I suppose I should be upset about teahadists having this much control over a major political party, but, on the other hand, if I ever befriend a 6’3″ white rabbit, I might lose my job, but I can always run for Senate.
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I’d like a clue for $25 Alex.
I’d personally rather see you in the Senate. Good times.
You would need to do a lot of LSD first. Better yet, you’d need to do a lot of LSD while watching to a continuous loop of Glenn Beck’s history lessons. Then you could be the next Republican nominee for President of the United States of America.
Yup, the republican party is in capture by the ‘nuttier than squirrel shit’ wing.
It’s time to break out the popcorn and beer, this is gonna be great!
Keith G
Jimmy Stewart sure made a great Senator.
I think Tunch is close enough.
Keep fuckin’ that Pooka, John.
In fact, Tunch is more authentic than any actual white rabbit could ever be. He’s a sort of Papa Grizzly, but with more tail.
Little Boots
think you’re pretty foxy, doncha, johnny.
I wish I could be as amused and zen about this as you, John. But all I’m seeing is a political atmosphere where these assholes not only can get nominated, but have the media virtually rooting for them to win, just so they can cheer about how stupid us Dems really are at thinking the country was ready to stop punching itself in the face.
But what do I know, I’m just a goddamned anti-American socialist who hates God and Real America. The Tea Party and the GOP told me so, and whoever wins is inherently right, right?
Fuck it, I’m stocking up on some absinthe.
Hey, chalk me up as genuinely worried. Every now and then in history, these people actually win and then the country goes to hell and there’s real violence.
I braved checking the Fox News site to see if they were in “Oh shit, now we’ve fucked it” mode, but then I remembered Fox doesn’t care about policy or “conservatism” (whatever the fuck that means any more) and all about ratings, so of course they’re championing O’Donnell’s win as what Borat might term “Great Success!”
I wonder what it’s like to have no ethics or moral compass.
I wish I could be as amused and zen about this as you, John. But all I’m seeing is a political atmosphere where these assholes not only can get nominated, but have the media virtually rooting for them to win, just so they can cheer about how stupid us Dems really are at thinking the country was ready to stop punching itself in the face.
But what do I know, I’m just a goddamned anti-American soshulist who hates God and Real America. The Tea Party and the GOP told me so, and whoever wins is inherently right, right?
Fuck it, I’m stocking up on some absinthe.
Little Boots
It really isn’t about amusing, kryptic, it really is a golden opportunity. Could somebody, please, seriously please, in the Democratic grow a spine, and a spinal column, and get that making Christine O’Donnell the face of the modern Republican Party is not impossible. Bitch is crazy, and there she is, just waiting to be exploited. Praise Jesus!
Little Boots
um, Democratic Party, though Democratic kinda works.
@morzer: In any comparison with Tunch, the other person/place/thing will come up short (and thin)
Please oh please let the implosion and self-immolation begin.
The one thing you have to remember is that it’s always win-win with wingers.
If Castle wins and is more electable then it shows that republicans are on the move. If O’Donnell wins and goes on to be ravaged in the general then they can gin up rage at establishment types for being insufficiently devoted to the cause and/or Democrats for “stealing” the election.
A world of shit is always ready for something to bloom.
@Little Boots:
That’s precisely why I’m not amused. Nothing from the last 16 months or so has shown me that anyone in the Democratic party is willing to do this. They’ve already accepted in their hearts and in their jellyspined souls that America hates them, and they should act accordingly by pandering to the right and fuck the left and the center.
Little Boots
You have a great point, but there is nothing inevitable about that.
Picture one of the pathetic modern Black Panthers winning a Democratic nomination. Now imagine you’re Karl Rove. That is where we are right now. Somebody has got to notice.
Allison W.
@Little Boots:
You know, Dems have been doing a pretty good job exposing the whackos like Angle. They are not afraid to go after her so why wouldn’t they go after O’Donnell? And right after the 2008 elections, they did not hesitate to make Rush the face of the Republican party. They can do it again.
Little Boots
@Allison W.:
Actually, just like that. That would be fine.
Not Really Michael Vick
It’s actually near-impossible to get elected if you don’t have an imaginary invisible friend.
Profitable, apparently
The Dangerman
Please oh please let the implosion and self-immolation begin.
Only problem I see is that these stupid fuckers have been brainwashed to believe that they are the real Americans and that people like Obama are living a Kenyan Dream or some such bullshit. Now, this wouldn’t be a huge problem, but these same stupid fuckers like to talk about “second amendment remedies”.
Fortunately, these stupid fuckers tend to be older and dieing off, or we could really be in some deep shit.
Prediction: Sarah Palin will get a ferocious primary battle for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012 by a candidate to the far right of her.
Beware of cheering for these crazies, people. Your theory that “the American voters will reject a candidate that insane” didn’t work in 1980, when Reagan swept the polls. And Reagan was as batshit insane as they come. This was a guy who thought the End Times were five years away. This is a man who believed that James Watt — a Christian fundamentalist dominionist who said we didn’t need to conserve national forests because Jesus would return before we’d used up our resources — would make a good Secretary of the Interior. Reagan was the president who timed his announcement of administration appointments according to the dictates of an astrologer.
Compared to Ronald Reagan, Christine O’Donnell is mild and centrist.
Lancelot Link
It’s pretty much impossible to get elected if you don’t have an invisible imaginary friend.
Comrade Luke
It kills me how the media bends over backward to point out which candidate has been back by Sarah Palin.
At least when they win.
I think the potential for violence with these fuckers comes when they lose in the general election.
That was what Angle was talking about when she suggested 2nd Amendment remedies.
Comrade Luke
I tend to agree that assuming these people winning a primary means an automatic win for Democrats in the general is misguided.
So I of course expect the DNC to assume just that.
I imagine it would be quite liberating.
Warren Terra
I’m actually a bit heartsick about all this. I’ve always been pretty much a liberal, but nonetheless I think it’s important for the country to have a sane, responsible, patriotic opposition – sure, one that seeks partisan advantage and capitalizes on every advantage to crucify the party in power, but one that has some ideas, some honesty, and genuinely loves the country. This band of glib ignorant nutters just don’t seem to qualify on any of those counts, not even the patriotism; all their pious mouthings to the contrary: if you’d rather wreck the country than work with an amenable administration to address an economic crisis, because the crisis is good for your electoral hopes, that’s hardly patriotic).
I don’t see how our two-arty system can work if one party has lost its goddamn mind. And that’s clearly the situation we’re in.
@Allison W.:
She lies all the time, unlike Angle.
I think the constant lying is going to be a big, big problem. It’s not like people just start doing that, at her age, where before they didn’t. It’s what she does, and she’ll do it again.
I am sick. Conservatives — the tea partiers with Ms. Sarah’s support — have now made the country a joke. We now support lying, cheating, uneducated, and crazy people to lead us. Pretty soon developing countries will be giving us aid and technical assistance — with well-designed workshops — on approaches to good governance.
Thanks to Delaware conservatives, we have openly embraced the values of ignorance and corruption as accepted values.
DOD and the State Department might as well shut down. Because no amount of military might or diplomatic savy can save us from our new impulses towards a village based mentality, where incompetence, corruption and ignorance have become our new “shining light.”
We are all villagers now.
Allison W.
Say what? I’m actually terrified that there might be someone to the right of Palin. She will do whatever it takes to win.
O’Donnell can certainly win. I don’t think her opponent thought he could actually compete in the general with Castle. It was a longshot candidacy. I’m not sure he has a campaign built for what is coming. O’Donnell on the other hand has national support from the freakshow and its corporate backers.
Little Boots
Make THEM a joke. It really is the only answer.
@mclaren: Palin won’t run for President. There’s not enough money in that.
Allison W.
Uhm, we have been presented with an opportunity to beat them back to their holes.
Good to see a certain E. Dowd is feeling better and looking on the bright side of things.
The Karma is turning up, presumably because he is thinking about posting some pet pics soon.
On other hand, Cole seems to believe that Tunch’s healthful slimming diet means that the cat is somehow no longer unimaginably ginormous, which may or may not be equivalent to believing that an invisible six foot rabbit is your guardian angel. I am honestly not sure about that.
Maybe Cole is ready to run for the Senate RIGHT NOW. Think about the next election cycle, Cole.
Little Boots
Can I just ask, do people seriously expect the American people to be high minded and wise? You been in this country long distance?
From mark “drudge rules my world” halperin:
Demint Attacked
Does this mean the’re gonna eat they’re own?
So, little Miss O’DiddleMe has won, the Canadian Secessionist candidate is leading Ayotte in New Hampshire, and Palladino is going to be put to the blade by Cuomo.
On the whole, if it’s better to be lucky than good, I’d say we are seeing a rather large amount of luck go our way. We might even end up with an official split between old-style Republicans and rightwing masturbation jihadists.
Comrade Luke
I agree with you, but I have to point out: we haven’t been doing too well with the ones that are currently “leading” us.
To me all it means is that we haven’t hit rock bottom yet, which is pretty terrifying in and of itself.
@Warren Terra:
Is it that dire? We’ll just have an ever-broader range of Democrats (eventually, when media give up this charade) and then the crazy fringe who used to be Republicans. Does the label matter that much? They’ll be plenty of ideological range, it’ll just be allocated a little differently.
Scamp Dog
@Warren Terra: Look, we do have a (mostly) sane, if spineless, conservative party in this country.
The problem is, we also have a radical, right-wing nationalist party with a taste for authoritarianism and theocracy, aka the Republicans. I would love it if we actually had a liberal party in this country, but for the time being, I’m voting with the Democrats. A bit conservative for my tastes, but that’s our two-party system for you.
BTW, the openly gay mayor of Providence won the race for Patrick Kennedy’s seat. His wiki profile makes him seem like a smart, competent, interesting dude.
They already are. The eaten have finally decided to fire back.Looks like we may get a full fledged intra-party war in the near future
Allison W.
People please refrain from conceding the general to the tea baggers! I know no one wants to get cocky and end up with egg on their faces, but to not put up a fight is even worse.
I see a lot of comments on the Internets about what the DNC needs to do, but I don’t see anything about what progressive groups are going to do? Seriously. Other than raising money what are progressive groups doing?
This is a serious question. I’m not asking to be insulting, but if so many of you think the Dem organizations are lacking….?
@Little Boots:
We passed the point where Democratic strategists would panic a long time ago when Rand Paul was nominated. What’s his liberal equivalent? Michael Moore? I mean, aside from the incalculable difference in gravitational pull.
General Stuck
Harvey Cole, vote for me. I ain’t no crazier than any other wabbit.
Bob Loblaw
@Allison W.:
Jim DeMint.
A DeMint-Palin throwdown in the SC primary would, without question, be the apotheosis of confederate insanity. And with nationwide unemployment still at 9% and a failed war in Afghanistan bleeding its way to the finish line, we might just see it.
It’s nice to see the country regress to the ’64-68 years again. So nice to see them twice.
@Allison W.:
Well, don’t forget the VP. This was Biden, yesterday:
Vice President Joe Biden invoked Delaware Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell when warning Philadelphia Democrats about the danger of Republicans recapturing control of Congress. Speaking at a fundraiser for Pennsylvania Democrat Joe Sestak, Biden referred to “the woman in Delaware, my home state, who’s giving a scare to Mike Castle” when expanding upon the positions taken by Tea Party-affiliated candidates.
“This is not your father’s Republican Party,” Biden said Monday night. “This is the Republican Tea Party — the party of repeal and repeat.”
I think they’re probably thrilled, Allison.
Nope. We’ll find a reason to nuke everybody first.
John Bird
@Allison W.:
Wait a second – what do you mean? How could (the huge and growing number of) progressive organizations fulfill the role of the DNC? Progressive organizations are not political parties. What they can do, and do, is lobby, raise money (!), direct attention to issues that are otherwise ignored like DADT and marijuana laws, and support progressive candidates.
General Stuck
Am always ready for a reason to link this tune,
And it goes out to all the new tea party candidates who hope to lead us all to the land of milk and horny.
Especially, you Christine, ya big virgin senator wannabe.
John Bird
The left-wing equivalent to Rand Paul is Bob Avakian.
@MattR: I really hope you’re right, an intra-party war would be a good thing for the party and for the country.
OK so looking at 538’s Senate probables, what are the odds that America could go anti-crazy in a couple months if things come to a head and vote against O’Donnell (DE), Lamontagne (NH), Paul (KY), Miller (AK; if Murkowski goes write-in and AK votes against in-fighting), Angle (NV), and Rubio (FL; Crist caucuses D). If Dems then hold on to PA, CO, WA, and IL, that’s 60 seats according to 538.
Of course, even in this fantasy world, the Nelsons and Liebermans of the world will ensure that nothing gets accomplished.
@Zach: If we can’t get to 63-64 Democrats, I think I would prefer having only 58 . Either way Dems wont be able to break a filibuster due to the jackasses you mention so might as well keep the expectations realistic.
wasn’t it in the last 16 months that Dems won ALL the special elections for House of Reps? A couple were aided by the teaparty screwing up easy wins for the GOP.
Seems like it might be the actual impact of the teaparty.
Didn’t various GOP officers in Delaware already promise to oppose McDonell if she won?
Sure looks like GOP civil war.
“The Party Of Harvey” does have a certain ring to it.
@Warren Terra:
Having the Republicans nominate lunatics who lose badly is actually the best way of bringing the party back to the land of the sane.
El Cid
@John Bird: Chairman Bob would have a bit more trouble with fundraising.
So did Sarah Palin’s, before John McCain inflicted her on the country and we all got to see what she was really like.