J D, JohnDowell, or Philospher1967, whatever the hell you go by, stop spamming me. I don’t need your damned links to random tweets from people I don’t give a shit about, and I already read the Daily Kos, so I don’t need those links, either.
And it would be nice if you would check your email, or do you only spam people from those addresses?
Mary G
Perhaps more pet pics would distract him.
Don’t feed the troll!
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
I hate that shit! It just makes me totally crazy when people do that!
Thank God I’m a nobody and don’t have to deal with that.
wasabi gasp
To yelp out “Stop spamming me, motherfuckers!” will be Jesus’ reason for pitstopping back onto this hairy scary testicle of a planet.
Also, “You’re fucking nuts.”
Warren Terra
It occurs to me that Cole, as the site proprietor, has the email addresses we use to comment and could (assuming they’re all real) use them to sp@m us. So maybe we better play a bit nice.
Remind me why I don’t publish my real contact information on the internet?
Oh, right, this. I get spammed enough from my mom.
@Warren Terra: Mine relays to jcole at something-or-other, with a cc to sign up for a free investor kit from goldline.com and a subscription request to the Glenn Beck 9/12 mailing list.
Bring it.
@soonergrunt: I hate to ask you how you’re doing in a thread just tagged with “assholes”, but until now I have only seen your comments long after you posted them. So forgive me for being OT, but now that you’ve been home a few days, how is your recovery going?
Oh geez, I guess I’ll have to cancel my plans to email you my entire collection of live polka links on the net, each on it’s single email!
I love crazy unemployed political nutcases. There were more than a few Hillary-obsessed ones that I encountered during the election. They definitely had delusions of grandeur and at the same time were hilariously/depressingly paranoid about people conspiring against them.
this is where hiring a Hollywood private eye who looks like John Hamm makes a lot of sense: have Detective Ray Steel (Hamm) hunt this evil spammer (Jeff Fahey) across the Intertubes, culminating in a graphic shootout in the halls of Google’s headquarters. Co-starring Kelly Brook as intrepid FBI agent Josie Wales and Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Cole.
Watergirl, I’m not soonergrunt, but I did have my chest cracked open last December for a triple bypass.
If he had his chest cracked open at the sternum and spread apart, your basically in a good deal of pain for the first two weeks until it slacks some. But you gotta be careful moving and under no circumstances do you want to cough, sneeze or hiccup. Those three things will bring you to your knees with pain. Opiates are definitely your friend during this period. The more the better. Sleep is your friend in healing.
at the one month point, i was doing a lot better, but still in pain and coughing hurt like thunder.
At eight weeks, i was doing pretty good. Not full strength, but close.
If he had the minimally invasive valve repair/replacement, I hear the recovery is much quicker.
Bottom line–avoid any sort of heart problems you can. Getting your chest ripped open sucks big old schwetty balls, but it beats the alternative.
This calls for the Banhammer.
Hell yeah!
I know there are many fellow academics on this site – My frigging school account has over 3000 messages just from the last year – students who are to damn lazy to come to office hours (Did I miss anything important in class yesterday? Can you email it to me?) The endless damn threads from department heads and colleagues, where if they would get us in the hall for three minutes, or wait till the goddamn department meeting, we could figure the problem out in 3 minutes, crap from admin, crap from support services, etc. etc. I fuggin HATE email sometimes.
It’s “goddammit” goddammit!
Byfuglien (pronounced Bufflin)
@Martin: I get spammed by your mom, too.
@WyldPirate: Thank you for all the info. Also glad you made it through the experience!
Carl Nyberg
I’ve gotten spammed by political activists of various persuasions who think they are doing God’s work to send me their pet issues.
It’s rude. And one guy got quite indignant when I asked to be removed from his email list.
People with low social skills who fancy themselves mid-level activists in some political movement.
Death Panel Truck
Glad I’m not the only one who’s goddamned annoyed that John Cole can’t spell goddamnit right.
Oh, and it’s “cannot,” not “can not.” That one annoys me, too.