking her to state her position.
Liberal wishful thinking. While I agree this particular brand of crazy probably has a relatively short half life, these parasites are very, very good at simply bumming another ride and finding another unsuspecting host to feed off.