The next generation of conservatives is just as stupid as the current one:
A conservative activist known for making undercover videos plotted to embarrass a CNN correspondent by recording a meeting on hidden cameras aboard a floating “palace of pleasure” and making sexually suggestive comments, e-mails and a planning document show.
James O’Keefe, best known for hitting the community organizing group ACORN with an undercover video sting, hoped to get CNN Investigative Correspondent Abbie Boudreau onto a boat filled with sexually explicit props and then record the session, those documents show.
The plan apparently was thwarted after Boudreau was warned minutes before it was supposed to happen.
“I never intended to become part of the story,” Boudreau said. “But things suddenly took a very strange turn.”
I got nothing to say other than TBOGG’s tag for this is genius.
I’m not sure even a tub of roofies would be enough to get his cherry popped.
Joseph Nobles
You got scooped by your front-pagers again, John. You’re going to love this blog when you read it. :D
I would have paid good money to see the look on the Abbie’s face as this plot was being described to her. Kudos if she managed to avoid laughing hysterically.
Yeah, a tub of roofies and paper bag for his head. Pathetic.
But of course, at least he’s not (OMG) a HOMOSEXUAL.
I wish these guys would just go far away.
The operation??? Who do these morans think they are, right-wing James Bonds?
I look forward to the day they get in seriously over their heads. Would there be any way to get someone to give them the idea to run their next ‘operation’ in rural Afghanistan or Somalia or Iraq or Pakistan?
Those of you old enough to remember… was the New Left in the 1960s, this pathetically childish and stupid?
The Dangerman
If I were that reporters husband/boyfriend (assuming she swings that way) or brother, I’d give that little shit a beatdown he’d never forget. And, just for kicks, videotape it.
Pretty pathetic when he’s trying to make his own porn movie without the consent of the other party.
Who would even consider dating this guy now knowing what he does without telling the other people involved. One bad breakup and there would be doctored videos of you all over the internet. The guy’s a creep and a loser.
I see this guy on the early stages of a ballistic flame-out arc. In two years, he’s going down hard in a blaze of fail and oxycontin with a hard crash involving either jail time or a shotgun under his chin.
@The Dangerman: Well, like a few people said on the other thread, how did this silly douchebag think that this plan would reflect badly on anybody but him? I mean, did he GENUINELY think that he would be able to seduce Boudreau? A weasel like him?
@RedKitten: He’s a pimp that took down ACORN. He’s got kung-fu.
So, how does this guy ever get a real date? Can you imagine being asked out on a date by this fuckstain, not knowing if it was legit, a setup to be audio recorded, video recorded, both, both plus photoshopped and doctored, etc?
Really, what woman (man?) would dare trust this guy, even some something seemingly platonic?
@Punchy: hmm… I wonder if he has a profile on some right-wing version of Sure would be awesome to ‘punk’ him on a date…
Actually, I don’t think he ever gets a date. I think he’s resigned himself to being an eternal Lonely Guy, and he’s turned that frustration and anger and pent-up desires into his right-wing activism.
It neatly explains the raging misogyny exemplified by this absurd ‘stunt’/’operation’. In one shot, he takes out his anger against ‘the Left-Wing media’ as well as all the women who’ve rejected him in his life.
@r€nato: I suspect elements of it were, but those elements were quietly told ot grow up or go home.
I imagine O’Keefe will be given a segment on Fox and Friends to explain “his side” of things and be allowed to point out how “mean” CNN is being about all this (because it’s their fault or something)
But… what could go wrong? There’s a planning document. All the known unknowns have been listed, designated, and dealt with.
The Dangerman
Well, like a few people said on the other thread, how did this silly douchebag think that this plan would reflect badly on anybody but him.
No idea other than he’s proven adept at editing videos to get his “message” across. I don’t know how he would get beyond the fact that CNN would probably be filming, too, but I’m sure these “brilliant” little shits had some plan for that possibility.
Yes, they were. But they did it with irony which shows that they at least understood what a joke they were.
I don’t understand why this was supposed to embarrass CNN. Was the idea that if she didn’t visibly react it would prove that CNN didn’t disapprove of, um, dildos, or something? I can’t figure out the connection between the “operation” and what it would prove about the media.
El Tiburon
At this rate O’Keefe will have his own show on CNN.
Southern Beale
Ha! I like Tbogg’s tag, except Abbie Boudreau would never touch a dweeb like James O’Keefe not with a ten foot pole not ever. Not if he HAD a ten foot pole.
I personally liked my tag, but then I’m biased.
This is just the weirdest thing ever. I mean, WTF? How old is this guy? 12?
Vote for your favorite title now
I would have included Hamsher’s take on O’Keefe but she has bigger fish to fry.
@geg6: They also were actually fighting for something meaningful and good: An end to pointless wars. Civil rights with teeth. A cleaner environment, better working conditions, and a social safety net.
What’s O’Keefe fighting for?
Sad to say, this happened in my neck of the woods. And while the odds are good that illegal activities happened (who had the prescription for those little blue pills anyway?) or would have happened (illegal recording), nothing will come of it. The Calvert County prosecutor, Laura Martin, is a Republican, as is the elected Sheriff, Mike Evans.
And if anyone thinks this’ll get local traction in an election year, sadly, no. Nobody in this county would give a shit, even if it got any local press, which I would bet good money on not happening.
Besides, this is a county that went for McCain in ’08, and it seems to me those folks down in Lusby are a tad redder than average. Still, I’d like to know which locals supported this operation. I might have to go undercover ….
Southern Beale
Just part of the caper. I’ve got a couple of videos up at my place, part of the deal was to set up CNN with a fake story, possibly about Sarah Palin, and then tip off Fox News that the story was fake. To “undercut CNN’s credibility.”
And then I guess this was the second half, once CNN’s credibility was undercut this would I guess embarrass their journalists even further. You know they’d have doctored any video footage, cut in fake footage, etc. So …
@FlipYrWhig: You have to keep in mind the final plan was to edit this, heavily. Like the ACRON videos.
There’d be the intro. Then some CNN clips out of context. And some clips of her saying “Is this a gag” a closeup of O’Keefe’s girl friend in a ball gag and leather. A shot of O’keefe doing a leering pose. Then more clips, suggesting quotes and sexy sexy women.
Zero content, lotsa fluff and tons and tons of innuendo.
In otherwods. Fox Media Gold!
Corner Stone
He knows precisely where the sex would take place?
In the area around the couch and bed and east, west, south and north somewhat.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: That was an unknown unknown.
Southern Beale
This, following the setting up of CNN with a phony Sarah Palin story, was to be a double-knock on their credibility.
Hilarity would ensue.
Except, you know, not.
Right — good point. He would have edited the living hell out of this.
Fucking sleazebag. I mean, when you’re aspiring to be a second-rate version of Joe Fucking Francis, you know you’re a loser of epic scale.
Joseph Nobles
@FlipYrWhig: I think the idea was that Boudreau would take back some choice quotes and descriptions (preferably the ones O’Keefe had already scripted) and use them to paint O’Keefe as a sick creep in the documentary CNN was doing about the new brand of right activists. Maybe O’Keefe would have let her film a little bit of the boat in a playful way and then let her take the tape back after promising not to use it against him. O’Keefe would then expose the disclaimer message and the planning documents, showing it was an elaborate stunt that CNN fell for.
‘Hoist on his own retard’.
Bible Spice will be up in arms over that one. We’ll soon be able to read the facebook meltdown….3 – 2 – 1
I think this fucking idiot may have been treading on real serious criminal ground here. The luring of a female reporter to his place under false pretenses gets added to the handcuffs, blindfold and condoms.
The police really should have been called, although the reporter understandable wanted to get the fuck away from this acne scarred pervert.
John S.
Seriously, has anyone SEEN James O’Keefe? How about Abbie Boudreau? And does anyone REALLY think a woman like Boudreau would give a twerp like O’Keefe the time of the day? I mean seriously.
@Punchy: All his dates cost $20, and that is for a ‘date’ off the scuzzy streets.
does o’queef think that if he does a grand enough tu quoque that it removes the “fallacy” from logical fallacy?
heckuvajob jimmy and benny. modern day gonzo journalists indeed.
John Bird
@Southern Beale:
I still don’t understand, to be honest. The plan:
1) Lie about a public figure to CNN.
2) Tell Fox News that you lied to CNN.
3) Get a CNN reporter in a room with a bunch of dildos and film yourself trying to have sex with her.
4) ‘Reveal’ the whole thing, thus ruining the credibility of . . . yourself?
I thought O’Keefe was a cynical con artist with little talent who happened on the right con at the right time. Now I would openly speculate that he’s either
a) manic depressive, or
b) abusing some kind of amphetamine.
I’m not kidding; as part of my old job, I had experience with both sorts (they often overlap), and this is exactly the sort of ‘plan’ that often results from a manic episode or a speed binge.
Of course, the plan generally has a smaller (but no more realistic) scope: it’s to get an estranged girlfriend back, or something like that. So with CNN and O’Keefe as the actors here, make of that what you will.
Southern Beale
@John Bird:
I didn’t say it was a good plan!
James O’Keefe seems desperate for attention. I’d say he’s some kind of sociopath, with narcissistic personality disorder thrown into the mix. We should be grateful he’s not a serial killer.
Of course, he’s young …
@celticdragonchick: And hey, isn’t O’Keefe basically on probation or parole for his last little caper?
Can you just imagine if this nitwit was a Democrat?
To get right with Christine O’Donnell: no more spanking it ever.
I would have gone with the title “Surprise Boatsecks” myself.
In fact, I think I will.
Southern Beale
Cue O’Keefe & Limbaugh claiming the whole thing was a hoax cooked up by the evul lie-beral media as revenge for ACORN in 5… 4… 3…
Yep. No doubt he spent countless hours in his own personal sandbox think tank complete with toys and dolls planning out this brilliant operation. You can’t fool the sandbox.
@John Bird:
Here is what they actually wanted to do with it.
The document discusses the potential fallout from the operation.
This was always and foremost about character assassination, especially since Boudreau was doing a documentary about young conservatives. This was to be a smear ratfuck hit job on her that would have the Fox.PAC audience screaming for her blood.
See #22 above. Nothing will come of it unless a complaint is shoved down local law enforcement’s throat, and CNN uses that big megaphone of theirs. The way that article is written, I get the feeling they’d rather pass it off as a bad joke.
The New Left was pathetically childish, but in different ways.
Where the Right is concerned, “young and stupid” is redundant.
You’re not alone. No one else would have understood it either, outside of 15 conservative bloggers.
I just read that there is no physical evidence that O’Donnell in Delaware is running for Senate. None. No appearances, no yard signs, no
Increasingly, these people seem to live in some alternate, purely imaginary universe. Her opponent hasn’t sighted her anywhere. It’s hysterical. He’s actively looking for her.
@John Bird: Also, keep in mind there are two levels this will work out.
The people who already think that Omaba is a secret Muslin, etc. And will eat up the blogosphere version of this story. (i.e. CNN are idiots, look at them, etc.)
And then the “serious media” level of this where commentors look at this from above and postulate “what does this mean for CNN’s reputation” and “how will the liberal media recover from this blow to their credibility”
And finally will be the cross over into the right-wing commentary media which will blast CNN for being the cause of this horrable “drive by media” that allows for such horrible horrible sensationalist television to even exist (with several replays of the parts in the boat)
licensed to kill time
I’m not surprised that JO’KEefe would attempt this given that his last excursion to Manufactured Reality Vids worked out so well for him (media buzz, the smashing of the ACORN, slap on the wrist legal consequences, etc).
I’m surprised that (conservative activist) Santa had the guts to tip Boudreau off in advance. Female solidarity? Or a rare moment of clarity in the conservative activist clown show? Will Izzy Santa live to regret her action? She may be banished forever from the hallowed halls of conservative activism!
Paul L.
Remember the progressive/nutroots WATERGATE JR!!! narrative that James OKeefe and AndrewBreitbart were going to prison for wiretapping a Senator’s office?
How did that turn out?
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: Screenshots of the Government’s Admission That James O’Keefe Did Not Attempt to Tamper With Landrieu’s Phones
I agree, but I don’t think that Izzy Santa was thinking there was very much funny about it when you read her freak out and how she approached Boudreau. Santa seemed genuinely concerned (frightened is how I read it) and made no secret of that. This was not a harmless frat prank. This was sexual coercion.
What would have been the point of getting sexed with a CNN correspondent? What purpose does it serve? That the woman is ‘loose’ perhaps? I mean, what honest political issue would have been served by this stunt?
What does this say about O’Keefe? What does this say about his grand ideas of how to “go for a story” when he’s going out of his way to stage it, and when his “target” of investigation is someone he wants to f-ck? And what the hell does it say about his backers who apparently signed off on this unfunny joke of “investigative journalism”?
@kindness: Oh, but it is such prime TBogg.
John Bird
Honestly, though, this is what we get when Rolling Stone won’t let Matt Taibbi write about interviewing drug warriors on acid.
You see, that‘s gonzo journalism, even if Taibbi would rather not be compared to Thompson. What O’Keefe doesn’t realize is that you can’t just do drugs and come up with wacky ideas; you first have to be intelligent, at least as intelligent as Thompson and Taibbi.
Bruce (formerly Steve S.)
It would have been great if Boudreau, once being informed of the attempted “punking” had gone through with it and come on hard to O’Keefe. Say, pulling a spiked collar out of her handbag, slapping him a few times and instructing him to refer to her as “mistress”. Would have been great only if we got to see the video, of course.
Southern Beale
@Paul L.:
Sure that’s why he’s on probation for three years. Because he did NOTHING wrong!
There we go. Didn’t want that one to go to waste.
Also, this guy gives scum too much of a positive connotation.
If he was in Maryland when he tape recorded his phone conversation with her, that’s a violation of the state’s wiretap laws which requires consent of both parties.
@Paul L.:
A barking moonbat of the wingnut genus has swooped in to spread his guano.
Carl Paladino was disappointed to hear that there were no farm animals on the boat, as he’s bored with his current collection of girl-on-horse clips.
@Paul L.:
O’Keefe pled, Paul L., as we’ve discussed. I thought you and I were clear on this.
How’s that appeal going? Got ‘er filed yet?
Is a falafel going to be involved?
@Carnacki: Didn’t Maryland prosecute Linda Tripp for that?
It’s 11D campaigning. It’s working out brilliantly in Dimension #9.
wow. and she said she is staying away from national media cause she is busy in Delaware. Not that big of a state eh to get lost in?
The Dangerman
…no yard signs…
She knows she is going to be smoked; why waste the Benjamins on signs when it could be used for rent?
Chyron HR
She just wanted to have another fake Senate campaign to pay her personal bills and maybe buy a new SUV. How was she supposed to know that the Mama Grizzly would annoint her, and she’d actually have to, you know, run?
Somewhere Don Henley is suing for unauthorized usage of his material.
Hopefully the media will learn that reporting the truth is their job. It’s not a joke… But I’m not going to hold my breath.
They got punked with the ACORN “scandal”, and punked again with the Brietbart “racism” “scandal”. Maybe, MAYBE, now that they are the butt of the joke, they’ll wise the fuck up.
It’s really getting funny. Last night, media tried to contact Miller in Alaska, and ended up with a Tea Party Express hack in Atlanta.
I’m no longer sure the candidates exist. Has anyone actually spotted one outside of FOX studios?
Southern Beale
That was my exact thought when I saw that …
Linda Tripp was indicted in Maryland for doing the same thing. The judge later dropped the charge since Monica Lewinsky had admitted to lying to federal authorities so the judge deemed her not credible as a witness.
@celticdragonchick: But, still, was the idea supposed to be to do something repugnant, then when CNN showed how repugnant it was to say, “Bwahaha, I can’t believe you took that seriously”? Because I don’t get how having a cabin full of dildos, letting CNN show your cabin full of dildos, then saying, “Haha, CNN totally believed my cabin full of dildos was full of dildos!” really amounts to anything.
The reason why the ACORN thing worked is that he could say, “Those dumbasses totally believed I was a pimp _and wanted to help me anyway_,” which makes them look bad. What was supposed to happen here that would make CNN look bad? Just that they’re willing to believe the worst about conservatives? But when you’re actually doing unsavory things, how have you won? I, but, I, don’t, whatever.
To some extent the answer (unfortunately) is, “Yes. We were that childish.”
The break-up of SDS came when the N(ational) O(ffice) decided they were the vanguard of the proletariat capable of leading the revolutionary working class in a war of National Liberation¹ and the best means was to bring the war home by blowing themselves up and putting bombs in government building’s restrooms.
The New Left never achieved the national impact the Tea Baggers have but, then, we never had the money and media support the Tea Baggers have.
¹ Can’t believe I remember that shit
Sentient Puddle
Speaking for myself, the sexing would be the purpose itself. But I suppose I’m just a simpler man than O’Keefe.
Southern Beale
Thank you James O’Keefe for giving me a reason to stay up late tonight and catch Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert ….
DougJ’s influence continues to grow. Andrew is now using snippets of rock song lyrics as titles of posts.
It’s not as much fun when Andrew does it, however. Girlfriend, please – the Dave Mathews Band? Try harder next time.
Paul L.
No one pleads guilt to end a legal battle?
So you defend this arrest for shooting video of an on-duty cop? The woman plead guilt.
Naturally, Her Name Was Greenfield
And Yes I saved that story for when someone says “well they plead guilt”.
quaint irene
Hey, good one, O’Keefe. It’s called ‘economy of effort.’ You managed to do that all to yourself.
Joey Maloney
And she’ll still get upwards of 30% of the vote, you watch.
@Chyron HR: Maybe Christine O’Donnell is a James O’Keefe job too. Bwahaha! You totally believed that a conservative Senate candidate was opposed to masturbation and thought that monkeys should be evolving before our eyes! Lamestream media, you suck! Triumphant dildo-adorned press conference to follow.
@Tsulagi: right, didn’t I just read somewhere that it’s no longer about local elections anymore, everything is national. and we’re clearly past the stage where you actually have to go and govern after winning the election, just blow that out for the greater good of getting the issues out there — so why not get ahead of the curve? Princess Starbursts wasted so much valuable time before cutting out the dull bits. You’ve got all the media attention you need by merely running now. We’re in a post-governance environment: it’s all managing the image and brand and doing it without raising a visible sweat and then getting out with your bonuses before the edifice (host) crashes and burns.
@Chyron HR:
That was my operating theory too. Lose the “race” then go on wingnut circuit, the “books”, etc., which is much more lucrative than public office, and certainly easier.
The Palin Plan.
I’m in awe of these people. Everything is a scam. Everything.
I’m very confused as to where this incident now leaves us in terms of boat metaphors. Between:
don’t get out of the boat
don’t get in the boat
what is a sensible and prudent person to do in these troubled times? Boataphobia seems like the most likely outcome.
@Anoniminous: I beg your pardon? The tea party has accomplished zip, zero, nada, zilch. For all of our faults we stopped the fucking war (5 years too late) and changed the jive-ass democratic party. . .for a while!
From what I can tell? Child prostitution, stalking, burglary, and rape. Based totally on what he’s put out there as his own “journalism.”
@Chyron HR:
Maybe she was so overwhelmed by the endorsement she put her hair up in a tight Palin bun trying to think like Sarah. In a rush of endorphins or whatever, she came up with a really brilliant way to out-Palin Palin: She’s pre-quitting.
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: It’s all for naut.
Jay in Oregon
“Dear Penthouse Forum; I never imagined that it would happen to me…”
Well to be fair, the postmodern architects got there first – where you can develop an international reputation without, you know, actually having any of your designs ever get built.
@FlipYrWhig: Ah, down to the cheap jibes, are we?
Also, in mitigation, we were young, lacking the life experience, skills, and historic organizational “back-up” that really is necessary to avoid childishness. I’d like to think we were driven as much by naive idealism as petulance, putting the best face on it.
Southern Beale
Great idea for an SNL skit … have an O’Keefe character dressed up in his pimp costume trying to seduce Brian Williams or something.
Please yea Gods let this be the LAST time anyone in the mainstream media takes James O’Keefe seriously. I know, wishes, horses, etc.
tbogg’s closing line is brilliant:
Was it planned for a boat because they believed laws don’t apply on the water?
@burnspbesq: Yea, the last thing we wanted to do was be childish. It was so much better to be grown up and lay waste to SE Asia.
O’Donnell the pre-quitter. I like it.
Rick Massimo
I wonder what kind of countertops Abbie Boudreau has.
I have a feeling we’re about to find out.
Southern Beale
Digby suggests O’Keefe was working on a blackmail set-up … could be …
The “proof” would be in whatever hack job they came up with in the editing room, which would parroted by right wing blogs, then Fox News, and then the WaPo. Someone would get fired, thus proving Douchey McShit-Stain right about what the fuck ever. And then he would move on to destroying someone else’s life/career. And be praised by the evil librul media that is supposedly out to destroy him.
@Anoniminous: Childishness was the fucking point! What had all thatgrown-up shit gotten us? Ya’ll are pissin me off.
I’d bet the fantasizing part when putting together the ‘planning document’ made the whole thing worthwhile for O’Keefe, even though there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that he’d pull off the actual ‘operation’.
@Southern Beale: Isn’t he on probation?
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: True, and in both instances we’re probably lucky as neither will probably stand up for long in the sub-lunar actually involving atoms world. But I think most architects still at least to pretend to operate in 3-D space, the out-of-touch losers. I think the current trend-setters picked up some hints from MBAs and those private equity firms running leveraged buyouts for fun and profit.
O’Keefe pled guilty to federal Judge Daniel Knowles May 26 and was sentenced to three years’ probation, 100 hours of community service and a $1,500 fine. Basel, Dai, and Flanagan received lesser sentences of two years’ probation, 75 hours of community service and a $1,500 fine.[60]
@Paul L.:
I don’t know why he pled, and I don’t care. I have no interest in the moral aspects of O’Keefe’s character or actions. He’s not my hero. He’s yours.
He made a knowing and voluntary admission of guilt, and he was ably represented. End of story, for me.
That’s true too.
I guess I’m still a bit miffed (Read: angry) at Todd and whatshisname throwing the SDS mailing list in the lake because us counter-revolutionary peons in the hinterland thought they had a screw loose.
@Paul L.: What the fuck does that mean?
Point is, the O’Keefe wiretapping story is a story. The man was caught and he pled guilty. People accused of videotaping cops or whatever has nothing to do with this.
Goddamn this blog gets the worst rightards ever.
WIN. The Toobz are yours today, my friend.
Sometimes. Google “Yippie” or “Pigasus.”
Chyron HR
@Paul L.:
Paul L., I know that prominent republicans are always saying things that appear incoherent (“Obama is a Chicago gangster”), but those are actually right-wing code for things they can’t get caught saying in public (“Obama is a dumb nigger”). You can’t just ominously intone random words like “Greenfield” and have the same effect.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Uh. Yeah. I just looked at the woman’s picture. Clearly this is the new Republican sexcuse for extramaritial sexcapades:
“Naturally the liberal media will try to distort the fact I offered an undercover police officer $20 if I could give him a blow job. But it was all part of a stunning sexpose, I mean, expose, to show There are undocumented homosexuals in the police force!”
Oh God. The names are pure win:
O’Keefe intended to construct a synthetic bondage package, for sale to speculative investors. Just don’t ask what was going to end up in the mezzanine tranches.
Southern Beale
In other wingnut news, Meg Whitman’s housekeeper is about to spill some dirt.
Pun intended.
oooooh, threeways at the very least. no wonder Izzy Santa was worried.
You mean, there are better ones out there? Cuz I have never seen any proof of that.
Just sayin’.
The goal, as I saw and still see it, was more than ending that stupid fucking war. The goals were social, economic, and political justice andfrom that POV the war was a symptom, not the disease.
@drkrick: Pigasus was the pig that Jerry and Abbie wanted to nominate for president. Youth International Party, did you see the Zippies in Miami in 72? Football helmets and baseball bats to go straight up with the cops. And then there was the Champaign Urbana Moral Barbarians, I finer crew never existed.
I guess Hill 881, Dak To and My Lai were expamples of being serious.
I’ve never heard the phrase “punk’d” used by a non-idiot. If not for Dude, Where’s My Car? I’d hate Ashton Kutcher forever for his terribly staged prank show.
Oh yes, and they’re going to find a pile of bodies buried near O’Keefe’s property in a few years, that guy is an incredible creeper.
Southern Beale
Yes, he got three years probation back in May. Also he was supposed to do 100 hours of community service and pay a $1,500 fine.
@Anoniminous: Yea, well when I came home in 1969 I was sort of focused on one issue for a while. Sorry
Randy P
Somebody help the ignorant here.
I don’t watch enough TV news (translation: none) to know the names of individual on-air personalities.
Why Abbie Boudreau? Who is she in the CNN food chain? Did she serve some symbolic purpose? Or is it just that she’s cute and apparently the subject of some vague fantasy in O’Keefe’s mind that involves seduction, fuzzy handcuffs and Pulitzer Prizes?
@Southern Beale: Right so there is no violation here I guess?
@Southern Beale:
Josh B.
God, I hope not – I’ve got “beaten to death by a rough trick like Bob Crane” in the pool.
Jay in Oregon
And if there is any justice, they will be exposed by some “impressario” in a badly-staged and heavily-edited video released on the intenret.
Well you see, if she WASN’T SUCH A SLUT…@Poopyman:
And “boys will be boys”. Nothing’s going to come from this.
@Paul L.: Man, you’re dumb.
Cathy W
…is it me, or is CNN’s website down?
@Cathy W: it’s down in Georgia
Paul L.
How can you be accused of videotaping cops when it is not legal?
So you defending arresting a woman who is legally” shooting video of an on-duty cop and justifying it with “It could have been a cellphone gun and I told her to put it back in her pocket”?
@celticdragonchick: You would think that a person who so despises “bubble-headed bleached blondes” would notice the endless crop of them at his favorite propaganda network, FOX.
@Randy P:
Looking at her wikipedia article, she seems to be intelligent, capable, AND cute, a combination that ENRAGES conservatives.
ed drone
Yep. Isabel Santa lost her job, just a few hours ago. Her web page at the ironically-named ‘Project Veritas’ has been scrubbed, too. Non-personhood in a New York minute.
I want her on Rachel’s show TONIGHT. Or, even, on Boudreau’s show. I’m not particular.
What’s the legality of secretly recording a phone conversation? I thought it was illegal.
What would the legal implications be if this creep actually had succeeded in doing what he intended? Luring someone so you can then secretly filming sexual advances toward that person a crime? I damn well think it ought to be.
And what about out-and-out blatant sexual harassment? One thing this surely was, secret filming or not, was an elaborate plan to lure a woman to an isolated place and sexually harass her.
What a fucking creepy dirtbag.
CNN back up/
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Exactly. If a Republican accuses you of something chances are they’re actually doing it themselves.
Depressing, isn’t it?
@maus: I thought for a minute you meant Abbie Hoffman!
Yes, you would…but rational objectivity is no longer a valued trait on the right.
Reason 58 why I left the Republican party.
@ed drone:
I hope to God that Rachel gets her.
I want the GPS coordinates of every fucking skeleton in OKeefe’s closet.
Roger Moore
@Randy P:
Best guess: O’Keefe thinks she’s hot and was hoping to get lucky.
Wile E. Quixote
I’m hoping for jail time, jail time with brutal anal rape and an HIV infection.* But if he does the shotgun under the chin I hope that he fucks it up like that Judas Priest dipshit in Nevada did and ends up blowing his face off. That would be fucking hilarious and I would visit him in the hospital so I could laugh at him.
*Normally I regard prison rape as a tragedy and a crime, but I’m willing to make an exception for vile little shits like O’Keefe.
Wile E. Quixote
@Paul L.:
Paul, do you have neurosyphilis, or is there some other reason why your posts as of late have been even more disjointed and senseless than usual?
@Josh B.:
On the scale of ignominious deaths, I’d say yours was higher. More aspirational than likely.
One can hope though, can’t one?
Randy P
@Wile E. Quixote: I suppose it’s too late to get Brick Oven Bill back. He was incoherent but somehow in an interesting way.
I’ve revised my opinion. He’s not creepy, this was a plan to at the very least molest her, then blame her for being molested because she’s prettier than he feels she should be. The man needs to be up on charges.
@Wile E. Quixote: I’ll settle for his teeth knocked out by a bubba–to make things easier, you know.
Southern Beale
I think Jesse Eisenberg should play James O’Keefe in the biopic.
Can’t wait, it’s bound to be hilarious.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Varies by state. In Maryland it is illegal. In at least one state (I want to say Texas) it is only illegal if the person ASKS if you’re recording the call and you say no. If you ever get a call and there is a tone every 30 seconds or so, it’s being recorded.
Midnight Marauder
@Paul L.:
Jesus, your existence is so lame.
Southern Beale
CNN is doing a documentary on right wing activists and Abbie was one of the journalists working on it. Because it’s CNN that meant that the doc was of course going to be biased and slanted in a liberal far-left direction and totally unfair, full of liberals pointing and laughing.
So O’Keefe made sure this would be a self-fulfilling prophecy with this little stunt.
So, let’s say the CNN reporter wasn’t tipped off at all. Was O’Keefe so sure of his plan that he thought she’d just sit down in this ridiculous setting, not notice her surroundings, and proceed to have a conversation with him?
Wasn’t it far more likely that she would’ve taken one look at his outrageous set-up, left immediately, and made it a huge part of the story she was working on? Did O’Keefe really think his pre-taped disclaimer was going to work if the reporter had just fled immediately?
Finally, what’s Breitbart’s involvement in this?
ETA: Funny to read the conservative blogosphere’s reaction to this, especially Allahpundit’s entry, where he insists CNN is just “writing this story up to make it look as scandalous as possible” and then proceeds to redefine the word “seduce.”
Would this be the same Jim O’Keefe who was smokin’ hot in Cocktail Weenie Pizza Part I?
@soonergrunt: &h; Wile E.: I’m now somehow so devoutly hoping that the GSD or FSM has a karmic 8-ball of destiny in his deist toolbelt.
Benjamin Cisco
Gonna need a bigger popcorn bowl.
Wile E. Quixote
Paul’s just a pathetic, link-whoring shitbag. Hell, the man can’t even write a fucking sentence, “The woman plead guilt”. What the fuck is that Paul? You don’t plead guilt, you plead “guilty”.
It should be fairly straightforward to make Paul and other pathetic wingnut link whores like that pathetic old queen Julie Crittenden go away, just write a WordPress plugin that rewrites the URL to Paul or Julie’s website to
Has this turd looked in mirror?
@Paul L.:
Lemme guess. You don’t know what a plea agreement is? Lemme further guess that you didn’t read the preceding paragraphs in the stipulation that detail exactly what Douchey stipulated to, i.e. what acts landed him on probation.
@Wile E. Quixote:
Another pathetic Instahack rip off.
Same shitty taste but less filling.
Wile E. Quixote
@Randy P:
Who could forget the post about the toothless lesbian fighting the shirtless asian woman at a karaoke bar* (or was it the other way around?). And what about his fear of being impaled on a forklift driven by an angry lesbian?
*This is why I don’t go to karaoke bars. Not because when I do toothless lesbians end up fighting shirtless asian women but because they don’t. Instead it’s just an endless procession of drunken morons getting their Steve Perry on and fucking up “Don’t Stop Believin”.
All I can figure is that it seems like he was counting on that happening, but then he would prove it had all been a joke, and thus CNN would have demonstrated that, by taking it seriously, they (1) were stupid, (2) must think the worst about conservatives by default.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@JenJen: [Sigh] Look, their script SAYS she’s a bubble headed bleach blonde, so a BBB she must be!
No really, here’s what would have happened: She steps into the boat and looks around. O’Keefe gets so excited at being in the same room as a pretty woman who isn’t inflatable that he lets loose in his pants. While he’s in the shower she snaps a few pictures and gets the hell out of there.
Yep. And the other news outlets are jumping all over this because LIEBERUL MEDIA and I’M THE REAL VICTIM ALSO.
I mean if you just consider the bare facts and documents, there’s nothing to look at folks, move along.
Christ, if O’Keefe killed her and was caught humping her corpse three weeks later the fReichtards would instantly claim the news reports were another liberal attack the Right Wing.
Parts of this story don’t add up for me. Was O’Keefe in Maryland when he phoned Boudreau? If so, isn’t that a new locale for him? I thought he was based on the West Coast.
And if he’s not based in MD, why pick Lusby? Who are the locals who helped him?
Curiouser and curiouser.
@ruemara: I’m with you. The basic premise of just having toys strewn around isn’t enough. I shudder to think what he was planning to do next. And, I hope Izzy Santa has protection as well. Good lord. This guy is a piece of shit.
@Poopyman: And, is he even supposed to be leaving whatever state he was charged in? So many questions that will never be answered.
Bubblegum Tate
They’ve realized that there’s a fairly sizable crowd out there just dying to throw money at them for sounding “correct” (see Taibbi’s brilliant assessment: “Like dogs, they listen to tone of voice and emotional attitude”), and they’ve done a good job of positioning themselves to say, “OK, since you want me to, I will make the terrible, onerous sacrifice of letting you throw money at me.”
Which makes the theory that O’Donnell just wanted to get some attention, use her campaign funds to pay her rent, and get on that wingnut welfare speaking circuit all the more likely.
Call me crazy but I’m increasingly believing that the Tea Baggers out there (as well as their favorite Media/Talking ‘Personalities’) are pod people.
I might have to rent Invasion of the Body Snatchers again… do I go with the original or the new bastardization????
Not necessarily, but probably not today. We shall see what develops.
here is an excerpt from Boudreau’s blog over at CNN:
IMO, she should have gotten on the boat, played along for a while and then given him a nice hard knee to the balls.
That might have actually, you know, cured him.
TOTALLY go with the original.
@r€nato: “Those of you old enough to remember… was the New Left in the 1960s, this pathetically childish and stupid?”
Yes. The Left generally included some of the smartest tacticians ever to engage in political combat — notably the leadership of the civil rights movement in the early 60s. But the late 60s New Left also included some complete nutcases, and yes, they were every bit as childish.
In my experience, craziness tends to attach itself to different wings of the ideological spectrum at different times. The late 60s and early 70s were definitely a time when a lot of it attached itself to the Left. (That’s crazy in this sort of way; the quite different sort of craziness that involves, say, blowing up a church and killing four kids is different.)
@Wile E. Quixote:
BOB, if you were a real person and lived in Seattle, I’d buy you a beer at any of the gaydivey karaoke joints where such things occur (The Crescent comes to mind.)
John Bird
Well, as far as I can tell, that description of the plan matches mine exactly, as does every other description I’ve run across, but thanks for the detail on these creeps nevertheless.
I mean, the point I made, which still stands unimpeached as far as I can tell, is that this plan was self-destructive and maybe even indicates mental illness or drug addiction on O’Keefe’s part – something that would cause him to become completely unhinged from how the world works.
There’s no way to parse this that makes his idea clever or workable, which is probably at least one reason why his friend tipped off the reporter.
Maybe I’m missing the boat — ha, ha — but not a word of that strategery makes a lick of sense to me. It’s like the Chewbacca defense of hidden-camera-character-assassination plans.
Theme song: “Big Boat” by M. Ward
Southern Beale
I think this is totally a reaction to the fact that remake of Red Dawn starting Tom Cruise’s son got yanked.
Is it just me or do most of O’Queef’s capers resemble about 90% of Saved By the Bell Episodes, i.e. virgins dressing up in false mustaches and repairmen uniforms in order to accomplish [fill in the blank].
In other words, icky girls shouldn’t be on the tee-vee.
Southern Beale
Dude you’ve just described the entire Tea Party. I mean, c’mon.
John Bird
Hey, the Yippies acted like dopes sometimes, but honestly, a farcical and self-aware ‘plan’ to levitate the Pentagon through TM has this particular O’Keefe plan beat by a country mile. I mean, one, because that’s funny and O’Keefe isn’t, but two, because getting a bunch of hippies around the Pentagon is something you can actually do.
You can’t really levitate the Pentagon, of course, but the Yippies knew that and that wasn’t the Yippies’ actual plan, any more than they had an actual plan to cover Chicago’s public telephones in acid in ’68. The idea was to freak the squares and make a scene, which they did quite successfully.
You could argue that O’Keefe’s original ACORN smear is comparable to the Yippies (although the Yippies never had to depend on selective editing to make a point), but this time around, it’s not even possible that he could have created the spectacle he wanted, nor was his plan likely to result in any coherent results whatsoever.
John Bird
@Southern Beale:
Well, yes, and no.
I don’t think a lot of Tea Partiers have coherent goals for policy, and in that sense they’re just as unhinged, but I think one moral of the story here is that a bunch of bloated pasty Medicare dependents threatening the integrity of their lawn chairs actually have a better grasp of how to create right-wing spectacle than O’Keefe.
@Bubblegum Tate:
And that diverges from wingnut SOP how?
But if she pulled out maybe there’s another reason deserving of compassion. Possibly the anti-masturbating teabagger champion O’Donnell suffers from premature candidacy. I really want to see her go all the way to a full election day climax. If she used Witchy Woman as her campaign song, maybe that would pump her up along the ride.
Wile E. Quixote
Damn! I’ve been missing out. This is what I get for doing my gaydivey drinking at CC’Attle’s..
Omnes Omnibus
@Chyron HR: Rosebud.
@Southern Beale:
That, with this
makes this no different from the mob sending thugs after a reporter who’s investigating organized crime.
I hope CNN really goes after them.
Seriously? A plot by a conservative instigator with a record of outrageous fraud to seduce a reporter on a boat to create an artificial scandal ? Broken up by someone named “Izzy Santa”?
Help, I’ve fallen into a Carl Hiaasen novel and I can’t get up…
Nam in ’69. Yeah, that would narrow your focus.
kommrade reproductive vigor
O’Keefe Attempts to Rock the Vote
@Southern Beale: Izzy Santa is an ACORN plant!
kommrade reproductive vigor
And Brent Bozoell has disowned O’Keefe. For now.
“I am shocked, SHOCKED &c”
You guys just don’t understand! Jimmy was willing to risk COOTIES just to prove that CNN reporters are dirty whores who should be at home cooking dinner for a man instead of being hot on TV with their careers and stuff. I, for one, salute that kind of self-sacrificing commitment. Jimmy, truly you are a Douchebag of Liberty.
Wile E. Quixote
Here, let me explain it to you.
Bill Ayers! Long form birth certificate! Death Panel! ACORN! Anti-Colonial Kenyan Worldview! Whitey tape! Teleprompter! Bear DNA! Bear DNA! Bear DNA!
Do you understand now? Here, let me try it again. I’ve been working on my wingnut accent so this attempt might be better.
The question is, will the wingers now throw O’Keefe under the boat?
General Stuck
That medicine will cure a lot of things. Sinus trouble to miscreantism.
If she’d gotten on that boat she very probably would have been raped. This is serious, folks. There is nothing funny about a man luring a woman to a secluded area stock with sex toys and restraints under false pretenses.
John Bird
Dammit, I knew this reminded me of something, something famous, something everyone had seen on TV before.
It’s this.
It sounds more like Scientology’s fair gaming of journalists/critics.
@Wile E. Quixote: Lollll, I’ve somehow managed to miss going to C.C. Attle’s during my time here, I’ll try to change that soon. The Crescent can be pretty sketch sometimes.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Except if the mob were 1/10th as incompetent there wouldn’t BE a mob.
Frankly, I can’t wait to see how many more times this clown fires a sawed off shotgun at his own tootsies before he fades into complete oblivion.
t jasper parnell
@r€nato: No.
Chuck Butcher
He succeeded with ACORN thanks to a complicit media and Congress that were entirely willing to believe the worst about the poor and minorities without checking anything. There’s no genius con to that, there is amazing stupidity on the part of the conned.
You have to think about the implications of this … or not. If you do think about it the realization of how you are viewed by this rather powerful segment may say something.
BTW, regarding silly phony registrations, the law requires that if the card is given to you, you must turn it in – regardless of being paid or not. Just so you know, you can’t even offer to put a stamp on and mail it or mail it because that is offering a consideration – ie the value of the stamp. Those caught violating the law regarding registrations have all been “R” … and conservative.
@Chuck Butcher:
This is not conventional stupidity or willful ignorance.
This is the media perpetuating controversy where there is none. I wouldn’t say that there’s anyone being “conned” here, since the conservatives are actively lying on all scale, the grassroots to the highest organizational levels.
John Bird
@Chuck Butcher:
‘Complicit media’ is putting it lightly. Glenn Beck and a whole host of other right-wing Birchers had already decided that ACORN was the HQ of the Negro-Communist conspiracy.
The rest of the media was only complicit insofar as they somehow missed that ACORN is a bunch of underpaid canvassers with clipboards who rent out office space by the month, and all the pictures of grinning Republican Congressmen meeting with ACORN staffers.
Good point. I wouldn’t put it past that sleazebag to have slipped her a roofie.
This will all disappear after O’Keefe does his “I immediately rejected this foolish idea from my now ex-underling” speech. Fox will give him an hour to sell this, then taunt CNN about trying to boost their reporter’s popularity with a non-story. The underling has already been fired. Santa is still on the payroll, since firing her would give away the game. They’ll buy her off in some fashion. O’Keefe will live to try again, but I’m betting that it’s only a matter of time before he winds up dead or in jail, or both.
@John Bird:
They’re not paid to research, they’re paid to report.
Chuck Butcher
Parrot is what you’re describing, not reporting.
@Chuck Butcher: Right, regurgitation is bipartisan, interpreting or removing the prism is partisan.
@Kilkee: Seriously though, how bad does this dude have to fuck up for Breitbart to stop funding him? I know this is like Fox trying for a Daily show in that conservatives just aren’t funny or entertaining or competent, but there’s got to be SOME other republican who could do better in this day and age.
Chuck Butcher
What exactly does it take to set off the bullshit meters? Who the hell believes that ACORN staffers would buy into the Pimp and Whore outfits supposedly worn, if you do or did that says something about your regard for a whole group of people. Now for the MSM/Congress to go there one of two things must be true – either they think the worst of people like ACORN reflexively or they want such a thing crushed. We know GOP wants such a thing crushed, beyond that?
That is way short of checking with the local police to see if the staff was playing along to report it which would seem to be one of the first things to do in the face of such egregious behavior. Instead we got what we got.
nice to know this asshat is using his probation time wisely…..
If only I had registered as a Republican, there’s no telling what you can do…it’s like fairy time, all you have to do is sell any sense of ethics or morals and you can wrap yourself in the flag or Bubba Jebus and live a life without worry or sin.
@JoJo: Agreed. The man is sick in the head. The more I think about this, the queasier I get.
The O’Donnel story is just like ‘The Producers’. The one thing that could screw up the scam is for her to become successful enough that people would notice she is a complete fraud.
Pat Bucchanan is the original scamster for this, by running doomed campaigns, taking in 3X in contributions than he spends, then quietly cashing out a couple years later using book deals and new social campaigns to launder his money. Bay was the genius behind it all, as she kept the books. It was always a scam, albeit probably perfectly legit.
But the Bucchanans are geniuses compared to the Palins and O’Donnels, who can’t even face up to FoxNews scrutiny for long.