Somebody is so shrill that they put up a fun new site called “What the fuck has Obama done so far?”
Here is a sample of the well documented actions met with auto snark:
Sure, the record of accomplishments is long and significant, but did I mention that he is black.
Mike Kay (Team America)
fuck him, he still hasn’t prosecuted NBC for firing Conan.
But he hurt my fee-fees!
But does he make a mean kebab?
I do love this. Too bad it didn’t get invented until the weekend before, but kudos all the same!
Just need to keep it going until 2012.
Don’t tell Susie Madrak @ C&L, she’ll have a friggin coronary. Her whole world revolves around what a sonofabitch sellout Obama is. It must be terrible to live a life so full of misery and hate of seemingly everything.
Mike Kay (Team America)
what you OBots don’t fucking get, the voters want fighters, not accomplishments.
Cat Lady
Did a commenter here put that together? It looks like all of our obot/firebagger threads.
Barb (formerly Gex)
@Mike Kay (Team America): Can’t he just EO Conan back on to the Tonight Show?
the fake fake al
But can he get the Cowboys to play football. I am really starting to believe they hate him cause he is black. Honestly, have we had a president who has that list of accomplishments in 2 years.
Well, GOS tonight tells me that Obama may be a blue dog!!! So, somebody needs to get back the party from him is the battle cry.
joe from Lowell
Sure, he signed the START Treaty, but you know why the Senate didn’t ratify it?
Because Obama is secretly against it. It’s a ruse. He only pretends he’s for it to fool the ABM-TM.
(When did Obama’s detractors start believing in 11-dimensional chess, anyway?)
@Dexter: I just read that. Good god that site has jumped the shark.
Suck It Up!
I read that its had more than 4 million visits already.
Mike Kay (Team America)
Here’s a complete list of Firetard accomplishments:
My head/desk moment from today, the headline on Yahoo! news: “At home in Indonesia, Obama reaches out to Muslims“
Mike Kay (Team America)
I thought he was muslim?
I read that too. Also someone pointed out that Lee Cowan on NBC Nightly referred to Jakarta as “Obama’s hometown”…WTF!!!
Just after I saw this post I came across this on the DKos wreck list:
Is President Obama a Blue Dog?
There’s a bottle of Southern Comfort with my name on it tonight!
EDIT: Slow on the draw!
@Mike Kay (Team America): Mike, I will absolutely use that in the future. Thanks!
Go over to Kos if you want to throw up. Some diarist has put up a diary asking whether Obama is a Blue Dog?
This is a deliberate subterfuge and sabotage. The hope and positive accomplishments of this administration is being destroyed seemingly by our own people. I have to believe that this is nothing but paid assasins — people so called on the left who have been recruited, and either paid, or given web access and notariety, to basically destroy the progressive agenda.
This is deliberate, purposeful and fully intended to be the Trojan Horse inside the perimeter of our party’s progressives to not only destroy Obama, but completely fracture the movement and turn it against itself.
I have no idea how to vouch for our people and their sincerity. But now after two years of the left winged complaints, starting even as early as a couple of months after Obama’s election, we have to seriously consider what is happening and the causes for same. We cannot believe or trust all the criticism that has been hurled this way, despite documented evidence of success and progress.
We are in a very dark time. To me, not because of the right, but because of the progressives who are willing to sell out and throw what has been accomplished under the bus.
I have no idea what to do. This is the deepest of times for gut checking who we are and what we are about.
Ash Can
You know who else had a lot of accomplishments…
El Cid
@arguingwithsignposts: The question is, though, will his Indonesian masters be suspicious of Obama for his Kenyan anti-colonialist loyalties?
Hey, can we put up a site with Dubya’s “accomplishments”?
Maybe this country is so fucking nuts we deserve presidents like Bush.
Spoke to my husband earlier today, he is on sabbatical in France — he says that they are so convinced that we are insane here that he feels like he should pretend he is Canadian again, just like from 2001-2009.
Mike Kay (Team America)
@joe from Lowell:
they always have.
the lack of self awareness is funny to no end.
the ones who mock 11-dimensional chess the most are the ones who openly and feverishly weave 11-dimensional chess conspiracy theories about why obama has stabbed you in the back.
Ash Can
@Elie: Sounds like a Red State mole to me.
Suck It Up!
That site……really I have no words. Its just….ugh!
Linda Featheringill
At some point, Obama/Reid/Pelosi will be known as the most effective leadership team this country has every known.
@Linda Featheringill: Agreed, but I have a bad feeling we will all have been dead for 50 years before anyone “gets it”.
And I love that she’s going back in as Minority Leader — damn that girl loves a good fight.
Southern Beale
What the fuck happened to Jane Hamsher? Why would she re-Tweet this?
I mean jeebus. She can’t possibly agree with the Balko column, so clearly she agrees with the “John Cole/painfully dumb” part. I mean really. Grow the fuck up.
Sorta OT but here is an unnamed Indian diplomat’s description of Obama….
Mike Kay (Team America)
Got the popcorn ready and waiting for olbermann to pull an R. Budd Dwyer
Suck It Up!
I didn’t read the whole diary. I saw the title asking if Obama is a blue dog and then the first paragraph says that the blue dogs are trying to take down Nancy Pelosi. I stopped reading after that because clearly he’s also trying to spread the lie that Obama is trying to take down Nancy SMASH!
@Southern Beale:
Jane and John really need to get a room. This stuff is getting old.
Can you imagine if Mrs. Obama had worn a sari in India?
Obama’s home is the US.
AP needs to called on that headline.
Thanks for pointing this out.
@Ash Can:
But there is a broader question here since so much of that site, and other left sites are about criticism of what has been accomplished. Even here, there is the crew that come in with regular, unmitigatable criticism.
I am so over this shit. I have to believe that the left is as racist and opportunist as the right in some degree. I have no idea what this means for managing political change.
If I am Obama, I walk away in two years and say “good luck!”
El Cid
@Mike Kay (Team America): He’s going to shoot himself in the head with a pistol while giving a press conference? Pretty gruesome analogy.
General Stuck
All this is just a a bob and weave, to throw us off while Obama guts SS and puts granny on a catfood diet, and while we are wondering what he is up to next, Obama will be creating new realities with Iran (bomb bomb bomb) and secretly appointing Grover Norquist head of the IRS, that will fix Jane’s wagon but good. it’s coming, there is nothing to stop it, nor is there anything preventing him from doing every evil thing that is and has ever been possible. Who is to say he won’t? Who is to say he will? Let’s blog it
Biggest. Load. Of. Bullshit. Ever.
The Obama administration doesn’t need help destroying itself. He’s doing a fine job of that on his own what with all of his spinelessness and capitulation.
Prosecute some of those motherfuckers on Wall St.
Whoops, he can’t. They were his biggest campaign donors…
Mike Kay (Team America)
@Southern Beale: why would anyone read her tweets?
@Suck It Up!:
I saw when it was just posted with barely 20 comments in it. It was shaping up to be a flame fest then. BTW, that diarist pretty much recycles all the conspiracy theories from ZeroHedge.
Mike Kay (Team America)
@El Cid: no sense of humor. Lenny Bruce and Andy Kaufman and Jesus are laughing at you.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Southern Beale: Sometimes you can hate someone so bad that you never think they are right.
John, you really dumped her badly, didn’t you?
@Linda Featheringill:
You really shouldn’t smoke crack. It’s bad for your health.
Jane is getting paid. Its called “assasin”.
She gets to play the game that she stands for the ideal progressive agenda while basically assuring that the progressive agenda stays demoralized and unable to achieve the perfection that only she and the priesthood of the left can approve.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, there is solid, good income from reliable sources making deposits to her offshore bank account.
Always better to ask forgiveness than permission. Years later, on her death bed from brain cancer or some such, will come the tearful mea culpa of how she knew it was bad but shit, a girl has to make a living and how to differentiate herself from a glut of left winged bloggers all saying the same thing?
I’m not sure about Reid, but Obama and Pelosi are kick-ass.
Obama is far more conservative than I am, I think he sucks absolute ass on executive privilege issues, and he’s f**king insane if he thinks Republicans are going to respond to taking the House by becoming magically more cooperative.
But the man is a f**king by-god kick-ass executive machine.
If he’s not the perfect President, it’s only because the country so royally buggered. He’s the best thing we could imagine having in the real world, and we’re freaking lucky he’s on board.
Mike Kay (Team America)
Susie Madrak is a very sick PUMA/person.
People post the most vile and hideous insults on her site and she thinks it’s cool. She really is as nuts as her heroes, the SLA.
Shame on Obama for reaching out to several billion Muslims. If Muslims actually begin to respect the US, conservatives will have nothing to fight against and Christians will loose their precious recruiting tool. Just think of the job losses…Conservative “professional” bloggers will become unemployed and with a Republic Congress, they will not even be able to get unemployment benefits.
James E. Powell
It’s not the accomplishments that causes so many problems. It’s that when Obama was doing or pushing for these things, he was motivated by Kenyan anti-colonial zeal.
So it doesn’t matter what he does.
El Cid
@Mike Kay (Team America): Hey, if it’s okay to go dark, I’m more than happy to go there.
Felonious Wench
I prefer that dark chocolate silk pie myself, the kind with those curled shavings of chocolate on top…man, that sounds divine right now.
For the rest of us, reading GOS should come with a warning label. They haven’t just jumped the shark, they’ve turned into the cow that jumped over the moon.
@Elie: But she is SOOOO pretty and she’s the only one who tells the truth.
Southern Beale
@Mike Kay (Team America):
I was following her so she popped up on my feed. But I’m not any longer.
Well its better to smoke it than have your head up it.
You are predictable. Time for the peanute gallery to infiltrate with hte predictable crap. On the meeter so early? How much ya getting? 1 -2 cents a comment?
What are your performance guarantees? One to two percent of progressives who do not vote compared to last time.
I don’t care that he is black, but what’s his plan to improve the Steeler’s secondary?
Suck It Up!
Is that the same sob that started the $200 million dollar lie?
@Mike Kay (Team America): I am glad I am not the only one that thinks that.
suck it
you are full of shit and have nothing worthy to say.
go collect your bag of silver —
its all you are about
General Stuck
i bet wildy is a pumpkin pie guy. Me, I’m a lemon meringue person, maybe chocolate also too.
Mike Kay (Team America)
@Elie: actually, like many other Trotskyites (Hitchens, irving kristol, jean kirkpatrick, David Horowitz, etc., etc.) I expect her to switch sides in the not to distant future.
@Suck It Up!:
As far as I can tell, the 200 million dollar a day lie came from the Press Trust of India….the Guvmint of India’s official press agency.
Mike Kay (Team America)
@El Cid: remember, once you go black, you don’t go back.
@Felonious Wench:
No. It seems to me you prefer operating on a strict diet of self-delusion.
Eat up and enjoy, though. I’ll be here two years from now to remind you of the epic beat down coming Obama and the Dems way precisely because they are spineless sellouts to their corporate masters.
This will be right before the new Republican Congress cuts Obama’s signature accomplishment and repeals HCR.
General Stuck
Stylish skirts?
Yes, we know you’re extremely pleased with the recent Republican victory and can’t wait for all of your dreams to come true.
But at least you don’t have to even pretend to care about the country anymore, so there’s that.
@WyldPirate: I’ll give you props for staying on message and sheer persistence. But other than that, you really don’t have a whole lot to offer do ya?
Mike Kay (Team America)
@Strandedvandal: she’s just pissed that she wasn’t able to join the Weathermen and blow shit up.
Felonious Wench
@General Stuck:
Chocolate for me, although apple pie with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream is damned good too.
It’s getting close to Thanksgiving. Probably time for another pie recipe thread in honor of our trolls, inadequate as they may be.
Are you fucking mentally ill or simply high as a kite? Do you actually think that people get paid to come post opinions or comments on these threads just to make Obama look bad or piss you off?
Either way, you need professional help because you are either; a.) fucking delusional or b.) have a substance abuse problem.
John Cole
Look- this is really quite simple, and I’ve explained it several times, but here goes. Jane doesn’t like me. So she will latch on to whatever stupid shit pops into her head, and say it.
Radley doesn’t like me. That was why Reason magazine became Radley’s little vendetta machine this morning. We used to get a long fine, but after DougJ or Mistermix said something about the Koch brothers, he got really pissed off at me. Since then, I intentionally mention the Koch brothers every now and then, and reliably, Radley will get outraged and link it. He also thinks it is not serious debate when we mock Nick Gillespie’s leather jacket. Pro-tip: of course it isn’t, we’re MOCKING HIM.
Radley also thinks that since I have changed my mind on a number of issues, given the evidence of the last decade, that I am now just a doctrinaire Democrat. Which, of course, questions his thinking because when I reliably linked Reason and spoke positively, I wasn’t just being a doctrinaire conservative- then I was thinking, I guess. Regardless, I routinely attack Democrats and Obama when they are doing stupid shit.
The other thing is that at Reason, they honestly believe that they were just as hard on Bush as they are ridiculously over the top against this current administration. Which, of course, is absurd. If I were just a “doctrinaire conservative” back in the Bush years, where are all the posts in the archives attacking Reason for their critiques of Bush? Reason magazine, along with a lot of this country, collectively lost it when Obama was elected.
So basically, it is personal. Even though I don’t think Radley is the problem over at Reason, and I think his work on most issues is great, we’ve mocked his friends, so he’s mad at us. I’ll still link Radley when he does his great stuff, and I’ll just ignore the attacks on me his threads create- “Oh no! People said mean things on the internet!”
But when things get personal, critical thinking goes out the window, which is why this morning, Radley Balko decided that the hill for libertarianism to die on was the Fountain Hills trash collection. Why he thinks it is advancing the cause of libertarianism to join with nutters and lunatics screaming about socialism and single payer garbage service that, as someone else noted earlier:
1) provide for greater safety,
2) reduce the nuisance of five fleets of trucks running through town and out of town to the landfills (noise, congestion),
3) be good for the environment – and air emissions are very important in and around the greater Phoenix area,
4) save gas and thus reduce our dependence on “terror states,”
5) AND save big money.
As well as adding curbside recyclying, a service heretofore unavailable in the free market there, apparently, as well as having been done by a local elected government, with proper hearings, following all applicable laws.
That is what libertarianism is currently opposed to, choosing to side with a bunch of Freedomworks teahadists screaming the Hills Have Eyes andgoing on about monopolies and what not, demonstrating they have no idea how a contract bidding process works. Me laughing at that caused a 1200 word screed.
Rock on, Reason magazine. You do what you do best!
Evolved Deep Southerner
@WyldPirate: God, you’re an obnoxious fuck tonight, aintcha?
Mike Kay (Team America)
But won’t that make you happy? You guys hate HCR, so naturally, you should be joining forces with Boehner and Palin.
@Mike Kay (Team America): She’s still trying her damnedest to blow shit up.
Mike Kay (Team America)
@stuckinred: she is the left wing version of palin: a no-nothing, but fuckable.
Keep talking to this fucking moron here while the rest of us sneak over to the next thread.
@Mike Kay (Team America): Not even with your dick.
On the GOS, has anyone else noticed the extreme levels of anger and hatred on the part of some of the more serial posters there? It’s positively pathological in some of them. There is a fairly large group over there that seem to be severely depressed individuals who are re-enforcing their own self-fulfilling prophecies. Some of the posters in that particular group have admitted to mental health problems.
The GOS is still an incredible nexus of information, but sometimes the anger and hatred is really too much. I really believe there are some on the left who hate Obama more than Bush. It’s just bizarre. I think the French are on to something. Americans are insane.
@General Stuck:
He deserves nothing as delicious as a pie of any kind.
He and his ilk deserve a vodoo curse…
They are twenty times worse than the right wing noise machine
It is so obvious their true mission.
I reserve my most intense contempt for them… which is exactly their goal…
Mike Kay (Team America)
@John Cole:
Since when?
Back around May I remember you saying how you guys were buds (you embracing her description of you as “ex-boyfriend” material), and where simply needling each other.
You know jack. I’m not happy about it at all.
But ‘m not surprised by it, either. Obama and the Dems sat on their fucking hands in Aug. 09 and before and didn’t explain HCR adequately for the dumbass citizenry. The Rethugs defined it for them by fear and racism. That and the fact that the economy is floundering (not Obama’s fault) are what pissed people off.
I’m not happy about it at all. But you can bet your last dollar that the Rethugs will do everything they can to gut HCR when they take the Senate in ’12 and they WILL TAKE THE SENATE. Dems have 20 seats up and rethugs have 12.
Pie baby, PIE.
Eat it.
While the wingnut Wurlitzer cranks out the stories about President Obama being a narcissist George W. Bush is going on tour boasting about being a war criminal and lamenting that the worst times of his presidency were personal affronts from Kanye West.
Nope, his worst day wasn’t 9/11 or the hundreds of thousands dead in Iraq on his word.
It was Kanye effing West slagging him on some award show.
Also, what is it with wingnuts and pickled fetuses?
You should probably do a gutcheck, because you’re very much coming across as someone who’s absolutely tickled pink about the election and can’t wait for even more Republicans to be in control.
The rest of us are desperately trying to sandbag the house while you’re ripping them down and saying, “Oh, what’s the point, we’ll get flooded out anyway, why even bother to do anything? Just put your head underwater and get it over with.”
Some people are fighters. Some people are whiners. I think we can all see which category you fall into.
One of the perks I get as a federal attorney is a daily update on new regulations being considered and coming down the pike in a standard e-mailed format.
One of my colleagues today — a very conservative Republican — gets the same sheet and commented that the Republican Congress could work 24/7 and they wouldn’t be able to roll back in the next five years some of the (probably) lasting regulations and regulatory actions this Administration is taking.
Pssssst, here’s a secret: Being President isn’t just about $2000 brillion trips to India or physically accosting Ben Nelson until he agrees to a public option against every fiber of his political self-preservationist being. No.
As Chief Executive you get to do allllll kinds of things at the agency level. And there’s not a whole hell of a lot a Congress can do about it.
and Obama’s regulatory pace is — at least historians may recognize this years from now — fairly brisk by modern Presidential standards. And good stuff, too. Seemingly little stuff that governs all kinds of things but which have an aggregate impact that decidedly steers the federal ship of state leftward.
But not, you know, so hard left that the hard left would praise it. But bloggers don’t read regulations anyway. They bleat, they don’t read.
Hamsher hasn’t a clue. Krauthammer does — which is why he decried the transformational shift Obama has started to bring.
The devil is in the little boring details. The little regulations that are about 80% of the laws we have.
@GregB: Ask WyldPirate about the pickles, he probably has some insight, albeit angry, poorly structured and predictable, but still insight.
@Evolved Deep Southerner:
Stupid delusional conspiracy theorists bring it out of me. And some of the Obots here are the most seriously ill conspiracy wankers on the intertoobz. ;)
paying to post bad things about Obama on a BJ thread?? that’s some wacky shit from a mentally disturbed person (as I gaze in elie’s direction watching for the guys with the strait-jacket and the injectable thorazine.)
Mike Kay (Team America)
@magurakurin: those people are not Democrats. You can tell that those people are not and have never been mainline progressives, rather they’re Naderites, Green party types, and anarchists who rioted during the 1999 WTO meetings in Seattle.
Mike Kay (Team America)
@LarsThorwald: This. of course whatshername has no political credentials and only started voting in 2004.
Also, I will be saving this clip
to rub in the face of some trolly little suckhole in November 2012.
Even more fun, that one was a fresh miscarriage. I mean, really, just how bizarro is that?
Mike Kay (Team America)
@stuckinred: yeah, she’s too much of a snob to be any good in bed.
Corner Stone
What I find amusing about the website mentioned at the top, is the fact that it was created by 3 doofii in less than three hours.
If they are the same people on O’Donnell’s MSNBC show last night.
Man, you must be around that stuff a lot to know about injectables of Thorazine no less..
Why come? Maybe U using?
Better yet, maybe U NEED?
Mike Kay (Team America)
@WyldPirate: you still haven’t answered the question, don’t you support overturning HCR, given that it strengthens the insurance industry?
Corner Stone
I love it when people “triumphantly” pie someone.
General Stuck
Forget about the site build for our Christmas present, Cole. Banning Wydyasswipe would be a much better one, all things being equal. it’s very hard to engage a single celled fecal coliform that seems to mutate by the hour.
You would be right at home with Stalin whose favorite approach to managing his adversaries was to have them found to be mentally ill and then of course, placed in the appropriate mental health assylum. In these they would be “treated” to electroconvulsant therapy (ha — no worries, got that naked wire coming from the ceiling and a wet floor – done!) and to “re-education” approaches (read torture and medication interventions that would appropriately reinforce the need to be submissive to the “correct” thinking)
That seems to fit you perfectly, if I may say so.
@General Stuck: If people would stop engaging with it it will go away.
El Cid
@Dexter: PTI isn’t the official press agency, really. It’s described as a nonprofit cooperative of hundreds of Indian newspapers, formed by the merger of AP and Reuters services in 1949 into an Indian organization.
Here is what appears to be the source article from PTI:
So the source is an unknown official of Maharashtra state (which includes Mumbai).
It’s a decent news agency; but it’s a paper-thin sourced article.
Oh but it be so much fun to poke at it!
ok, ok.. I promise to stop when it starts to ooze some liquid.
General Stuck
@stuckinred: I kind of agree with this particular troll, others not so much. This one needs and thrives on attention, stm. Some, or lot of pie doesn’t hurt though, and only that.
I’m not the one having the crazy-ass delusions about someone getting paid to post in the comments of this blog.
That would be YOU. Upthread.
Watch for those guys in the white coats, though. I bet you’re good at that because you likely see them when you’re taking your little excursions from reality. Anyone disturbed enough to cook up the conspiracy theory you did above obviously has extensive prior experience with the mental health system.
I’ve got no problem with it though. You can get better with proper therapy, medication, hard work and a support network.
There is a whole ass-load of mental disturbance evident in what you wrote above. It’s undeniable and plain as day.
Dennis G.
There are those who think that the most important thing is the intra-party fight between the so-called progressive wing and the so-called blue-dog wing. Nothing is as important and Obama is teh suck because he just will not agree in the importance of this fight.
So he must also be a secret blue dog.
and a socialist.
and a Muslim.
and did I mention that he is black.
We wouldn’t be having these problems if Edwards had won don’t cha know…
Mincemeat pie. I LOVE that stuff!
@El Cid: Thanks, I saw the same article. I didn’t know about PTI’s background, I always thought that it is Indian Govt mouth piece. OTOH, I should have known considering I spent 22 years of life in India but then I was pretty cynical about things related to politics.
That’s how disinformation works. Something loosely based in fact is presented in one source, and then it gets repeated in another. The first source is willfully spreading disinformation, the US right wing blogger claim of 200 million a day. The second source, a third string Indian newspaper, reports it unsuspectingly(or sloppily) as fact.
But even if the proven to be false number of 200 million were to be true, that’s what, 4 or 5 hours in our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, if that. But the number is false, has been proven to be false, but apparently it doesn’t matter. In fact, it definitely doesn’t matter. That’s how propaganda works.
A large percentage of Americans still believe Iraq was behind 911 and that weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq.
Propaganda. It works.
Hey —
You too!
You are the dude referencing white coats and previously thorazine. I just responded to your lead..
you need it baby and you are real familiar with it already.
Hope its working for you
(PSST — Major mental health hint: You may find it more sustaining and positive to hang around people who support you and your world view rather than those who think you are a scum bag asshole. Your choice, but just a suggestion. Do what feels good to you)
ornery curmudgeon
@Elie: “We are in a very dark time. To me, not because of the right, but because of the progressives who are willing to sell out and throw what has been accomplished under the bus.”
Hippie knockout. “It is not because of the Right, but because of the progressives who are willing to sell out blah blah blah.”
Dennis G.
While it is nice of you to offer the advice of a long time crack smoker–and one still on the pipe judging by your comments–I hope you will not mind that nobody cares what you think and that nobody is waiting for your next pearl of wisdom.
Be well, and put down the pipe.
so what if he was?
Dennis, I was going to say you should watch out, lest you strike a nerve with the firebaggers, but I see I’ve come late to the party.
@WyldPirate: It really bothers you that he’s been so successful. You can help for that now. HCR makes it easier to do so.
@ornery curmudgeon:
Except the ones dressed up and paid for as the “left” who actually are agents or paid by the right….
why would those who are truly left progressive, undermine and demoralize our folks to stay home? why would we see their exhortations to stay home, not vote, never vote for this administration or say anything was accomplished at all?
Save it man. Not buying that shit anymore.
Y’all think you can have it better blowing this administration and what has been done up — fine. Put up your own perfect person and lets see what can be accomplished in two years after decades of corruption and distortion.
You are possibly intending good things and mean well.
I have spent the last week reading about gay people and young people who either voted for Republicans or stayed home on some notion of dissatisfaction with our progress — like there was any progress before two years ago.
We have health care. HEALTH CARE! I am a public health nurse and I did not think that I would see anything pass in my lifetime. Instead, I have witnessed the most demoralizing and infuriating display of arrogant bullshit from the so called left EVAH… the same folks that probably would have licked the boot tops of the Clintons in the early 90’s for half of what we got this year — deliver one destructive and self defeating betrayal after another to the first black President of the US… after a two term idiot moron war monger fool — we get a guy who delivered what several previous presidents had tried but failed to do and we fucking TRASH him??!!!!
Tim I
@Mike Kay (Team America):
Blue dog Muslims are the worst kind.
Dennis was very prescient in determining early on that GOS would become the firebagger-asstard center of the universe.
Comrade Kevin
@Suck It Up!: Hilariously, that diarist says it’s time for a “Progressive Labor Party” in the US. I can’t decide if that person is stupidly naïve about that name, or is trying to pull something, as such a group already exists.
Mike Kay (Team America)
@Dennis G.:
Phew. If Elmer Gantry didn’t get his dick caught in a wringer, we would be deluged in weeping Ebots
joe from Lowell
I thought Muslims didn’t like dogs.
Yikes! Everybody chill. No one is a paid shill and no one needs thorazine.
My issue with WTF is that it encourages the same reductionistic, tribalistic attitudes that are so prevalent on this thread. I think more people should be aware of what the accomplishments of this administration are. But the site portrays criticism of President as deriving from ignorance or petulance, which is deeply unfair.
It also lists the intention to close Gitmo as an accomplishment. WTF indeed.
Dennis G.
You are letting the secret out of the bag, but it hardly matters as must folks do not get how deeply important control of rule making is. Rather, they all want a glorious Pickett’s like charge at the center of whatever problem they have on their mind at any given moment.
Poor dears.
Mike Kay (Team America)
@Tim I: Ironically, before Bush and the Neo Cons started slaughtering people in Iraq, American Muslims were predominately republican because they felt the Dems were too pro Israel.
Mike Kay (Team America)
@Dennis G.: sniffle, if only Longstreet had better artillery.
Dennis G.
I’ve been on their shit list ever since I had issues with their odd mating rituals with Grover Norquist and ATR over their mutual recovered memories of where Rahm touched them in the night.
Grifters attract griffers and so it was never a surprise to see them walking along hand in hand. It was odd that the Firebaggers hated folks pointing out that Grover is a total fuckwad, but so it goes.
@Dennis G.: Does anyone remember when after firebaggers complained President Obama was a wimp and wouldn’t take a stand on controversial issues, he came out in support of building the Fox News mosque in Lower Manhattan, and the first thing firebaggers did was parse every single breathe he took as him taking back what he said, rather than backing him up
Or if you’re superdouche Jerome Armstrong, you complaint Obama is weak and a coward, then call him stupid for taking an unpopular stand
and they wonder why they aren’t relevant, and why Democrats don’t fight.
Dennis G.
@Mike Kay (Team America):
You know, Longstreet is the most interesting of all the Confederate Generals and perhaps the only one who actually had a deep sense of honor. It is no wonder that they picked him as the ‘fall guy’ for the incredible foolishness of the most over-rated man in American history, Bobby Lee.
Lee was lucky when he faced idiot generals from the North. Whenever he faced smart ones, he lost. That this failed traitor is considered a hero and that Longstreet gets the blame for Lee’s failures shows the power of revisionist history, but that is a topic for another night.
joe from Lowell
@TerraJules: Actually, this site criticized the administration pretty regularly. On Afghanistan, for instance, or the tactics in the fights against al Qaeda, or executive power.
There is some criticism of the president that is well-informed and principled, even if I don’t agree with most of it, but quite a bit of the criticism is just insane and ill-informed.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
As another employee of a federal agency responsible for one of the largest, non-defence, related expenditures in the budget, I watched the Bushies literally gut the gubmint during their 8 years. Nothing Reagan or Bush I did ever came close.
What amazes me is how much good the current administration has done to change all the bad the Bushies did.
And yeah, it’s stuff most people don’t realize happens. Certainly not the Calamity Jane’s of the blogosphere.
She really is a tool. Couldn’t hack it in Hollywood, couldn’t hack it as a lefty blogger either.
priscianus jr
Suck It Up!
@Comrade Kevin:
yeah I saw that. Sounds like they maybe got a little too excited.
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage:
Well, ya’ll would know. I thought that this article by John Judis on Obama’s regulatory reform was a rather Obot-ish attempt to make him seem cooler than he was at the moment [relax — just snarking!].
But the idea at the center is commendable: run an efficient ship, make sure the little things work, enforce protections for people and places that sustain communities at the local level, and people will benefit from the stability even if they’re not able to appreciate it consciously. I mean, as a political tactic, it fucking sucks. But you know, it’s nice if we can make sure OSHA is being enforced or make sure anything going through the FDA is adequately tested.
But fuck me, Obama didn’t push for the public option so we should primary his ass in 2012.
Okay, kid. If you’re so sure it’s gonna happen, who will be the one to beat Obama?
You know, I’m about ready to just throw the 2012 election, or force Obama out not and let some Tea Party nut take over, JUST SO YOU WOULD SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Mike Kay (Team America)
@Dennis G.:
It isn’t odd at all. her cult of personalty mirrors a large part of palin’s — namely, she’s photogenic. Sadly, there’s a lot of lonely people out in the basementphere.
Mike Kay (Team America)
@Dennis G.: But Lee was handsome. Really, this quality is highly over looked. Think of this way, how far would Reagan had gone if he looked looked like charles laughton/karl rove.
Yeah, he was so successful his party got a king-sized ass whipping in the elections and almost all of the Dems up for election put as much distance between Obama as they could.
Odd definition of success you have, Nick. Magical thinking and delusions are common and infectious amongst the Obots here.
Comrade Kevin
@Nick: Isn’t it interesting how many “leftists” out there take great pleasure in the idea of the Republicans taking control again?
@joe from Lowell: I didn’t mean this site, I meant the WTF site.
So what? LBJ got the same ass whipping after he passed Medicare. Did that make it wrong?
Just because people responded negatively doesn’t mean it wasn’t right.
Get a hold of yourself crazy boy.
@Comrade Kevin:
interesting…not surprising.
You’re going to throw the election? Damn you got some mad skillz.
I’m not shutting up, I’m talking you back from the edge, man.
Both parties are corrupt and our little experiment in Democracy is in slow circle down the shitter.
@Comrade Kevin:
I think they are batshit insane, but I do know where they are coming from. I am a longtime Denver Broncos fan who can’t wait for the day Josh McDaniels gets fired. It does bother me at some level, but I have actually been getting pleasure watching the team implode this year because it should hasten McDaniels departure.
joe from Lowell
@joe from Lowell: Ohhhhhhhhhhh.
Alrighty then. Carry on.
I sometimes see people write that about Balloon Juice, and it’s just not so.
we don’t want your help, go away
Comrade Kevin
As someone who is already off the deep end, how do you propose to do that?
The Professional Left: Because people should suffer more so I can be proven right
The Professional Left: Ego before people
The Professional Left: The Alex Forrest of Politics
Oh great. Another cynical “third party is the way to go” monkey.
I’m assuming that’s how you voted, right kid?
joe from Lowell
@Comrade Kevin: History quiz: can anyone name a group of leftists who were known for arguing against pragmatic liberalism to ameliorate problems, and who believed that empowering the right to crank up the pain would lead to a giant backlash that would get those leftists everything they wanted?
joe from Lowell
Only in the sense of “Scared Straight,” where you’re the convict.
The royal “we” or one of the multiple personalities fueling your Obot delusions….tough choice.
I’m not going anywhere….some of you Obots might hurt yourself toying with your delusions.
I saw that diary and thought, “Oh, we’re back to this shit again” and figured I was done with the GOS for the day. I’m sorry, I’m dreading the departure of Charlie Crist in January ’11 here in Florida because, yes, the presence of some sanity, even in Republican form, was a welcome relief from the Jeb Bush years, and I will happily vote for the Bluest of Blue Dogs for Governor in 2014, because no matter how much in denial a lot of online progressives are, that is probably the best we’re going to do in Florida, a state that just has a hard time recognizing the damage that crazy-ass Republicans have done to this state since Lawton Chiles left office. Crist for all his faults held off a lot of that crazy by refusing to sign a bunch of laws passed by our state legislature, which Rick Scott will happily push through.
@joe from Lowell:
Well the far left in Italy did this in 2008 when Romano Prodi’s small majority coalition wouldn’t give them everything they wanted on a silver platter before sundown.
Not only did they cause Prodi to lose, they themselves got swept from Parliament.
The Progressive Caucus is actually lucky we have a two-party system. How many of them would’ve gotten swept from power by Blue Dog Dems this year if we didn’t?
Oh you shut up!
We just had an election where progressives stayed home cause enough wasnt done just their way so lets let the Republicans take over…
go to HELL
Lesser of two evils–straight Dem ticket–just like the at least the last eight cycles.
Both parties are rotten to the core, but the Dems are just a bit less malevolent.
You are not with us anyway you jerk traitor
go get a real job so you don’t have to be on your right wing master’s dole.
No — don’t want to?
Rather spend your time here pissing on what we are trying to do — like most of your right winged compatriots
Get lost
@RinaX: you know what I find funny?
How fast the “left” abandoned Alex Sink, whom they trumpeted as the second coming, once it became clear she was struggling.
actually we didn’t. progressives showed up, they were just widely outnumbered by teabagger and “whichever way the wind blows’ independents.
delusional and angry. nice.
Comrade Kevin
@joe from Lowell: I’m not sure who you’re thinking of, but even the CPUSA weren’t and aren’t that stupid.
@WyldPirate: So no real principles I see.
Suck It Up!
That reminds me: didn’t hear much reflection on what happened with Sestak, another second coming.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
Wyld, you can’t blame a man when His idolators grasp at any straw of an assertion that He’s not an incompetent and morally depraved underachiever whose interest in the American People’s well-being and the Constitution-based rule of law ends immediately after eloquently lip-servicing them for their votes.
[Note to balloonbaggers: Insert generic insults here.]
Mike Kay (Expletive Deleted)
@Uncle Clarence Thomas: why ya being so hard on bush?
I didn’t ask anyone to shut up. I think it would be cool if everybody dialed down the crazy, though.
Everyone has their pet theory on why we were so utterly screwed this cycle, but I really don’t think it was because hard core activist progressives, the kind of people who follow policy, and show up on blogs to discuss it, sat it out. I sure didn’t, and none of my politically active friends did. I know we’re going to have this debate for months and months, but you can’t seriously be advancing the notion that the solution to Democrats’ political ills is to never criticize them.
It seems likely, with or without your entreating.
General Stuck
@Uncle Clarence Thomas:
Bravo Clarence!!
Lee Atwater is clapping loudly from hell
Comrade Kevin
@Elie: You’re an idiot, you know that?
@Mike Kay (Expletive Deleted): He’s gotta be talking about Bush. I mean he’s gotta know how incredibly brain-dead it sounds to call the first Black president, who did what democrats since Teddy Roosevelt couldn’t achieve an “underachiever”.
I mean he’s got to.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
@Mike Kay (Expletive Deleted):
Did I not say eloquently?
El Cid
@Comrade Kevin: The CPUSA, for its sake, each election exhorted its members to vote for Democrats so as to prevent the rise of fascism. In fact, it was seen as a conservative organization hollowly promising soshullist revolution someday by other leftist groups.
I’m sure JFL is mentioning the Communists in Germany, who argued famously ‘After Hitler, Us’, though there’s actually some debate about that particular phrase. It shouldn’t be seen, though, as some sort of immaturity by German Communists, since by this time the KPD was under the control of Stalinists, and it was Stalin’s program to denounce the Social Democrats as “social fascists” and not to cooperate with them at all.
Plenty of KPD wanted to go out and fight the Nazis, but Stalin and Stalinist leadership was more concerned about maintaining Soviet-Nazi accords. The blame should go to the Stalinist leadership, especially Thalmann, but this was not some manifestation of Weimar-era firebagging, but Stalinist control of a formerly significant party.
@Suck It Up!:
Remember when Alan Grayson was going to show Democrats how to win an election? Or when Russ Feingold was incredibly popular, even with conservatives because he stands on principals. Or when Debbie Halvorson’s ad knocking her opponent on Social Security was so brilliant, Rachel Maddow pointed it out as an example of how Democrats can win? (She lost by 16 points)
I really do wish Bill Halter had beaten Blanche Lincoln in May, because he’s either win (very unlikely), which would be nice, or would’ve lost and I can take solace watching the left wing find excuses for being so utterly wrong.
Left-wing hero Anthony Weiner survived his closest reelection this year, in part because no one showed up to vote. Gee, if Anthony Weiner can’t get voters to the polls, he must be a Blue Dog, no?
I’m so sick and tired of the stupid excuse that Democrats lose because they’re not truly Democrats. They lose because they’re Democrats; Blue Dogs, Progressives, doesn’t matter.
SCHIP expansion could have been funded through income taxes (it was an early proposal). Instead it was funded by a sharp increase in cigarette taxes – a regressive tax on addicts. Who here likes that?
Uncle Clarence Thomas
@Generally Stuckup:
Impressive. You seem to believe you can speak for both President Obama and Lee Atwater.
Comrade Kevin
@El Cid:
Yes, that’s why I said what I did about them. “The Democratic Party is the Bulwark against Fascism” was the phrase, or something similar. Or was that the SWP?
El Cid
@TerraJules: I know there was exit polling on lower turnout of the youth vote, but this was consistent with midterm turnout of the last 20 years.
Is there any evidence that some lack of ‘progressive’ turnout in any way could be suggested to have been not only a significant but atypical factor in these last elections?
Uncle Clarence Thomas
No, but I remember the ousted Rahm and the dozens of defeated blue dogs showing us.
Next hopey changey theory, please.
General Stuck
@Uncle Clarence Thomas:
What, you thought liberals couldn’t be racists? You just proved that myth false with words that could have come straight out of the GOP. But are likely too stupid to realize it. And you are hardly the only one of our so called “progressive” betters, that are actually wingnuts from the left and only differ from the right wingnuts in polarity of ideology.
Comrade Kevin
@Uncle Clarence Thomas: Quoting Sarah Palin now? Why am I not surprised.
El Cid
@Comrade Kevin:
From the CPUSA:
Nothing unhinges a firebagger like showing how successful this administration has been without any help from them.
Keep it up guys, I’m having fun!
@El Cid:
Oh no, I didn’t suggest that it was. I believe Elie did; I was suggesting otherwise.
I was about to make some generalizations from vague memories of data that I’ve skimmed but I don’t want to go making claims I can’t support, so I’ll just say what I said before. It seems to me fairly implausible that demoralized progressives (whom I trust to suck it up and vote) or criticism on progressive blogs (which have a fairly small audience of, again, progressives) is somehow responsible for the utter hammering we took last week. And I additionally find the idea that people who have criticisms should “shut up” and “go to hell” (thanks, Elie) not only insulting but downright scary. There is plenty of room for debate about the appropriateness of specific criticisms, of venue and scope, without…well, this stuff.
Getting off the soapbox now.
@Comrade Kevin:
Oh you hurt my feelings…Wahhh
Go stick up for your fake left wing buddies. You will get nothing but shit from me as long as you do
but is that what you are doing? Why am I such an idiot?
cause I am not interested in the apologia of the so called idealistic left? the FAKE bullshit artists like Wyld Pirate and others…
Well trust me, I can take your rejection. YOU should be more interested in standing up for the hard work of real progressives instead of these blog posting silicone, size double D FAKE leftists.
Bite. it.
we have been hearing your left wing flaccid instructions about how to be for a while now.
Yeah, it is scary to be on the receiving end of attack —
try going after some of the morans from the so called left posting here..
I acknowledge that many progressives voted. But there have been several citations that more gays, blacks and youth progressives were demoralized and stayed home.
the Jane Hs and the right had a role in that but I am not wanting to hear peanut brains like Wyld Pirate and others who take his part, come here and try to fob off their crappy excuses. \
Yeah — SHUT up to that
Comrade Kevin
@Elie: If you think I’m sticking up for WyldPirate or his silly friend “Uncle Clarence Thomas”, then you’re either even stupider than I thought you were, or a spoof.
General Stuck
You are correct. I doubt the folks you describe and identify with are enough to make five figures. The overwhelming and vast number of self described liberals have given Obama consistently the highest approval of any other type democrat.
In the range of 85 to 90 plus percent approval according to Gallup’s monthly tracking polls since Obama became president. So called demoralized fake “progressives’ on the internet are a lot of sound and fury signifying little in the big picture of things.
@Nick: So I’m assuming that WyldPirate and Uncle Clarance Thomas are from Mistress Hansher’s blog of infinite poutrage, right/
@Comrade Kevin:
Well then what are you doing, dear Komrade?
I am no spoof. I am usually a mild mannered lurker. I was just pissed off and sick and tired of the bull. Tired of trying to be reasonable to those who will not and do not want to be. Tired of explaining how hard it is to get things done and how proud we should be and how we should support our successes instead of denigrating them with unbalanced and stupid criticism. Tired of reading the gloating from these sick, weird so called faux lefties…
Yeah, I am damned angry and tired. And feeling that the people I once thought of as allies are maybe even worse enemies than those I most despised.
I owe YOU no apology for that. Don’t like my point of view? Just fine with me.
Comrade Kevin
@Elie: Telling them to “Shut up”, and calling them “traitor”, will do nothing but reinforce their delusion that there is some sort of “Obama cult” where people worship “Dear Leader”.
I will change my statement above, and say that your comments were stupid, and not you.
You’ve completely misplaced the reason I’d like people to knock it off with the name-calling and conspiracy theory stuff. It’s not because it hurts my feelings. But it does inflame the passions of some, it is definitely a distraction, and it clogs up the gears of critical thinking.
Actually, the issue of why, for example, gay people not only stayed home, but apparently voted more Republican in this election, is an interesting one. Whenever people vote against their own interests it really kind of hurts my head.
But I think we’re giving people like Jane Hamsher (someone I really, really do not respect, although there are people I’ve heard called f-baggers that I do) way too much credit if we were to pin that phenomenon on her. Here, as elsewhere, I’ve got my own theories about why this might be, but it would be several paragraphs of unsupported speculation, so…yeah.
It’s funny, I feel very much the same sometimes. I don’t mean you; I find it hard to see anyone fighting on the ground as my enemy. But I feel that way about people in positions of power. So maybe we have something in common?
Suck It Up!
oh man, you are inside my head. well said.
Mike Kay (Expletive Deleted)
Well, those tight jeans drive them crazy.
No seriously, she’s got a tight ass. In fact when she goes on tee vee, they should put her ass on screen instead. Oh wait.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
@General With Head Stuck Up Private Ass:
That is correct. Progressives and liberals cannot be racists and simultaneously claim to be progressive or liberal. They also cannot stupidly accuse others of racism without cause or reason, especially as a rhetorical ploy to evade responsibility for their own opinions — something you apparently can do. Yes, you can.
Moron, one problem with your “theory” is that if the GOP said that two plus two equals four, I would indeed agree with them. I criticize President Obama from the left, not the right or the balloonbagger right-center.
A second problem is that when I simply echo your mindless generic tactic and say “General Stuck is a racist” you are then forced to acquiesce to your own tactic or “refudiate” your own tactic.
Which is it, tenth-wit? Are you a racist — or am I not? Choose wisely.
Mike Kay (Expletive Deleted)
Maybe there are gays who are against gays in the military.
Suck It Up!
@Uncle Clarence Thomas:
Rahm was ousted? is that the story now? he didn’t get tarred and feathered on the way out so you have to make up your own story?
Suck It Up!
I certainly have no problem with it.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
@Comrade Kevin:
Because you can’t imagine someone mocking President Obama, Sarah Palin, and balloonbaggers all at the same time?
See my reply to Generally Stuck for more information about the use of the English language.
General Stuck
@Uncle Clarence Thomas:
LOL, touched a nerve it seems. When the wingnuts parrot what you did earlier, it is code for inadequate black man. If you agree with them on that, so be it. But like I said, you are way too stupid to know what you were doing. That is plus in your favor, sorta.
@Mike Kay (Expletive Deleted):
Or an aggressive recruitment campaign by the Log Cabin Republicans?
@Uncle Clarence Thomas:
This makes no sense, kid. You act as if racism and liberalism can’t mix. thinking this is so by any explanation is naive at best, moronic at least, and just plain deceitful at the worst.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
@General Stuck:
LOL, touched a nerve it seems. When the wingnuts parrot what you did earlier, it is code for inadequate black man. If you agree with them on that, so be it. But like I said, you are way too stupid to know what you were doing. That is plus in your favor, sorta.
See how that works now, parrot? You should take your racism elsewhere.
@General Stuck: Wait, so this is no joke. This Uncle Clarence Thomas kid was seriously calling the first Black president, who did what democrats since Teddy Roosevelt couldn’t achieve an “underachiever”.
This coming from a kid whose greatest accomplishment so far it seems is acting an ass on an internet message board. I wonder does he know millions of people do that all the time, so he’s kinda late to the party.
General Stuck
@Uncle Clarence Thomas:
I don’t believe you can equate spanking dimwitted trolls with racism, unless you are in fact, dimwitted.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
Of course it makes sense, but only if words mean what they mean in the dictionary. “Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis, “of freedom”) is the belief in the importance of individual liberty and equal rights.” One of the very hallmarks of progressivism and liberalism is the lack of racism. Please point me to some authority which contradicts this definition. If you’re trying to clumsily say that people don’t always measure up to their ideals, then I would agree – we need look no further than you and President Obama.
I swear, a balloonbagger will say anything to attempt to win an argument.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
@General Stuck:
I don’t believe you can equate racism with spanking dimwitted trolls, unless you are in fact, a racist.
Therefore, you are, in fact, a dimwitted racist. (And a very slow learner.)
@Uncle Clarence Thomas:
Shorter Clarence: No True
ScotsmanLiberal is a racist.Mike Kay (Expletive Deleted)
@TerraJules: well, gays are good at recruitment.
@Uncle Clarence Thomas: @Uncle Clarence Thomas:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal” – Thomas Jefferson – noted liberal- who owned slaves.
You may be silent now, kid.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
Yes , he’s an underachiever. He had the tools, he had the skills, he had the wind at his back, and he made a conscious decision that doing his job was too hard and too much trouble. We are all seriously negatively impacted by his lack of character.
@Uncle Clarence Thomas:
Says the kid who greatest achievement so far is acting an ass on an internet message board.
Obama will be in history books for years and decades to come.
You can drop dead tomorrow and no one would know and no one would care.
Goodnight little buckaroo.
@Uncle Clarence Thomas: The whole premise of this blog post says otherwise, kid.
It sounds to me you just saying shit to keep an argument going. Sorry, little boy, just because mommy don’t have the time to play with you tonight doesn’t mean we have to.
And let me just repeat:
Obama will be in history books for years and decades to come.
You can drop dead tomorrow and no one would know and no one would care.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
You must mean “noted 18th Century liberal” don’t you? Tell me, do you also take your scientific knowledge and definitions from the 18th Century? That would explain a few things.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
So, you’re arguing for the infallibility of balloonbagger blog post premises? I don’t think that’s a reasonable premise.
So hear me now and believe me later: It sounds to me you just saying shit to keep an argument going. Sorry, little boy, just because mommy don’t have the time to play with you tonight doesn’t mean we have to.
And let me just mindlessly repeat:
Obama will be in history books for years and decades to come. Not saying why, but he will. So there.
You can drop dead tomorrow and no one would know and no one would care.
Generically yours,
Uncle Clarence Thomas
@Uncle Clarence Thomas: Okay, kid. how about this:
Jane Hamsher – so-called liberal-who thought this was funny.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
Thank you, that is a correct interpretation. In the same way, my understanding is that no two plus two is a five.
@Uncle Clarence Thomas:
Another shorter Clarence: Where’s my magic negro, damn it? I was promised a magic negro!
Uncle Clarence Thomas
There is a problem with that link – there is no graphic on the Huffington Post article, and no comment about it by Hamsher or DarkBlack. What was the meaning of it in the context of the article, and how do you know why she included it, if she did? In other words, without relying on your famed mind-reading prowess, how do you know it was racist? Perhaps you feel it is a priori racist, and that no context would make it non-racist? I am certainly willing to listen to your reasoned argument, if you choose to make one.
@Uncle Clarence Thomas:
Funny, there’s no problem with the link when I look at it. Perhaps you’re suffering from hysterical blindness and are unable to see the infamous Joe Lieberman in blackface picture that Jane Hamsher published. You know, the one that lost the election for Ned Lamont.
Here, try this link.
Or this one.
Nope? Can’t see those, either?
You should probably have a doctor check into that for you.
ETA: A guy who calls himself Uncle Clarence Thomas probably shouldn’t be claiming that blackface isn’t automatically racist. Just sayin’.
You know, a lot of these are big fucking deal. What else?
But only because we’re facing the climate apocalypse and unemployment is stuck around 10%.
Oh dear. I agree with you on the issues. I agree with you on the “only because we’re so royally…” part too.
Oh dear.
Here’s a link to blast the whole youngins didn’t vote this time…
I think this just goes back to what the General said, Republicans and Indies just came out to vote more for fear of deficits and black presidenting.
I hate regressive taxes in general, and sin taxes are particularly cowardly, plus it creates fucked up incentives; you don’t have to smoke ’em if you don’t want to but if you’re not buying cigarettes you’re basically murdering poor children.
In this climate it’s not enough to cause more than a tremor on the outrage meter but I don’t like it, not a bit.
As far as the “what has he done” question; in the last 30 years we’ve had four years where the Dems had the White House and Congress, last time we got NAFTA, DADT, and the Family and Medical Leave Act. I don’t know how this is even a question, I’m not sure it is really, there are just a lot of bullshitters with really big megaphones around.
A Humble Lurker
Probably nobody’s going to read this, but I want to make this point: if you think people aren’t being paid to demoralize progressives and liberals on the internet undercover you are, with all due respect, naive. These are the people who paid for the buses that got teabaggers to town halls and paid for scripts of things to shout to be distributed to them. A few ratfuckers are nothing for the kings of AstroTurf.
I used to be part of the anti-Scientology protest and scientologists pulled this shit all the time. They’d blather on about Religious freedom and if you pointed out to them it wasn’t about the religious teachings it was about not letting people leave, taking advantage of prisoners, making people pay exorbitant fees to learn what you could for free on the internet, and the bizarre deaths of Lisa McPherson as well as several others, they’d try to make like that wasn’t their argument at all. And if you accused them of being scientologists they would shriek about how you were crazy and delusional. I mean, I understand people protesting if you’re accusing them of being something they aren’t, but these people did, if I may borrow from Shakespeare, “Protest too much.”
I’m not saying there are any on Balloon Juice, but I am saying it is extremely unlikely they don’t exist.
The START treaty, the CAFE standards, and same-sex benefits are all good, if relatively minor (IMO) in the grand scheme of things. I’ll lay off healthcare reform, because there were some benefits to the bill, as specified above.
However, a couple of the others need fixing.
“Signed Potemkin financial reform law that won’t really reform the FIRE industry or prevent another meltdown, establishing a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, but putting it under the control of the Federal Reserve, which is owned by the same banks the CFPB is supposed to regulate, thus guaranteeing its impotency.”
“Created more private sector jobs in 2010 than during entire Bush years, at least by using some creative accounting that uses the most favorable numbers possible (i.e. NOT the household survey) and ignores the jobs lost in 2009.”
And the web site left out all Obama’s accomplishments related to transferring wealth to the banks, ensuring that losses are socialized while profits are privatized, and protecting the banksters god-given rights to 9-figure bonuses.
I’m really not sure who the Obama PR is supposed to convince. The True Believers already believe. But then that’s been Obama’s approach to the economy — lots of show, not much substance. I suppose it is not surprising that the True Believers sing from the same hymnal.
Dennis G.
@Uncle Clarence Thomas:
Is an interesting statement that seems to be at odds with all your other posts that I’ve seen to date, but I must say that I have found your comments to be so ill-conceived and poorly argued that I long ago gave up on giving them anything other than a quick skim-read for silly statements like the one above.
With every comment you validate that view.
American liberals are just conservatives waiting to happen, and this post is just another in a long, long line of examples.