Apparently the pain from David Letterman’s joke about her is causing Willow to lash out:
Willow Palin was responding to a boy named Tre who updated his Facebook status on Sunday night to read: “Sarah Palin’s Alaska, is failing so hard right now.”
Willow then replied, saying: “Tre stfu. Your such a faggot.”
Willow also wrote a message on Tre’s wall which read: “Haha your so gay. I have no idea who you are, But what I’ve seen pictures of, your disgusting … My sister had a kid and is still hot.”
If people weren’t so mean, Willow wouldn’t have to use slurs… lame facebook
Do you have to have a weird name to live in Alaska?
Suck It Up!
free speech and stuff.
like mother like daughter, I think. Bristol/Willow can lose to Malia/Sasha 2040 or whatever
Proper spelling and punctuation appear to be optional in Alaska. Also, too, one of the Obama girls wore a t-shirt with the peace symbol so STFU.
real ‘merkins!
Alex S.
Ah well, such things happen thousands of times each day on many, many facebook pages. It only made the news because a Palin is involved. There’s nothing to see here.
TBogg has a nice take.
Jay in Oregon
No, Sarah Palin is just so in LUUUUUUUUUV with Alaska that her girls got named after Alaska-esque things:
Bristol is named after Bristol Bay, Alaska
Piper is named after the Piper Cub, a popular small aircraft used for bush travel in Alaska
Willow is named after Willow, Alaska
I’m not sure where Track and Trig’s names come from.
@Jay in Oregon:
What about Tre?
Jay in Oregon
Fixed that for you…
On the next episode of Juneau Shore…
Well, I see the apple hasn’t fallen too far from the tree.
Mean girls beget mean girls.
we can also infer that on Fb, boasting about an illegitimate kid is fine as is pointing out that your sister is hot, the former of which is hopeful, the latter of which is just so slightly disturbing.
Jay in Oregon
Beat me to it.
@Jay in Oregon:
It’s like she actually picked her kids’ names in view of political campaigns, to be as folksy as possible.
Meanwhile, her daughter with two left feet is still on Dancing with the Stars.
The hilarious thing for me is, I don’t even watch the show and I’m pissed. They booted Brandi and put Bristol in the top three, with her smug ass. Audience didn’t seem to happy about it at all.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Nice to see Palin has done her part to make sure America never suffers a Mean Girl deficit. USA! USA!
@Jay in Oregon: Track = Making tracks away from crazy mom. Trig = A better chance of mastering advanced mathematics than crazy mom.
Wait, didn’t one of Sarah’s boys also do some sort of white trash thing? What was it, slashing the tires of some school buses?
Linda Featheringill
How childish. Of course Willow is a child.
I think we should just leave her alone.
Her mother can only dream of speaking that coherently.
one two seven
Ladies and gentlemen, your future first family.
I cannot wait until their 15 minutes are up.
@Linda Featheringill:
Normally, I would agree with you. However, this family and this “child” have decided that they want fame and fortune over and above privacy and a normal childhood. And now she’s decided that it’s fine to bully people online. Fuck the little snot. If she wants left alone, she should take her own advice and STFU.
Bush twins > Palin spawn
I await with breathless anticipation for Sarah’s tweet or Facebook update about this matter. Will it be a stern admonition to her daughter about language, respect and tone? Or will it be a call to release the flying monkeys to investigate Tre’s counter tops?
not to mention the fact that she can keep her FB profile private if she wants.
Comrade Javamanphil
@debit: Oh no. It will be a whiny screed about how her family deserves privacy and respect. Always play the victim card. Thank you John McCain for turning the American political system into the Jerry Springer show.
The half-term governor mom is fair game.
Her kids are not, other than Bristol. Bristol’s fair game for reasons beyond simply the message-clash between her abstainance-preaching mom and her unwed pregnancy; she made her own adult decision to go on “Dancing with the Stars”.
So leave Palin’s (other) kids alone, even if the evidence so far suggests that the Palin apples didn’t fall far from the momma-tree, in terms of basic character.
Palin thinks it’s ok for Dr Laura to say nigger over and over to a black caller complaining about racism. My guess is she won’t care much about her daughter calling someone a faggot.
Alex S.
He went to Iraq.
@Alex S.: Yes, he joined the army as part of a deal to stay out jail for vandalizing the school buses. Or am I remembering it incorrectly?
@Alex S.: Jail or military for vandalizing school buses. He took military. And good for him. Might do him some good.
but she doesn’t like it when someone uses the word “retarded”.
that Sarah… she’s pretty complex for a walking, talking, manifestation of pure evil!
“@Jay in Oregon: I think “Track” is from a Snowmachine, and “Trig” is like a trigger to a rifle.
Alex S.
I think you’re just being too spiteful.
Peter J
I blame bad parenting. I’ve read that her mother was the mayor of the meth capital of Alaska. Social services should intervene.
El Cid
I’m really shocked by this story, in two ways.
First, that there could be any weirdness whatsoever coming out of the rock-solid, non-temperamental Palin family;
Second, that the facebook ranting of every single person within a million degrees of separation from Sarah Palin end up being national news.
Michael D.
@Jay in Oregon:
Not sure about Track, but I’ve heard Trig’s name comes from Trisomy-G, or Tri-G, the medical term for Down Syndrome.
Now, this might not be true at all. But it’s a really unfortunate name, nonetheless.
Blue Neponset
@El Cid: I am shocked that anyone is shocked about this being “news”. Our culture feeds off of celebrities. If Palin didn’t want her crotchfruit to be in the gossip rags then she shouldn’t have put them on a reality show.
@El Cid: must be the next stage of the pointless celebrification because PHilton’s whatevers pretty much stuck to PHilton and didn’t drag in all the Hotelistas. The unholy spawn of genetic transfer between 7-degrees-of and Hiltonitis?
@Alex S.: Actually, I’m pointing out a pattern of behavior that carries out in the entire family.
I don’t blame the kids entirely; you don’t pick your parents. However, there comes a point in life when you have to accept some responsibility for your own behavior. At sixteen, and as the daughter of a public figure, Willow should know better (as should Bristol who fancies herself an advocate of sorts) than to engage in petty, offensive word laden squabbles online. Track should have known better than to vandalize public property in the town where his mom was the freaking mayor.
As for Track, I hope he does well in the army and that it teaches him some responsibility and allows him to mature.
how deliciously white trash. mommy, i want a mullet!
@AB: My bigest thing is do the Palin kids go to school at all, or is it optional?Maybe they’re like the Brangelina kids. It’s safe to assume that Sasha Obama has more education than all the Palin kids.
Willow is the one to keep an eye on. She’s not going to do what mama wants her to do in the same way the other kids will or have done. If there will be leaks on Sarah’s lies from inside the family, they’ll come from Willow.
Ash Can
This is a case of poor judgment on the part of a minor, exacerbated by the fact that the adults in the family have notoriously poor judgment as well, and complicated by the fact that they’re a famous family. I just think it’s a shame that there’s likely no one to take Willow aside and instruct her on proper Facebook (et al.) behavior.
Peter J
Sarah Palin should refudiate what her daughter wrote.
El Cid
@Blue Neponset: I wasn’t really shocked.
It would also be funny if Willow was the next to wed Levi.
Sweet kids, those Palins.
They seem to have quit on civil behavior, they way their mom quit being governor.
Okay. That thread is full of Bristol’s comments, too — “shit” this and “shit” that and heartfelt insistences that she’s “successful” because she “works her ass off.” Can I make fun of that?
Seems like pretty boilerplate teen trash talk to me. But I still can’t imagine the daughters of Clinton or Obama being allowed to trash-talk in a public forum. Says more about the parents than the kids.
@El Cid:
Probably not. But I’ve got $100 on her being pregnant within a year. Not that I could find anyone to take that bet.
New Yorker
Well, it’s good to see the third child is an illiterate brat who, I’m sure, will drop out of high school soon enough. I’m just wondering what she’ll do to top the trailer-trash antics of the first two….
@Jay in Oregon:
Um, names like that turn out to be where the child was conceived. I knew a girl named Eleuthera (spelling?).
Makes Piper seem especially … special.
Come on, this is a 16-year-old kid. Teenagers inherently do and say stupid sh*t. I think it’s rather ridiculous that this is a hot topic on the blogosphere.
New Yorker
Or, for that matter, the Bush twins. They seem like perfectly normal people, and Barbara seems to have the kind of work ethic her father totally lacked.
Two high school-dropouts (one arrested for vandalism, the other knocked up at 18) and a third probably on the way. To me that has always said far more about Sarah Palin than anything else.
@El Cid:
yes, 1 <= 1,000,000
Alex S.
I agree with you about Bristol because she chose to become a public person, but not Willow or Track. Willow did not make a public statement (only in so far as each of our comments on this or any other blog is a public statement), and just because her mother is a public person, her children shouldn’t automatically become public people as well.
But now I’ve really spent too many words on this issue.
her kids are all performers on a TV series about their family.
don’t want your family to be talked about? don’t make your family the subject of a TV show.
The entire family is trash. Imagine the exact same behavior from a black family.
You can be a piece of crap from the gutter, but if you are white, christian and republican all is good
I think the Bush twins look good compared to the Palin bunch.
Jose Padilla
Note to Tre: If Momma Palin gets elected Pres, I’d look into leaving the country, if I were you. I hear Russia is pretty close.
While the ability to reach a greater audience through inexpensive media has certainly changed since I was a teen, my mother taught me not to hate and that if I didn’t have anything nice to not say anything at all.
I’d figure that a super-mom like Palin would be able to do the same.
New Yorker
I sometimes laugh thinking about the apoplexy on the right if Barack and Michelle had had 5 children (“welfare queen popping out babies”) and the first one had dropped out of high school and had been busted for spray-painting the walls of a building in Chicago and the second had also dropped out of high school after being knocked up by a fellow high school dropout whose mother was busted for selling crack.
Such dysfunction is to be celebrated, however, when it’s Real ‘Murkans who do it.
The Palin family is to politics what the Spears family is to music.
The difference is that at least Britney can dance.
JD Rhoades
Well, the Resigning Woman started using her FB status as her means of communicating with the electorate. The lazy media decided to go along with it by essentially letting the Snowbillies’ tweets and statuses drive the news cycle. So it’s not surprising that this has happened.
Xecky Gilchrist
Clearly the work of liberal provocateurs.
@cleek: I loved the bit in the one (thankfully) commercial I saw where one of the girls is going to her room and Sarah yells, “No boys upstairs!” It’s a good thing she has rules like that, because otherwise someone might have sex, get pregnant and have a baby.
John Cole
Look, it is obnoxious, but count me out of any pile-on for what some silly 16 year old kid said on her facebook page.
That’s assuming they ever practiced or even understood civil behavior.
I love the Alaska show. Hopefully the Palin’s will see that this is easy money and stay with it.
TV has been very very good to the Palin’s. Bristol on Dancing with the Stars (or as I like to call it… “Who is the most popular A#@hole in America”) & Sarah with that Alaska show…
No, I don’t watch either but then again, I am willing to put up with the media ‘s obsession with this family if they just stay with what they are good at. This behavior is just mirroring the psuedo-celebrities who have paved the way for these women.
Sounds a bit immature, but she’s still a kid, after all. So, maybe there’s still hope. Her Mom on the other hand, that one’s definitely a lost cause.
imagine if the president’s daughters acted like this.
then again, iokiyark.
Villago Delenda Est
It seems that all the kids nowadays use “faggot” as an all purpose pejorative, much like how something is “gay” where we “get off my lawn” types would use “sucks” or “blows” as an adjective for something unpleasant or disagreeable.
You see this in World of Warcraft chat all the time.
The kid on the facebook page is off course right…everything connected to Sarah Palin is fail, except, of course, for the checks coming in, which is the entire point of the Sarah Palin experience. This woman is a grifter, and as long as the lucre flows, it’s all good.
Police: Wis. man shoots TV after Palin dance.
Villago Delenda Est
@Blue Neponset:
If Sarah actually wanted to protect her children, she wouldn’t have so blatantly used them as props in Minneapolis, and beyond.
Families of politicians are well aware of the bargain they have struck. They know their actions are under a magnifying lens. They know that many people believe the actions of children reflect on their families and how they were raised. So if you want to blame someone for this little whirlwind, blame Willow’s mom and dad, not the rest of the U.S. for acting like it always does.
Further, if this were a case of internet bullying by non-famous teens, leading to another tragic outcome, would people still want to cut the bullies some slack? They’re just minors?* Come on. They’d be on the Today show for days running, with Matt and Meredith tut-tutting at their atrocious behavior.
*Bristol is not only not a minor, but has sought fame, personally and regularly.
If you seek fame and attention, and then you do something stupid and offensive, the attention will be drawn to your offensive stupidity. Don’t they watch “True Hollywood Story”?
Phoenician in a time of Romans
You know, the Palin kids appear to literally be an Idiocracy. The Idiocrats.