Just thought I would say that homecoming is a hit, and I am snot hanging, knee-crawling drunk, hanging out with people I have not seen in twenty years, and having a shitload of fun.
Open Thread
by John Cole| 34 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Please, for the love of all that is holy, whatever you do, do NOT puke on Tunch plz! Oh and cover it up if things look like they’re heading that direction. Kthxbai!
Admirable typing and punctuation for such a state of affairs.
@SRW1: Tunch is typing for him.
Glad you’re having fun, Cole. I second Yutsy’s plea, and TUNCHIE!
And the Titanic sailed through the night. The night watch was on alert. /snark
Dee Loralei
Tuck Fexas.
That is all.
I agree, don’t puke on Tunch. Just draw dicks on him with a magic marker.
Me, also, too. The ties that bind and all that rot.
To all of ya, an old toast I heard once:
Love, Money
Happiness and Health
And enough time to enjoy them all
Tunch will be drawing dicks on JC!
@cay: This result seems much more likely.
Mark S.
How bad could this be?
@Mark S.: Dear God. Has he ALWAYS had that thing on his lip?
@Mark S.: MST3K bad.
Mark S.
Hey, it’s better than this piece of shit I was watching earlier.
Mark S.
I thought the guy playing Reese Witherspoon’s dad looked familiar. It’s CSI guy!
And the best part is how great you’ll feel when you wake up tomorrow afternoon behind the couch with eyebrows shaved and vulgar lipstick messages scrawled all over your vomit covered body…
well done Cole. and your post was lucid and typo free… got bloody mary’s for the hair of the dog?
duplicate post. note to self, have coffee before typing
How does anyone type while drunk? I can’t type at the best of times.
Just remember that tales of evenings ending with worshiping the porcelain god twenty years ago are lots cuter than freshly reliving the experience.
Michael D.
When you’re out looking for a job in the future and your prospective employer searches on “John Cole”, remember this post.
This will not end well.
A bacon sandwich with a glass of tomato juice should help settle your queasy stomach. Oh, and a dash of cayenne.
Let’s just hope the critters let you sleep in a little this morning.
So, in essence, it’s like any other day, except that you’re having fun…
/I keed.
I’d pay to see that dictation!
Mrs. Polly
Oh, Mr. Cole.
Too late for this hangover, but you’re about to be deeply grateful for a kinder universe:
Peppermint oil. Not ingested, but mixed, one part peppermint, to two parts rubbing alchohol, kept in a small bottle, by your bed of pain. Shake well, and, just as in that annoying commercial, APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD.
Use Q-tips, or tissue, or accept that you won’t be able to touch tender tissue with your fingers for about 20 minutes, while that delicious coolness brightens your brain cells. It’s like a cool cloth that won’t fall off! And it works as well as/in conjunction with any of your headache pills.
A bit dabbed just inside the nostrils will also do wonders for a stuffed nose, and it also is good for insect bites.
Plus, as heiress to the Polly Peppermint wells, I will become an even more diabolically rich latté-sipping fauxgressive!
The Tim Channel
So your posting is going to be rather light for awhile?
General Stuck
@Mrs. Polly:
Or, he could have some hair of the dog that bit him
Mrs. Polly
General Sir, he could! I believe I may have some hair of the dog that bit him myself.
Mrs. Polly
Though hair of the cat might be more effective. Who has a recipe for Tunch Roundhouse Punch?
What no pictures? You’re slipping Cole…
Now we’ll have to make fun of our own friends and families….
@Mark S.: Ugh. Yeah, just ugh. I think Yutsy was referring to the fantabulous mustache of Selleck’s that he still sports to this day.
It’s already the Morning After, but I have to add this, John Cole: Isn’t
seeing old friends for the first time in yearsgoing into the Time Machine a BLAST?Seeing old friends…there’s nothing like it in the world. I’m VERY glad it was such a great success for you!
Jason T.
Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. Apparently I had a brush with greatness! I was in your fair village last night … my lovely and talented SO is an alumna.
We were at a reception at the art gallery. At first I was trying to sound semi-intellectual, but somewhere after the third glass of red wine, I was just trying to sound semi-sober.
Glenndacious Greenwaldian (formerly tim)
This differs from any other day…how?