How creative. A float in a parade with Obama whipping a white taxpayer with a riding crop:
Time for another Reason magazine post explaining that really, opposition to Obama’s policies are rooted in a desire for limited government, and not, as it openly appears, racial resentment and the desire to stoke racial fears for political gains (which David Frum has quite clearly figured out).
New Yorker
C’mon, don’t you know that David Frum is a RINO these days?
On that note, I’ve often thought of what a reasonable, sane right (one with which you could debate and compromise on policy questions) would look like in this country, and it has Sully in the center, Bruce Bartlett on the not-too-far right, and Frum on the far right. How insane is it that Frum is too much of a “leftist” for the GOP these days?
carlos the dwarf
is that guy in BLACKFACE?!?!?!
Roger Moore
Of course it was a white taxpayer he was whipping, for exactly the same reasons all the fat cats in the wagon were white: they only had one black person in the group, and he had to stand in for the President.
licensed to kill time
Wow. I’m speechless.
Ash Can
Is this part of the Tea Party’s minority outreach program?
There is nothing more pathetic than listening to Teabaggers whine about being labeled “racist.” They turn it around into a pretzel trying to convince people that calling out their naked, obvious racism is itself racist.
They must have been taught this rhetorical trick by Karl Rove. But it isn’t working. They don’t have the sense to stop doing explicitly racist things. On camera. Proudly.
You know, I really have to say that I didn’t think electing a black president would have driven this many people this batshit fucking crazy.
Just imagine if he’d been declared president by some judicial body like, I don’t know, the Supreme Court?
@Roger Moore:
Look closer – it’s a white guy in a mask. Does that count as “blackface”? I’m not sure, but even if it doesn’t everything else that’s wrong about it stands on its own.
@Ash Can:
Feel that Diversi-Tea Baby! Woo-hoo!
Linda Featheringill
I watched the video. I read the signs.
I also got the message. It wasn’t about taxes.
Actually, it wasn’t about reparations, either, in spite of what some folks say. It was about retribution.
May the good Lord give them everything they deserve.
[why do I feel dirty?]
General Stuck
We need a happy ending for poor downtrodden white wingnuts under lash of the Kenyan Massa.
Please send entries to Fox News.
mmmm. Question of the day. Resign from human race or merely ‘merca? wanders off pondering and waving sharp objects at wrist. Note to self, cut longitudinally, not laterally.
Midnight Marauder
I would like to take a trip to the world you live in. Sounds like it’s a mighty fine place to set up shop.
Didn’t Homer Simpson already do this as a homecoming float” …while drunk ..and stupid.
The last two years have been the start of the “Great Losing of the Shit.”
It’s to bad we can’t securitize this madness and sell it to foreign investors.
Linda Featheringill
Definitely a mask. No change in expression at all.
outraged and speechless.
New Yorker
I remember the 90s pretty well. If they went batshit over a centrist Democrat good ol’ boy from Arkansas, I figured the insanity would be several orders of magnitude higher for a black man from Chicago, regardless of his politics.
Free dog whistles for everybody, hot dogs for the kidz!
Dude, I ain’t watching. It’s too damn early and booze is not allowed on my diet. Plus, the nearest wingnut is an olds with a nice wife and I liker her too much to just go on over and punch him.
I wash born here, an I wash raished here, and dad gum it, I am gonna die here, an no sidewindin’ bushwackin’, hornswagglin’ cracker croaker is gonna rouin me bishen cutter.
I like the way they move towards leaving no room for debate.
Of course, you have to be completely and utterly clueless to get there, but I think they are up for it!
but, they’re not racist..nooo..
it’s all in the imagination.
@New Yorker:
I agree. I figured they’d go nuts.
Where I am just a wee bit surprised is how openly racist they’re willing to be.
But only a little bit. I remember the Obama sock monkey dolls and other wingnut paraphernalia during the race for the office, so only a little bit.
And to be fair, the idea that I’d see a parade where a white dude dresses like a black man and pretends to whip another white dude …. that is just so far beyond “openly racist” and into “OMFG” territory that I have to admit it surprises.
There was a whole series of Superman radio shows making fun of the Klan with attitudes like that. It was a huge success, kids suddenly saw the outdated racist organization as exactly that.. a joke.
Now, this event, will certainly be made fun of in various circles (Stewart, Colbert, ect…) but it probably won’t hit much of the “Late Nite” circuit.
Even if it id, even this became a national joke on the scale of “Balloon Boy’s Dad” there would still be a core circle of Tea-Partiers that would hold up that ridicule of thier stupidity like a badge of honor.
We should start a betting pool on how long before Palin calls out the critics of this float as “trampling on the 1st Amendment Rights of Real Americans”
The sad thing is that most of them sincerely don’t think they are racist at all. To them, racism is people like the KKK openly advocating racial superiority. And since they don’t want to talk about race openly at all, everything they do by their own definition isn’t racist.
@DonkeyKong: Donkey Kong Johnson is right!
Apparently someone saw the last panel of R. Crumb’s “When The Niggers Take Over America!” and didn’t get the irony.
And who could argue with that!
Actually, I am only surprised that they didn’t have the black guy saying, ” Where the white women at?”
It’s the Right Wing Echo Chamber. I’m *enthralled*. By only listening to each other, they’ve let all of the loonies out of their bins and convinced them they can say whatever they want in public and it’s cool.
Please let this mean the GOP takes it in the teeth in November. Or at least the Tea Party candidates get their butts soundly whipped by a man in a blackface mask. I’ve always known how horrible sections of the human race can be, but I’d like to think there’s a nice majority who are, you know, reasonable and just a little ignorant. I am firmly trying to believe they’ll see stuff like this and recoil in disgust.
Alice Blue
Apart from everything else, that’s got to be the most lame ass parade I’ve ever seen.
Blotto von Bismarck
The ‘baggers need to create a contraption which displays the legend of Ixion. They could have a ‘bagger chained up to a rotating wheel, and then someone dressed up as Sarah Palin could play the lyre every once in a while to stop the spinning of the wheel. Maybe the contraption can include an occasional waterboarding, as well.
At least with this contraption, the ‘baggers would piss people off using methods other than racism and idiocy.
Blotto von Bismarck
I forgot to add something: the waterboarding would have to happen during the playing of the lyre, as waterboarding isn’t torture.
@NonyNony: I agree with you completely. It’s like Obama’s election gave all of these people the green light to be as racist as they want to be. I’ve been completely shocked at the racist text message forwards that my fiance gets, from people that I never would have expected it from.
Long time reader, first time commenter. I happen to live about 70 miles away from where this parade was in Central Washington, and I am flat out embarassed for the blantant racism this group has displayed.
The groups apparent leader, Kirk Groenig, is heavily involved in my county’s Republican party and constantly submits letters to our local paper that touch on just about every Teatard memo that has come out.
Unfortunately, this part of Washington is more red than the red delicious apples it is known for.
I posted this at W.E.E. See You:
“Tea Party Float Depicts Obama Whipping A White ‘Future Tax Payer’ Pulling A Wagon”
-But…but…the teabaggers say it’s not about race!
Would it have killed them to find some blue hair to put on a Pelosi mask to do the whipping? Maybe they thought that would be too sexist? or ageist? or unracist?
There are no cats in America, and the streets are paved with cheese.
Do you remember Peak Wingnut?
Sigh… That was the good old days….
Obviously, they’re attempting to appeal to the young people of America.
Through racism!
El Cid
Wait — why is it so damned “racist” to point out Obama’s a n***** that we white people hate? Since when was that “racist”?
Dr. Psycho
I don’t ever again want to see a parade where a white guy in a mask whips a skinny little white twink unless it’s in a Pride parade!
Since any and every criticism about Barry is racist…if this is a criticism then it’s racist.
But as someone said..the race card is max’d out, it’s been played for so long that who gives a crude anymore.
Everyone should just make a racist statement everyday and be done with it, you are going to be called a racist anyway, get your money’s worth.
New Yorker
How insane is it that you can live in an open sewer and think you’re in paradise? Frum has gone haywire to the left and like Charlie Crist, got tossed out of the GOP for being an opportunistic dick-breath, just like EVERY SINGLE DEMONRAT pol and every other NYC denizen.
I wonder how many of our 4000 military people killed in Iraq would gladly trade places with one of these poor abused taxpayers. Paying taxes seems like a pretty good deal compared to dieing in a meaningless war.
Death Panel Truck
Naches is a small town about a dozen miles north of Yakima. Yakima is a wingnut’s paradise. I should know. i lived there for seven years, and grew up in the lower Yakima Valley. I now live in Pasco, which isn’t any better.
I’m just glad our children were here to witness this demonstration of pure frontier gibberish. [Bell rings] The
sheriffPresident’s a n…..!” Seriously, how many videos, how many stories have to run before people admit that these yahoos are a bunch of ignorant bigots? I shudder to think of this kind of idiot being elected to govern the rest of us. Come to think of it…carry on, nothing new here.