In the inimitable words of Dick Nixon, Alex Pareene at Salon is getting down to the nut-cutting. The latest, MoDo, is #8 in his list of top 30 hacks. George Will (#11) is in the rear view mirror, as is Peggy Noonan (#10).
Unfortunately, the addition of Laura Ingraham (#9) makes me think that the remaining seven might be obvious picks like Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity. I think a real “hack” has to have some Villager cred, which Ingraham does not.
Bobo Brooks would be higher on that list if Pareene was using a more narrow definition of hack (as in paid shill). Some of the people above him seem to really believe what they write. Brooks is too slick to be writing unconciously.
No McArdle? The Hunting of the Snark will be devastated.
An Uncivil (but decent) Duck
The series is a little too cool for school for my tastes, but I am unable to muster any sympathy for its victims, as they have all earned the criticism honestly (by which I mean dishonestly).
There’s still hope. And yeah, Ingraham is annoying, but does anyone really listen to her outside the fox noise machine/limbaugh axis?
Really? Every time I read him (which is as little as possible) I get the feeling he’s sleepwalking through it.
Ash Can
Nevertheless, media vermin like Ingraham richly deserve to be called out, and Pareene is doing it well.
Bill Kristol O’PNAC should be higher on that list.
I think Pareene agrees with you and won’t include them, at least judging by his dismissive comments about that ilk in his George Will entry. I’m waiting to see Krauthammer and Broder right up there near the top.
Salon has earned its page views with this series. Very entertaining.
My favorite so far: two of the comments on the #8 ranking of Maureen Dowd, one of which said that the commenter reads Maureen Dowd, loves Maureen Dowd, and Alex Pareene, you’re no Maureen Dowd, and the other which said, in response to the observation that MoDo castigated Hillary Clinton for being an emasculating, ball-breaking, hysterical harpy who played the victim card to get ahead:
“I get what you;re trying to say here, but fairness compels me to point out that during the primaries in ’08, Hillary Clinton was, in fact, an emasculating, ball-breaking, hysterical harpy who played the victim card to get ahead.
Other than this, your criticism was spot on.”
Perfect, both the criticism and the response. And sorry for the inelegant link.
@SiubhanDuinne: I am with you. I consider Krauthammer to be the biggest hack in Washington but it would be fun if Broder took the #1 slot.
For a moment I worried that Broder might not make the list but if David Ignatius is on it, then Broder will have to be too.
@arguingwithsignposts: I only catch Bobo on NPR, and he twists reality pretty hard in his appearances IMHO.
The Will takedown is my favorite so far, no question. It was a thing of great beauty and I’m still getting a little thrill down my spine just thinking about it.
This has kept me entertained and laughing for the entire week. Pareene has done a great job, even if I quibble with his choices and rankings.
If Broder isn’t in the top 3 (preferably at #1), I will be very much let down.
Alex S.
I would also be very disappointed if this list ended with someone like Michelle Malkin at the top. That’s just too easy. The better list would be the one that exposes the hackery of your every-day-media for all to see – maybe Balloon-Juice should make such a list. David Broder with his 50 years of corporate conservatism disguised as concerned centrism has done much more damage to the media as a whole than an obvious idiot like Andrew Breitbart.
Alex S.
I am still scared because Pareene compared Broder favorably to Ignatius.
George Will – the mouth foam = Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit)
El Cid
I agree that if you’ve got people like Maureen Dowd or David Brooks on the list as “hacks,” you’d have to invent entirely new terms to cover the utter spewing robot propagandists like Hannity.
I shit you not — I once saw him reverse his own point mid-sentence when his prestigious right wing guest indicated disagreement. It was a masterpiece.
Egypt Steve
We’re counting down to Tom Friedman, right?
Fuck! A Duck
geg6: Agree. I want to see Broder dragged through the streets by his heels (metaphorically speaking, of course).
George Will is living proof that if you wear a bow tie and glasses, people will mistakenly assume you have something intelligent to say.
@An Uncivil (but decent) Duck: I think what rescues this is that he’s fair enough to call out the good and bad of each hack. The Howard Kurtz entry is a good example – Howie was pretty good in the 90s.
El Tiburon
Agreed. It goes without saying that if younarenin the Fox News Payroll, younger by definition a hack.
Like if you play for the Steelers you are a thug and a felon. It goes without saying.
El Tiburon
@Egypt Steve:
MoDo is a hack, no doubt, but there’s no way she’s worse or more evil than Noonan or Will. Especially Will.
MoDo should have been somewhere down in the twenties or high teens. She may have the sexual politics of a Reader’s Digest junior editor circa 1958, but at least she’s not a global warming denialist.
Will should have been in the top ten, minimum. Probably top five, though I admit the competition gets pretty intense up there.
Comrade Javamanphil
Breaking: Dough Bob Loadpants in at #7
Jonah Goldberg is 7. Seems a good spot, dumb enough to be in the top 10 but not influential enough to be in the top 5.
Comrade Javamanphil
A pretty good take down of Goldberg but to completely ignore his pattern of “I know nothing about this subject and have a deadline but let me spout some BS I can later plausibly deny” is a major omission. Frankly, calling Goldberg a college freshman is an insult to everyone that’s ever had a stoner conversation at 3am on a dorm room floor.
Today’s college students, and most people in their 20’s & 30’s, live in a world where there has ALWAYS been an Orville Redenbacher.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Totally OT, but today’s xkcd was drawn by Bill Amend, the creator of Foxtrot.
And Mark Thiessen’s #6. Leaves hope that the hannity/rushbo/beck axis will be avoided.
Is this a tell that K-Lo will be higher in the rankings?
Fuck! A Duck
mistermix: Fair enough, although would argue that any ranking list is a little ‘mean girls’, no matter what.
OTOH, I will cop to reading all of the entries, but, hey, it beats actually working.
@Comrade Javamanphil:
from the link:
Who’s the dumbest then?
ETA: arguingwithsignposts suggests K-Lo. Huh. In a dumb-off I would definitely rank Goldberg as dumber than K-Lo. My understanding is that K-Lo is where she is because she actually did some modicum of work to get there. Goldberg is where he is because mommy’s connections got him a job. That gives K-Lo some level of cunning that Goldberg has never shown.
Jim Pharo
Tee-hee: you said “Dick.”
Actually, you meant “LBJ,” who is in my reading the author of “nut-cutting,” a truly genius phrase…
13th Generation
I’ve got 20 bucks says it’s Halperin FTW.
I disagree about Ingraham. Weigel long ago said she gives morning marching orders to the right wing activists in Washington every weekday morning. I thought, though, his criticism didn’t touch her pettiness and nihilistic sarcasm. She is a terrible human being
has Rich Lowry (“We’re Winning!” , “starbursts”) been mentioned yet ?
OT, but funny: Republicans Bail on Earmarks Pledge After 72 Hours
no lowry sighting yet. I’m not sure who would be worse: Starbursts or K-lo.
I thought it was Grover Norquist who gave marching orders to the washington hacks. But he is a hack of a different order.
Thom of the Nord
It’s a really fun read.
My prediction:
#2 Friedman
#1 Broder
Although it could go either way. Broder’s a bigger monster, but Friedman is more irritating.
(until you remember what an impact these idiots actually have on our lives.)
Undoubtedly, he has to be referencing Lowry here. Mr. Starbursts will never be forgotten in the history books for that very column. At the very least, I intend to make sure it is never forgotten. Funniest goddam thing I ever read.
I’m quite liking the Jonah post at #7. Not quite the perfection that was the Will post, but still pretty good. I also liked the “laudanum and red wine” line in the Nooners post. I will be stealing that.
Wassup with the Salon page? With Thiessen at #6, numbers 8 & 9 have disappeared.
ETA: Oh, never mind. They’re just out of order. Poetic justice in that.
Seeing my ole high school classmate as #6 is somewhat surprising. Thiessen was an idiot then and he’s an idiot now. But as Parrene points out, he’s a morally bankrupt idiot.
Loathsome as he is, it seems that he’s overranked, simply because I can’t believe anybody reads his paint by numbers columns and takes anything away from them. Including die-hard conservatives.
I suppose that’s the essence of hackery, but it seems a low degree of difficulty.
Scroll further down the front page. I’m seeing them, though I’d rather not (I mean, Laura Ingraham and MoDo? Ick.).
The navigation at Salon is pretty atrocious. He should have a sticky post at the top of the blog with links to all of the indiv. articles.
And it doesn’t play well with Opera Mini, fwiw.
David Broder has been writing the same column for the last 30 years or so and I know no one but bloggers and Sunday show commentators who read it or who would take anything valuable away from his sentiments. If that isn’t hackery, I don’t know what is.
Alex S.
Apart from Broder/Friedman/Halperin, I’d like to see Scott Rasmussen there. I wonder if Erick Erickson, with his CNN-“credentials” is included.
@Alex S.:
Erick Son of Erick doesn’t rise to the level of hackdom yet. We haven’t found a word to describe that level.
Villago Delenda Est
Now that Helen Thomas has left, I can think of only one person still left in the Village worth evacuating before we launch the nukes and solve the problem permanently: Eugene Robinson.
OT: The modified Stormwind is absolutely amazing. Incredible job there. Almost makes up for nerfing the living snot out of my ‘lock and warrior.
Speaking of takedowns (with an extra shot at George Will thrown in, just for fun), this one is hard to beat:
Having read and agreed with a couple of columns of Dowd’s in 08, I found myself a little conflicted as to why she was so high up, but then I read the opening paragraph, which just solidified why she’s been so vile to me lately.
And also this reminder:
Alex S.
If he isn’t included I will spam Salon’s mailbox with tons of Ericktion pills. That will teach them a lesson!
Bill E Pilgrim
@arguingwithsignposts: The redesign at Salon a while back was an unmitigated disaster. Not that they seem to recognize this.
That blazing banner at the top in clashing reds is enough to give anyone a headache (and appeared virtually simultaneously with the same design at CNN’s Web site, bizarrely– look at the two together, or better yet put them side by side on browser tabs and click back and forth to see how nearly identical, and hideously ugly, they are) and the heading font with kerning/tracking set to squish all of the letters together is the ugliest thing I think I’ve ever seen.
That and the “continue reading” expansion links and all the rest of it, a complete mess.
On the other hand Camille Paglia never reappeared after they hinted that she would be back this fall, so at least I can stomach reading it now for Greenwald and Tom Tommorrow fixes without the chance of stumbling on some idiocy of hers.
I agree that the Hack piece in particular really underscores how bad their format is, it’s been a complete jumble. Good article idea though, I like the way the blogosphere is full of people debating the finer points of what the word hack means to angels dancing on the head of a pin level of arcana.
howie in seattle
There really are several worthy candidates for the top spot but I have to go with Halperin because unlike Broder he tries really hard.
Dennis SGMM
“Just remember: driving and Oxycontin don’t mix.”
Effin’ brilliant.
Culture of Truth
Been reading the list – entertaining. Could Fred Hiatt qualify? That would be a strong finish.
my money’s on Richard Cohen in at least the top 3.
Culture of Truth
Oh, Halperin. Good one. Clueless hack
And Peretz at #5. He seems to be publishing one an hour. We’ll be at #1 by 3 EST or so.
@geg6: Ow! That was sweet! I saw a couple of sentences quoted somewhere, but the whole thing is much better. Extra double-plus good final sentence, too.
have any Kagans made the cut yet?
Pareene can be very amusing at times (he was good reporting the recent election). I am a little surprised to see Ingraham included in the Hack 30 because she is a thoroughly unpleasant character who convinces nobody to change their mind, or even think about a topic with any depth.
@geg6: Broder has got to be in there and very close to the top, if not Number One.
Friedman too.
I’m still voting for Cokie Roberts and Tim Russert.
Marty Peretz at #5. I can get behind that.
ETA for Cleek: No Kagans in sight yet.
Comrade Javamanphil
@Culture of Truth: I’m really torn about Halperin. No question he is the hackiest of hacks but awarding him anything for writing is akin to awarding the Nobel in Literature to the writers of the Top Ten lists on Letterman. I think a minimum amount of substance, as defined by word count, must be produced to qualify.
I haven’t read any of this series yet, but, oh man, I’m excited to get to it. (I’m doubleplusunrich this holiday season, so I’m knitting a lot.) Has McMegan made the list yet?
I’ve lost track of where some folks are. Have Halperin, Hiatt, or Gerson made appearances yet?
I think Tucker Carlson took that advice.
Funny you should quote Tricky Dick in the lead sentence, because this Hack 30 profile has the potential to be the DC Villager social event of the season, in the same way that Nixon’s enemies list was when it came out (I remember Art Buchwald complaining that nobody invited him to parties after the enemies list came out and he didn’t make the cut). If you don’t make the Hack 30, you are officially a nobody in DC.
Now that we officially have a nomenklatura, what other features of the old Soviet Union are we going to openly, frankly and without shame or embarrassment embrace next? I hope that none of the dear readers of this blog live next to an ill-kept nuclear power plant.
Broder takes #4!
BREAKING NEWS: Broder comes in at #4.
He was robbed.
Ash Can
So many professional assholes not yet named, so few slots remaining…
wasabi gasp
What a wonderful cast of characters for a dystopian disaster flick.
They waited impatiently at their tables for minutes only to find that the chicken was cold. There were no survivors.
This is an OUTRAGE!
The entire list is pretty much all white and almost all men. The white male will ultimately destroy the world.
@pk: Well, we’ve been at it for a couple of millenia, but so far we’ve managed to continuously fuck up the fucking up.
@Poopyman: another failure of bi-partisanship.
Andrew Sullivan for number one. Friedman second. Krauthammer to finish in third.
I think there is still a chance for a big FU to the left by putting Krugthulu on the list for bipartisanship.
@Morzer: Tommy and The Kraut are going to be there for sure. Andy’s hack-fu is not strong.
@morzer: If Sully makes number one, I’ll be disappointed. I mean, he sucks donkey balls, but not THAT hard.
It would have been funny if they’d done this bracket-style.
That would have been hilarious.
I think the writer is just nut-picking from previous BJ blog posts from DougJ.
Bell Curve, Betsy McCaughey, rabid support for Iraq, Trig Trutherism… the boy has quite a bit of form.
The Mustache is #3.
Jay in Oregon
Thomas Friedman only made number 3??
Tommy wuz robbed.
What fraction of a Friedman unit will it take for the Pornstache of Infinite Wisdom to demand an apology for damage to his professional standing by being ranked so low?
OTOH, Krauthammer’s stock just went up.
Could the Politico head critters win a joint slot?
Bill E Pilgrim
I’m betting on Megan and her calculator for the one and two spots.
Or maybe the one hundred and two hundred spots, or one and two million, whatever.
@Jay in Oregon: Don’t miss today’s excellent Friedman column where he writes that “we need to enlist both the U.S.G. and the P.T.A. “. Get it? A pair of three-letter initials?
He argues, very sensibly, that if our assembly-line workers all had PhDs, then we’d be able to out-hustle Malaysia.
However, to my great surprise, he did not use the word “innovation” in the essay. That’s Tom’s cure-all for most everything. In fact, in 2005 he championed the “innovative” economy of Ireland. It sure was!
Did he mention innovative potatoes?
McMegan isn’t going to make it. If Friedman is only #3, there’s no hope for her.
@Jay in Oregon: this is not a surprise. My cabbie on the way to work this morning informed me that in his home country of Sudan, Friedman is considered a third-rate hack; hence the number 3 rating.
I do have to congratulate Pareene on selecting a picture that perfectly represents why TF made the Big 3.
Comrade Javamanphil
It’s Krauthammer and Halperin. The only question left is who is one and who is two.
@Comrade Javamanphil:
Ignorant evil versus malign stupidity….. a complex choice.
@wasabi gasp:
Maybe Poseidon 2011? “THIS TIME IT’S POLITICAL”
I nominate K-Lo for the Shelly Winters role.
Politico should share the #1 spot. Being hacks is their mission statement! Well that and getting Drudge links, but I repeat myself.
For those longing for some wisdom from Cokie and Steve Roberts, they wrote this in May 2007: (link dead now)
Cheaper softballs!
@Comrade Javamanphil:
That leaves so many who are deserving who have been left out.
I want to see the entire list of 200.
In bracket form!
In his takedown of The Mustache, Pareene, while discussing Friedman’s open desire for a Chinese-style dictatorship here, pretty much comes up with the epitaph for the entire rotten lot:
Not much I can add to that.
Halperin should be #1. Some may be dumber, others may be more evil but no one’s a bigger hack.
Preferably in tumbrils being escorted to the guillotine.
Only a few minutes until the crown Miss Congeniality…
The crowd is in a frenzy!
Comrade Javamanphil
Halperin in at #2! I smell an upset.
And the Number Two spot goes to …
(Tears open envelope)
MARK HALPERIN! Come on down!
Halperin is the first runner-up! Skeletor wins!
Kraphammer #1, unless there’s a dark horse in the running.
And that’s a perfectly hacktacular mugshot of Halperin for that profile.
Love this quote from the Halperin entry
jake the snake
Where is Dickie Cohen? Talk about someone being robbed.
Or is being America’s concern troll not hackish enough.
I would certain vote Ingraham off the island and replace her with Cohen.
@arguingwithsignposts: This was my thought, too, but really, is he vile enough (don’t get me wrong–he’s plenty vile. Just…enough to be number one?)? I’m pulling for a dark horse just to make it interesting.
Triassic Sands
My head would explode if I had to rank this group.
In the end, I think I’d be left with groupings of four or five people all “tied at # ….”
The idea that anyone is more hacktacular than Halperin is enough to make the Earth stop spinning on its axis. But, I don’t see Krauthammer’s name anywhere, and the only thing harder to believe than Halperin not being number 1 is Krauthammer not ranking in the Top 30.
One thing that Krauthammer has that some on the list don’t is his absolute loathsomeness as a human being. A lot of the names are just people who suck, really suck, at their jobs (or, depending on one’s point of view are doing exactly what they were hired to do), but some — Kristol, Peretz, Krauthammer, e.g. — are just horrible, horrible people.
It’s Cohen.
13th Generation
You are correct Sir! (or Madam)
Triassic Sands
And the winner (?) is …. Richard Cohen.
Kind of a letdown, but it’s hard to argue with the complete worthlessness of Cohen. He is the hack’s hack.
Poor Chuckie Krauthammer — shut out of the Top 30. Who’da thunk it?
jake the snake
Krauthammer was robbed. Cohen belongs on the list, but not at number 1.
Devastated by the Kraut-block.
Triassic Sands
@jake the snake:
I don’t know, Jake, I suppose it depends on your criteria. For loathsomeness, Krauthammer beats Cohen (and most other honorees) hands down. But for pure, unadulterated worthlessness, I’d say Cohen is a defensible choice.
When I looked at the list (2-30) I was struck by the absence of Krauthammer, but never thought of Cohen. And that may be instructive. Cohen is so bad, you don’t even think about him.
I quit reading him years ago. I’ve seen a few of his recent columns (past 2-3 years) via links, and in every case I was astounded by the mindlessness of what I read. Cohen is a sleeper candidate, but not undeserving. And he’s a splendid example of that tough lefty who is so fearless he isn’t shy about criticizing his own — except his criticisms are invariably total nonsense and simply serve to pollute our discourse even more.
I say, Congratulations, Richard Cohen, you really, really suck.
Nancy B.
So many worthy contenders, so few places for them. Myself, I was disappointed legacy hire Luke Russert didn’t place, even if he would have only ended up around 27 or 28. But, there’s always next year, so double up on the hackery & your hustle won’t go unrewarded.
So, think they’ll be discussing the list on Morning Joe on Monday? After all, most of the non-Fox honorees are regulars on the show.
I will say this about the winner, though: you can’t find a more hacktacular statement than his representative quote:
Classic picture of Friedman at #3, by the way.
Hovercraft Full of Eels
Calling Richard Cohen “a worthless sack of excrement” is really unfair to sacks, excrement, and the concept of “worth,” all of which have some sort of actual purpose in the world.
In a truly just universe, Cohen’s life, and the lives of the other 29 douchetard hacks on this list, would consist exclusively of them getting punched in the face, every single minute of every hour of every day, over and over again. With maybe an occasional kick to the ‘nads, just for variety.