Don’t you just love gay men?
I know I do. I mean they are just people after all. I generally hate people, though. I sometimes jokingly say that gay men are sort of like black women. There’s a lot of overlap there. Just think about it. Maybe that’s why I feel safer around them. I don’t know what it is, but if I were traveling alone in some strange city, and I wanted to go out but didn’t know anyone in town, I would go to a gay bar. Take LA, for example. If you dropped me off in Los Angeles (and for some reason I didn’t remember I already lived here–like if I got into a horrible “you don’t remember you live here” accident and I woke up all confused and shit), and I didn’t know where I was I would go to West Hollywood.
For starters, chances are someone there would recognize me and help me put the pieces of my Life Puzzle back together. At the gay bars I frequent in West Hollywood, you’re going to see a lot of guys who really shouldn’t be waxing their eyebrows that much; some dude dancing on a table in his underwear; a bunch of hot straight bartenders shaking their shit for gay tips; and you’re going to get a lot of compliments and fashion tips, but what you’re not going to get is a lot of drunk asshats trying to play grab ass with you as you walk across the room.
I walk through a grinding dance club in West Hollywood, and the men make a path for me–as my friend Robert once told me, “girl, you parted the crowd like a knife through hot butter“–they don’t start trying to hump me to death like a pack of wild nutless dogs. I walk through a grinding dance club in Hollywood, and I’ve got one hand protecting my front, and one hand protecting my back, each hand clenched over a razor blade; I can see a wayward grope coming from a mile away and I will cut you after I give you the stank eye.
But not everyone loves them some gays. The Pope, for example–he’s got no love for the gays. He was talking shit about gay marriage in Spain after Spain just legalized gay marriage. (Dick move, dude.) So the gays had themselves a little “queerkissflashmob” to tell the Pope to kindly stick it where the papal sun don’t shine:
Spain’s legalization of abortion on demand this year and gay marriage in 2005 have stoked tensions with the Vatican but Madrid has tried to downplay any friction during the pope’s two-day visit.
Hundreds of gay and lesbians protested the Church’s position by kissing publicly as the pope passed by on his way to the fantastically embellished modernist Sagrada Familia, designed by Antoni Gaudi and under construction for 128 years.
“The Church resists every form of denial of human life and gives its support to everything that would promote the natural order in the sphere of the institution of the family,” the pope said in the Mass.
He also said “the indissoluble love of a man and a woman is the effective context of human life in its gestation, birth, growth, and natural end,” in a clear criticism of gay marriage.
Before Sunday the Sagrada Familia — which will eventually be able to seat more than 10,000 people — had never been used as a church. Gaudi died in 1926 and construction has been slow, funded only by visitor admission fees and donations.
It was not clear if the pope noticed the mass kiss protest in the midst of thousands of flag-waving supporters who cheered the pope as he rode by in a bullet-proof “pope mobile”.
“We are here for a peaceful protest. The church oppresses us and doesn’t respect us … We can’t tolerate this sort of pope in the 21st century,” said Eduardo Prado, 39, one of about 300 men and women who participated in the so-called queerkissflashmob.
Look people, it’s going to happen: gays will be able to get married, and serve in the military, and do whatever the fuck they want JUST LIKE YOU CAN. You can either continue to be a jackass about it, or just shut the hell up.
[I just threw this up over on my blog, but then I thought, “Why not post it here too?” Thinking is for winners. -ABL]
Perfect response to the former head of ‘Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith’ (Inquisition).
Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
A. Fucking. Men.
I love the phrase “queerkissflashmob”, it has a nice ring to it.
This whole situation is making me giggle mightily.
The current scheduled completion date is 2048. It was originally sponsored by the Spanish government but this gentleman named Franco intervened and, well, things slowed a wee bit. I wonder if Chuck is used to sanctifying churches that won’t be finished in his lifetime. Oh and Barcelona is like the gay capital of Spain. This is delicious to me.
The sodomites of Boston thank you, ABL!
Big air kiss!
It always amuses me in a very dour, sour way to hear the pope (any pope) pontificating on the sanctity of marriage and how love between man and woman…pope, please. What you know about love between a man and a woman could fill a thimble and still have room left over for my thumb.
I love this kind of protest. And, ABL, I hear you about gay clubs. It’s a relief sometimes.
Ross Hershberger
More proof that the Pope is digging his heels in to halt the 20 mule train of progress and reality. I was raised Catholic. They didn’t make any sense to me in grade school either.
I gotta think a queerkissflashmob is better than officially sanctioned child rape…then again, I’m not Catholic.
Ross Hershberger
And WTF with that pic of the Popemobile. It’s green, for heaven’s sake. It looks like a damn aquarium in need of some algae treatment.
Mark S.
Is it just me or does this Sagrada Familia look like the Magical Kingdom in Disney World?
What the hell is up with old men who have never fallen in love or married pontificating about family?
Oh yeah, and childfuckers. Never forget about the childfucking part.
Warren Terra
Considering that when Pope Ratzi The Rhyming Slang went to London, the aforementioned Pontiff, despite famously being a former member of the Hitler Youth said that a growing Atheist movement threatened to revive Naziism, at least his bigoted, hateful, stupid messages are getting less obviously self-refuting and risible.
PS there’s a weak joke there someplace about a church hierarchy full of bigots venerating a book full of begats …
Warren Terra
@Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion:
Well, any number of loving men, at least.
stealing that for other uses.
Jay C
I just gotta ask:
How do you say “queerkissflashmob” in Spanish??
Jay C
And really – WTF IS up with that tacky little “popemobile”?? It looks like a Toyota HiLux pickup that some Italian mechanic banged together in his back garage working weekends.
I know the Pope may (or may not) want to flaunt the affluence of the Church, but couldn’t they at least cobble up some kind of decent limo for him, or something??
My gaydar flipped into the red zone when I first saw a video of Cardinal Ratzinger prissily objecting to a reporter’s question. I think this is why Catholicism is such a tough pill to swallow nowadays. It’s all that lying, up and down, forward and backwards. There’s not enough truth in this vile, self-loathing patriarchy to fill a a thimble.
If you don’t think gay people (or any variant along the male/female continuum) should have the same rights as straight people, you are a bigot. Plain and simple. It’s time that religion is no longer as an excuse to be a bigot. Somebody like that should not be allowed where decent people congregate.
Of course I don’t know how anybody can not want to punch Pope Fester in his creepy face anyway.
@arguingwithsignposts: Steal away.
@jacy: Agreed. This pope gives me the MAJOR creeps. I was actually having this discussion with a friend yesterday. Why is it that you can slap on ‘it’s in my religion’ and suddenly, no one is supposed to question you any further about your belief? What if I say it’s in my religion that everyone have at least one threesome in his/her life?* Seriously. You can sanction anything under the rubric, “It’s what I believe in my religion” and be done with it.
*I am an ardent believer in Hedonism.
And isn’t it time for this pope to shuffle off this mortal coil and let his successor be pope? When he was elected back in 2005 and the explanation why they chose him was that they wanted a small interregnum between John Paul II and another long-serving pope. The conclave thought they would have this guy for 2 or 3 years, then be able to elect another one. The guy’s lasted longer than that. Should be moving to the next phase of life soon.
ckc (not kc)
Is it just me or does this Sagrada Familia look like the Magical Kingdom in Disney World?
…kill the lights – cue Tim Burton
Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
@asiangrrlMN: I am intrigued by your theological ideas, and would like to subscribe to your religious newsletter.
Of the not many oversexed people I’ve known, and by oversexed I mean people who seem to want to have sex when ever possible and structure their activities around such, most all of them have been bisexual.
So a gay bar is not definitely safe, though it is probably safer for a woman than a crowd of frat boys.
@Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion: I can tell by your ‘nym that you would fit in very nicely within my church. I am the high priestess, by the way.
@monkeyboy: That’s a pretty broad generalization* (and just because I fit the definition…). And, most guys go to gay bars to meet men. If they want to meet women, they go to straight bars. I have never been hit on by a man at a gay bar.
*And I quibble with your definition of oversexed, anyway.
@MAJeff: Hoooo boy. Yeah. That would be quite the sacrifice, but you have to eat.
Me too. Moving to North Dakota destroyed it, though. Some people give up things for lent. I gave up gay for a job in North Dakota.
Bella Q
Interesting views from a pope who is pretty clearly, um, gay. I mean his personal pontifical secretary is hot, hot, hot, in that queer-as-a-$3-bill-and-I’d-grab-him-in-a-flash-if-he-weren’t sort of way.
Which immediately reminded me of the old Kids in the Hall monologue by Scott Thompson’s character Buddy:
BTW, the monologue is a really great send up of racism and homophobia.
Angry Black Lady
@MAJeff: you should never give up gay! but gay told me to tell you it will always be there for you.
@Angry Black Lady:
That’s what out-of-state conferences and vacations are for!
@Mark S.: If you see the Sagrada Familia in the context of the city of Barcelona, it fits right in. There are lots of brightly colored buildings and even a whole street in a similar architectural vein. Gaudi is an architorturist’s wet dream.
(paging suzanne…)
I quite like that the Emperor condemned gay marriage while sitting in the gayest building in the world in the gayest city in Spain.
Well played, that man!
Gay bars can kind of suck if you’re actually gay.
The Glenn Burke story might be of interest to some reading this thread.
@walt: Walt, just because someone’s an asshole doesn’t mean he’s gay.
@Tattoosydney: And the HAT! Don’t forget the gayest hat in existence! I mean, it had to start as a joke, right? See if they could get it acceptable to wear calamari on your noggin?
I like this Lady.
Good addition Dogman.
Dennis SGMM
An old man wearing an outfit whose embellishments would make Liberace green with envy, and who tops that outfit with a penis-hat, tells gays to cool it.
For you, Pope: The Vatican Rag
What if someone’s in an asshole?
Dennis SGMM
Oh, crap, I’m in moderation.
Help! I’m bein’ oppressed!
Quick work! Thanks!
It’s actually easier to respond to her posts on her website
Not so much JFK hate.
@Dennis SGMM:
Tim Minchin – The Pope Song. Very NSFW.
ETA: Very.
@Tattoosydney: So inappropriate, they flagged it. I do not have a YouTube account, so I cannot see it. Damn it.
@Mark S.: No, you’re not. I think Walt Disney must have been a Gaudi fan.
There’s also a Vimeo version that doesn’t appear to be flagged…
@Tattoosydney: Subtle that ain’t.
DVR Alert!
(Couldn’t decide which thread to hijack, but this one has to be a better shot than the NFL or “Plutonomy.”)
Turner Classic Movies is going all Fritz Lang tonight:
8:00 p.m. (EST): Metropolis (1927). The no-expenses-spared recent restoration with 30 minutes of “new” footage. “In a futuristic city sharply divided between the working class and the city planners, the son of the city’s mastermind falls in love with a working class prophet who predicts the coming of a savior to mediate their differences.” Present-day America, in other words.
11:00 p.m.: “Metropolis Refound.” Documentary about the restoration.
12:00 a.m.: Spies (1928). “Secret agent 326 tries to capture the master of an international spy ring.”
2:30 a.m.: M (1931). “When the police are unable to catch a child-murderer, other criminals join in the manhunt.”
Metropolis and M are both four-star, gold-plated classics. I haven’t seen Spies, but it should at least be interesting.
That’s kind of why I like it…
Dennis SGMM
Thanks for the reminder. I’m hoping that Metropolis gets shown on a theater screen here during the TCM Classic Movie Festival. There’s no way that I can afford a pass so My dear wife and I will try for tickets at the box office.
Oh look, bisexual bashing. Newsflash: bisexual does not mean “oversexed” it means “twice as likely to have a date on Saturday night.”
I totally stole that from Woody Allen.
@Tattoosydney: Oh. Mah. Gawd. I can see why it was flagged on YouTube. Yeah, not very subtle at all.
Eddie Izzard on the last pope and popes in general.
Matt T.
I sometimes jokingly say that gay men are sort of like black women. There’s a lot of overlap there. Just think about it.
I work in a restaurant in the French Quarter with, among others, several boisterous middle-aged to elderly black ladies and one twentysomething guy who is, in his own words, “gay as press-on nails”. When I first started there, one of the ladies told me “[J] is an official black woman”, and [J] responded “And they’re official faggots.”
I’m not sure if that’s verification, but if nothing else, there are those who agree with the sentiment. And in New Orleans, no less.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Viva España! (Note: Spain didn’t just legalize equal marriage.)
A great way to remind Ratsy that no one has to listen to his ass, no one has to go to church, no one has to put money in the plate, and no one has to pay for his damn popemobile and red shoes.
Until the RCC still starts handing suspected baby rapists over to the cops, it needs to StFu about relationships between consenting adults.
For those who don’t read Sullivan, this reminded me again just how much I love Catalans…
Ross Hershberger
Metropolis is my #1 favorite film of all time and has been for 30 years. Second place ain’t even close.
Greatest Metropolis experience: seeing at the Detroit Film Theater in (I think) 1995 with live score by The Alloy Orchestra. Saw it 3 times.
Meh. Cable.
@Tattoosydney: That was actually kinda awesome. And makes me want to go to Barcelona even more now.
Have you been before?
“If you don’t think gay people (or any variant along the male/female continuum) should have the same rights as straight people, you are a bigot. Plain and simple. It’s time that religion is no longer as an excuse to be a bigot.”
Yep. And to be clear about it: Religion can give you a reason for thinking that homosexual acts are sinful, just as Catholicism can give you a reason for thinking that skipping mass is sinful. But most religions do not go on to say: and people who are sinners should not have equal rights. Certainly Christianity doesn’t. Why? For one thing, because we’re all sinners; for another, because even if you’re sinful (which I’m granting for the sake of argument; I don’t think gays are sinful any more than I think people who skip communion are), that does not mean you shouldn’t have rights.
Has anyone recently proposed that the gluttonous, the wrathful, the slothful, or the proud should not have equal rights? I didn’t think so. I haven’t heard anyone propose even that having a specific sin should bar you from sin-related activities: e.g., that the gluttonous should be barred from grocery stores, or the avaricious from investment banks, or the vain from Neiman Marcus. If anyone did propose this, people would think that they were insane.
And yet, for some reason, it doesn’t strike some of those same people as odd to think that if you believe that gays are sinful, you should believe that they should be deprived of rights. I will take these people seriously when they propose treating all the things they think are sins similarly.
quaint irene
Hmm, Angry Black Lady, are you succumbing to J. Cole’s frequent post-i-tus? :)
@Tattoosydney: Unfortunately the farthest south I’ve been in Europe is Munich. Which is my fault for not hopping the train and going to Vienna when I had the opportunity. Of course my laundry list of places to visit there is rather extensive, so I’d have to go for at least a month to get it all in.
Lancelot Link
@BC – Should be moving to the next phase of life soon.
I think he already has. He probably sleeps in a coffin filled with the earth of his homeland.
Angry Black Lady
@quaint irene: i felt the need to make up for my near absence this week. :D
Quaint Irene. Dare I ask? Another fan of Mapp and Lucia?
JMC in the ATL
Pam’s House Blend was one of my favorite blogs for years, but I am pretty much done with Pam Spaulding.
Apparently the President is a vile evil creature who had the audacity to dance with Indian school children during Diwali when he should have been personally repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.
I shit you not. I don’t get how one can look at unadulterated joy in the world and filter it into malevolence or negligence. I’m kind of glad I don’t get it, but it still bothers me.
Porlock Junior
Yeah, but if you don’t go and read the right news story, you miss the real fun:
…the Pope compared the “aggressive lay mentality, anticlericalism and secularisation” of modern Spain to that of the 1930s
The nineteenfuckingthirties. Say, does anyone remember the name of that youth organization that young Herr Ratzinger joined in his poor ignorant irresponsible foolish youth for which he must not be held responsible?
@Linkmeister: That is really interesting–thanks for posting.
I find that Spain of all places being more open to gay marriage is “funny.” This was the country of the Inquisition after all where the Kings and Queens seemed to get their marching order from the Pope.
Americablog and Pam’s lost me. It’s not even for me that some of their criticism isn’t dead on, it is; it’s the constant, non-stop attack no matter what the President does. If Obama takes a shit instead of repealing DADT, she writes an article on it.
Her blog has also become a constant harp from the same damn commenters. No dissent, no difference of opinion. No subtlety. Just outrage, outrage, outrage.
JMC in the ATL
Oh, absolutely, Hal. There’s a supposed “no personal attacks” rule whose selective enforcement is laughably transparent. I stopped readingthe comments a while ago, but the front page articles have started to become unreadable, and I think I am done.