We are now up and running, and Laura W. passes along the following info:
Presenting the 2011 Pets of Balloon Juice Calendar!
I received 263 emails and over 600 photos. Everyone who submitted should see at least one shot of their pet. Most of you will see more than one if you sent multiples. If I missed anyone, I apologize. It was not intentional.
Huge thanks to:
Ann Adamus for her massive contribution to the cover, so generously donating her time, her very creative eye, and her mad Photo Shop skills.
Vincent Cheung, creator of Shape Collage, who answered each of my emails very quickly and graciously.
On behalf of Evelyn Bridges and all of her Charlie’s Angels angels, thank you for supporting this project so enthusiastically and sharing your beloved pets with the rest of us.
To order your calendar, click this link or click on the calendar icon off to the right below the Tunch “Feed” button.
Southern Beale
Okay, who has the gigantic gray and white kitty featured in February? CRACKED ME UP!
Second year in a row my aunt will be receiving merchandise from the BJ store for Hanukkah. And of course I had to have a copy for myself (and Ellie)
P.S. Kick ass job Laura W
I’m going to order a bunch of them this weekend. This is AWESOME!
Many, many thanks to Laura for all her fabulous work. This is wonderful.
I bought 2!
Squee! I’m so excited. Wish I could order right now, but I have to wait for the next paycheck.
Laura W.
@Southern Beale: Thanks for reminding me! It might be easier to view all the pages at a glance and enlarged here, at the old Charlie’s Angles Logo Contest blog.
Thanks to all who submitted. Sorry I don’t know Photo Shop so couldn’t really move stuff around once the collage was built and also sorry if your baby had the misfortune of the punched out calendar hanging hole thingey at the top go right through one of its eyes! I wanted to fit everyone’s pet in here, so while the photos are small, you’ll still be able to claim your fur/fin/scale/feather/hoof.
@debit: I had the opposite problem. As I was ordering I realized my credit card expires in 2 days. Somehow I must’ve missed the new card and tossed it as junk mail.
@Laura W.: Is there a Tunch or Lily on every page that we have to find ala Waldo?
Fabulous job! And very easy to order.
Southern Beale
Interesting: substantially more cats than dogs. Is this a blog thing?
Laura W.
No, but John did suggest that same thing but I’d already finalized and uploaded all the pages. 2012!
Can’t wait to hang this in our kitchen!
There’s some serious pet love out there.
Our Sweet Pea is thrilled to be the first cat in April. April (’09) also happens to be the month we brought her into the house. Cool how that worked out.
General Stuck
Hope a gazillion of them sells to help a gazillion pets in need. Anyone who doesn’t think pet rescue is gawds work, needs their butt spanked. I will buy one later.
Ordered. Easiest purchase I’ve ever made. Juicer Pets? Awesome cause? I’m there.
Nice work, Laura!! And Ann, and Shape, and of course Cole for giving this wonderful project and cause the kind of spotlight it deserves.
Just looked up at my current calendar on the wall. The photos are lame, and I’m pretty sure I found a holiday mistake last Spring. Sure, it was free, and as they say, you get what you pay for. Since it came from my insurance agency, though, special conditions apply, so I like to consider the calender part of their “one low price” plan.
I can’t wait for 2011. :-)
Zuzu's Petals
Very kewl ! Laura, thanks for all the hard work…it sure has paid off.
I see that my Tig is Miss September. That’s her hiding behind the window blinds on the right hand side.
I feel like Steve Martin
“The new phonebooks are here! The new phonebooks are here!”
I am so getting 2 of theses!
I spotted Keaton and Charlotte in February (in the top row, with Charlotte nomming on Keaton’s ear) but I can’t remember which picture I sent in of Annie. Feh.
Looks awesome!
Thanks Laura et al. for your hard work, this is gorgeous.
Can’t wait to see it in real life.
@Laura W.:
It looks fabulous. Hope you are well.
I particularly like the Lily photo (I’m assuming it’s her) in the middle of September.
Oh Laura W what a spectacular job!
And beloved Jack is in the middle of November. I am so excited!
I love this place.
Fantastic — thank you so much Laura. They are all so cute!
For those of you who wish to drop hints in the holiday season that you want the calendar, use the amazon universal wish list button on your browser.
Three are headed to Poopy Manor. Can’t start -Christmas- holiday shopping too early, you know.
Now I should go look to see where Spanky is. He’s the only one of the 5 that I had pics ready for.
ETA: And yes! Many thanks, kudos, and congratulations to Laura & all involved in putting this together.
Yes! Just bought two . . . one for us and one for my incredible daughter.
Emily is her name. She’s 22. She volunteers at the Humane Society, she works as a game tester (in French, which was her college major) for Nintendo, she’s married as of last June, and her husband is about to deploy to Iraq for his 2nd tour. He’s 23.
She’ll be so thrilled with this calendar, and I’m just so glad you guys made it. Thank you!
HE Pennypacker, Wealthy Industrialist
Just bought one. Thanks Laura! And nice work.
First thing Monday I’m ordering five — one for me, four as Xmas gifts. Awesome! Congrats to everyone who contributed photos, time or talent.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Awesome job! I see my evil beasts made April.
I also see I need to stop calling my fat orange cat fat. He’s the new average.
Woot, Lady Smudge is a cover girl!
TaMara (BHF)
Great job LauraW and everyone! Beautiful work. Can’t wait to see the $$ totals.
I’m going to order two. Miss Maggie is thrilled to be both a cover girl and one of the Misses March.
Congratulations Laura W, et al for a project well done. It’s terrific. May it make Charlie’s Angels a tidy sum during the holidays. It’s a welcome break from those over-primped critters I typically find on the calendars I’ve purchased in the past. These guys are the real deal, and obviously much loved. It was a terrific idea to pursue.
Cat Lady
Sweeeet! My handsome boy Woody is a Mr. May. Woody in a bag!
I just have to put this out there though – there’s a cat in January that looks like Gollum bred with a bushbaby. What’s the story with that cat? Is it really a cat? It looks like it might be a cat, if a cat was born a mile underground and was fed white bread soaked in milk through a syringe since birth. I thought I’d seen everything, but whiskey tango foxtrot with that cat?
Wow! I didn’t think I had “officially” submitted a photo — and there was my Felix right on the cover in the center! Thank you! So OF COURSE I HAD to purchase a calendar — and make a donation to Charlie’s Angels Animal Rescue in honor of Laura W. and Balloon Juice pets. :-)
Great job! Looking forward to getting my calendar.
Thank you Laura!
King and Gaby are both in October. King is sleeping in front of a fire, and Gaby is curled up in a pile of leaves, so they’re in the perfect month.
I bought 2.
How is everyone looking at the interior pages!? I ordered mine but I don’t want to wait until it gets here to see if/where my pets are!
woohoo, my winky brown cat and my tuxedo cat are in September (towards the bottom!) I went and purchased one and then facebooked it to friends.
@JasonF: Laura W posted a comment above with this link
EDIT: I think Ellie in May has the only picture showing off other BJ swag.
@MattR: Thanks, and thanks to Laura W. I’m not sure how I missed her comment. I submitted three pets — one made January and the other two made March! Hooray!
Thanks all, especially Laura for the hard work. I found my Wendy dog in September, looking as cute as ever. She’s a shelter rescue and a terrific girl. So I’ll be ordering my calendar!
Mike E
@JasonF: Hit the ‘view calendar pages’ linky… check out the cat/dog action right there in the middle of July, that is my daughter’s menagerie, wOOt!
J. Michael Neal
Eddie and Dirk made the cover. Eddie and Ringling are in December. Monster made it twice. She’s got quite an ego; I’m afraid Laura has created a . . . wait for it . . . monster.
My kitty Scout is Ms. March—the black tortie with the red collar on the left side of the page. Luna Baby is Ms. June/December, lounging in the grass, in the center of the page.
This is the best Christmas gift EVAR.
Awesome job, Laura! My Shadow killing da pig monster made July, and both my boys snuggling in ‘their’ red recliner made November. A round of applause for all involved in getting this done so quickly. I will be ordering soon.
If Laura W. or JC are still checking this thread, I am wondering how much of the cost goes to the pet rescue center? I know the cafe press cut on many items is pretty high.
Just Some Fuckhead
I’m going to try to be rid of all my pets before the next calendar so I can get the new ones into 2012.
I’ve ordered 2; one for the kitchen, one for the bedroom. My Shadow is chilling in his goggles during July, and sitting cool with a breeze in his fur in September.
Thanks for all the work putting this together. Can’t wait for January to get here! And once July comes, I get admire my boy all month without digging out my phone (that pic is my wallpaper).
Laura W.
$7.01 per calendar goes to CAAR. This is one of our highest profit items in the whole store. Our average markup is only about $4. We make $3.01 per $15 mug; $5.01 on a $22 apron.
Volume counts, so thanks to everyone for some great sales already tonight! I should add that CP has a pretty generous tiered bonus commission structure in place based on the gross sales figure for the month that can really make a huge difference in the check. CAAR really benefited from that in Feb when the store opened and the sales were very high for the first month or two and will certainly reap the rewards here again with a big influx of sales all at one time.
How fun! Will order at least one this weekend. Thanks for all the work you’ve done, it looks wonderful.Can’t believe you got my submissions in , they were ultra last minute! Yay, my big boy Gryff is in the cathouse in the middle of June!
needs more torties. I’m so disappointed, I might just vote for Nader again. I could, ya know.
Buuuut, Kitty wouldn’t like that. So I’ll just go ahead and do this instead. Thank you Laura W, and John Cole too. and everybody else.
Tom Factor
Yay! My bella is on teh July page.
Grabbing one soon!
Thanks Laura. Very nice. Must find credit card today! Mao Mao is Ms. Nov. & Dec.! So many cow cats, she is delighted.
Forgot -> Posted link on my facebook page. Many animal lovers as friends, including my neighbors’ whose dog came through Charlie’s Angels.
Thanks, Laura, for the fantastic work. My big guardian Teddi and her cat Wiley are in February and my grandpuppy, Emma the crazy pug, made November. Lovely. I’ll be ordering some for Christmas presents.
@Maody: Thanks for the thought. I’ll post the link to mine as well.
Linda M
A brightness added to my Saturday. Thanks, Laura and everyone else who worked to get this calendar put together. I’m so pleased to see pictures of our kittehs on the calendar with so many beautiful pets. I’m honored and I love this site.
Dog is My Co-Pilot
I’ll be ordering at least two! Thanks, Laura, for the work you put in on this.
Chat Noir
Wonderful job, Laura W! My babies are May and September calendar cats. Can’t wait to see all the cuteness when I get the two I just ordered (one for me and the other for mom-in-law for Hanukkah). I also thought of a couple more people to buy them for so will do for holiday gifts.
My only regret is that I didn’t get my cousin’s dog in there. He adopted them (this is in India) although he doesn’t come in the house he stays outside. There is a rescue mission there that feeds all the local dogs there.
All those tiresome cats and not one horse or goat?
There is a lamb and a rabbit, those are good. But the lamb is with a cat.
Edit : My filly Giacomena is in March. And the lamb and cat are mine too.