You can do it, put your back into it:
According to WKYT, “[Tim] Profitt explained that he used his foot to try and keep her down because he can’t bend over because of back problems. He also says police were alerted to watch her before Paul arrived because people in the crown recognized her as someone who may try and pull a stunt.”
We’ve been talking about this event all day, so let me share with you my deepest fear: that if Paul does well on election day, the story will be “this event helped Paul by tapping into voter anger blah blah”. I don’t know who writes this column, but Chunky Bobo, Marc Ambinder, Charles Blow, Mark Halperin are all pretty good candidates.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I would never be able to keep a straight face if I was a Republican. I’d just start cracking up like Jimmy Fallon laughing at his own jokes. How they do it is beyond me.
Lauren Valle on Olbermann (8:34, via KY blogger)
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford:
I don’t know…would you really laugh that hard?
Blow? Isn’t he a “Liberal”?
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Yes, because it’s fucking ridiculous.
Great title, btw.
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford:
They believe their own bullshit. It’s a sickness, not an ideology.
My guess is Richard Cohen will do it.
John PM
I don’t know about this guy, but when my back hurts I have difficulty walking. Stomping or pounding (whether the ground or another person) would cause my back pain to get worse. In other words, I call BULLSHIT!
gogol's wife
He’s the biggest Obama concern troll on the New York Times. And that’s saying a great deal.
Profitt forgot to mention that he hurt his back IN THE SERVICE OF HIS COUNTRY because freedom isn’t free. and how dare that communist socialist girl treat a veteran this way.
So: teatard fail.
Well, if you believe that the right is engaged in fascist tactics—and antics like this have already pushed into the proto-fascist territory—then they would be doing this as a political strategy not simply for intimidation but in order to provoke a physical response from the left that would justify an escalation on their part.
starry eyed dreamer that I am, it actually crossed my mind this morning that this might HURT Paul.
Nope, haven’t touched the stuff in years…..why do you ask?
Tim F.
This guy and Kenneth Gladney will be martyrs to the cause. When America falls on hard enough times and becomes essentially ungovernable, Old Fighters like them will have a high status in the authortarian regime that picks up the pieces (though, like Joe the plumber and John Boehner their status will be largely ceremonial). That is the plan anyway.
Left Coast Tom
@John PM:
It’s weird…I have back problems. Last November my back muscles decided to spasm just before I backpacked in the Grand Canyon. The first morning, before starting, I fell over trying to put my backpack on. Once it was on, the only problem I had hiking down the canyon was that I had to side-step rocks on the trail, and when I wanted to take a picture I had to find an elevated surface (rock) before taking off my pack. I had similar issues hiking to Clear Creek. Then, I gained the ability to take my pack off at ground level. I was OK hiking out.
Though I agree his whine was bullshit.
Maybe one of the other guys, who didn’t have back problems, could have come with a better way of restraining a supposed dangerous activist? Other than a foot on the head?
Just saying.
kommrade reproductive vigor
So let me get this straight. (So to speak.)
This inflamed hemorrhoid wanted the cops to violate her 1st Am. rights because he’s a big fucking coward, and now he wants a cookie because he tried to restrain her even though he has a “bad back.”
Oh what a brave patriot! Quick, someone take Kerry’s Purple Heart and give it to him.
Mark S.
“Honey, my back was acting up again so I just kicked the baby over to the crib.”
We know he is lying.
If he had back problems he would have been riding around in his Medicare-paid-for scooter.
Evolved Deep Southerner
@jwb: What part of it seems “proto” to you?
@Evolved Deep Southerner:
I would say a lack of a political leader. They have Glenn Beck, but they don’t have anyone who holds elective office to coalesce around like they did in classic fascist states. There’s not even a generalissimo, so the tea partiers mostly end up milling around lashing out aimlessly at their opponents.
Once that guy shows up for them, we’re all hosed.
Pro tip: If you “can’t bend over because of back problems,” don’t try to be the big dog in a crowd-control scrum. Just stand back and yell “Citizen’s arrest! Citizen’s arrest!” in your best Gomer Pyle voice while someone else does the heavy lifting. Dillweed.
Sounds like everyone involved in this altercation could use a fistful of ibuprofen.
Was Charles Blow always this bad or is he one among the many who lost their shit after Obama was elected?
John Bird
Um, I’m going to go ahead and guess that this event helped Paul by tapping into voter anger.
There are probably a lot of Republicans in Kentucky who want to stomp, stomp, stomp on some liberal college girl’s head, all night long.
This Tea Party mess is more scary than funny, as I’ve been saying since they were calling Ron Paul rallies that in 2008.
I think he’s always been bad.
John Bird
I think we would also need to see a mature organization coalesce that is not afraid to violently intimidate on a mass scale. This “vote-watching” stuff, which seems designed to get the angriest freaks out there picking racially charged fights on Election Day, may be where this begins.
So if you take the back problems out of the equation, he would have bent over and …???
I am not sure why the teabaggers haven’t mentioned ACORN or Soros, yet? Very soon, it will be all about “progressives” and “union thugs” coming to Kentucky to steal the election.
John Bird
To arrest the mobility of the assailant, I depressed my foot at high speed against her head in a ‘stopping’ motion, mirroring the preferred action to work the brakes of my automobile.
I wonder if this fine specimen has sought medical treatment for his “back problems”. Maybe a recipient of some fine non-government, Galt Patriot medicare?
This nation’s become so affected by rightwing-ified BS that the people Americans now hate the most are their fellow Americans. So 9/12 of them. And the fact that these f#*ks use Ben Franklins “Unite or die” snake symbol as one of their emblems shows what a mindf*#k they live in. Thanks W for all you did for this nation. You’re legacy lives on.
I think Profitt has a lot less to worry about than his accomplice:
Smart money’s on Halperin. Always is!
Suck It Up!
Marc Ambinder? Nah. Halperin? oh yeah.
Yes, because it would be entirely unprecedented for the voters of Kentucky to elect the Republican candidate for Senate even if he’s a fringe nutjob.
Comrade Kevin
The Tea Party plan for America: A boot stamping on a human face, forever.
May it please the court, I intend to explain that if we show the video one frame at a time, it clearly shows the plaintiff trying to attack all of the men at once and that defendant Profitt was forced to step on the plaintiff’s neck in self-defense while co-defendant Pezzano defensively grabbed the plaintiff’s breast in order to avoid being assaulted with it.
Well, it worked before.
Norman Rogers
Clearly, the woman is feloniously using her head to attack that man’s foot while another brave citizen tries to keep her from leaping in the air and doing a spinning dropkick; I do not see how anyone could reach a conclusion that does not include indicting her for attacking another citizen from her position of helplessness there on the ground.
It seems evident that these guys are law-enforcement wannabees and they’re acting the way they think big tough cops act on the TV.
You know, I didn’t see the video until late last night, so when I saw the claims that it wasn’t a stomping, I accepted that there could be more than one interpretation of the scene — that there was some gray ambiguity.
When I actually saw the video, I was completely shocked at how violent it really was. uh, sorry, that was a stomp. He did it slowly and deliberately but exerted a lot of power and pressure. He pushed down hard.
So I can’t figure out the people claiming it wasn’t that bad. Are they so blinded by their ideology that they’ll excuse almost anything?
Howlin Wolfe
Paul in KY
I think all the Randites are busy writing the words to the ‘Tim Proffitt Lied’, using some random Ted Nugent song (I guess).
All those pukes need now are brown shirts & a snazzy flag.
Paul in KY
@Allan: Your logic, sir, is impeccable.
And now, Profitt says that he “thinks she should apologize” to him. For real. My jaw hit the floor.
How long before we learn that Profitt is collecting government disability payments for his “back problem?”
“……helped Paul by….. tapping into voter anger……”
If that’s so, think how well they’d do if they actually shot some leftie to death.