I’m kind of glad I ordered a Balloon Juice 2011 Pet Calendar, because that means that maybe next year, I will know when the holidays are before going to the Post Office and finding out it is closed.
At any rate, Happy Veteran’s Day!
by John Cole| 56 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
I’m kind of glad I ordered a Balloon Juice 2011 Pet Calendar, because that means that maybe next year, I will know when the holidays are before going to the Post Office and finding out it is closed.
At any rate, Happy Veteran’s Day!
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El Tiburon
Post office? When do you go there? After you churn your butter and ask Mabel the operator to connect you to Sherriff Hayseed?
Let me ask you: when you want cash, do you write a check at the grocery store?
Thank you for your service.
I am a veteran of the War on Drugs and the War on Poverty. I was on the losing side in both.
John Cole
@El Tiburon: You are actually closer to the mark than you think. We have no delivery, just the post office, and until the general store put in an atm a few years ago, yes, we did write checks to them for cash. In fact, I have a charge account at the general store that uses only my first name on the slip, and every time I want something, they write it down and add it to the total, and every two weeks or so, I go in and pay it off.
Don’t mock it. It works.
John PM
So, will you be going to Applebee’s for your free veteran’s dinner, or to Outback Steakhouse for your free Bloomin’ Onion? According to David Brooks, Applebee’s has a killer salad bar.
@John Cole:
This is the most awesome thing I’ve read all week. Your life sounds like a WV Mayberry. Does Andy Griffith wander through town every so often?
Happy vets to you John, soonergrunt, sgmm (sp) and all you other squids, dogfaces, jardheads, flyboys and whatever endearing phrase there is for the Coast Guard.
@John Cole: If you went into a Trader Joes you’d probably have a seizure.
Corner Stone
@John Cole: No wonder you have so much trouble understanding modern issues. You’re living in the 1950’s.
Forgot to mention, I’ve lived in a couple of small towns without mail delivery and the post office becomes a neighborhood meeting place. Everyone has to go there to get their mail, so you always end up seeing people you know and chatting for a few minutes. It’s really great.
FWIW I’m not going to one of these joints that make vets day part of their advertising campaigns. I don’t begrudge any one who does but it ain’t for me.
this is why the Plain Brown Wrapper was invented.
Happy Armistice Day!
Neutron Flux
@stuckinred: And to you too doggie.
Signed, Squid and Bubblehead (submarine)
edited for grammer
Yep. Heh.
This would never have happened if you didn’t have soshulist mail service. If you had 5 different private postal companies all competing for your service, at least 4 of them would
be neglecting the memory of our hallowed deadbe open for business as usual today.For that matter, why don’t we just get the government out of our holidays? Privatize them and let them compete with each other for influence – Wall St could collect fat fees managing the subsequent mergers, acquisitions, and IHOs. Don’t sell your stock in arborday.com until you hear how the merger talks with theeasterbunny.com are progressing.
Tony Alva
Thank you John Cole for your service to our nation.
El Tiburon
As a kid we had charge accounts at the little restaurants and stores in the small town I grew up in just like that. Cash rarely was exchanged. It was great as a kid to wander in, eat a big chicken fried steak, then just sign your name.
Ash Can
@John Cole: I love the city and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, but when we take trips up to West Nowhere, WI we run across places like you describe, and they’re absolutely enchanting for us city folk. They’re a pleasant and relaxing change of pace. And you’re right, the system does work, so why mess with it?
I can see the wingnuts now….”Cole doesn’t care about those who’ve served our country, he didn’t even know it’s Veteran’s Day…”
Remember, in wingnut logic, actual service isn’t nearly as important as strutting around thanking those who’ve served.
@Neutron Flux: I’m watching the Enemy Below right now. I just finished reading “The Measureless Peril” about the war for the Atlantic and this is a great supplement. My old man was a converted 4 stack apd sailor in the Pacific so I’ve always payed more attention to that theater. I also know a guy who was on that US Sub that cut the Japanese ship in half when it surfaced off Hawaii.
Happy Remembrance Day.
(I wish there was a Peace Day, or a “I didn’t start a stupid war” Day, but I’m an unrepentant DFH and a Quaker, pffft.)
OT — Morzer, you out there? What do you think of the Chad/Chad switch? Penny’s got glass arms, so I’d be worried, but I always did like the kid.
Also, too, I’m a veteran, in case anyone thinks I’m not sufficiently patriotic.
And also, also, too, what happened to the edit function?
Sadly, one of the little darlings featured on the September page of the BJ 2011 Calendar passed away last week.
Here’s a video tribute for my beautiful Uma:
November 15 for free Golden Corral for vets. Yum.
The Last Post
Wait…you have to buy your own calendar? Happy Vet’s Day! Sorry your fellow countrymen keep screwing with your pay and putting you in shitty unplanned wars!
@Svensker: Why would anyone think that?
@lovedog:sorry for your loss, what a sweet pupster.
@sloan: Next year will be 11/11/11.
The tireless efforts of Moina Belle Michael of Athens created one of the lasting symbols of the “Great War” – a red poppy first worn to memorialize American soldiers killed in World War I and later to raise millions of dollars to support and employ disabled American veterans of all wars.
Comrade Mary
Happy Remembrance Day! I have to find a place to put my poppy (which I actually didn’t lose or stick myself with this year).
No Canadian World War I veterans at the ceremonies in Ottawa today. John Babcock, the last of them all, died earlier this year.
@stuckinred: stuck, you see my inquiry about that new band from New West called Ponderosa? From Atlanta. Cool sound. You know them?
@Comrade Mary: Ah, the Hasty Pee’s!
@John Cole: We have the same thing in Shepherdstown. Everyone walks to the post office to get their mail which is great because you get to run into neighbors and be neighborly.
@BGinCHI: Huh, haven’t heard of em, I’ll investigate.
Ash Can
@lovedog: What a sweet doggie. So sorry for your loss.
Cole, didn’t we go through this before? Oh yes. Columbus Day. You really do need a calendar of federal holidays.
P.S. Thank you for your service, and thanks to all the others out there who have done the same.
@lovedog: Uma is a beautiful and sweet dog. My deepest condolences on your loss.
@stuckinred: Well, I had to be different. It’s how I roll.
@stuckinred: Thanks for posting the story about Moina Michael. I had no idea where the custom came from. Many of us were lamenting the fact that you just didn’t see people selling or wearing poppies on Veteran’s Day anymore.
Cat Lady
Thanks to all you souls who fought and died for this country, and for those who have served. It is our eternal shame that our elected officials are not worthy of your personal sacrifice.
On a happier note, How to Wrap a Cat for Christmas.
@asiangrrlMN: And thank you for the stellar b-day wish!
Laura W.
@lovedog: I am SO sorry to hear this. I sent John the photo of your Uma when I received it from you because I found it so moving. I titled it: “Soulful says it all”, and it did.
I posted that photo on the calendar blog under September.
She was clearly a very exceptional being.
Speaking of Sept, I blew it big time and did not get stuckinred’s two darlings into the original calendar. I have since redone September’s page so the new calendars are a bit different for that month in terms of the collage layout. You can see the current Sept on the blog. And thank you to stuckinred for being so gracious and understanding about my error.
@JPL: I first learned of it while drinking with her granddaughter in an Athens slop shoot many moons ago!
@El Tiburon: I tried emailing the new power supply and video card to our son at college, but to no avail. The post office got it to him the next day.
@John Cole: Wait until you find out about indoor plumbing and air conditioning. Shit’s amazing.
@Laura W.: Lil Bit and Bohdi are proud to be there with Uma.
So sorry for your loss.
Open Thread question, is Congress in session or something? It seems the White House and Congress have approved the Bush Tax Cuts, cut SS and Medicare and taken over Afghanistan. Which I thought would take more time since the Pres is at G20 and Biden’s honoring vets.
OK goddammit, it’s 75 degrees outside, I gotta finish this movie and unass this couch!
I think I have mentioned this before, but shortly after moving into Manhattan close to 15 years ago my roommate went to the post office only to find out it was closed for Veteran’s Day. As he was muttering and complaining to me, a woman started to lecture him about not having proper respect fot the troops and honoring their service. I think she was expecting him to be mortified, but instead got the response of “I’m a veteran and they could honor my service by selling me some stamps so I can mail this letter”. I can’t remember if she said another word or just slunk away. Coincidentally, today is also that same friend’s wedding anniversary.
A thank you to him, to John and to all those others who have served to protect us and our freedoms.
@MattR: I love that story. I have to laugh wryly, though, because I read your last sentence as, “…served to protect us FROM our freedoms.”
@stuckinred: DO NOT LIKE! We’ve had unseasonably warm weather here (sixties), which makes me VERY grumpy.
@lovedog: Uma was beautiful, you were lucky to have her and she you. Losing a pet is hard & I feel for you.
@stuckinred: Retired, or just a shiftless societal scumbag sucking the resources of all of us 7-to-5ers as we fund y’all 99ers’ netflix rentals and Old English scuds?
Mmmmmm…..malt liquor.
Thanks @stuckinred, @Ash Can, @asiangrrlMN, @Laura W., @ruemara, @slank. . . .
Deeply appreciated.
@Laura W.: I just noticed your update to the calendar page. That was so thoughtful and excellent of you to do. big thank you.
Happy Veteran’s Day to all who served, and sorry lovedog for your loss.
And yes, my calendar is being shipped.
Benjamin Cisco
@stuckinred: Thanks!
Retired zoomie
@Face: No motherfucker, I had to take leave for veterans day just like I have had to for the 26 years I’ve lived here in dixie.
Coasties. There’s an HQ office in my building. Some of them make decent eye candy.