Res Ipsa Loquitur
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This post is in: Election 2008, Lindsey Graham's Fee Fees, Clown Shoes, Did You Know John McCain Was A POW?, WTF?
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This post is in: Election 2008, Lindsey Graham's Fee Fees, Clown Shoes, Did You Know John McCain Was A POW?, WTF?
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like that barmy old coot has ever watch Jersey Shore. wtf.
or, maybe he’s talking about Snowpack Snooki,
What a perfectly maverick-y thing to tweet. The twit…
Holy crap. The fucker’s obsessed.
Ash Can
Time to stop blaming McCain for Palin, maybe we should have feared McCain’s finger on the button.
BTW, does McCain actually know how to work one of those newgfangled automatic televsion channel changers?
Is this Peak Vapid yet?
Speaking of: A few weeks ago I bet here in this blog that Palin would be one of the final two at Dancing and everyone who watches the show (I don’t) told me I was wrong. I see she is still around and will bet now that she will win the thing. Because the ‘liberal’ MSM company that runs the program sees her winning as a good thing. Not to sound all conspiracy or anything!
schrodinger's cat
Who the hell is Snooki?
@schrodinger’s cat: Rejoice in your ignorance. Trust me on this.
I didin’t know it was Sarah Palin’s birthday.
As ashamed as I am to say it, I watch Jersey Shore. Snooki is wwaayyyy to good for McCain. But she is starting to get rich, so maybe he’s buttering her up for when he pushes Cindy down the stairs for making that It Gets Better video.
Culture of Truth
How the mighty have fallen.
I used to have such great respect for Snooki.
Dr. Wu
sweet freaking jesus
Culture of Truth
Does this mean Snooki will be on Meet The Press?
calling all toasters
You’re not gettin’ any, grandpa. Not a chance in hell.
Suck It Up!
This is what happens when you get rejected by Paris Hilton.
$150 for the entire Beatles Catalog on iTunes
@schrodinger’s cat: This is a snooki.
The Grand Panjandrum
Clearly this is a sign that McCain has too much time one his hands. He should get a real job and stop living off the taxpayers.
McCain is preparing for another run at the presidency and is just trying to appeal to the MTV crowd.
Before everyone rejects this explanation, what else would cause Cindy to support her husbands defense of DADT except for the possibility of becoming first lady?
McCain’s too white for Jersey Shore. Boehner on the other hand…
El Cid
Hey, how about ACORN pimp James O’Keefe’s minions new tactics of harassing off-duty teachers by secretly recording them when they fake hitting on her and having drinks?
Oh, well, she was just a special ed teacher who had once been praised by Bill Clinton for throwing herself in front of a careening van to save her students. As long as you’re helping Gov. Christie attack teachers’ unions, it’s A-OK.
Is it mean to hope the old bastard sleeps with Snooki and gets a venereal disease that finally kills him off?
Snooki might want to look into getting a restraining order, just in case.
@El Cid: From his tactics, from the sex boat to hitting on teachers at bars, I think that O’Keefe a)thinks he is much better looking and suave than he really is and b)he is still a virgin.
@4tehlulz: Yeah, right. Does anyone seriously think Snooki would say no to a man whose wife owns a beer distributorship? Free booze for life!
Erik Vanderhoff
We do not deserve to survive as a society.
I think she’ll be one of the Final 3, but not sure if she’ll win. I think the judges are giving her higher-than-deserved scores in hopes that the viewers’ votes will be enough to keep her around. For ratings, of course.
Her mother’s insane fans are power voting for her. Multiple phone lines, multiple email addresses, etc. If you read the Sarah Palin fan blogs you’ll see that they consider Bristol winning DWTS as a proxy for Sarah winning the Presidential election. What the seem to forget is that one person can vote an unlimited number of times on DWTS, but it’s one person, one vote (voter fraud cases excepted) during actual elections.
According to Wiki, it isn’t her birthday until the 23rd. The old man’s done a premature congratulation.
@BerkeleyMom: I know plenty of young women who do/did a birthday “week”, esp. the ones who drink like Snooki does.
Really? That’s it? Wasn’t the U2 back catalog like $300 a few years back?
/runs off to buy “Revolver”.
This makes a lot of sense to me. It seems the WaPo also thinks Palin winning is a proxy for the Presidential election as they have an article saying something like “the Palin that wins the popular vote”. Kid you not!
Snooki enjoys playing connect-the-dots with Grandpa’s melanomas. Look, I found a kitty!
This is not the first McGrumpy tweet to li’l Snookers.
(ETA: Ewwww!)
dr. luba
@stuckinred: $150? That’s about $146 more than I paid for it. Legally. Overseas. Several years ago.
……….This post can’t be traced back to me, can it?
El Cid
@Bnut: Sure, but in this case the guy doing the undercover scumbag work on this poor lady wasn’t O’Keefe, it’s some other citizen journalist prikk who then gave his recordings to O’Keefe.
Why aren’t we all engaging in seditious conversations with every conservative we can find, secretly recording them, and then releasing them on YouTube?
Culture of Truth
The entire McCain back catalog is now on iHypocrisy
salacious crumb
cant disagree with this…
add to this, having a black guy as President makes them go batshit crazy and soil their jammies
He thinks this will give him cred with the younger crowd.
Wonder when he’s going to announce his 2012 Presidential run.
Jim C
@dr. luba:
I received the box set as a gift last Christmas. Cost to me $0.
(And probably more generous a gift than I deserved!)
I think a lot of us did!
Villago Delenda Est
@Erik Vanderhoff:
I’m afraid I’ve come to that conclusion as well.
Fortunately, our elites are doing all they can to cause this to come to pass. They make Mayan nobility look downright prudent.
You’re right, the real Snooki’s birthday isn’t until the 23rd. But also according to Wiki…
Methinks the anonymous, lowly staffer charged with updating the old coot’s Twitter feed was making a funny…and a pretty good one, at that.
Cindy better watch out, grumpy old John must be getting ready to trade her in now that she’s reached her mileage limits.
Well, it is the Washington Post. Not exactly a brain trust. I’m not sure they’ve figured out the difference between one person voting a thousand times for Bristol on DWTS and one person voting once for Sarah Palin during an election.
Power voting can swing reality shows for sure. Anyone who thinks DWTS somehow speaks to Sarah’s ability to win an actual political election is woefully uninformed about how reality show voting works.
Dennis SGMM
OTOH, if Bristol out-polls McCain/Palin then she would be wise to hire a food taster.
Edit: At least when she visits Mom.
Jay in Oregon
@schrodinger’s cat:
I’m with you, brother.
Dennis SGMM
@Jay in Oregon:
I was thinking “What’s a Snooki?”
Comrade Darkness
@schrodinger’s cat: Seriously. Who, what?
OT: Here’s an article a friend of mine wrote about the current uselessness of Miranda warnings.
Comrade Darkness
@Bnut: Well, that elucidated absolutely nothing. Except it was kinda funny.
Added: soft-core cartoon pron for the win.
Juror #7
@valdivia: I missed your prediction a while back, but I agree–I’ve thought all along that BP would last much longer on DWTS than her dancing skills would warrant. She’ll make the finals, for sure–either Kyle or Brandy will be sent home tonight. I think she’s got a good shot at winning. (Gag.)
It is mean to plant the mental image of John McCain attempting coitus with anyone or anything.
Not completely OT, since this might be McCain in a very few years:
The 97-year-old iPad lover
Since I’ve seen Bobby Moynihan’s Snooki impression of her on SNL more often than I’ve seen the actual woman, the mental image of them together is most unfortunate.
What. The. Fuck.
Also, this reminds me: I’m really looking forward to the fallout from a politician mistakenly tweeting something he thought was a private message. Like Ray Allen did a couple months ago.
Felanius Kootea (formerly Salt and freshly ground black people)
Looks like Meghan decided to play around with her dad’s phone… At least I tell myself that must be the logical explanation, but given the Palin pick, I’m not so sure.
Comrade Dread
This is our political system…
I need a damn drink or five.
El Cid
Who’da thunk that China’s use of state-run capitalism would make private industry-led nations frustrated?
(PS: Venezuelan public and nationalized firms are evil and worthy of hate and dismissal.)
@Juror #7:
This was my point as well. All the people who think she can’t dance said she would be out and yet she is still around and I am pretty sure she will win.
I think we are seeing the first Reality TV Presidential Run unfold live: BP wins DWTS and Snowbilly Snooky with her own show about Alaska all after the midterms! See she can be president, she is on TV!
Shoot me now.
this just has *ew* written all over it.
Ok. McCain has no fucking idea who Snooki is. Everyone knows that. The guy’s never surfed the web, remember, and has always has a complete incapacity to follow pop culture. Which is fine – I’d rather Senators spend their evenings reading DOD reports than watching Jersey Shore.
So why pretend in this case? How fucking craven is that? Somebody needs to retire, stat.
Xecky Gilchrist
@Senyordave: maybe we should have feared McCain’s finger on the button.
I sure did!
But I still think he was the least batshit insane choice among the ’08 Redoublechin primary crop.
Entertainment Weekly? You’re absolutely right.
poor bastard. for his next trick, he’ll crawl across the floor begging for a lolly and a tickle.
Mike in NC
With each passing day this sad country is more and more devolving into what was depicted in the movie “Idiocracy”.
President Palin will appoint all of her dysfunctional children to cabinet posts, and Todd will trade in his flannel shirt for a robe on the Supreme Court, where he’ll show up to work at least an hour a day if the fish aren’t biting.
The Moar You Know
At least ancient Rome fell with a great deal of debauchery and spectacle.
We just seem to be going down in a orgy of stupid and fail.
Too bad “Reverse Ace” McCain didn’t miss the deck back in training.
It would be wingnuttery to think EW would follow our fearless pow onto the Jersey Shore, but that would/could make Palin the GOP ticket holder. Can you imagine how PO’d the baggers would be that he was upstaging SarAlaska’s new show?
No, I meant *ew* and in *ick, I want to barf*.
What a fucking embarrassment he is.
El Cid
James Blunt, singer, former British officer in Kosovo, and the guy whose refusal to attack and take a 200 member Russian battalion may have prevented a NATO-Russian war.
Mike in NC
I was flipping channels late one night and there was Gramps on Leno or Letterman, saying his ideal VP running mate would be Dwight Shrute from “The Office”. Of course he hadn’t a clue what he was talking about, but he had to prove how “hep” he was. Pity the poor staffer who has to prep the old fool every time he goes on TV.
John PM
@valdivia: #6
I am convinced that if Bristol Palin wins Dancing with the Stars, we will end up with President Sarah Palin in 2012. BTW, Bristol looks like she is putting on weight; pregnancy #2, anyone?
Judas Escargot
OMG! Snooki’s a Scorpio! Umma so gonna hitz that!
Heh. Grumpy McGrumpypants has a whole new piece of tail all picked out now that Cindy is getting all uppity about DADT, I guess. Guess he forgot who holds the purse strings.
You know, three months ago, I had no idea what/who a Snooki was. In fact, I discovered who she was on this very damn blog. Damn you, Balloon Juice! ::shakes fist at BJ::
@El Cid: I read that in the thread below (righteous rant, by the way), and I am furious. This shit is just sickening to me.
I wonder who was on top?
Death Panel Truck
@Culture of Truth:
You mean the soon-to-be-retitled program “Meet John McCain,” renamed in honor of its most frequent guest.
@John PM:
I am not there yet, I really don’t think her winning means anything for the political arena. But I do think Palin is trying to run via Reality TV instead of policy & usual channels (like debates). Will have to see if the powers that be let her win the nomination that way.