Expect to hear this a lot on the intertubes the next month, obviously.
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by DougJ| 92 Comments
This post is in: Politics
Expect to hear this a lot on the intertubes the next month, obviously.
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I’m sorry, that song sucked.
I think it’s pretty catchy.
This one isn’t much better, but I offer it for your consideration nonetheless.
@DougJ: Catchy /= good. YMMV.
I think it’s pretty catchy too. crazy times when our national political discourse is dominated by masturbat1on. Well … more so than usual.
Why Can’t I Touch It is a good song, though. There’s some other Buzzcock song I like as well.
@DougJ: Oh yes, quite. There are few great Buzzcocks songs, I just don’t think that “Orgasm Addict” is one of them.
General Stuck
My favorite tune of the 80’s, or early 90’s maybe with this one. Don’t worry about the words, it’s all about the pictures, and the beat, as it were.
My second favorite 80’s tune is this one that may be applicable to miss purity pants.
Last night I posted a link to PJ Harvey’s Rub til it bleeds. Which seems appropriate.
I don’t know if you were up last night, but I posted in one of the OT’s, Cracked 15 best songs about self-love.
Not to be pedantic, but I believe that “Christine Fucking O’Donnell” is truly an oxymoron. And a moron.
Chris G.
Have I mentioned that it would be awful for people to join her Facebook page and then post this and similar videos to her wall, the way people did to DeMint with “Waterloo” after health care reform passed?
How about the end of Sexual Healing?
mr. whipple
@freelancer: From the link:
Pictures of Lily made my life so wonderful.
Pictures of Lily helped me sleep at night.
Pictures of Lily solved my childhood problems.
Pictures of Lily helped me feel alright.
Ew. Woof.
You’re on fire tonight. Post title FTW.
Comrade Mary
@freelancer: They put Pump It Up in first place, but I prefer Mystery Dance.
Base sexual footnote: the song is from his first album, with the American band Clover backing him up, which later turned into Huey Lewis and the News, who were no great shakes musically, but word is that Mr. Lewis was seriously packing.
O’Donnell did not adequately explain why masturbation is so evil. She didn’t even bother claiming it makes one go blind or any of that other good stuff. She kind of went from “lust is God-given” to “If he jerks off he’s not really that into me” to “young people should not masturbate”. Her argument was not a convincing one.
El Cid
How soon will the Christine O’Donner Party Sexual Escapades show be revealed?
’cause it makes God angry?
You know who ELSE thinks masturbation is adultery–or the equivalent thereof, especially regarding internet porns?
Dr. Phil…
Omnes Omnibus
@Chris G.: That would be awful and you would be a bad person if you were to suggest it which you didn’t so that’s okay.
She bops! She bops!
Actually, thanks to my early immersion in Southern Baptist culture, I coulda been a Tea Party grifter contender.
But this was not a major my college offered, and I was distracted by the study hall/orgy rooms thing. Dang.
@Chris G.: That would be mean and horrible. I hope none of you would consider doing such a mean, horrible and sinful thing. Let us pray.
@freelancer: I can’t believe they left out Rosie – by Jackson Browne! Great song.
Edit: I’m afraid to ggogle it myself for obvious reasons, but I wonder if her name is now one of the top hits for masturbation.
@beltane: Because unless pleasure comes directly from God, or is explicitly sanctioned by Him, then it is evil. That the Bible specifically said that God said what he created was good is beside the point. It’s the fundie mindset.
@beltane: She must have forgotten to mention King Onan in the Old Testament, who was turned into a pillar of salt or some such shit for ‘spilling his seed on the ground’.
An abomination in the eyes of the Lord, and every two-bit preacher shearing the sheep.
Davis X. Machina
I’d like to laugh, but I’m still hurt from being manipulated and condescended to.
Maybe tomorrow.
Really? A Christian idiot’s apologetics to guilt-driven dogma wasn’t convincing? I’m shocked. Utterly (great, now I said “utter” and it made me think “udder” and now I’m thinking about tits. Then again, it’s been about 20 minutes since I thought about tits so I was about due anyways)
Honey, let me introduce you
To my Redneck Friend
O’Donnell makes me think of Cyndi Lauper’s She Bop.
And Turning Japanese.
I went blind in one eye a couple months ago, now when ever someone asks why I tell them it was from the self love.
@valdivia: But an angry God should do something, like make the offending male’s pee-pee fall off when touched. O’Donnell seems offended that human imagination has any role in sexuality. Even music and candles are probably wrong to her. Fifty years ago she would have been called a bitter old spinster, now they call her hot. How strange.
When I was doing mornings at KCOU, the PD let me know in no uncertain terms that he did not like having his alarm clock go off at 6:30 every morning with Orgasm Addict playing. Of course once I knew what time his alarm was set for, I followed orders and always managed to find something really obnoxious.
C Nelson Reilly
Harry Palms, white courtesy phone…
Omnes Omnibus
@Davis X. Machina: The comments… the emo… the pain…
yeah eh? Wonder what Freud would make of it!
Mark S.
This is an open thread, right?
Where the hell is Big Ben? And if anybody paid attention to boxing anymore, Floyd Mayweather would be on that list.
I’m also sure it’s just a coincidence that the top six are all black. We’re a post-racial society after all.
@beltane: Speaking of hot, I keep wondering if Palin will resent a new woman cutting into this whole starbursts thing she seems to have going on… (though personally I don’t see it with either one of them)
Mike in NC
Who’ll be the first “journalist” to have a breathless, fawning one-on-one interview with Christine O’Donnell: Kelly O’Donnell or Norah O’Donnell? They both lean wingnut.
I liked the twitter comment I saw that Pee-wee Herman is not welcome in DE theaters anymore.
From the old school: Clarence Carter, “Strokin’.”
(Because the truly old-school would never admit to not having a partner available.)
The Genitorturers cover is better, IMO.
As Jimmy Buffett sang:
They say you are a snow queen
Honey I don’t think that’s true
So, why don’t we get drunk and screw
@Mike in NC: What I’m waiting for is Maureen Dowd’s reaction. One never knows with MoDo. She could either wistfully reflect on her own lost purity or she could offer Ms. O’Donnell advice on adult toys.
DougJ, Im really happy for you… And I’mma let you finish your song, but Christina O’Donnell and Sarah Palin are the hottest Mama Grizzlies OFF ALL TIMES and they’re not gonna be distracted with masturbation from their mission of taking their country back.
How about Billy Squier – The Stroke.
Chris G.
@Omnes Omnibus, @beltane: Whew! Good thing I didn’t suggest it, then!
@Davis X. Machina: Please make it stop. Even Atrios is happy. Why don’t these people join up with the teabaggers like they promised.
Omnes Omnibus
I think you mean taking their cuntry back from MassTARPation.
What about that song by the Yeastie Girls (I wish I was making that up)? Isn’t it called “Go down”, or some such shizzle?
Omnes Omnibus
@beltane: She could actually do both in the same column.
OMG haven’t thought of that song in ages. And must confess that when I was a teenager I had no clue it was about self love!
@valdivia: Sometimes a cigar is a just a cigar.
(1976 SNL skit with Freud and his daughter.)
She needs a copy of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Chris G.
@morzer: The lyric is “snuff queen,” which is an old term for prostitute.
@Anya: O’Donnell is younger, prettier, and possibly crazier than Palin. And she figured out the perpetual campaign gravy train before Palin did and has been willing to appear on less than perfectly friendly media platforms. This, this could be interesting to watch unfold.
Omnes Omnibus
Some good Buzzcocks here.
No list would be complete without Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Rattlesnake Shake’ from the Then Play On lp.
I gotta friend, his name is Nick.
He don’t care if he ain’t got no chick.
(this is not Stevie Nick’s Fleetwood Mac).
Zuzu's Petals
My vote: Bernadette Peters’ “Making Love Alone.”
I remember her singing it on SNL all those years ago.
HotWeird robot masturbation is okay, right?Anya
@Chris G.: She’s not that much younger, she’s 41. But she is more articulate and I think smarter. I watched the videos of her appearance at Politically incorrect that TPM posted and she can articulate her nonsense. And she does not seem to have Palin’s persecuted mentality. I think she is actually more dangerous of the two.
Anne Laurie
I’m guessing Peggy Noonan will be the… erm… motherlode of insane punditry here. She’s been outed (during Palin’s original coronation as Queen Pitbull) as regarding the Repubs’ whole suck-up-to-the-teabaggers kabuki as a con and a distraction. But O’Donnell’s so Reaganesquely “pure” and “uncomplicated” that she must make Noonan’s, um, political instincts tingle…
@Chris G.:
Which lyric?
62 comments and this Vapors classic isn’t mentioned?
Well, you’re only off by 34 comments. That’s well within one McArdle unit of error.
@Steeplejack: Hey, it’s links or GTFO!
@Steeplejack: You know you’ve made a big fucking mistake when they break out the McArdle units…
mr. whipple
I don’t believe it. I’m gonna put this on the calendar.
And I’ll further add to the conversation thusly
That’s winter rules. Besides, Danimal said “mentioned.”
@mr. whipple:
Even I’m happy. Worked the early shift today and don’t have to go back until 3:00 tomorrow, so I’ve got a little midweek mini-weekend thing going on. And the Rays just beat the Yankees and went up ½ game in the AL East. Soriano struck out A-Rod on three pitches to end the game. Sweet. FTFY.
@Anne Laurie:
Dunno about Noobrain, but I think MoDo might be uncharacteristically kind to the young virgin. A 41 year old woman who has never had sex at all is arguably even more pathetic than MoDo herself, thereby potentially making MoDo look, by comparison, like something of an erstwhile woman of the world, instead of the horny old has-been she actually is.
Chris G.
@morzer: In the Jimmy Buffett song — it’s “snuff queen,” not “snow queen.”
@valdivia: Except it isn’t. “The Stroke” is about music biz bullshitters.
In a related note, this feeding frenzy among the wingnut welfare recipients reminds me of The Lady From Shanghai.
Human Sexual Response
is always good when you are talking masturbation
@eemom: Well, she isn’t a virgin. She slept around in college, then, um, came to Jeebus sometime during senior year.
But still: She hasn’t gotten any in 20 years, but she doesn’t believe in masturbation. Ooookay.
I’d stay at least 10 yards from her at all times. One of these days, she’s gonna blow up real good!
Odie Hugh Manatee
Excellent choice! It combines what the Teatards get when they are riled up (TheVapors), what they obsess about (mast’e’rbation) (FYWP!), and non-whites (Turning Japanese) who we beat in a game of War.
O’Diddily is nice enough looking but not my type, she’s a bit too Pontiac-looking for my taste.
Jay in Oregon
Let’s see who else besides me remembers this one:
@Zuzu’s Petals: Go Bernadette! I’ve always been a fan of hers. She’s one of the loveliest people around.
I suggest Fuck the Pain Away by Peaches
I knew a girl named Nikki …
Omnes Omnibus
@mcd410x: That song is a damn earworm. I have it running through my head… Darn you to heck.
Omnes Omnibus
@mcd410x: That song is a damn earworm. I have it running through my head… Darn you to heck.
This many comments and no “Darling Nikki”?
I guess Prince really is the forgotten man.
Beat you to it with comment #80.
Dude, by 3 minutes. Since I provided a video and you didn’t, that’s a tie.
@Mnemosyne: Sounds good to me. A tie it is!
Zuzu's Petals
I wish they showed the clip of her singing it. Classic.
Was sitting in the taproom here in Philly when a local news channel did a segment on Ms. O’Donnell. I must have had way too much to drink beforehand, ’cause my first thought upon hearing her speak was “Jeez, I didn’t know Marie Osmond huffed paint thinner.”
Remember November
RT the #ODiddler hashtag on twitter, courtesy yours truly and @LasVegasJessica
also, too:
Oho, two more:
Crispin Glover–Automanipulator
The Foremen–Firing the Surgeon General
Well, she /is/ kind of hot. I’d hit it. Once.
But as my dad said: “don’t fuck the crazy”, or words to that effect. Paying attention to that advice may have saved me from a bad marriage.
jake the snake
Am I the first to say it? Christine O’Donnell: the anti-wanking wanker.