After banning earmarks and solving the deficit, Republicans in the House are going to ban symbolic resolutions, which by itself will lower the unemployment rate by at least a couple of percentage points.
(Via Ezra Klein, who is wrong about these resolutions – they don’t make any difference in the House, which is a pretty streamlined operation compared to the tea cooling saucer/constipated old lady that is your United States Senate.)
I think you mean “constipated old *man* because there are very few women in the Senate, and I’m sure you didn’t intend to use “old lady” as a perjorative, right?
General Stuck
The House wingnuts just want to free up more floor time to repeal HCR and impeach Obama. Only two years before 2012 and the self righteous got to make hay while the sun shines
Dennis SGMM
It will be interesting to see which symbolic resolutions they actually intend to ban. Somehow, I get the feeling that resolutions honoring America is a Christian Nation Week or resolutions honoring Kiss Your Bible Day will still be just fine.
this post is insensitive to constipated people. and to saucers.
i demand immediate payment of $200,000, for compensation. you can send it via PayPal.
Omnes Omnibus
Basically, this is a symbolic vote against symbolic votes. Excellent. I am impressed.
On the upside, maybe this will head off the impending “Sense of the House that the Southern Poverty Law Center is Anti-American” resolution.
joe from Lowell
Since the symbolic resolutions don’t actually do anything, isn’t banning them purely symbolic?
Suck It Up!
Wait, the article states that they are going to get rid of PAYGO. Can the House alone do that?
General Stuck
@Suck It Up!:
Sure, but it would put them out of sync with dems controlling the senate. Wingnuts hate paygo because it stiffles their mindless irresponsible efforts to cut taxes, especially for the rich. And for the time being, as far as they are concerned, the House of Reps is not in for doing anything resembling cooperation with the Senate or the Executive branch. They will be the right wing monkey wrench gang, period.
Suffern ACE
@Dennis SGMM: Those examples aren’t symbolic. Those are real.
You have earned a golden ‘heh.’ for that, sir.
Mike Kay
But in ancient Rome, a Senate resolution could remove a soul from hell and make it a deity … maybe the thugs are going to solve the deficit by letting the wallstreet bankers become God’s (after putting $ in the greedy M-fer’s campaign fund – these fuckers sell the country out on the cheap) by house resolutions – a similar scam kinda worked for the medieval church for a long time.