I am saddened to find that the firing of Rick Sanchez has become a cause celebre in certain circles. It reminds me a bit of the martyrdom of Larry Summers. If you recall, Larry Summers was fired as president of Harvard because he pissed off students, faculty, and, far more importantly, donors. Your main job as a college president is to not piss these people off, so if you piss them off, you can expect to be fired. This has nothing to do with “First Amendment rights” or the free-wheeling marketplace of ideas, it has to do with the requirements of the job. Similarly, Rich Sanchez was fired because he pissed off viewers, CNN management (some of whom are Jewish, as he said), and probably sponsors. I am not Jewish, but as a northeastern liberal, when I hear people talk about Jooish Libruls, I know that they mean me, too, also, as well. And I’m not going to watch a show where I know the host hates people like me. There’s another thing to remember here: Sanchez is mostly a “straight” anchor, not an opinion person like Patty Patty Buke Buke, so he’s got less leeway to indulge his inner bigot.
And I love Mondoweiss, but Rick Sanchez did not “laid down his body for a good cause”. This has nothing to do with Israel. Sanchez didn’t say “my Jewish bosses pressure me to slant coverage in favor of right-wing Israeli interests” or “I’m uncomfortable with the fact that Wolf Blitzer used to work for AIPAC”. CNN isn’t The New Republic or the Washington Post editorial board; there’s no owner spewing insane anti-Muslim hatred on his blog, no Hiatt/Lane/Diehl at the top publicly smearing Chas Freeman and pushing Obama to give into Netanyahu’s every demand.
It’s just not right to go around pointing at random Jewish people in the media and implying that they’re probably shills for the Likud party, which is what some of Sanchez’s defenders are essentially doing. Of course, Sanchez said nothing of the sort anyway, though it would have been funny to hear a Cuban-American complain about some other group mucking up American foreign policy.
Sanchez was pissed because Jon Stewart makes fun of him and his bosses are replacing him with Eliot Spitzer. So he ran his mouth off in a way that annoyed a lot of people and hurt his credibility as a newsman. Don’t make him into some kind of noble truth-teller.
El Cid
Maybe they could protest for Dr. Laura at the same time.
Another point that should be made is that Jon Stewart was one of the few TV media figures to criticize Israel’s actions during the Gaza offensive. It caused quite a stir at the time.
The Grand Panjandrum
The Sanchez thing is indeed rife with irony. What nationality individuals are automatically granted political asylum if they can get their feet on to US soil? Of course, all the nationals of that unnamed country used to granted automatic political asylum.
DougJ is the business and economics editor for Balloon Juice.
Good point. He’s also done a lot of stories about immigrant issues. He makes no sense as a target for a Latino anchorman’s anti-Jewish rage..except that he made fun of that anchorman.
Great title, DougJ. Patty Smith, FTW!
I don’t remember Summers annoying the students. At Harvard, you can screw over the students with impunity, because most of them only care about the name and future job prospects. In any case, it wouldn’t have mattered if he did – once you lose the faculty and the donors, you aren’t so much a lame duck as a goose trussed for the oven.
DougJ, agreed. I don’t think Sanchez is actually a bigot — there’s plenty of tape showing him taking anti-bigot stands.
But Sanchez trash-talked Stewart and CNN, and did it in a way that invoked anti-semitic code talk and conspiracy theories. It was irresponsible, careless, and he deserved to be fired for it. Even Sanchez acknowledges that much. It certainly wasn’t any kind of push back against Likud / AIPAC dominance over the Israeli narrative in the US (of which Stewart is notably NOT a part).
American Jews make up only 2% of the population of America. Yet: 46% make over $100,000 per year, they make up 15% of the U.S. Senate, 13% of the U.S. House of Representatives, 67% of members of the Board of the Federal reserve, 33% of the U.S. Supreme Court. Media: Just taking CNN only, 55% of corporate officers for TBS, which owns CNN, are Jewish. On air, Larry King, John King, Howard Kurtz, Eliot Slpitzer, Jeffrey Toobin, Paula Zahn, etc.. Rick Sanchez has nothing to apologize for.
There’s a nation full of tazers out there for Sanchez to investigate, as an unencumbered independent (Jew-free) citizen journalist. How ’bout it, Rick?
If our so-called professional journalists weren’t so interested in celebrity, they probably wouldn’t find their every comment offered up as attention-worthy. i.e., Speak only when you have something of value to say, not simply every time a camera is pointed your way.
Exactly. I’m going to suggest that the Rick Sanchez case is, indeed, a mobius strip issue. It really does have only one side, and this side is pretty much it.
John Bird
Chris Hitchens also jumped out and put his arm around Sanchez, trying to turn Sanchez’s ill-advised trash-talking into an ethnic commentary on AIPAC.
A lot of people in the letters section there immediately pointed out to him, dude, you’re talking about Israel. You’re not even saying close to the same thing when you say “Jewish lobby” as what Sanchez was complaining about, and you expect us to believe you’re NOT painting an entire group of Americans with a broad brush?
@trollhattan: Point of order, the correct name of the company is TASER Int’l(TM). I think it’s important to correctly name the bastards that managed to commoditize police brutality.
Culture of Truth
Adding that Stewart made fun of Sanchez not because Rick is hispanic or because Jon is Jewish but because Sanchez is a professional tv jackass who likes to get tased on tv to attract attention.
DougJ is the business and economics editor for Balloon Juice.
@Culture of Truth:
And they didn’t demote him at CNN because he’s Latino either, they did it because his ratings sucked. Parker-Spitzer will probably do even worse, it’s true, and when they get fired, it won’t be because Spitzer is Jewish and Parker is conservative.
In my feeble defense, I’m forever spelling laser lazer, despite its being an acronym. The Z just makes it cooler.
Make it frickin’ and strap it to a shark, and you’re really getting somewhere.
Culture of Truth
adding that making fun of your bosses in public is almost never a good idea.
No wait — it is never a good idea.
Hate the sin, love the — oh.
Never mind. Let’s not go there.
Dennis SGMM
A ratings-challenged news reader let his bruised ego lead him to invoke the “Jews run showbiz” fallacy which in turn got him fired. How did Hitchens manage to generate so many words on the topic? Hitchens’ appending the name of the execrable Laura Schlesinger as another example of whatever it was he was trying to assert would have rendered the piece devoid of credibility in any case.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Culture of Truth: Unless you’re making them a lot of money while you do it, like Letterman and The Simpsons.
And this, from Politico would seem kind of on topic:
In spiked Vanity Fair piece, Jewish leaders worry about Obama
The “Jewish leaders” in question are: Abe Foxman, Marty Peretz, and Super-PUMA Haim Saban. I wonder if, say, Al Franken or Barbara Boxer count as “Jewish leaders”
Sanchez was fired because his jobs is to go in front of a live mic and not say something stupid, and he went in front of a live mic and said something stupid. Period.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Fixed that for you.
Culture of Truth
Sanchez to a good a journalist not to get picked up immediatel-
oh who are we kidding
Bella Q
@morzer: Perhaps that’s because Summers mostly annoyed female students.
I actually listened to the tape, and the sneer in Sanchez’s voice when he said (something like) “sure there’s a bad history but to call American Jews an oppressed minority, puhleeeeeze,” was both audible and striking. He said something stupid, and inaccurate, and his job, as previously noted requires that he not do that.
thomas Levenson
Not to leave Summers untouched in this, it’s worth noting that recent events have confirmed that he was, frankly, a disastrous Harvard president, under whose leadership a reckless approach to the endowment put Harvard in more jeopardy than any other decision in recent memory.
His firing was over-determined; it happened when it did because he made it easy for those with the power to get rid of him at that particular moment.
(Remember — he wasn’t axed for his initial comments; the decline and fall took the better part of a year, and was notable by the stunning lack of support he got from a whole bunch of power centers at the Kremlin on the Charles.)
El Cid
If he had just mentioned horrible insults at Arabs and Muslims, he would have been fine.
thomas Levenson
@Bella Q: Actually, undergraduates at Harvard had a better impression of Summers than the faculty, as I recall.
He was pretty visible around the Yard, I heard, and put a bunch of money into improving student’s material existence. He’s neither all evil or all incompetent — but don’t trust him with managing your cash, would be my advice.
Why in the fucking fuck did this not get more attention yesterday??
Have we given up on the Post and other news orgs completely?
Don’t answer that.
It’s insane. Goddamnit.
I feel like Eric Cartman and the whole news world is Butters.
Well, essentially, when he began lecturing a room full of female scientists and academics about how probably women were inferior to men in the hard sciences he pretty much pissed off all the women students–and the alumna, of whom I am one.
You have to wonder of the people who are taking his side in this ever, ever have someone they trust who can slap them upside the head when they write stupid shit. I’m underemployed, I can make time to do this.
Linda Featheringill
Amen to that.
Edit to add:
I am not sure that the Cuban community ever did much more than express their opinions [as is their right] but we have endured DECADES of crappy foreign policy set in place to placate the Cubans in Florida. Jeez!
david mizner
Well, maybe not, but CNN is the long-time home of former AIPAC employee Wolf Blitzer. Fact is, there’s a blatant and dangerous pro-Israel bias throughout the MSM. DId you know that the United Nations concluded that in on the flotilla, Israel killed an American in cold blood? If you do, you heard about some place other than the MSM.
I half-agree with you, Sanchez wasn’t talking about Israel, and no one should turn this numbskull into a martyr, but Weiss, too, is right, we shouldn’t shy away from a discussion of Jewish power.
@aimai: Alumnae!
(from a Fan)
Sanchez is no martyr, but it’s worth asking…
Why was Sanchez canned right away, when for years, Lou Dobbs was given a forum to slag latinos and promote birther conspiracies?
Dennis SGMM
Because going after Latinos, AKA undocumented aliens, and birther conspiracies is as American as apple pie.
Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle
@Culture of Truth: Which is exactly the reason Stewart mocks the other idiot bobbleheads(Tweety .. Faux Noise .. and on and on) as well.
@Linda Featheringill:
No, the Cuban community did much more than that – but you can’t blame them for it either. The first exiles were largely middle-to-upper-class who managed to get going while they could, and they were driven to recapture the same standard of living they had back in Cuba. Many of these were people with financial skills, some level of social capital back home, and like I say, driven – they had the energy and inclination to try and get ahead, and they did.
When they did, they turned their considerable financial resources and their voting bloc power towards the Republican party, and the GOP paid them back in kind. I suspect had a Republican authorized the Bay of Pigs, it’d be the other way around.
I did enjoy the zing, DougJ.
Because Lou Dobbs is a Serious Person and the kind of Latinos with the moolah to influence stuff like that largely don’t give a shit if you slag illegal immigrants.
Yeah, I began thinking about that after I posted. But I never took Latin–my daughter’s taking it now and its making me see how much I missed.
Because Lou Dobbs never accused *all of his bosses* of being mexican lepers and drug lords. The rule is *Kiss UP/Kick DOWN* not the other way around. Simple, but important.
@aimai: Which Karate Kid movie is that from?
Latin is possibly the most amazing thing I’ve done in my short life. Sorry – I’m three years into it and in love, as much as a language can enamor.
I have no sympathy for sanchez and won’t miss him. But his comments weren’t that offensive. All he said was that Jewish people have a lot of influence in TV and entertainment, and he felt discriminated against because he was not one of them.
He was wrong on the second count. I don’t think he’s a bigot though, he was just venting and said some things he probably doesnt agree with on a more sober day. And it’s weird to me that he gets fired for remarks that are not that racy. And yet so many other racist/bigoted remarks are made about all kinds of other groups and no action is ever taken. Either Sanchez is right about the power structure, or people are a little overly sensitive to the anti-semitism thing imo.
Robert Waldmann
Excellent post.
I think the idea that if someone is accused of being an anti-semite then the Jews who are all likudniks must be behind it is anti-semitic in a way which Sanchez wasn’t (note I am not claiming that anyone made such an anti-semitic inference, I haven’t clicked the links).
I have some quibbles. I don’t think Summers pissed students off much. Your main point is correct. He wasn’t fired over the variance of Womens’ IQs nonsense (his reasoning being nonsense). I also don’t recall Lane Likuding much. He seems to be more where new-democrats meet neocons in bashing the poor.
A few seconds of googling lead me to the diatribe against Charles Freeman, but I don’t think it’s typical of Lane’s twittyness. I don’t find any other examples.
That was QUITE a breakdown for a non-bigot. Maybe he’s been overcompensating?
I guess it doesn’t matter. His ratings sucked, he said something awful on TV that doesn’t generate praise from a valuable demographic, and he insulted his bosses. In the end, his personal attitudes are irrelevant.
gil mann
Is it usually more lovable? I’ve never read it before, but judging by the linked post and the commenters, the world is very clearly divided into two kinds of people: “Rachel Corries” and “bulldozer drivers.” Oh, and Jon Stewart’s in AIPAC’s pocket, just so you know.
I’m gonna give this “nihilism” thing a shot; apparently caring about stuff turns people into fuckin’ lunatics.
Midnight Marauder
Except, of course, that is not all he said. He went well beyond that into saying that Jewish Americans are not an oppressed minority in this country, and that no one who is Jewish would be discriminated against trying to get a job directly because of that fact. Sanchez openly declared that his bosses are part of an elite media cabal of Jooz. He didn’t referrence some kind of hypothetical Jews, but the Jews who sign his paycheck.
The “discrimination” that he feels is called a ratings nosedive and a propensity for saying outrageously moronic comments revealing himself to be a know-nothing jackass. That’s not discrimination; that’s a basic human reaction to widespread humiliation and ridicule.
Or, as his bosses referred to it, “gross unprofessionalism.”
Wile E. Quixote
And wait for Dinesh D’Souza’s next book How to get Rich and Prosper by Sucking White Racist Cock with a foreward by Michelle Malkin. Jesus the Washington Post sucks.
Jewish Steel
Sadly, No! is all over it.
@Bella Q:
Not really. He annoyed SOME female students, but my recollection is that most undergrads, and, frankly, a heavy majority of grads, were largely unbothered either way.
You’ll be amazed at what a basis it gives you for other languages as well. I hope you get to try Greek at some point too.
@Wile E. Quixote: Snort. That guy’s career is a great example of The American Dream ruined and distorted beyond all comprehension.
What an asshole.
Sorry, but I was on campus during that controversy and it is a ludicrous exaggeration to say he annoyed even a majority of female students. This is partly because Harvard students tend to be apathetic, partly because they saw it as just another controversy that didn’t really affect them. Some Harvard women were annoyed, but most just shrugged and got on with life.
@Midnight Marauder:
Well, the whole ‘Jews control the media’ attitude he had was creepy enough, because it assumes that somehow Jews are a group trying to control the media rather than there happening to be a bunch of Jews in high media positions. I was more impressed by his declaration that Stewart had it in for him because Stewart was a Jew and Sanchez was Latino. THAT is what racism looks like. You’ll hear it from Limbaugh frequently.
@Jewish Steel: Thanks for that.
I’m getting tired of bemoaning the Post and most of the other papers I have the misfortune to come into contact with. But that’s the problem: they are still making a serious impact on political discourse in this country. Their death throes are threatening to take a lot of people down with them.
How great would it be to shift all the advertising revenue from newspapers to online media? I used to think we desperately needed newspapers, but not at this price.
Sanchez has the makings of a good teevee news reader/interviewer, and perhaps his recent career setback will teach him some humility and judgment. I am not sorry to see him gone because he never knew when to keep his mouth shut, but he showed promise, especially when he was translating live feed from the Chilean quake on the fly. But, generally, I had to change the channel when he came on because he obviously loved himself too, too much.
I can think of several other CNN gasbags who deserve the chop, also, too, as well (to coin a phrase).
DougJ is the business and economics editor for Balloon Juice.
There have been about 20 examples of things like that this year from WaPo. I think I wrote about the first 12 or so and have just shook my head at the last 8.
DougJ is the business and economics editor for Balloon Juice.
@gil mann:
it is usually much better. They have a number of posters and some are better than others.
Don’t know if you saw the mediaite interview. It’s a bit of a slobberfest, crediting Sanchez with leading the Twitter revolution in the msm.
“There’s another thing to remember here: Sanchez is mostly a “straight” anchor, not an opinion person like Patty Patty Buke Buke, so he’s got less leeway to indulge his inner bigot.”
Wait, what? Who’s Patty Bukake?
Glenndacious Greenwaldian (formerly tim)
American Jews make up only 2% of the population of America. Yet: 46% make over $100,000 per year, they make up 15% of the U.S. Senate, 13% of the U.S. House of Representatives, 67% of members of the Board of the Federal reserve, 33% of the U.S. Supreme Court. Media: Just taking CNN only, 55% of corporate officers for TBS, which owns CNN, are Jewish. On air, Larry King, John King, Howard Kurtz, Eliot Slpitzer, Jeffrey Toobin, Paula Zahn, etc.. Rick Sanchez has nothing to apologize for.
OMG, how dare you bring facts into this discussion. Whether or not your statistics, which seem congruent with the ones I’ve seen, have an effect on media coverage of issues or internal hiring is beside the point; don’t you know you are not allowed to mention this subject lest you be, um, crucified. YIKES, OMG, CODE WORD!
DougJ is the business and economics editor for Balloon Juice.
@Glenndacious Greenwaldian (formerly tim):
It’s not that he said there are a lot of Jews in the media, it’s the way he talked about them being afraid of another Holocaust — “I hope so” — and the whole “I hate Jooish Libruls” thing. As I said, my take away is that he hates people like me — northeastern liberals — too. You can’t make your audience hate you and expect to keep your job. Especially when your ratings are already in the crapper.
Uh, I’m not sure what kind of reaction you think the undergrads would have had to have for it to rise to the level of “annoyed?” That’s pretty basic, actually. I mean, yeah, people weren’t throwing themselves from windows but there were some protests and a whole lot of people were really pissed off. That isn’t to say that I think Summers lost his job because of it. He was neck deep in shit that was much more complex–as someone said upthread he managed to piss off much more important parts of his constituency over, variously: treatment of faculty, handling of the Andre Schleifer (sp?) situation, the handling of the endowment etc…But, yes, most women I knew in the greater Cambridge/Boston area and beyond were royally pissed off. If they weren’t acting out to your satisfaction that doesn’t mean they weren’t aware of his comments, and angered by them.
Sorry Doug, but you’re just making up shit about what Sanchez said now.
All he said that was racy, from what I can gather is
–Jews are not an oppressed minority
–Jews have powerful positions in media
neither of these things are that controversial.
this place had the best full quotation of what he was saying. Hey if you can find the stuff you’re quoting, please provide a link. Otherwise this over-the-top accusations of antisemitism is really disturbing to me, and reminds me of 2004 LGF.
I want to rephrase what I said for a second and point out that “the women/undergraduates” in morzer’s story are really in exactly the same position as Jon Stewart and the Jooz in the Sanchez story–you know, no one was surprised by the original comments and it didn’t rise to the level of shock/horror. One thing women undergrads and grads at Harvard and everywhere else are used to is the argument that women are just inferior genetically. Just like Jon Stewart and everyone else was used to hearing that Jews in America magically went from being subhuman to being super-white/upper class with no history or economy or events intervening.
That was, in fact, what was so galling about Summers’ attitude and his supporters attitude towards what he said. We had to hear fairly endless versions of “he spoke truth to power!” and “when an economist starts babbling evo psych then you are really getting to some serious science.” Well, no one said that but that was basically it. Larry Summers got up and said in public something that only a fuckload of old man professors had said–hell, had researched–over the last two hundred years. The facts were against him. Hell, the research was against him. But he apparently was running the university with the intention of opening up the question again “women? really inferior or just a tiny bit inferior?” What was going to be next as we went backwards?
The main thing is that people can be disgusted, pissed off, and annoyed by this stuff without demonstrating total shock and horror because its not actually all that surprising. When I was at Harvard the old white dudes in the English department had literally nothing to say about George Eliot and Virginia Wolf but “Brilliant but ugly/beautiful but mad.” I wasn’t surprised that Larry Summers said what he did, I was only surprised that he still thought to get points for novelty saying it. And I daresay Morzer’s undergraduates thought the same.
Yep. It has a whole lot more to do with media historically being one of the few career paths open to Jewish people than it does with some vast Jewish conspiracy to control everything.
If you look at Broadway and vaudeville in the late 19th century, who was running things? Not gentiles, unless you think Ziegfeld and Shubert are gentile names. When Broadway became films, people moved from New York to Hollywood. When films became TV and radio, those same people followed. Why people see this as a vast, terrifying conspiracy, I really don’t know.
Aimai, if you wish to make this personal, waste someone else’s time. I taught on campus, talked to a good number of women and served as a proctor in a freshman dorm when all of this happened. You didn’t, and your attempts to make this into some sort of male view against women on my part are simply dishonest. The female undergraduates were mostly unbothered, partly because Harvard students simply don’t get riled up over most things, which is regrettable, but that’s how they are, and partly because Summers wasn’t someone they found very credible as a spokesman for such a point of view. I will say again that I was on campus, not the Cambridge/Somerville gossip circuit, and the facts are that most Harvard women shrugged and got on with their lives. Sorry if this disappoints you, but facts are facts.
Actually, since I had the unfortunate timing to only realize I was a born classicist after a year into college, I started Latin and Greek at the same time. My Greek is absolute shit compared to my Latin, but I’m not incompetent at it – I’m currently doing Birds.
Anne Laurie
Patrick Buchanan, aka Rachel Maddow’s “Crazy Uncle Pat”, who gets considerable leeway for his indefensible xenophobia, racism & sexism because he’s old and was once a Very Important Person in DC (served as a Nixon speechwriter & later a GOP presidential candidate). Political people are allowed “opinions” that mere television talking heads like Sanchez should avoid, because as far as the businesspeople running CNN are concerned, Buchanan sells specificially to a targeted niche market, but Sanchez was supposed to be ‘nonpartisan’, and his anti-Jewish rant severely damaged his saleability.
DougJ is the business and economics editor for Balloon Juice.
Now, blow me, you fucking twit. You’re an idiot and I hope you don’t continue to comment here.
EDIT: I don’t like to be this much of an asshole, but what would it have killed you to google “rick sanchez holocaust”?
Tony Ryals
I know nothing about this Mr.Sanchez until now but plenty and all need to about CNN,FoxNews and Jon Stewart to know he is closer to the truth than they are or will ever hope to be.Wolf Blitzer and CNN covered up
and did damage control for Olmert rather than doing an investigation into who was suing them for $100 million in Florida.And Fox ‘News’ has had myriad Middle East and war ‘experts’ who have been involved in stock fraud and money laundering as well such as Ollie North, Mansoor
Ijaz,Marc Ginsberg,etc.,etc.
Oh by the way Lanny Davis who defended the Honduras’ coup leaders with the help of CNN in Spanish and English also defended the mortgatage and stock fraud called Novastar that lied about its worthless dividend paying ponzi scheme being a victim of ‘naked short
selling’.What ever became of them ?
CNN,Wolf Blitzer Cover Up of Michael Zwebner,Air Water Corp Fraud Helped Ehud Olmert To Israeli PM Office
by Tony Ryals | 07.04.2008
Long before Morris Talansky came on the radar screenin an Israel National Fraud Office investigation this past May,(do a google search ‘ehud olmert morris talansky global technologies ‘,CNN and Wolf Blitzer and their legal representative in Florida,Holland & Knight LLP,covered up Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s criminal ties to U.S. Air Water Corp stock fraud and to British Israeli con artist Michael Zwebner which enabled the corrupt Olmert to become Israeli PM in the first place !
WTC,9/11,ICTS International,NY Mosque:Netherlands Geert Wilders … – [ Traducir esta página ]I meant to only focus on two charcters in the 9/11 WTC mosque controversy ,Barack Obama and Dutch wingnut and Zionist with possible Jewish-Indonesian …
If Jon Stewart could only read SEC filings he would know,or have known a decade ago, that Menachem Atzmon,convicted of money laundering in his own country of Israel,was behind the stock fraud called ICTS International that ‘guarded’ Logan Airport in Boston where the two planes that hit his WTC originated from according to U.S.government’s own official story.Stewart isn’t as stupid as he pretends….
Because I stopped watching CNN long ago due to its right wing pro
Honduras coup and Zionist bias I really don’t know who Rick Sanchez
is.However I do know that Wolf Blitzer and CNN covered up and didn’t
report a $100,000,000 litigation against them in Florida by British
Israeli money launderer Michael Zwebner all because I was posting on a
penny stock message board called ragingbull.com about Zwebner’s
connections to then Israeli PM Ehud Olmert and Zwebner who used a
small part of his stock fraud against Americans to hire gay
prostitutes or indulge in harrassment litigation of his critics such
as myself.
He even tried to divert attention from his stock frauds by pretending
I was ‘anti-semitic’ and claimed I was accusing him of eating a
cheeseburger with a milk shake rather than the fact that I was
accusing him and Ehud Olmert quite properly of stock fraud and money
laundering against Americans.I emailed Blitzer with the fact that I
Tony Ryals was the one posting as wolfblitzzer0 on ragingbull UCSY
message board where Zwebner using his connections to Olmert and then
Israeli President Moshe Katsav,(later accused of rape), to promote his
non existent ‘air water machines’ in order to defraud investors,even
lieing about selling them to American Coalition forces in Iraq and
the Israeli army.Yes he was making money for himself and his
hypocritical Zionist pals by luring investors however naive into
buying worthless shares(incorporated in Nevada he used for money
laundering in Lichtenstein,the Caymans and Israeli bank accounts etc.
and Olmert even wrote aletter in SEC’s UCSY filings claiming to have
visited Zwebner’s ‘Air Water Machine’ factory in Israel !
Glenndacious Greenwaldian (formerly tim)
@DougJ is the business and economics editor for Balloon Juice.:
DougJ, isn’t it quite possible that Sanchez’s intended meaning was that he hopes all Jews keep in mind, and never forget, the holocaust and all its lessons, including the possibility that something like it could happen again? Do you REALLY believe he was saying that he hopes all Jews live in terror of its memory, just because he, you know, likes the idea of Jews suffering with horrible memories? Really?
The first time I read, and then heard this portion of his interview, I truly didn’t get what was supposed to be offensive about that part; I thought he was commiserating and empathizing; not hating.
And, you might consider not leaping to “fuck you, get off the site” when someone challenges you strongly. It seems kind of insecure.
I started to ask, do you have any idea what you’re saying here? That a little twerp like Sanchez admonishing the Jewish people to “keep the Holocaust in mind” implies some sort of empathy, rather than a degree of arrogance and stupidity that is mind-boggling to behold….?
Then I recalled the source.
Glenndacious Greenwaldian (formerly tim)
My god, you are a hateful, angry freak.
Fuck off.
@Glenndacious Greenwaldian (formerly tim):
tee hee
Glenndacious Greenwaldian (formerly tim)
Two points:
I’m not a front page poster telling someone to fuck off get off the site, and…
…I didn’t tell you to get off the site, merely to fuck off, which you can do off site or on.
Your comments are so often couched in snotty personal insults when directed at someone not considered a BJ regular, whatever that is. Why is that? You’re like a high school mean girl trying to keep the uncool kids in line. And considering that I’ve been posting and reading here for at least five years I guess I am a regular. But that wouldn’t make sense to someone like you, who seemingly is all about protecting her imagined cyberturf here.
But then, again, fuck off. You’re a nasty piece of work.
cokane, I made the same mistake you did in a previous comment thread about Sanchez: turns out there was a forty-five minute show, from which Sargent only quoted a brief excerpt.
For my part, I do not share Sanchez’s hope that every Jew is shaking in fear of a repeat Holocaust. ‘Cause that’d just promote the “This must never happen to us again” mentality, which is doing a lot of harm. I’m a lot more worried about persecution I might suffer for being a Leftie than for being a Jew.
As for Hitch’s calling the Israel Lobby “the Jewish Lobby,” well, I guess it’s good that he . . . no wait, I can’t think of anything good to say about it. Oh, I got one: at least Hitchens, who identifies as a Jew himself, is challenging the stereotype that all Jews are smart people.
@Glenndacious Greenwaldian (formerly tim):
You, an uncool kid? When you proudly trot along in the shadow of GG, the kewlest of them all? And been here FIVE years?
Please. I may be mean, but I wouldn’t dare mess with that shit.
I feel bad for the family of the guy Sanchez ran over and killed in the (then) Joe Robbie Stadium after a Dolphin game.
Him, not so much. Right Wing Exilo, Police Worshipping Ron Burgundy forebear.
Glenndacious Greenwaldian (formerly tim)
thank you for illustrating my points.
Bruce (formerly Steve S.)
Uh, Doug, this has everything to do with Israel. Bigoted remarks get tossed around casually a hundred times every day in our media culture. Antisemitic ones would go as unnoticed as the rest of them if Israel was not America’s #1 client state.
Cool, I wont post or visit here again dude.
full quote really just shows that you’re perverting what sanchez was saying anyway. God, so sad you have to lash out like that. O well :[