Richard Seymour was fined only 25k and not suspended for punching another player.
In the past, Harrison has been fined 75k for tackling someone during the game.
You’re a pathetic joke, Goodell.
by John Cole| 73 Comments
This post is in: Sports, Television, Assholes
Richard Seymour was fined only 25k and not suspended for punching another player.
In the past, Harrison has been fined 75k for tackling someone during the game.
You’re a pathetic joke, Goodell.
Comments are closed.
Cat Lady
Word. And I say Word while wearing my Patriots footie pajamas.
The whole NFL fine scheme is pulled-out-of-my-ass bullshit crap. And that still doesn’t come close to making me as crazy as the embarrassing Favre slobbering. Also.
After a great day deep sea fishing in the gulf yesterday I tried kayak fishing in the surf. Car keys, shoes, glasses and a nice rod and reel. . .sleeps with the fishes!
Sorry, and I know this is a bad precedent, but he hit Rothscumberger, so I’m not so sad. Situational ethics = bad, but I can’t help it.
I’m thinking about getting an ebook reader (can’t afford an iPad atm.). Is there one worth considering other than the Kindle?
Susan Ross
Everybody in the league-and every woman in America who is paying attention-is saying atta boy, Richard! He deserves to be coronated, not fined. If I’d’ve been there, I’d’ve taken a shot at that stupid scumbag myself.
My parental units turned off the game last night, the WWFinazation of football does not appeal to their generation.
Mr Stagger Lee
Enduring a snow storm here in Tacoma, I would love to be in San Diego
BTW, Al Gore is fat.
“First generation ethanol I think was a mistake. The energy conversion ratios are at best very small,” he said, referring to how much energy is produced in the process.
The U.S. ethanol industry will consume about 41 percent of the U.S. corn crop this year, or 15 percent of the global corn crop, according to Goldman Sachs analysts.
Gore explained his own support for the original program on his presidential ambitions.
“One of the reasons I made that mistake is that I paid particular attention to the farmers in my home state of Tennessee, and I had a certain fondness for the farmers in the state of Iowa because I was about to run for president” in 2000.
And, of course, no “front pager” will ever call him on this…
He deserved it the smack… he definitely said something and knowing him it was douchy, but no suspension seriously? Goodell and his no nonsense policy hasn’t made a damn bit of sense.
Brick Oven Bill
In Seymour’s defense, he hits like a girl.
Harrison hits three times as hard….thus the descrepancy.
Palin/Palin 2012
John Cole:
Does this count as hippie-punching? After all, Goodell is the son of one of the D-est FH’s of all time, Senator Charles Goodell.
John Cole
@D-Chance.: WTF is your problem? Your GOP has lost their minds, and you have your panties in a bunch because no one has written about Al Gore, who last held elective office ELEVEN YEARS AGO?
But Ben said something that HURT HIS FEELINGS!
The fine disparity seems about right to me. Harrison’s hits (plural) were much more dangerous, and the fine was designed to correct systematic behavior that wasn’t punished in-game. Seymour was ejected for the least hard hit Roethlisberger took that game.
Plus I know he didn’t go up to Seymour and say, “let’s get that extra point” or whatever it was he claimed he said in post-game. He should own up to his own shit talking. It was obviously effective …
Steelers fans complaining about officiating??? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Remember the Vikings game last year? What about the SUPER BOWL vs. Seattle? Give me a break.
Concerned Citizen
Ben took a dive.
The Grand Panjandrum
While you were being fondled by a TSA agent this is what guys who are responsible for transporting nuclear materials were doing to keep you safe:
@Brick Oven Bill: Frightening, but the reasoning holds true. One can do far more damage on the football field by launching all 280 pounds of oneself helmet first at someone than with a few pounds of arm.
That too.
Nice Trick Chargers!
John, you know damn well that Harrison was not fined $75k just for “tackling someone in a game”. He was fined for an illegal and might I add, vicious, hit, after which he showed zero concern for the safety of his fellow players–and he’s a repeat offender to boot. You’re basically comparing apples to oranges here. Seymore violated rules of on-the-field conduct whereas Harrison has repeatedly violated SAFETY rules that are in place to protect the players and then bragged about how he would continue to do it. I really don’t know how you can compare the two.
I’m sorry but I can’t fault Goodell on this and I don’t think that it’s non-sensical or inconsistent in any way. There really is no comparison for the potential for serious injury btw punching someone in the face and launching your entire body full speed at a defenseless player while intentionally initiating helmet to helmet contact. There’s just no excuse for that shit.
I’m with you Svensker. Kharma is a bitch, but she is just.
And with you Susan Ross
Situational ethics definitely applies in the case of “Pearl Harbor on Big Ben”. He deserves more punches to the neck – if for no other reason than to convince him to wear a helmet while on a motorcycle. Even now, after his crash (or so I have heard).
have to say I don’t like the raiders, and except for Ben I rahter do like the steelers. looked like Ben touched Richard and talked smack.
If Richard had hit a human being and not Ben, I could see a bigger fine. Ben’s team mates didn’t exactly rush to defend him
Hey, you find out the funniest things with this blog’s ads…
When did Full Sail Brewing open a University?
Sorry John, not with you on this one. Football is stupid precisely because of the way it elevates attempts to maim and injure. Goodell is just trying to put a bit of a fig leaf on it, but it’s better than nothing.
Have you seen the longevity and chronic illness statistics on ex-football players? And this is the one pro league with no guaranteed contracts.
Wow, epistemic closure extends to NFL fandom. Who knew?
@Susan Ross:
Don’t forget to smack the Duke lacrosse team while you’re at it.
Harrison’s hits in the Cleveland game didn’t draw flags because they weren’t illegal until the NFL changed their rules AFTER that weeks games were played.
As for you knowing Ben said some shit — Seymour said he didn’t hear anything from Ben at all, so either he’s lying too, or perhaps you’re working overtime trying to excuse something Seymour himself said was inexcusable.
His closest teammate immediately smacked Seymour and drew a 15 yard penalty in the process.
Roethlisberger initiated contact and was running his mouth. Seymour basically got the punishment due the guy who swings second and gets spotted by the refs. And yeah, your boy took a dive on top of everything else.
Yvonne Strahovski kicks so much ass. That is all.
I hate Josh McDaniels and Kevin Orton.
Also. Too.
Would Steeler fans be less upset if Seymour had waited until Roethlisberger was entering a restroom?
Raider Dave
Fuck John! You won the game by 33 points. At least let us get that one.
Jim, I think you’re off by a week re: illegality of the hits. But as for the other part, if Seymour said he didn’t hear anything, then that’s pretty persuasive.
Not working overtime, I don’t know why an Eagles fan like me would pick the ex-Patriot over the current Steeler. You might say I don’t have a dog in this fight … :)
The point stands that Harrison’s actions are more dangerous, and he’s had prior run-ins with Goodell.
Hatred I can fully appreciate. Get Jesus Boy in there and you’ve got the trifecta.
@Mr Stagger Lee:
Heh. Not to rub it in, but this snowstorm got me half the day off today and possibly tomorrow as well.
Oh and wifey BETTER be happy with today’s Vikings developments.
Ross Hershberger
Last night we finished watching Chuck S3 on DVD. Somewhere around episode 12 I went from wanting to give it up to wanting to see what happens next. The show was about a 3/10 on my list and went up to a 7 in about 3 episodes. Better stories, acting directing, cinematography, everything. I was so tired of Chuck sitting around the store with his shirt tails hanging out, weeping about Sarah like a little Emo middle schooler. Gimme some action.
Burn Notice is still way better but I’ll watch Chuck when S4 comes out on disk.
El Cid
Some important news articles from The Onion:
Obama Replaces Costly High-Speed Rail Plan With High-Speed Bus Plan [Video]
Al-Qaeda Marching Band To Join Macy’s Parade After Incredible Audition
New Evidence Proves First Flag Made By Betsy Ross Actually Shirt For Gay Friend
@Yutsano: Yea, it was almost how down at the beach this afternoon!
El Cid
Oh, what the heck: These too.
McDonald’s Drops ‘Hammurderer’ Character From Advertising [Audio]
World’s Power Brokers Hold Annual Summit Where They Show Each Other Their Penises
‘Tony’s Law’ Would Require Marijuana Users To Inform Interested Neighbors
Yeah, I did inadvertently forget about Jesus Jr.
Yep, hate him too.
I kind of like the Stillers, but sign me up for the Richard Seymour Fan Club.
Anything bad that happens to BR is fine with me.
Line Of The Week!
Rapistberger thought about fighting back, but then he realized that Seymour weighs more than 120 pounds.
comparing Ben to Duke Lacrosse?
could you get any more wingnuty?
I mean really, I’m disappointed that you left Al Sharpton out in the famous Black Female Lies about Rape totally irrelavent attempt to relate to Ben
I’m sorry had the second lady who says she met little ben against her will have too much melanin?
First, I’m a Raiders fan since I was born. It’s been rough for me lately because I’ve had to live with the pretty-boy tuck rule since about 9/11.
I’ve also been ok with the Steelers success and with Big Ben, generally. The guy can throw and can run pretty well for a big guy.
Now, what Seymour did was stupid. And he should just accept whatever fine and punishment the NFL imposes. But for Harrison or for any Steeler fan to cry, “It’s not fair! Harrison got worse! NFL hates us!” is just as bad.
Look, don’t blame the Raiders or Seymour if the NFL blew some calls against you all. If there is any team that knows about being the bad boy and being the recipient of bad calls, it’s the Raiders. Nuff said. Keep that stuff separate.
Raiders are finally having a half-way decent season. Don’t rain on our parade. I’ve pretty much been supportive of the yellow and black for their tough style of football over the last decade. Now, the silver and black is starting to come back; and I was hoping for a much better game than I saw Sunday….. hopefully, a game as tough and rough as those from the 1970s. The only bright spot for me was Seymour showing some spirit against Ben’s facemask. The rest of the team just laid down, while the Steelers played 1970s ball.
Yeah it’s wingnutty to suggest people who are accused of a crime, could indeed be innocent. Liberals have always been on the side of guilty until proven innocent. My bad.
Harrison’s $75000 fine was for the hit on Massaquoi (sp?) the same Sunday as three or four other big hits that led to the new policy. True he has been fined 5k for a hit a few weeks earlier on Vince Young, but then again Seymour was fined 5k (or maybe 7500) for punching a Cleveland (?) player after the whistle either late last year or early this season. It has to be pretty hard to find any veteran defender who isn’t a “repeat offender” when all that means is he’s been flagged or fined for a hit.
What really burns me is the apparent randomness of the whole thing, Hines Ward got knocked out of the game on a helmet to helmet hit two weeks ago and the hit drew no flag and no fine. To me the league is strongly against hits to WRs heads if they are in the act of catching a pass — except when they’re not.
But…I’m a Steeler fan and so I understand I am taking this way too personally, sorry if I sound like a jerk, it is after all only a game. A hugely important game. ha ha
Cheryl from Maryland
Hmmm.. Chuck…. Richard Chamberlain tonight, Timothy Dalton next week. Yes, I’m not young. But still.
you picked a racially charged case, the darling of right wing radio
and now want to hide behind “people are innocent until proven guilty” and that makes me a “liberal”
if you’re so much an innosence project liberal, you could pick a non right win media love child case to hang your hat on.
Ben had two incidents, two different towns, which were reported, with people in at least the second one, who talked about being cut off from the lady object of little Ben, by Big Ben’s security.
Not the same as the racially charged, darling of right wing media Duke players incident with the stripper. like comparing knives and marshmellows. (the stripper’s friends didn’t back her version while Ben’s victims backed hers) I think Ben picked ladies of his own race, and had more than one victim. Knife, just how much like a marshmellow are you?
Man, I’m still shocked at his testimony and rabid defense when the NFL suspended him. I mean he gave a really detailed version, right? under oath?
Oh, he didn’t? He just took the suspension and kept his mouth shut? (to reuse your story, just like the Duke players who screamed like they were lied about to anyone who would listen?)
or not…
Ben has impulse control problems – in that respect he resembles the future hall of famer Favre. I hope I never find out what text messages Ben has sent to some team employed hottie.
I picked the Duke case because it involved athletes who everyone knew were guilty, except that they weren’t. Race and politics had nothing to do with it. If you know an equally well known case involving false rape charges then substitute that in your mind. I hate to think I upset you by choosing the wrong example.
Yes Ben had two incidents, the first woman bragged about her encounter with Ben and talked about hoping to visit him in Pittsburgh and come back with a “little Ben”. A few months later she decided upon a different course of action.
The second woman’s one (drunk) friend said she was blocked from getting into the back rooms (where there were a ton of people) by someone in Ben’s party. Don’t take my word for it, read their actual statements. Including the part where the police ask the victim if she was raped “I don’t know” or if they even had sex “I don’t know”. Damning stuff.
As for why Ben didn’t testify under oath — where exactly??? — or why he didn’t fight Goodell’s 6 game ban, which could be lowered to 4 if he cooperated. Hmm, 2 games less if he just shut up, or he could fight it (how?) and make it 6. Yep, it’s a mystery why he didn’t fight it, especially under oath.
The punch was not a punch. It was more of a push. I think the fine is appropriate.
@Yutsano: Heh. A friend posted the announcement on my FB wall and said, “I bet Favre made the decision.” Honestly, I don’t care. If Favre gets benched or retires, then I care.
And, I’ll say it here. Aaron Rodgers can be the next Great White Hope of quarterbacks. Not only did he play very well in the second half–he put up with so much shit with the Favre drama, and he never said a word about it.
And yet another round of Steeler fanboys bitching and whining.
How my heart bleeds for them.
It was pretty much a loving caress. ;)
@Jim: OK. More than a push, but less than a punch. A push with emphasis. And, I say this as someone who likes the Steelers. The fine is about right.
@ asiangrrlMn Cool, an emphatic push it is.
If this had happened last year I’d be fine with $25,000 (Seymour’s 3rd offense, and 2nd after the whistle incident) but this year is just seems a little on the small side. I honestly don’t understand what is and isn’t too violent any more, it seems nearly random.
@D-Chance.: Yes, I see the problem here, Al Gore has made an honest admission of a mistake and therefore he should be flogged.
And also because he is fat.
Thanks for enlightening me on this high crime, asshole.
BTW I also hate Kevin Orton, Kyle’s evil twin.
@Jim: Hm. I did not know it was his third offense. Yeah. I have no idea what to make of the fine system. I was just going by what I saw in a vacuum. I watch football, but I do not follow it that closely–especially not when the Vikings are sucking total eggs as they are this year.
@asiangrrlMN: I hadn’t watched the supposed love tap before (from my objective Seachicken perspective Roethisberger started it and Seymour blew up) but if that’s all it takes to knock over Ben I have no idea how he doesn’t get sacked more. Personally I think he was acting for the refs.
Gee, fines are more for repeat offenders? Who knew?
@Susan Ross:
Somehow I don’t see Richard Seymour as being someone who would want to be royalty, but then again I didn’t realize he had a day job in the NFL either.
You are wrong Cole.
The NFL has a problem in that 50 year old former players have brains like jello. They need to do something about that. Harrison’s hit was illegal, and very definitely the sort of hit that turns players brains into jello.
Seymour just slapped a guy.
Plus it was Roethlisberger, so I’m sorry Seymour didn’t actually make it a full punch and deck that sorry piece of human garbage.
Egilsson is right! Roethlisberger is human garbage.. Steelers would be better off without rapists running the offense.
Hate to pile on but- he punched Ben- you know the QB who makes Vick look like a great guy– frankly your lucky Goodell didn’t give Seymour a bonus for his service in helping the NFLs image.
Also given who got hit- couldn’t his smack talk have been especially offensive- I mean Ben could have simply mentioned a female close to Seymour and that’d be enough to set the guy off.
Sam Hutcheson
The day Ben R. dies in a helmetless motorcycle crash is a day the world improves.
Susan Ross
ROFL, yeah, Duke, the victimized white guy’s rallying cry. Nobody paying attention thouight they were really guilty, but the upstanding, put-upon Roethlisberger pretty much admitted what he did, with his tail between his legs, after he got suspended. Poor comparison. Roethlisberger is a dirt eating bottom feeder whose own teammates won’t even come to his defense. He deserves every belt in the mouth he gets plus a little jail time. Good on Seymour.
Paul in KY
@AnotherBruce: I like Kyle Orton. He’s a DFH (even though he’s a Bronco).
@Sam Hutcheson: what about the other 350 million crazy’s. gal.
@Susan Ross:
I’d love to see the quote from Ben where “he pretty much admitted what he did”. I’ll hold my breath while you look it up.
And Ben’s teammates did come to his defense as I said in the final sentence of my post that you just replied to.
I don’t think you know what you believe you know on this topic, either what happened in GA or during this weeks game.
But, go right ahead and hate on Ben if it makes you feel better. Punches for the accused all around!!! :)
Susan Ross
LOL, Jim. Your hometown must be called Assumptions, and you must be the king of it.
You know, it’s attitudes like yours that over the years has made victimized women ashamed to come out and tell what really happened to them. Hope you’re proud of it-at least another white boy is protected.
Susan Ross
And you go right on believeing that one false accusation makes them all suspect, if it makes you feel better. You poor, put-on, discriminated-against guys gotta stick together, after all.
Your defensiveness on this matter is very interesting, I must say…
@Susan Ross:
Yeah, I’m the one making assumptions. There’s no quote from Ben at all in that link, (it doesn’t even quote the radio station’s report itself, it’s all one big paraphrase), and even in this “he allegedly said…” version, Ben says there was no sex. How does that get you to he pretty much admitted rape?
You know it’s attitudes like yours — guilt before proof — that over the years got a lot of black men strung up for crimes they didn’t commit. I hope you’re proud of yourself, at least the mob had their fun.
@Susan Ross:
Ha! Yeah my belief that people should be considered innocent until they’re proven guilty is a sign of personal defensiveness. It’s not a pillar of our justice system, it’s a reason to basically accuse me of a very terrible crime. Classy stuff Susan.