I’m headed to the airport just as soon as the sitter gets acclimated to the critters, but I want to make sure you all go out and vote. The weather here is beautiful- sun is out, there was a frost on the ground and a brisk cool air, so maybe that will help with the GOTV. I’m not looking forward to the results tonight, but we’ll just have to deal with them and move forward with what we get. We’ve done what we could- lot of people have volunteered, donated up to 80k, and done many things to help the Dems out, but there is still a ton of stuff to do. Maybe the one silver lining in today’s vote is that Prop 19 will pass. Cross your fingers.
And yes, I know I am a ginormous flaming hypocrite when it comes to this, but let’s try to wait a couple days before we start the circular firing squad. The results will be in tonight and tomorrow, but a full analysis of who voted where and why will not be available for a while. And, as much as I love crafting fancy strawmen, sitting around railing about “firebaggers” v. “Obots” ain’t going to help anyone, although I would be remiss if I didn’t note that I am really sad Ben Nelson is not on the ballot this election.
So keep your head up, your drink full, and think positive. It is going to be war- make sure you are shooting in the right direction.
Enjoy the riots for me.
Keith G
Happy travels. Seems like you are going to a city having a party.
I will vote in the rain here in Houston and avoid the news after 7 PM. Fun times ahead.
El Cid
Comrade Javamanphil
Oh noes! More potty mouth on the front page. New troll will haz a sad. :( Perhaps you could followup with a post advocating war with Iran because that is so much more civil.
The cop at my polling place said it had been a busy morning. Not sure what that means in my overwhelmingly Democratic district, where our congressman (D) is running unopposed, but maybe that’s good news for the governor?
Cole- Have you noticed that the more liberal you become, the less work you do? Just throwin’ that out there.
This morning on my radio, I heard Mike Allen from Politcal going on and on about 2012.
Mindless hack.
I voted and there were more people there than usual. Good sign.
There are House Reps worth millions and gee, I wonder if that has something to do with the gap in haves and have nots. Harmon is way over $300 mil.
Also, have heard that this is a repudiation of Obama.
Have a good trip.
I’ll be voting right after work. Prop 19 has my yes vote.
“let’s try to wait a couple days before we start the circular firing squad.” My impression is that it had formed weeks ago and the shooting has already begun.
Politics is all about Hindsight Bias.
After the fact we’ll all decide we knew it all along. It was obvious! Followed of course by the; “If only Obama had”isms, in which the POTUS could have avoided all of this by simply…
J.W. Hamner
Have fun with the Communists in San Fran! Bring us back a socialist manifesto!
I’ll vote on the way home, make some Korean tacos and then drink some Belgian beer while playing Fallout: New Vegas until I go to bed. I hope to completely ignore the bloodbath until tomorrow morning. I don’t want to agonize about it… just take the bad news all at once.
I’ve got one of my best volunteers up at our polling place in Northern Virginia, so I’m able to take a break and get warmed up. We had strong traffic from 6-7, and it’s been pretty steady since then. No way to be certain how they’re voting, but our precinct is pretty Democratic, so that should be good news. (And I’m pretty sure more people have taken Dem sample ballots, though I haven’t been keeping close track.)
It’s been pretty uneventful (as usual), with only two instances of mild wingnuttery. One guy, after being offered the sample ballots, declared, “I’m a veteran, and I’m voting for the veteran, not the guy who says service isn’t worth (inaudible.)” Who knows what lies about Jim Moran are in wingnuts email chains. I found it sadly amusing that he was going in to vote against the party that created and passed the new GI bill, but whatever.
Another guy asked if we were the party of the lumpenproletariat, and said something to my Republican counterparts about Marxism, though he at least seemed to be joking.
Even the GOP volunteers were taken aback by these guys.
John Cole
@spudvol: Boy, do you have that backwards.
@J.W. Hamner: THis is not the SF trip. That is in two weeks.
you forget to remind us not to shoot anyone in the face!
safe travels John
I’ve had twenty-five phone calls, including three over a 20-minute span last night, and eight in-person visits from canvasers. This Ohio Democrat’s vote is well and truly gotten out.
Have a good trip, John. Fun time to visit San Francisco, what with the World Series win and all.
Looking forward to voting at my new polling place after I moved over the summer. Waiting for the morning crowds to clear out and then I’ll head over. Voting straight ticket Democrat. First time I’ve ever voted straight ticket. Suck it, teabaggers.
I have Irish whiskey for tonight, an election night tradition since 2008.
So I’m quick with my traditions! I’m flexible!
Fucking embarrassing. My local Dem party couldn’t even find someone to run for the state house election in my district. I was going to vote strait D., but only two offices up on my ballot. So, one Dem vote to fill Wamp’s moldering seat and one vote for Bill the Cat.
I don’t mind pissing my vote away in deep red Tennessee (yet again, remember how Gore did in his home state? Can’t blame that on the Greens) but for kibo’s sake, can I at least get a urinal to deposit it in!? I’m pissing into the wind over here.
I voted. My ballot place was split into two wards, so we had twice the normal voting booths. There was a short wait when I got there but by the time I finished casting my ballot, there was an actual line.
General Stuck
Weather is always a factor in turnout, especially for a mid term and for the party less fired up to go vote, and more susceptible to saying fuck it, not worth going out in the rain or snow. That would be dems this go around.
Personally, I got some positive vibes this morning, more than the recent past of feeling glum about dems getting embarrassed this election. It’s not based on anything other than feelings, all I have are feelings.
South of I-10
@Keith G: It’s raining cats and dogs here, and will be all day. Charlie Melancon was already behind in the polls, I don’t think he has a chance now. But I will still go out in the rain and vote.
@General Stuck: Feelings, nothing more than feelings. Trying to forget my…
Er. Sorry. Was having a moment.
Voted early this morning. I have a good feeling about today (fingers crossed).
General Stuck
LOL, was too lazy to google the lyrics, so thanks.
I’m off, styptic pencil and Band-aid in hand, to do what I can to stanch the bloodbath. I’m voting the straight commie ticket. I’m spending the night reporting on a race for a public radio station. There will be tears. After filing, I’ll be home in time for breakfast. My wife will have coffee. I’ll have a House on the rocks – scotch and percodan.
General Stuck
A little Willie for the takeoff.
Probably going to be a rough couple of days for us, but we need to keep a couple of things in perspective:
1) Presidents almost always lose seats during the mid-terms
2) A frighteningly small proportion of the overall electorate actually votes in the mid-terms
3) The 111th Congress got a lot of good things accomplished before the fall
4) 2012 is around the corner. And that one’s for keeps.
I will be up till the wee hours of Wed on pins and needles constantly checking to see if Oberstar wins. I will just puke if enough morons vote for Cravaack. St Louis County in Mn is a huge county which includes Duluth and tabulating votes always takes that long.
Same here in north Alabama, although in both the governor and congressional race, the Dem candidate may have a slim chance. I’ll hope so, anyway; the GOP congressional candidate, Mo Brooks, is a nasty piece of work.
Joe Beese
Don’t worry, John. We hippies will be here for you to punch after the Democrats lose the House.
mr. whipple
Wow! Tons of phone calls. One canvasser for us. Frankly, I’m sick of the ads.
Have a good trip, John.
My John and I will be having a nice dinner (leek and mushroom soup, tuna steaks, jasmine rice, asparagus, and a lovely couple of bottles of wine) and then holding each other tight as we watch the debacle come down. We’ve been arguing over his bizarre affection for CNN the last few days and still haven’t come to a decision as to what to watch (I’m for either PBS or C-SPAN), but we both know the wine will be essential medication for the evening. It was either that or razor blades.
Today, Real America speaks out. Let the beatings begin.
I voted. Turns out they moved my polling place between the primary (in which I didn’t vote) and today, so I had to find the new location. Hate it when that happens.
We did our duty this morning. I’m not going to be able to watch the news tonight because I don’t think I can keep myself sane watching Governor Goodhair win again.
I don’t think most of the other states realize how badly they needed to help Bill White win this one in Texas. Because I can guarantee you, Rick Perry is YOUR next nightmare coming in 2012.
We did our duty this morning. I’m not going to be able to watch the news tonight because I don’t think I can keep myself sane watching Governor Goodhair win again.
I don’t think most of the other states realize how badly they needed to help Bill White win this one in Texas. Because I can guarantee you, Rick Perry is YOUR next nightmare coming in 2012.
Yep. He’s already talking book tour after the election and won’t commit to serving a full term. He’s a male Sarah Palin and he’s from Texas. He’s the country’s worst nightmare.
@Montysano: Mo Brooks is still around and running? I remember that POS from when I lived in Huntsville. You have my sympathy.
david mizner
Whatever happens tonight, it’s Hamsher’s fault.
I live in Texas too. Ugh. Hate Rick Perry. I think he will crash and burn in any national politics, though. There is actually a lot of dirt against him that wasn’t used. Bill White should have run a more negative campaign. Rick Perry can be destroyed.
My wife and I voted by mail. Trying to do our small part to stem the tide. We’re in CA so we’re in relatively good shape in terms of the senate and gov seats. I’m not sure about prop 19 though. It got our vote, but polls didn’t look so good coming into today. Hopefully the stoners won’t start celebrating before they vote.
B-Real is da shiz nizzle. Great video.
I refuse to watch the news for the next 4 days.
TV viewing will be limited tonight due to the fact that what happens now is out of my hands. Last night I woke in a cold sweat dreaming that the Republicans gained control in both houses. Fortunately I had a book on my nightstand and a after a few hours of reading, I was able to drift off to sleep.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Lolis: Here’s to hoping my vote will help Bill White win. And wait until Perry has to explain the $25 billion dollar budget shortfall for the next two year budget.
Texas is bankrupt. Good luck running Perry after he has to take another bailout next year.
Was today’s vote for Crist the first time I’ve not voted for a Democrat in a statewide or larger election? It may have been. (I appreciate Bill’s code talking: “Vote for Charlie, but we’re not pushing Meek out of the race so still come out and vote for Sink for governor” — we’ll see!)
I’m voting for Quinn, Giannoulias and Foster today.
Will any of them win? Beats the hell outta me.
I went and voted for Obama this morning. I feel Americanly.
Keith G
@RoonieRoo: And do not leave out redistricting. A Governor Bill White would be of some help there – but not as much as in other states as there are real limits on the power of the executive here.
Hard right Republicans know that future demographic changes will likely put them in a real jam. So now, like all good squirrels in the autumn, they need to gather up as many nuts as possible for future use. The redistricting battles will be part of this process, especially in places like Texas.
Yup. The Dem candidate, Steve Raby, is a longtime lobbyist for state and military interests, so I’ll hold my nose and pull the lever for him. It’s part of the dilemma of living in Huntsville: yeah, it’s HQ for the military/industrial complex, but the trains do run on time. Our local economy is still OK, and when you travel out to Redstone Arsenal, there is no recession.
El Cid
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
Um, it will be Obama’s fault. And that will work.
@El Cid:
Yeah, it’s not exactly brain surgery figuring that one out. In Texas the teabaggers and GOP can get away with blaming everything on Obama and if that isn’t enough there’s always those pesky “illegals.”
I voted this morning. My district is a mixed bag of middle income and poor that reliably votes heavily democratic. I saw no signs of anyone trying to intimidate voters, and no one asked to see my ID, just sign on the line next to my name on the voter list. There were no lines for anything and a voting booth was available right away, although most of the booths were occupied (which is a good sign. I’ve voted at the same time of day and the booths were all empty).
The office is very quiet this morning. the MN governor’s race will make a huge difference in how well we are able to function here.
El Cid
Dennis SGMM
Prop 19 was trailing slightly. George Soros made a last-minute million dollar donation to the “Yes” side so at best it’s a “Maybe.”
OTOH, I heard the execrable Dianne Feinstein on NPR speaking at a No on 19 Rally. She recited a long, made-up, story about meeting a dazed and confused 15-year-old pot smoker and do we want our kids to grow up like that yada-yada-yada… It may not be fair to single out Feinstein because Boxer and Brown also came out against Prop 19. Fuck.
Ash Can
Signing off here to go vote. I will not be voting a straight Dem ticket, since there are a few suburban Republicans running on the county level here who are honest-to-goodness moderates, and are experienced and competent. From there I’ll be off to the nearest Dem HQ to see what I can do to help GOTV. Catch you all after the damage is done.
Turn out is slightly higher than usual in a non-Presidential year, the people working at our polling place told me, but I live in Harlem, so it’s not going to materially affect New York’s outcome, I don’t think. But I hope it’s a sign for the rest of the nation.
Second time with the new scanners; I hate them just as much. Today was a comedy routine as I carried our four-month-old in a wrap while I voted. I took my ballot to the little podium to mark it, but couldn’t bend over the podium because the wee one objected so I had to hold the paper up in front of me to mark it (so much for secret ballot). Lifting it up caused me to drop the little piece of paper with my name on it that you give to the person by the scanning machine so I had to wander around the room looking on the floor for it before I could submit my ballot. Wee One did not object to the squat down to the floor for the paper, but my legs and back did.
On the bright side, it gave me great satisfaction to vote NO on Bloomberg’s “Term limits for thee, not for me” proposal.
Brick Oven Bill
To the friendly people at Balloon Juice: This is a great day to be an Obama supporter! Chiefly in the respect that tickets are now free to his speaking engagements, and that plenty of seats are still available. I even hear that you can score some free cigarettes just to sit in a seat for twenty or so minutes, and, if you clean up good enough and are willing to be pictured behind the President for the TeeVee cameras, you get a special prize.
Now, many of you may have waivered in your Belief of the genius and selflessness of these great leaders Harry, Nancy, and Barry. And you know that after today, when the Schumer hits the fan, we will have to behold… Schumer. This guy is pure as the wind driven snow perhaps. Or as pure are fan driven Schumer. Who knows.
In any case it is not too late to join us and become a Teabagger. We already have AsiangrrlMN. Happy voting.
i’ve got a cold, which isn’t helping things, but you know I am simply tired of this shit.
just tired. and sick. why am I even at work, i should be home in bed.
@srv: Think of the positive: the economic situation in Texas—which we will soon find out is far worse than California—will kill off Perry’s political future.
mr. whipple
Why does Texas hate Merka?
Mike R.G.
Welp, I put in my straight-D ballot this morning: Deval Patrick, Stephen Lynch, et. al.
I’m going to feel good tomorrow no matter what happens tonight. The harrowing agony of the last few weeks will be over, Act I mercifully concluded and Act II can begin. I devoutly hope that after this primal scream, the country can at long last put away some of this anger and as adults figure out what we are actually going to do in the next few years to improve our situation.
mr. whipple
@Ash Can:
What seems like sane, local Republicans are the farm team for fascism. I will not add to their bench.
Dennis SGMM
I’ll bet that you can teabag with the best of them.
Chat Noir
I was voter #125 in my precinct. The husband was #1 earlier this a.m. We both voted straight ticket Democratic. When I was there a half hour ago, all of the voting booths were filled. My husband said there was a line when he got there before the polls opened at 7 EDT. Keeping my fingers crossed that Dems do better than all the prognosticators are prognosticating. And we’ll go forward with whatever the results, as our blog host says.
Safe travels, John Cole. And good luck to the babysitter with the Cole critters!
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): At this point, I’m guessing the budget shortfall will end up being north of $30 billion before all is said and done. And I think we’re looking at a California-type disfunctionality in the legislature, as the Goopers are going to slash government far below the level of functionality. Schools won’t be able to pay teachers, universities will be going to furloughs, and social services are going to be eviscerated. But the real fun will be watching the legislature have to cut prisons, cops and roads. It will all be ok, though, because we’ll be able to carry guns wherever we want.
John, I hate to tell you this, but whether Ben Nelson runs or not, isn’t going to make a dime’s worth of difference in the long run. Out here in Nebraska, our Repug governor, Dave Heineman is a shoe-in for re-election, probably with a 20 or 30% margin of victory, and everyone believes he has his eye on Nelson’s Senate seat. If you thought Nelson was conservative, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Just one example of Heineman’s Repug bona fides: He commissioned an audit to see how much the new health care law was going to cost the state of Nebraska. He then announced this statistic: Currently 1 in 9 Nebraskans is ENROLLED in Medicaid. With the new health care law, 1 in 5 Nebraskans will be ELIGIBLE for Medicaid. This is so terrible that Nebraska joined the lawsuit to have the health care law declared unconstitutional. Apparently we can afford those costs. Don’t you just love that clever and canny manipulation of statistics? Incidentally, our adoring news media reported this without once pointing out the apples-oranges comparison. Neat trick, huh? If you hated Nelson, you’re going to loathe Heineman.
Keith G
@Brick Oven Bill: Ahh Bill. Did you vote today? Hope you did. Democracy is such a cool thing isn’t it?
Most of President’s Obama’s fate will be determined in the next 24 months – not the last. And still, a significant amount of his “juice” will be determined by the degree in which the Republican leadership operates in a rational way. *That* should give you pause, pizza boy.
A House run by the irritable white folk of the GOP, aside for not being a short term negative for the country, is actually a good factor in the reelection of President Obama.
@jwb: “Schools won’t be able to pay teachers, universities will be going to furloughs, and social services are going to be eviscerated. But the real fun will be watching the legislature have to cut prisons, cops and roads.”
Going to be, where you been?
Speaking solely from a position of greeting people at my job, turnout looks as good today here as in 2008. All the usual suspects are voting in that precinct.
I’d be doing GOTV, but I’m taking my sister to the hospital. Hopefully, the minority voters come out in force in Chicago and the collar counties and deliver a big FU to vote-supressor Bill Brady.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@jwb: What will also be fun is that the Texas constitution mandates free education for all children in the state. When someone files the lawsuit to enforce that, I will be donating to that cause.
@RoonieRoo: No, Perry is finished. If his secession comments don’t do him in (and I guarantee you that such talk doesn’t play well outside of the south), the Texas budget will. There’s a reason Kay Bailey Hutchison did not put up a fight in the primary.
mr. whipple
We just got back, too. Very busy.
Keith G
@mr. whipple:
While Texas has stubbed it toe a bit, economically speaking, our safety harness will prevent a hard fall.
Notice that the price of oil is moving up?
edited for typos – why can’t I type today?
@mr. whipple:
Depends. Here in Illinois, we’ve got Judy Baar Topinka, who was moderate enough that the nutjobs refused to support her at all when she ran against Blagojevich and has zero love for the Teatard wing of the GOP. She’s more the farm team for a future reconquest of Rockefeller Reps than anything.
Hopefully the stoners won’t start celebrating before they vote.
you win the thread. this is about the only thing i have found to laugh at during this whole mess of an election cycle!
I can’t believe that Oberstar is in trouble. It’s crazy that so many people are thinking of dumping him. I know that the outside ads have been lying like hell about him, but he’s been around so long and he’s good for his district (unlike Bachman, who doen’t give a damn about her district).
@Brick Oven Bill: We’re happy your here. None of our other trolls can hold a candle to you. Can you please go and teach D-Chance how it’s done? Threatening to beat people up is very poor form IMO.
Who’s got the guts to keep track of the nightsoil flung by Breitbart on ABC tonight? OMFG
@vtr: ABC needs to wither and die. I will not be watching them tonight or any other night. Don’t feed the troll network.
@jwb: I really want to believe that but until the Republican party finds it’s sanity again, I worry. He’s a perfect fit for them at this point in their evolution.
If you believe Americans for Democratic Actions voter scorecard, IIRC Nelson is more liberal than any Republican in the Senate, including those two wankers from Maine.
If that’s the case, and given how “red” NE is, there’s no way we could do any better.
Brien Jackson
Turnout around here looks good, lines still too long to go stand in with kids for more or less nothing.
Of course, this is a pretty Republican area, so…
@stuckinred: Naw, what we’ve seen so far in Texas is just the warm-up act. We’re about to see government go from dysfunctional to nonfunctional and it should be a real spectacle. The best part will be watching Perry blame it all on Obama and soshalism.
(Shameless double post)
Just got back from a leisurely voting expedition (VA-11). In and out at 9:00, only one person in line ahead of me. Voted for Gerry Connolly (while grimacing), was mildly surprised to find only four other items on the ballot—three constitutional amendments and a transportation funding thing. For some reason I was expecting state reps and/or something else. Electronic voting (WinVote).
Election worker outside told me that as of 8:30 a.m. 15 percent of the voters registered in that precinct had voted already. He thought traffic was a little higher than usual, especially for a midterm election.
It felt good to vote, regardless of the outcome. I always choke up a little when I step into the voting booth. Always.
I am drinking my coffee, and then I’m going to go vote for Pelosi, Boxer, & Prop 19. I will vote on a stack of other stuff, but these are the things I really care about.
I donated a little money to John Hickenlooper in CO, but mostly I donated to Prop 19. I made a final contribution yesterday to Just Say Now’s Spanish-language GOTV effort.
I sure as hell hope Prop 19 passes. After Prop 8 passed, it would be nice to feel like some sort of progress can be made in CA.
I feel like the media has finally succeeded in beating the optimism out of me. I say that thinking Larison’s House estimate numbers make more sense to me than any of the polls I’ve seen. We’ll see. Vote. I can’t wait to vote.
Keith G
Steve Benen outlines some of the back and forth over Obama’s focus on the economy. It’s a really good bit.
@RoonieRoo: Well, you can never say never, of course, but I would say Perry has even less chance than does Palin.
I voted in Chicago this morning. Very busy for a mid-term election. I didn’t plan well and was late to work. If the Dems don’t sit on their asses in IL we may be able to pull off the Gov and Sen. It all depends on turnout.
What JC wrote.
Have a good trip.
Goddamn your district!!1! I live in MontCo and had to put up with all those moronic anti-Connolly ads.
@Keith G:
I think the best point was the one he cited…from Krugman.
Of course, that’s verboten, because Krugman is a heretic, having actually criticized Obama on policy grounds.
@liberal: I was quite amused by this comment: “And judging from the responses, basic arithmetic makes people very, very angry.”
Perry would be the ideal GOP VP candidate. He’s from Texas so he’d bring a lot of electoral votes, he’s good looking (so they say), he’s got deep GOP roots and a lot of contacts in the party but flirts with the crazy (secession comments) so teabaggers would like him, and he’s all about oil.
He may not be good enough for the top of the ticket, but if someone like Palin wins the nomination he’ll certainly be on her short list for VP.
@Violet: Except TX is a Gooper state anyway, so Perry is not bringing anything to the table in that respect. If any Republican nominee doesn’t carry TX he or she doesn’t have a prayer in any case. You are correct, however, that Perry would secure the base if that needed to be done. (Someone like Palin wouldn’t need to, but someone like Romney probably would.)
God, they were awful, weren’t they? I think I’ve got PTSD from seeing them so often.
ETA: Especially since I was a lukewarm Connolly supporter at best. (Lukewarm = he has a pulse and a D after his name.)
A client called to reschedule work next week. It turns out she’s judge of elections doing a little work during the slack midmorning. In Dauphin County, PA (Harrisburg and surrounds, with a Democratic edge in voter registration since 2008), she says voter turnout is high for a midterm. I told her to vote for Sestak.
The weather is cool and sunny.
That’s true that Texas is GOP anyway, but it certainly would solidify those votes in a state that’s heading purplish.
Keith G
The thing about Krug is just that he doesn’t suffer fools and has an off-hand abruptness that seems like intemperance when it is not.
I do not know of any on the Obama side who see him as a heretic. A source for occasional exasperation maybe, but not a heretic.
I’m voting straight-ticket Democrat, and no on all the propositions except for the medical marijuana one. I’m waiting until I pick my daughter up from school, then I’m going to take her with me.
I did six hours of GOTV yesterday, and I have to say, everyone there was truly fired up and passionate and active and working. Mitchell won the last two terms even in our heavily gerrymandered district, so all summer, his campaign has been reaching out to Republicans and independents (man, those were some un-fun phone calls, lemme tell ya). I’ve gotten at least ten phone calls myself from the various Dem campaigns, but none from Schweikert, Brewer, Huppenthal, or any of the other dumbfucks. So I hope that’s a sign of superior organization.
I’ll be dropping in on the Mitchell victory party later this evening. Right now, I’m headed to do some more GOTV. Fingers crossed.
@Violet: Don’t think we’ll see TX in play until 2016 at the earliest. By 2020, it will be—assuming the country still exists and Dems figure out a way to hold on to the Hispanic vote.
@suzanne: Thanks for all that GOTV work!
Just saying….there’s a fair amount of this in right wing circles, too. In a nation of 300 million, the vast majority of people are going to be profoundly dissatisfied at the direction of things. And that would be true whether there were two major parties or eight to ten. People just aren’t that monolithic.
@JoyfulA: That’s great to hear. I grew up in that area and it was quite conservative. My yearbook photo of the Young Democrats club had exactly four of us, holding our sad little Dukakis-Bentsen sign.
I visited family a lot over the past few months and it seemed like the anti-Sestek ads mentioned Pelosi more often than they did Sestak. Yeesh.
Yeah, I agree. I wish that Obama and the Dems could figure out how to do something with immigration reform. It’s the right thing to do, most importantly. But it would also help keep Latinos in the Dem column while teabagging Republicans continue screaming about “illegals.”
Phoenix Woman
Here’s a positive thought for you all:
Even if she wins today, Michele Bachmann may have still screwed herself out of a job.
See, we’re about to have something in Minnesota we haven’t had in over twenty years: a Democratic governor AND legislature. They will be the ones to decide how the state’s congressional districts are redesigned in the wake of the 2010 census.
Remember how Bachmann was running around urging her people not to answer the census? Well, if Minnesota’s population didn’t keep pace with that of other states, we lose a CD — and guess whose CD is most likely to be on the chopping block?
Hell, even if we don’t lose a CD, the legislature may well wish to revisit the bizarre gerrymandering that made Bachmann’s seat possible — which means her 2012 run might be a wee bit more difficult.
There! Hope that makes you all smile.
@Keith G: I think most on the Obama side wishes that he had the President’s ear a bit more. I know I do. In general, I think Krugman has set a good example of how to both support and push the President, which has been good to see because Krugman has never been an enthusiastic supporter of Obama. I wish more of Obama’s critics on the left would follow Krugman’s example.
@Phoenix Woman That does, indeed, make me smile!
Dennis SGMM
@Phoenix Woman:
Thanks, kid. Hugs to you for that thought.
@Phoenix Woman: That’s an excellent thought. Made me smile.
don’t retreat; refill.
@Phoenix Woman:
Truly, the arc does bend towards justice, and the Bircher makes a rod for her own buttocks.
It’s just wrong. How people can live here all their lives and not have a clue what Oberstar has done for his district and them just shows how boneheaded stupid they are. If our Rep had been an R and done the same good work like Oberstar has here, I would have been aware of that, given credit where credit is due and voted for the person. It doesn’t matter how much a Dem does for the foxbots, the Dem has to be booted out and the R will be their savior. What a fantasy world they live in.
Shade Tail
@suzanne #100:
Oh come on, suzanne, voting a straight-no on all the propositions is a terrible idea. We need Prop 25 at the very least. That would let Sacramento actually *govern*, by making the annual budget require just a simple majority instead of a 2/3s super-majority.
21 and 24 are good ideas also, but 25 at the very least.
@Shade Tail: In SF, we have 15 local ordinances to vote on, from AA to N.
Half seem to be fights between the board of supervisors and the mayor. What a crock of poo. Vote Gavin Newsom for whatever, get him out of SF.
Shade Tail
You’re in luck, I *did* vote Newsom for Lt. Governor. You can thank me later. :)
@South of I-10:
The only Vitter ad that was not an attack ad: He fights against dog fighting and puppy mills. It was even more lame than the attack ads.
I thought it was wierd that he was blanketing the TV with ads, I thought he was way ahead and could save that dough for diapers.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
I voted last Thursday, just before leaving for Beijing (on the off chance that I wouldn’t be back in time for Erection Day– but here I am, fielding calls from the guys I already voted for).
This Ohio voter voted (in fact, stuck my “I voted today!” sticker on my passport– take that you Chicom officials!!)
Just a few words from another conservative Republican-turned liberal Democrat:
We have been here before- I remember listening in dismay as Clinton beat Dole, I recall the irritation of the Bushies stealing the election from Gore, and the long years of outrage from W/ Cheney that turned me into a flaming librul.
Change isn’t overnight, and did anyone thnk the other side wouldn’t strike back? We got health care reform, the demographics are all on our side, and our game plan now shifts from offense to defense, and hitting them as hard as we can on their plans to privatize SS, immigration reform and the rest.
This battle is in the books, but the war continues.
South of I-10
@catclub: I thought that was strange too. The last few Melancon ads I have seen have been positive. Vitter went negative and stayed there. I still haven’t been able to vote, will have to go after work. Mr. South went around 11 am, and said turn out was very heavy, even in the rain.
Frank Sinatra singing “Luck Be A Lady” on KUNV Las Vegas.
(I strongly support John’s anti-circular-firing-squad remarks)
New Yorker
Huh, never knew there was a video for “When the Shit Goes Down”. It’s pretty cool.
@david mizner:
I should be able to go over there and TELL Jane this, but I am probably voting my pocketbook for the first time in my life, and it is for Corrigan (R) for County Executive. Jane had some influence :)
@Shade Tail: I’m in Arizona.
@david mizner:
No David, it’s the media’s fault and the people’s fault. Hamsher just hasn’t helped.
Tom Hilton
It isn’t circular if we just shoot the firebaggers and they don’t shoot back.
Just sayin’.