From commentor JSF:
This is Batman. His name was Glenn when we accidentally adopted him. Me and the boy were out shopping for an anniversary gift for mom for #22. We were looking for some copper jewelry because the 22nd anniversary gift is copper. I took my broken necklace with me so I could get it fixed since I’d be at a jewelry store anyway. After five jewelry stores, we hadn’t found anything we liked but the fifth place fixed jewelry so we made that transaction. They needed 20 minutes so we walked up to another store’s jewelry counter and didn’t find anything there we wanted to buy. On the way back, we passed a Petco and had ten minutes to kill. We went in and looked at the fish, the snakes, the turtles and the lizards. On the way out, the boy saw the cats.
Petco has a section devoted to local rescues from the animal shelter. The boy played with the cats for a few minutes and then insisted we get the one named Glenn. Apparently, the cat we have at home belongs to the girl and so the boy wanted his own, if for no other reason than to tell the girl she couldn’t play with his cat. 75 dollars later, we were taking Batman home. No anniversary gift, just Batman. He is acclimating well to the dog and the cat after two days. The boy is supposed to feed him but first thing the next morning, Batman was on our bed waking us up to feed him.
Another failed anniversary.
Mike Kay (Democrat of the Century)
I was hoping the witty writers at this site would do some riff on Palin revealing she’s a “Manchurian Candidate”.
ZOMG kitteh has no eyes!
Batman knows reliable can openers when he sees them. The boy would just grumble. The adults get up and fill the feed dish.
Adorable kitteh. But kind of weird to come from reading two consecutive BJ threads on, respectively, the new *Batman* musical and the *Glenn* Greenwald takedown of The Nation article, only to read about a cat called Batman formerly Glenn.
Coincidence? Or conspiracy? Hmmmm.
@SiubhanDuinne: The Koch brothers at it again.
Morning all!
What a cutie! I’d like to get a cat but I am afraid with the JRT we have. Anyone have any experience mixing the two?
Oh and Happy Turkey Day!
What a great anniversary gift!
Have a happy Thanksgiving all.
Comrade Jake
Happy Thanksgiving folks! This John Stossel piece on Thanksgiving is something else:
Were some of the pilgrims negroes?
Batman/Glenn looks like he has taken possession of the house already. Does he have mad kitteh pool skillz? He has a strange mix of looks of a Hustler – a cross between Jackie Gleason and Paul Newman. Happy Anniversary.
Jesus, what a fuckhead, that cat isn’t made of copper.
I’m alerting the ombudsman.
The kitty aisle at Petsmart is very dangerous to me as well….my two designer ragdolls still haven’t gotten over the black rescue Demoncat I brought home two years ago.
But I do see that you might have some make-up gift buying to do!
That kitten looks a lot like our kitten Junebug. We found her and her brother in the cemetery a few blocks from our house this past summer — someone had dumped them when they were only a few weeks old. They own the house now.
Hillary Rettig
funny story!
Kitteh uses sonar to navigate, and never fails to amaze children and adults alike with his impossible trick billiard shots.
In other news–the roaster is pregnant with turducken, we expect an aromatic labor and birth towards midday. Baptism with gravy to follow in the afternoon.
This fellow was named Batman by his original owner, but given that he’s such a fierce Scottish lad, I renamed him Angus Gillespie Cat. He seems to have forgotten “Batman” pretty effectively.
In keeping with my oddball tradition of bringing one of my cats with me to work on the s-l-o-w day before Thanksgiving, I had him with me yesterday. No one got anything done because he’s made out of cute. Of course, he’ll probably replace me.
Happy Turkey Day. That is all.
@BGK: Aww, what a doll. Our across-the-street neighbors lost their black and white kittie, Max, a few weeks ago to a heart attack and I miss seeing the little bugger in the window. And Batman, is of course, too cool for school.
If nothing else, every time the cat wakes her up for food or cuddling, she’ll know you were thinking of her. :)
So that’s why Mom always wakes up screaming.
A most excellent anniversary. My poor, long-suffering husband is allergic to cats. Which is why, of course, we only have two of them. The black cat is the boy’s, the gray one is the girl’s. Unfortunately the black cat and the gray cat have never really understood this division and insist on sleeping in the wrong bedrooms. And the kids have never really understood that they are both my cats because I’m the one that feeds them.
Failed? I’d say that this was a very successful and wonderful anniversary.
Another failed anniversary…but considering 22 it seems to be working for you. Congrats.
He’s adorable. Squeeeeeee!
Happy Turkey Day to all.
The puddytat is cute, as are all of the critters y’all keep showing us.
Bumper stickers seen yesterday:
1. “My Jack Russell is smarter than your Honor Student.”
2. “The more I’m around people the more I love my dog.”
…These were about three parking spaces apart. In a Borders lot, not a PetSmart lot.
Batman is too freaking cute. And, it appears he’s smart as well!
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s a Spiderman musical. Sorry to break the conspiracy.
@BGK: Holy crap that is one seriously adorable cat. Scottish-fold?
What a pretty boy! Better than copper, in my opinion.
What a great tuxedo, although he seems to have imbibed a bit and canna keep his wee eyes open.
Happy Turkey Day to all!
JSF – what’s the cool computer-in-an-arcade-cabinet in the background?
Happy Thanksgiving all!
Just Some Fuckhead
@Tarantado: That’s a MAME machine.
Just Some Fuckhead
@ErinSiobhan: This.
Awww, he’s adorable!
He looks rather like my George, aka Mister Monster (and also minus eyes!). In the basket in the background is Miss Gypsy, who picked me at the Humane Society last February after my dear old Nero finally gave in to the lymphoma.
I didn’t really want George, but the cast of the Lord of the Flies that lives next door had come into a baby and they claimed they didn’t want to keep him, and so gave him to me. Now I don’t know what I’d do without him. I’ve also managed to put enough weight on him that he no longer looks like he’s a giant head attached to a giant tail by a lightly-stuffed tube sock on top of four miles of legs. His coat is also softer and he bites a lot less now. As I keep telling him, “You’re turning into a real cat, Mister George.” :)
The two of them don’t get along wonderfully, but things are mostly pretty quiet.