The best thing about the Family Research Council production “Christmas With A Capital C” is that the Baldwin brother in it isn’t the Jesus freak Stephen, but Daniel, the one from “Homicide” who later went on to star in VH-1’s “Celebrity Fit Club”.
(Hat tips all around.)
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Is the Christmas movie showing on the RightNetwork? Because I only watch the RightNetwork.
uh-oh. More jamming of stuff down throats.
“There’s a WAR ON CHRISTMAS! [sob] There’s a War on Christmas!“
Ted McGinley? Does this mean the War on Christmas has officially jumped the shark?
Please tell me this is satire.
Bubblegum Tate
Jefferson Darcy!
Ash Can
Don’t these yahoos have anything better to do? Like, clean their rooms and get their toys off the floor before they get stepped on?
Bob L
Yes, ON NOZ us unbelievers (as in secrete Muslims) are coming for the mid winter solstice festival that the Christians had stolen from the pagans. To think merely 150 years ago Christmas wasn’t even considered a Christian holiday by most Christian because of all the rioting and mayhem that went with it.
But here is a little factoid. Last Sat was Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement. Oddly this atoning is done here in the fall and not in the spring during passover like the Christians maintain. I guess the Jews just got their own religion wrong.
licensed to kill time
That movie looks Craptastic with a capital C.
Cat Lady
Daniel Baldwin? What, they couldn’t get Randy Quaid?
Ted McGinley is no longer satisfied killing TV series. He’s stepped up to killing whole religions.
Ash Can
Seriously? There are Christians who think this? Hoo boy. That’s a new one on me, but I certainly wouldn’t put it past a lot of these geniuses.
John Cole
Marcy is totally going to kick Jefferson’ ass.
@Cat Lady:
Sadly, no.
@John Cole:
I’ll put money on the lesbian every time.
Wait, is the war in Christmas really beginning so soon? I mean, I’ve barely finished with my September “back to school” shopping and you’re telling me the war on Christmas stuff is already in the stores? What happened to the war on Halloween and the war on Thanksgiving? I don’t have my stuff ready.
wasabi gasp
It’s just like that story when a few wise guys brought baby jesus rotten tomatoes.
Dear Christian Right: It was way funnier when South Park did it, long before you.
(Of course, they spent just as much time mocking the fundies, so you probably didn’t dig that part.)
@Cat Lady: ?! I love Randy Quaid.
thomas Levenson
Personally, I’ve always liked the amount of paganism “Christians” seem to swallow whole (no cramming) in so much of the
Winter SolsticeChristmas season.Tancrudo
Looks like a great flick. I want to watch it and see the climax when Mitch Bright wins and is hoisted on the shoulders of all the Jews, Muslims, Buddhist, and Hindus he’s standing up for.
Presumably they told Daniel Baldwin there would be plenty of white powdery stuff on set and he agreed right away.
HE Pennypacker, Wealthy Industrialist
I remember when the War on Christmas meant sitting with family around the War on Christmas tree, sipping hot cider, and hating atheists, muslims, and jews. Now they’ve gone and made it all commercialized!
Michael Scott
This gives me an idea:
I’m hoping their disappointment at the upcoming election results in November will prompt the wingnuts to migrate out of politics and into something they’re more attuned to: Movies.
Hell, they live in a fantasy world, as it is . . .
What. The. Fuck.? Real? Satire? NOT FUNNY! Aaaargh!
@aimai: Snort. Thanks for the much-needed laugh. I usually just quietly ignore Christmas as much as I can, but that may change this year.
Christians wage war on Halloween…it is the devils holiday or some such bullshit