This game is just painful to watch. Our o-line and d-line are decimated, we have no pass rush whatsoever, Randle El has hands of stone tonight, and the entire team seems unprepared.
Ugh. You just can’t beat the Patriots playing like this. I’m shocked it is only 10-3.
General Stuck
Sorry to hear that senor Cole. The swelling should go down in a day or two. :-)
Because fuck Ben, that’s why.
Meet The Republicans
At least you have the officials on your side :)
You feel strongly about this, don’t you?
From what my dad told me, The Giants sucked today too.
@LarsThorwald: Dude, even I wouldn’t go there. He’s not bad looking, but I don’t do slimeballs with no respect for women.
At least your team probably won’t trash talk their own team to the press after the game is over. Evereyone associated with The Vikings really need to be taken out back and beat up. What a bunch of WATBs.
It’s not like the Patriots don’t have plenty of injury problems of their own. They just happen to OWN the Steelers for the past decade.
But don’t worry, it’s not 10-3 anymore. It’s 17-3.
Fixteth for accuracy. And I’m stealing wifey’s idea about the store.
And hon, if you come back: IT. WAS. A TYPO.
quit your whining! I’m a 49’er fan.
The did win today though!
Your dad was right. The worst thing about it was the realization that their sucking brightened Jerry Jones’ evil old heart.
I like you John and I like your blog but am enjoying watching the Steelers get taken to the woodshed.
My Colts have the Pats next. At the Pats. And the three teams are the class of the AFC.
BTW. Pittsburgh is great city. I used to travel there monthly in the 90’s. Oakmont is awesome. As is the Fort Pitt Museum.
And it’s the most difficult city in the U.S. to find your way around. There used to be a joke that the locals didn’t know how to get around. And one wrong turn can be a 45 minute adventure.
And you really haven’t experienced Pittsburgh until you can see where you want to be but can’t get there. It happened to my folks at Station Square and to me at R.I.D.C. Park.
I personally am rather enjoying this. Did you know the Steelers’ offensive line is slow?
Yes, this too. I read this evening that Brett Farve is making $1,000,000 per game. I don’t pay enough attention to football to know if this is true (I don’t watch the games) or not but if it is true, it’s an absolutely miserable statistic. These guys live on another planet to be bitching about how the team isn’t good enough for them when they’re making this kind of money.
@LarsThorwald: Dude. Have some standards.
I hate football.
Bubblegum Tate
Patriots totally own the Steelers. That’s just how it is. Goddamn motherfucking Patriots.
On the lighter side, an uninsured libertarian walks into a doctor’s office…. The comments are where the real ridiculousness resides.
Jewish Steel
Oooh. I guess there is no such thing as a chip-shot.
@gbear: I didn’t watch the after-game crap. Now, supposedly, the talk is of Favre retiring again. It’s always gotta be about him. That number you quote is low, if anything. Sickening.
@Yutsano: I came back. Heh. I like to tease you because you usually don’t make typos. And, I got my hat handed to me in the last thread for castigating Andy K. for a grammatical error and then making a spelling error of my own. So, hoisted on my own petard am I.
The missed chip shot field goal is a nice bonus.
Ash Can
@Karen: They may have sucked, but this was Dallas’s first game after having fired its coach midseason — which I understand Dallas just doesn’t do. If that doesn’t put a bomb under a team’s butt, I don’t know what does. The Giants were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
It’s actually “hoist,” not “hoisted.” :)
John Cole
I may have to double up on robitussin.
@John Cole:
You could always try the freebasing option.. or perhaps you already are?
Troy Smith = SUPER BOWL
Hoist with your own petard, please.
I didn’t know the Mayflowers had any actual fans. I figured they would have all left town in the middle of the night.
@MoeLarryAndJesus: Good god. I am on a roll today. Thanks for the correction. I am humbly eating crow right now (and crossing my fingers that this term is correct).
ETA: And, it’s by one’s one petard or as morzer noted, with.
@MikeJ: In a French maid’s costume?
ETA, part two: I’mma shut up now.
Can the Steelers score 3 in a quarter? This will be interesting… that missed extra point could come back to haunt, and admittedly the Pats shut it down early sometimes so it’s possible. Definitely double up on the tussin Cole this could get interesting.
@morzer: @morzer: Hoist with his owne petar please.
One’s one petard?
To hoist, or not to hoist – that is the question.
@asiangrrlMN: I’m still interested in the part where you’re wearing nothing but a jersey. And I don’t really even care about football that much.
I am polite however, and will always be nice about whatever my friends are into, even if I don’t care.
General Stuck
I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned it lately, but the Browns last week beat the Pats 34 to 14 at home. I like to keep folks informed.
@morzer: Yeah. I’m gonna stop while I’m behind. Um, how about those Steelers?
@MikeJ: Yeah. It’s comfy to wear a shirt like that. Very relaxing. Heh. You’re funny.
Well, Cole is doubling up on Robitussin. I don’t honestly care either way, but mindfucking the Patsies fans has a joy of its own.
@General Stuck:
Pretty much whipped ’em good too, as I recall.
“Hoist on” is an acceptable variant, although it is “hoist with” that occurs in Hamlet.
Hoist on doesn’t make any sense when you consider what a petard was.
@morzer: I know. You are a provocateur, aren’t you?
@Steeplejack: Thanks for having my back on one of my errors.
@morzer: Hoisted on one’s own petard makes perfect sense! Heh.
@General Stuck:
Not a big Colt McCoy fan but looks like Cleveland has found their quarterback
Meet The Republicans
Pick 6 puts a coda to it.
No, not really. Unless you want to say “blown up on your own bomb”, which would be the equivalent.
now that was a fluky and lucky interception but I’ll take it.
Lancelot Link
we have no pass rush whatsoever
“We”? I think this calls for more BBC comedy.
@MikeJ: Thanks for the “Mayflower” comment. Baltimore wants its trophy case and memorabilia back home where it belongs.
@morzer: I don’t care. I like the way it sounds, so I’m keeping it in my vocab. Though, I don’t think I’ve ever used it before today.
E. Cobham Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1898):
Historical use of the language often is not as precise as you might like.
@John Cole:
as a longtime patriots fan, the kind of fighting spirit you have brought to the game this evening warms my heart. after the pick 6 I placed my order for two Pet calendars.
Fucking petards — how do they work?
@Steeplejack: Yay! Happy dance!
@SiubhanDuinne: Ka-BOOM! That’s how they work.
Man, the Stillers laid an egg tonight.
By the way, did you see either of my Montalbano rants directed at you over the last month or so?
@Bubblegum Tate:
Holy Shite that post and the comments at dailypaul is pretty great.
I want to have Tom Brady’s perfect coiffed babies. My wife approves.
@Ailuridae: Hey, how are you doing?
@Bubblegum Tate #17: Those comments are priceless. What an astonishing blog. Jeeze, it’s scary out there sometimes.
Bob In Pacifica
Hey, Niners won!
@Steeplejack #53: NO! Why were you ranting in my general direction, and where might I find them now?
Yeah, that’s what you get for going to fucking New Jersey.
Oh, and FTFY!
Glad to see the Seahacks managed to grub out a win this week. How did they manage to end up in first place?!
Doing better and thanks for asking. Wake and funeral were tough but I am back in Chicago watching a Harry Potter marathon. I’m not good with grief but I tried to do what I could when I was there. My friend was still largely at a loss for words over the weekend but his wife was doing much better so I hope they’ll be alright.
I blame Chris Christie.
Here is my Montalbano plug from October 11. (I had another comment or two later directing you back to this comment.)
I thought you were the one with whom I discussed Foyle’s War back in May? If you like that, and from other comments you have made, I think you would really like Montalbano.
P.S. I don’t know if the DVDs are still on sale, but they’re worth checking out.
At least your team stunk it up in a regular season game. Mine chose to play it’s worst game of the year in the semifinals. I might hate FC Dallas more than I hate the Cowboys.
Time to break out the jokes about Jeff Reed’s drunkenness.
@Geoduck: Because the whole division suxxors more? Although I was honestly hoping Whitehurst would do better in his season debut, nothing would make me happier than Hasslesack retiring. Of course this means the better we do the less likely we get some stud QB in the draft. Sigh. Life of a Seattle sports fan. When do pitchers and catchers report again?
BTW bacon, lettuce, avocado, and heirloom tomato sammie = NOM.
@Ailuridae: I’m sorry it was so hard. Again, my condolences. Just being there helped your friend; I firmly believe that. I think an HP marathon is a good way to deal with things. Even better: fastforward through any scene that does not contain Snape–but that probably doesn’t soothe you as much as it does me.
@Yutsano: Yum. Did you see me screw the fuck up earlier in this thread. Sigh. Hubris. I haz it.
I knew libertarians were conspiratorial, I didn’t know that they, as a bloc, are largely alt med freaks. Also, is this comment spoof? Cause if this guy’s a libertarian by ideology, than I am Hugh Hefner’s grandson.
Seriously, “My ideology is an unreachable, fantastical utopia with no chance of seeing the light of actual day, but that’s why I believe it!”
The Steelers need a Gronkowski BAD.
That’s pretty rich, Martin: somebody from fucking Irvine hating on New Jersey. I’ve lived in both places. I would move back to New Jersey tomorrow if I had the chance, but given a choice between shooting myself and moving back to Irvine I would unhesitatingly pull the trigger.
@Ailuridae: There is one small condolence you can give them: their child is no longer in any pain. At least his suffering is over, and he can move on to the special place the FSM has for young children when they die.
@freelancer: That’s either classic snark or so teh stupid they require mandatory sterilization.
Now we know how many Whos it takes to fill the Albert Hall…
Thanks for the kind words.
I’ve watched the first two Potter movies and am about to start the third. It’s amazing how much better the “kid” actors get by the second movie (although some of that is attributable to Rowling’s growth as a writer I imagine).
But the third one excites me as it introduces Sirius Black which means some Gary Oldman excellence.
Little Boots
I wish I knew what Obama should say or do. I just don’t. It’s very frustrating for someone who once though posting on a website was the way to solve this country’s problems. Now what?
@Ailuridae: And IIRC Helena comes into the cast at this point as well. A mistake a lot of folks make is assuming the Harry Potter series is seven books. It isn’t, Rowling has said as much. Marathon the books back to back and you’ll see what I mean.
I just realized I get to take my young second cousins out to the Deathly Hallows premiere on Friday. I now haz a huge happy.
@Steeplejack #64: Thanks very much! I’m not familiar with them, and they sound right up my alley.
I was having my 3-week midwestern and Canadian road trip in October, and wasn’t checking BJ as often as usual, so I totally missed your post and any follow-ups.
And now I am going to see if I can get a decent night’s sleep (for a change). Night, everyone.
@Ailuridae: Ix-nay on JK Rawlings growth as a writer. Not true. The kids just got better with age. And, Gary Oldman is awesome. The third is my favorite movie by far. Though, not enough Snape. Never enough Snape. Lupin. Yum. Yum. Lucius. Also yum. Oh, sorry. I call the movies pr0n for adults–OK, pr0n for me.
P.S. The fact that you flew back on such short notice says a lot about you. I know it’s not always possible, but physical presence is so comforting.
@Yutsano: She is really good, too. And hawt. And, the books needed serious editing. But, I made my case against the HP books in the James Frey thread below. I am going to see the HP movie on Friday, too, at a matinee so, as my friend says, “Less people will hear you moan.”
ETA: I only read the books because I was hooked on Alan Rickman as Snape.
Little Boots
Actually, I think the writing got better as the kids got older. I remember thinking, what the hell is wrong with Harry Potter? Is he under a spell? And then realizing, nope, he’s just a 15 year old. Of course he’s being a dick! It was a magical moment.
Sorry Cole, but do you feel that uncomfortable, repetitive punching feeling in your lower bowels? That’s the long, hard, deep dicking Brady just gave the entire Steelers defense.
Little Boots
wow, football’s gotten so violent, and so sexy. when did this happen?
@asiangrrlMN: The little tacked on bit at the end of the last book bugged the shit out of me. I just hated that marrying your high school girlfriend was held up as being the bestest thing evar that could happen to you.
Little Boots
Now this is something more than boring.
@MikeJ: I think the epilogue was her way of announcing she wasn’t going back to the Harry Potter universe. Sort of her way of saying, “This is all you get folks, enjoy!”
Little Boots
Don’t upset John. Easy as that is to do, you shouldn’t do it.
Ben Worthlessburger would make an excellent girlfriend. He goes down early and often.
@MikeJ: Yep. That shit drives me crazy. I hate the epilogue and the need to sum up everyone’s lives. And, yeah, the idea that they had no growth between high school and marriage is laughable.
Harrumph. These last two movies better have LOADS of Snape in them, or I’m going to be REALLY pissed. I know the movies and books are for the children, but seriously. Snape’s gotten robbed in the last three movies.
@Yutsano: Whatever. She could have left it out.
And, to the room in general, can we stop with the derogatory comments about women and sex in comparison to how the Steelers lost? Seriously. It’s getting annoying.
I think its pron for a certain set of adults and i certainly qualify.
I read all of the ones out at that point back to back when I first started with them in 04 or 05. It was a neat experience but I don’t enjoy them all that much so I’ve put it off til the next time I get sick and am feeling sorry for myself.
I might mention that I really, really loved Rochester as a city. Man, my images of it being an extension of the rust belt were totally wrong (as all my friends had told me). A little small for me but really wonderful. Not that I want to encourage any of the Western NY crowd here.
Little Boots
Nobody ever loved Rochester. Please don’t turn this blog into a house of lies. Please.
Heh. People say this about Seattle and we arrange for them to be targeted for elimination. The rest of the country thinks it’s a miserable place to live, and we’ll just enjoy that reputation thankyewverymuch.
I agree. Plus if you notice it’s the worst passage she’s written in the whole series. That’s what happens when you have to talk a writer into doing something.
@goblue72: John’s a big boy. And for anyone who’s ever participated in a fantasy football league, excessive trash talking is half the fun.
As an aside, I highly recommend the TV comedy “The League” to armchair football fans. Its accuracy in portraying your average middle-aged guy, FF league is frightening.
Little Boots
he’s a very sensitive big boy. don’t ever forget that. he’s really pretty wonderful, but a bit sensitive. that’s the thing.
That was a pretty terribad game, for sure.
Little Boots
terribad. I like that.
Little Boots
can we all admit, this is the stupidest country on earth? can we admit that, or do we have to keep pretending?
@Little Boots: do we have to keep pretending?
Anne Laurie
Hah, perhaps you have never been to Boston… or Salem, MA… Providence… four of the five boroughs of NYC… basically, any Northeastern city constrained by a combination of geography & longterm settlement.
When we moved to Boston, people who grew up here told us the standard joke in all the local school systems was that the Revolution-era street signs were taken down to confuse the British intruders, a tactic that worked so well the signs haven’t been replaced in the ensuing 200+ years.
@burnspbesq: Well, I’ve never been mugged in SoCal. Can’t say the same for Jersey. And for all of the faults of this place, at least the government has enough faith in the population to let them pump their own gas and make left turns.
I certainly wouldn’t mind moving back to NYC, but Jersey? Uh, no.
@Anne Laurie: Meh. NYC is cake compared to Boston. Well, except for Staten Island, where the directions to everywhere is ‘drive toward the seagulls, if it smells bad you’re getting closer’. I’ve spent a fair bit of time in Boston, and it’s downright European for trying to get around. I can’t think of a more difficult city in the US.
You are confusing an incorrect historical use with validation of the construction. By that standard, you might just as well cite George Bush as a source of correct English.
Having lived in both Europe and the USA, Boston (and the US in general) is vastly worse as a place to drive. Signs are missing, or at the wrong angle, and drivers generally have far worse manners.
@morzer: How do you mean “worse” as a place to drive? I’ve long said that Seattle could be vastly improved by forcing everyone who wants to drive to go to Boston for two weeks. Survivors get to return.
Drivers in Boston know where they’re going and nothing is going to get in their way. Drivers in Seattle will stop dead in traffic from 35mph on a main thoroughfare to let somebody pull out of a parking lot.
You speak as if this is a bad thing. I’ve driven in LA, Atlanta, and Seattle. No question as to which I’d prefer.
EDIT: Phoenix ain’t exactly a cakewalk either.
Worse in that the roads, signs, and general conduct of drivers are .. worse. What more did you need as a definition?
@Yutsano: Yes, it is a bad thing. When you are on the street, you should be moving unless there’s a red light, stop sign, fire engine, etc. People behind you want to go too. When you’re “nice” to people trying to get in, you’re mean to people who are already in.
Eventually there will be a break where the person who wants in can get in. Or traffic will stop because it is backed up from a light. Fine, let them in then. But don’t stop the flow of traffic because somebody might have to wait 30 seconds.
different church-lady
@Yutsano: I am not going to defend the driving habits of Bostonians.
However, I will note that when one gives up one’s right of way, one frequently creates dangerous situations.
You stop and let someone pull out, but does the person in the next lane see you doing that, and can THEY stop in time not to T-Bone the beneficiary of your generosity?
@morzer: My argument is that the conduct of the drivers is preferable to those elsewhere. You know where you stand. If you want to merge, you just fucking go and people will know that you aren’t bluffing, you’re coming in, and they will yield enough to clear their bumper by a few millimeters.
As for road condition, eh, I grew up in the south.
Hmm.. I’ve seen plenty of over-aggressive Boston drivers, and short of New York they are easily the worst drivers I’ve seen in Europe or the USA.
@different church-lady: @MikeJ: I realized we were describing two different situations after edit expired. What I was thinking MikeJ meant was this scenario:
Which if you don’t let them in, you’re pretty much just a jerk. The other one (which I am admittedly new here but I haven’t observed yet) is illegal and should be a traffic violation. Not that we wouldn’t still be polite to a fault. Plus we execute zipper merges here. Those are really neat to watch come together.
I was on the phone with my dad when he told me the lights went out. I told him that it was fate’s way of telling the Giants how much they suck.
He growled at me.
Hey. I’m back. For anyone who has been waiting to see pics of moi from Halloween as a foul-mouthed fifties housewife (Miss Indy Pedant’s my name!), here you go. RESPECT the hair!
You WILL be amazed.
For comparison, me normally (on the left).
Comrade Kevin
The 49ers suck. Yes, I know they do.
At least they know to get rid of someone before they turn into a full-blown liability.
@Comrade Kevin: The hair, right? I know!
@asiangrrlMN: No, the rolling pin! Looks like you are ready for action.
Lord, I log on for a minute before beddy bye time, and here is this pic of mad housewife, ready to whap somebody with a rolling pin, with a look of purest glee.
That is one mad housewife.
@jl: Yes. So you better watch yourself, Mister, when we meet in Taiwan!
Susan Ross
And in the annual bloodletting, I expect my Pats to summarily hand your Colts their asses as well.
difficult to watch? try being a Vikings fan this year….
@asiangrrlMN: Late to the party, as always, but your Halloween pic is teh awesome! And, I agree, never enough Snape and he got boned in the last book, IMO. No continuity or resolutions at all. That tome is now propping up my sofa, and is likely never to be read again.
@Scuffletuffle: Ta. Much appreciated. Snape is the most interesting character, and he goes out like that? Yeah, no. That’s just not right.
@asiangrrlMN: I’m still too pissed off to even contemplate re-reading the series. God, JK blew it big-time!
@Scuffletuffle: Well, to be fair, I was never a fan of the books. I only read them because I’m such a huge Alan Rickman fan, and I liked to imagine him as Snape (and David Thewlis as Lupin and Jason Isaacs as Lucius and Helena Bonham-Carter as Bellatrix). That said, the last book was a complete and utter mess.
Yummy outcome. Bring on Peytoon.
tampa bay over 49’ers