Via Sully, the greatest correction ever from Amanda Hess:
This blog post originally stated that one in three black men who have sex with me is HIV positive. In fact, the statistic applies to black men who have sex with men.
Oh, my.
by John Cole| 43 Comments
This post is in: Excellent Links, Humorous
Via Sully, the greatest correction ever from Amanda Hess:
This blog post originally stated that one in three black men who have sex with me is HIV positive. In fact, the statistic applies to black men who have sex with men.
Oh, my.
Comments are closed.
“I fear guilt by typographical error.”
— Lewis Grizzard
Who is Amanda Hess?
I think we can safely close down the internet at this point. Best to all.
Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle
@Bulworth: Her:
I know it’s two years old, and I don’t know why anyone would know who she is, but it’s kinda creepy that she looks 15 in that picture.
El Tiburon
Yes, but all are 100% satisfied. (cue the Barry White LP)
This would have been better if it was Megan McArdle’s error and correction. Who is Amanda Hess?
Davis X. Machina
@beltane: Sounds like Bart crank-calling Moe’s Bar, doesn’t it?
@Bulworth: Today’s winner of the Internets.
John Cole
@beltane: Megan wouldn’t correct it, she would just blame her spell checker and the people who pointed it out. And then she would explain that this was central to her point, anyway.
Irony Abounds
Fine, so now the question of how many black men who have sex with Amanda are HIV positive is back on the table. Not that I’ll lie awake at night wondering mind you.
John - A Motley Moose
Hilarious until the consequences of that statistic sink in.
Irony Abounds
@John Cole:
Maybe Megan’s calculator doesn’t go high enough to avoid being off by a factor of 10.
@John – A Motley Moose:
Even the corrected headline leaves more questions. The main study is about D.C. It makes you wonder what statistics are like in other parts of the country.
@Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle: 15? How about 12?
She should be more selective.
Angry Black Lady
best typo ever.
@Angry Black Lady:
The only possibility for improvement is if it was written by someone like Jonah Goldberg or a douchy white Christian conservative.
The Dangerman
Reminds me of this classic video about work and Twitter:
Life at 140 Characters or less
I have had the crappiest day, but I laughed out loud at this. The “oh, my” from John Cole was the icing on the cake.
Ash Can
Hats off to Amanda H
ugnkiess.El Cid
We need to know if the sample size is large enough to be statistically significant.
I thought that said Amerada Hess.
Oh, what I would give to have seen the blush on Amanda Hess’ innocent-looking face when she noticed the typo …
OT, but for you guys who thought maybe the Ohio Nazi reenactor was just an innocent history buff, you have some new info to contend with. He doesn’t think we can judge members of the SS, because we haven’t walked a mile in their shoes:
Unbelievable. He was floating a somewhat exculpatory story line (“educational purpose,” “make sure we never forget,” “I also did it for other sides and other wars,” blah blah blah). But when he had a full chance to explain himself, he basically confirmed the worst suspicions.
gogol's wife
This amusing item inspired me to go to Sullivan for the first time in a long time, and this was at the top:
“I’ll be on CNN’s new 8pm Parker-Spitzer show tonight, ripping the president and the Republicans a new one on gays in the military.”
Sorry I said something nice about him yesterday.
El Cid
@EconWatcher: Look, haven’t people already said enough bad things about the SS? Everyone experiments with running concentration camps in high school.
John O
My inner statistician has informed me that the most important aspect of this post is that 99.9999999% of the American public doesn’t know who Amanda Hess is. If the commenters here haven’t heard of her…
…too lazy to look it up (plus don’t give a sh*t), but the name Amanda Hess rings of Clownhall to me.
@EconWatcher: He’s on his — what, third or fourth? — explanation by now. And they aren’t even mutually consistent.
It’s not fair. You Americans are hogging all the entertainingly crazy politicians.
Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle
@John O: You are confusing her with Amanda Carpenter.
For the best effect, read it with George Takei’s voice.
@gregw: My son is 12. She’s a stretch even for 12. He had girls in his class when he was 10 that looked like her.
But what’s creepiest is that she looks almost exactly like my neighbor’s 5 year old son – just bigger. I’m not one to judge people on their looks but just a little work on the hair would go miles toward keeping her from looking like To Catch a Predator bait.
I thought this was about Amanda Hesser, which I found baffling in many ways. But it’s not.
So I join the vast majority of humanity in saying, “Amanda Hess? Who she?”
Bill Murray
@Irony Abounds: so you are not a black man that has had sex with Amanda Hess. Good to know
@josefina: I dunno either. Have you tried asking the closest black guy?
She keeps saying that 1/3 of black men who have sex with men are HIV+ but her previous article states it is 28% ( which is actually closer to 1/4 than 1/3 if we have to do fractions.
@gogol’s wife:
Yes, that’s the way it works with Sullivan.
Marvin Piffpaff
Which is ZERO men, black, white, magenta or any other color.
The pre-adolescent look is dyke, totally dyke, what I call Baby Butch.
No way in hell is any post-adolescent hetero female is gonna try to look like she’s a pre-adolescent boy. No. Fucking. Way. Think about it.
@Marvin Piffpaff:
Jesus, dude…
Do we have to?
Porlock Junior
Looks a bit like Tintin, doesn’t she?
PLEASE don’t tell them at Sadly No! that I said this. Might be misunderstood.
Porlock Junior
BTW, never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
it tolls for them.
(This actually happened, but I’ve lost the cite.)
I hope all of you bagging on how she looks know what complete fucking douchebags it makes you sound like.
Just FYI–Amanda Hess used to write a column for the Washington City Paper called ‘The Sexist.’ It dealt with sex and gender issues in Washington, D.C. When City Paper editor Erik Wemple departed to start, she and several other CP staffers (then-current and former) went with him, including Dave Jamieson, Sarah Godfrey, and Andrew Beaujon. Her blog at TBD mines similar territory to that of her old gig. Full disclosure: I was once a CP staffer as well, but got out of the newspaper business altogether a few years ago, and never had the opportunity to work with Amanda.
In other words, yes, she’s baby butch, and no, she doesn’t have sex with black men, white men, purple men, or little green men from Mars, which is one reason the typo is so hilarious. She’s actually grown her hair out a bit since that photo, going for the whole Justin Bieber look now ;).