Joe Scarborough is about to be excommunicated from the GOP:
Republicans have a problem. The most-talked-about figure in the GOP is a reality show star who cannot be elected. And yet the same leaders who fret that Sarah Palin could devastate their party in 2012 are too scared to say in public what they all complain about in private.
Enough. It’s time for the GOP to man up.
Everybody knows that Palin is a busy woman. The former half-term governor of Alaska stays so busy these days that one wonders how this mother of five manages to juggle her new reality show, follow her eldest daughter’s dancing career and launch her latest frenetic book tour while still finding the time to insult a slew of revered presidents and first ladies.
You’ve got to admit hers is a breathtaking high-wire act.
The ensuing freakout should be fun to watch.
Sounds like Joe might want to ask the Palins for help in building a higher fence lest the minions come examine his countertops.
He forgot to mention her most important job, taking care of her special needs son.
I wonder how she finds the time. Or does she find the time?
david mizner
Well, apparently Joe wants to be Bloomy’s running mate so he’s already refashioning himself as a moderate “reasonable” Republican.
Well, all I can say to this is that our side doesn’t want him, either.
Suck It Up!
Please, Todd does everything. She has ghostwriters and watching your daughter on tv is not actually doing something.
That whole article is GREAT!!!!
My vote for best line:
fuck Sarah Palin.
Today Homer goes back to the vet for that “procedure” we have been whispering about while in his presence lest he hear us and run away–taking his chances in a world no crueler than that provided by his adoptive parents.
Now why does Joe Scar’s story remind me of Homer’s?
Mike Kay (Democrat of the Century)
holy shit. he called her “half-term governor”, that’s straight outta Maddow and Olbermann’s playbook (though they usually shorten it to Halfgovernor).
and in case you missed it, she attacked Shrub last week in her best pigeon english, blaming him for the crash. While she’s right, no one on their side has ever pointed a finger at shrub.
As per usual, Tbogg nails it.
EDIT–now that I see what I just wrote, I’d love to take credit for the pun, but alas, it was entirely unintentional.
Suck It Up!
@david mizner:
another republican ticket with a bimbo and an old guy.
Well, if multitasking is important for being president, then Sarah must be ready.
I can’t wait to see her tweets from the oval office about world leaders, if her tweets about Michelle Obama are any indication of her level of discourse
Comrade Javamanphil
@cleek: No thanks.
I think I will begin referring to the guy in this photo as “Joe Scar”
@david mizner: Doesn’t he know that there are no “moderate, reasonable Republicans” left?
I find it funny that good ol Joe laments a half term governor mocking former Presidents, and yet, in the same screed, the former congress critter with a dead intern found in his office, constantly mocks the current President.
And the freakout begins early:
But my favorite part of the post is the final sentence:
This is a direct consequence of Palin saying disrespectful stuff about St. Ronald. The Village doesn’t like it, not one bit. We shall see how it plays out.
New Yorker
There are a lot of great lines in that article, but this is my favorite:
The whole ignorance-as-a-badge-of-honor thing is always what has struck me as most absurd and frightening about Palin and her supporters. OK, if you’re a supporter of Palin because she’s an anti-intellectual, fine, but put your money where your mouth is please. The next time you have to undergo major surgery, no elitist Ivy League-educated doctors. Demand someone just like Palin to do the surgery.
@david mizner: Besides, I think that dead female intern Joe doesn’t like anyone referring to would be a bit toxic if brought into the national media limelight. Like Chris Matthews, I think he’ll eventually realize that his current gig is pretty cushy and he’d be an idiot to leave it.
New Yorker
I await with bated breath Andrew Sullivan’s commentary on this article….
@david mizner: Besides, I think that dead female intern Joe doesn’t like anyone referring to would be a bit toxic if brought into the national media limelight. Like Chris Matthews, I think he’ll eventually realize that his current gig is pretty cushy and he’d be an idiot to leave it.
Ooops, I see Strandedvandal beat me to it.
Jeez. A little sensitive aren’t you? Let me guess. You’re an excuse-making Obot.
One mention in the article that is essentially the truth. Obama had a great resume but other than that, just two years in national political office and no experience as a governor or executive of anything.
Obama does look like Churchill in comparison to Palin.
not strictly true. he was President of Harvard Law Review.
Attention Joe Scarborough: The RINOs have left the tent. Face the facts. They’re gone and you’ll be ignored.
The GOP is like a ball that has been hollowed out and all that remains is a thin, brittle shell.
The only way they GOP Country Clubbers will topple Palin is to come up with an obviously fake smear campaign that will allow the Teabaggers to save face and blame the Dems and media.
Upper West
Not to nitpick, but there were two references to Obama (thin resume and like Palin, “he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.”
Scar is only barely a “reasonable Republican.” There really aren’t any except retired ones like Danforth.
Nice that he bashes Palin, but he still worships at the altar of Reagan, the man who started the demise of the middle class.
Well, since it was Hah-vard, it had to be important and essential executive experience.
I stand corrected.
gypsy howell
I guess the enemy of my enemy is supposed to be my friend, but
entertaining as it may be, Joe’s screed is in service to a greater evil.
I always figured eventually the Big Money Party would set its sights on Sarah Palin and take her down before she and her useful idiot Teatards get in the way of their own plans to rape and pillage America. Looks like they’ve put Joe up to firing the opening salvo.
A few of the tells:
Damn, I almost hope Palin wins this one. We have a chance against her.
@New Yorker:
i just find it funny that this line:
is in an article that includes a full-throated defense of reagan, a cultural icon whose anti-intellectualism fulfilled a base political need. in spades.
lol, noting that joe scarborough is a hypocrite makes you an “excuse-making obot”.
Jim K.
Frum Redux
Somewhat OT, but… Bolton for Prez in 2012? Yikes.
Mike Kay (Democrat of the Century)
@David: it doesn’t have to be fake.
palin has never explained the circumstances surrounding how her home was built and then there are the long standing allegations of her affair with her husband’s business partner, who ended up in a nasty divorce.
if those divorce records are unsealed and if her tax returns show she didn’t declare the home materials as income, she has a problem.
The Onion, on the drop in ratings of Palin’s reality show:
Larry Bird
Somebody is going to get her on TV face to face and just totally blow her up and make her look like a fool. It won’t be hard to pick her brain on issues she proclaims to know about(N Korea) and expose she’s just a big bullshitter. I think some who’ve had the chance are worried about charges of sexism and alienating the base but whoever does it will be the David Frost to Palins Nixon. Its coming.
And you of course could not wait to make your firebagger bs credentials ascendant in a thread that has nothing to do with that.
You are not a serious and earnest progressive. You are a “critic”. Go home to your own kind. You are not interested in making anything better or in helping progressivism in any serious context. You are a mouth breathing pest who comes here just to be annoying. You could be hanging out with your other firebagging mouthbreathers trying to find out how to insult Obama next rather than trying to actually DO anything that might actually HELP us. You would of course love having Palin as President and you are working tirelessly on behalf of that.
But hey, that is what turns you on — the negative, the glass half empty, the didnt do this and that. Yeah, that is how you build something…from the negative…
Psst — how much you paid to come here and try to demoralize and keep up the negative buzz? Who is paying you? Oh! You are doing that for FREE? Cause you just LIKE doing that — bringing down, pulling down, … that is what you are.
@Upper West:
I missed the first reference to Obama. I just found Strandedvandel’s use of “constantly mocked” in reference to Obama odd in light of the article.
Now if he was referring to Joey Scar’s comments on Obama on his idiotic show, then I would agree.
I don’t think Strandedvandal mentioned Scarborough being a hypocrite. But he was acting like a whiny little Obot crybaby at the slightest justifiable–and truthtful– criticism of Obama’s previous record.
You can take your “firebagger” horseshit and shove it up your stinking piehole, you paranoid moron.
Anyone stupid enough to think that someone would get paid to come here and post comments to “bring you down” and “hurt the progressive movement” needs to have their keyboard taken away from them and sent for a psych eval.
Warning: John’s link is to Politico. (Fine, but don’t we usually get an advisory?)
And Joe’s real problem with Sarah Palin’s dissing American presidents and first ladies is that they’re Republican presidents and first ladies, starting with Saint Ronald, and the senior and Mrs. Bush.
Scarborough worships Reagan, whose “11th commandment” was not speaking ill of another Republican. That’s Palin’s heresy here, scoffing at Reagan as an “actor”.
Scarborough gets two gratuitous digs in at Obama while making his points (thin resume and “Palin is not a stupid woman. But like the current president, she still does not know what she does not know.”)
Good to see Morning Joe taking on Palin.
Which likely means he is just slightly ahead of the pack and not the courageous oracle Joe S believes himself to be.
Cat Lady
Nothing anyone says about Sarah Palin will make any difference to her fans. Nothing. Fortunately, the teabaggers/Palinbots are the basest of the Republican base, and they will not settle for anyone but her in the coming primaries. She will beat that mule until she can’t, and she won’t be settling for another VP nod again. We’ve seen too much of her over the past couple of years to believe that in the event she doesn’t make it all the way through the primaries, that she’ll just shut up and sit down. She’s got to be kneecapped by the big money boys, but they’re going to have their hands full with her every inch of the way, and I for one will be popping popcorn by the fuckton.
ETA: and what John said. I’ve been trying to ignore this clown’s obsessive trolling for weeks, and it’s gotten very old. Seriously dude, get help. Also.
John Cole
@WyldPirate: I’m serious when I say this. Please seek help.
You obviously need to double up on your meds, and if not on them, start taking them. Your behavior here is pathological. Yes, there are one or two people who comment here that basically think Obama can do no wrong, but your hatred of the man is no good for you.
Literally no topic can keep you from coming in to a thread, losing your shit, and basically turning the post into the same old tired pissing match between everyone else here and you, the only person who can really see the truth about Obama.
It is tedious and you ruin damned near every thread with your bullshit, and it is obviously a cry for help. Please seek it.
And before you run off somewhere and claim you were banned for criticizing Obama, that is not the case. You have not been banned nor will, and no one is attacking you for criticizing Obama. We’re mocking you and laughing at you because you have clearly, publicly, and embarassingly lost your shit and have taken clear leave of your faculties. It is more sad than anything else.
@Mike Kay (Democrat of the Century):
Why should any of this matter to her supporters when none of her other lunancy has in the past?
James K. Polk, Esq
@WyldPirate: Don’t you have anything germane to say?
@ a couple mentions above:
I don’t know anything about her jibes at Reagan but that could be crucial. Reagan is held up as the acme of conservatism although only the Reagan of his various posthumous hagiographies would be welcome in the current GOP as the real Reagan was given to compromise and fits of pragmatism.
That reverence for the mythological Reagan forms the foundation for modern conservatism and any chip to that cannot be tolerated. And, since they have so walled off the memory to avoid objective scrutiny and provide easy dismissal of any naysayers, only those on the inside are able to do it damage.
So, if Palin has actually provided anything remotely critical of Reagan, she must be squashed to continue the charade.
@cleek: not even with Nixon’s dick.
re Obama’s previous record.
You are so right, Wyld.
As a nation, we have been inundated with presidential candidates who taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago (practically a community college), lived in Muslim nations during their youth, wrote books that sold on their own merits, won election to national office as virtual unknowns in large midwest states, oh, while black too.
Obama has the thinnest resume I have evah, evah seen.
May we expect more wisdom from you on, say, Harry Truman or Abraham Lincoln?
Their credentials looked pretty skeevy too.
Lois: I think you just got to be in the “out” group. Whoever’s on top, whoever’s in power, whoever’s successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don’t feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian.
Brian: Oh, please, you could not be more off base.
Lois: Oh, yeah? Let me ask, what did you think of the movie Titanic?
Brian: Horrible, one of the worst movies ever made.
Lois: Mm-hm, what about Slumdog Millionaire?
Brian: Overrated, just a terrible movie.
Lois: Cocktail.
Brian: Actually, not a bad film. You know, as classically structured cinema, Cocktail was one of the best films of its era.
Lois: You make me sick, Brian.
jesus, that’s some cask-strength stupid right there. i agree with cole. get help.
New Yorker
Anyone complaining about Morning Joe’s digs at Obama or praise of Reagan is missing the point. The dude didn’t become a liberal, he’s still very much a winger, but he’s a winger on TV who is willing to bash Palin, which is what the GOP (and this country) desperately need.
I don’t care what Joe thinks of Obama, but I do care what he and other Republicans think of Palin, because I think the country could survive 4 years of Romney, but I’m not certain we survive 4 years of Palin, and a Palin presidency currently has a non-zero probability of occurring.
John Cole
@New Yorker: The other thing to keep in mind is that Joe is an asshole, but he is no stupid. He has pretty correctly diagnosed every electoral trend since I started listening to him.
Like I said, you do it for FREE, bro. You LIKE the negative bull. You like wanting to fight against something, like chopper alluded to upstring… the “contrarian”.
ok,ok. Have fun. How sad that your goal, to make folks angry and have nothing much constructive to offer — is where you are and that you enjoy it enough to do it for free. I would feel better about your humanity if you got paid for it. How sad…
Seriously. You are a smart guy. I read the occasional non Obama comment that you actually seem knowledgeable and serious. But then you just get on this shtick with the on and on antiObama thon and its like your brains evaporate.
We get it!!!! And fundamentally, many of us agree that there are problems with this administration and its priorities, actions etc. But calling each other names over it constantly is just not helpful or fun.
I want to understand the issues and the valid criticisms and sadly, though I am an Obama supporter and would like him to succeed, I more want our country to succeed and I clearly see where he falls down. Yes, I am troubled by some of the decisions, actions, failures. But I don’t want to be screamed at and labeled an Obot everytime I defend some of what he does right. Believe me, I acknowledge that there is plenty for him to work on.
So, lighten up. Show some of your balanced intelligence — you have some good thoughts to share and I for one would like to read more of that than read that same ol same ol rant. Don’t you get bored with it?
no Cole.
he won’t be excommunicated.
Scarborough is WAI.
ALL the conservative pundocracy is pilin’ on Palin now.
they wrung every last drop of populist jism out of Palin right up to the midterms, but Rove started early.
now they are ALL going to try to wean the teabaggers off her tits.
Frum Forum has 6 anti-palin posts on their front page.
they know she cant win.
and this is likely their last chance at the WH for a half century, because of economic recovery and the demographic timer.
its just like 2008. they used Palin as an attack dog and a populist icon on Sick Grandpas doomed campaign. Afters, McCain gets invited to the WH, and Palin never does.
why? Michelle wont let O invite her. because of the “palling around with terrorists” remark.
After Palin’s infamous Weimar rally, Michelle ax Valerie Jarrett “why do they want to make people hate us?”
Palin threatened Michelles husband and children. now there is a real mama grizzly.
that is why im positive Palin is runnin. she is a Mean Girl that got shut down for the WH prom.
so now, its 2010. the TP/GOP has three options.
1. wean the base off her. (apparently what they are doing)
2. offer her the VP slot on Romneys ticket
3. let her rip the party apart with a third party run.
she aint going away.
im hopin for door numbah three. thats the one with the tiger in it.
@New Yorker:
it’s a column by scarborough. there is no point.
@New Yorker:
Not sure about Romney, dude. Sorry. That Mormon thing gives me the creeps.
If you want to do some reading on it (Mormonism) – the book that I suggest is not a definitive explanation of the religion, and definitely may have a bias, but still gives enough of an overview to get the drift. Under the Banner of Heaven, by John Krakauer…
Pretty darned scary to me.
@Califlander: source?
@John Cole:
One or two? Really? I suppose. Seem more like dozens to me.
I read through the article you posted, read Strandedvandal’s comment and thought he was being overly sensitive. I made a snide comment on it. No different than dozens of snide comments made all the time here. I just used a term that sets some people off here–Obot.
When It was pointed out that I missed another criticism of Obama and missed his valuable
resume padding“executive experience” at Harvard, I acknowledged it.I don’t hate Obama. I voted for him and will vote for him again (most likely in vain as if he keeps on doing what he’s doing he’s gonna get trounced). I am sick of the piss-poor messaging out of the White House. I’m sick of the lack of leadership. It’s pathetic. They can’t even wrap the economy and the tax cuts around the Rethugs neck when it is clear that the last ten years with the current rate has lead to disaster. Not only that, I think it is lunacy for Obama to make concessions from the git-go on practically every piece of legislation he or the Dems have proposed. It’s negotiating from a position of weakness–pure and simple. The electorate are like animals and they smell the fear coming from the Democrat. there will be a price to be paid for this in 2012.
I appreciate your concern for my health. I’m fine. I use this place for stress relief to rant and rave about things that I think are fucked up. I think our leadership is fucked up right now. In fact, I think it is damn near non-existent and that he could do way better. I want to see him try something other than capitulation, concession and attempting to compromise with people who clearly have no intention of cooperating with him. It is pretty clear from the last election that what Obama and the Dems have going on isn’t getting it done (and save the “midterm, low-turn out stuff”, the Dems took control of the House in 2006).
I appreciate you not banning me or even threatening to ban me. I’ll give it an effort to tone it down a bit here, be more substantive in my comments and with my criticism and generally be a better citizen of your sandbox.
New Yorker
OK, well, I picked Mitt because he managed to get himself elected governor of Massachusetts, so there must be some streak of sanity in the man. There is no such streak in Palin.
John Cole
@WyldPirate: That comment was more reasonable, by a wide margin, than ANYTHING you have written in the past few months.
We’re all frustrated.
I simply meant to comment that Scarborough meant, “thin-resume” from the standpoint of leadership and legislative experience was a legitimate criticism.
There is nothing at all wrong with Obama’s background such as it is, in fact it is pretty damned impressive. It wasn’t, however, “typical” of “most” people that have been elected as President.
Running large organizations is not an easy task. Leadership is not an easy task. It doesn’t get much bigger as far as “leadership/executive” positions go than running the United States. Obama had very little of that sort of experience. It’s really starting to show as well.
@ WyldPirate
You don’t know me, so let me be clear.
Fuck off. When I want the opinion of a malcontent I’ll ask my teenager.
Thank you.
Bob L
Abraham Lincoln had a thin resume going into the presidency and is considered a good president. The president before Lincoln, James Buchanan, had a terrific resume and he sucked. Criticizing Obama or Palin over their past experience is idiotic.
@John Cole: Hey, I smell another blog contributor! He out-kains Kain :)
@Bob L:
Criticizing them over their current performance and/or leadership isn’t, though.
Palin is an idiot and shouldn’t be allowed to lead a circle jerk, much less a state, country or family.
I think Obama’s leadership has been extraordinarily pathetic and weak> It appears to be getting worse instead of better.
What was that little line Mick Jaggar sang? Oh yeah…”you can’t always get what you want…”
@New Yorker:
No disagreement on his apparent sanity. Its his affiliations that I am squeamish about…
Shit may be stinking up my enemy’s house. Doesn’t mean I want it in my yard.
well, that’s because you apparently assume that anyone who doesn’t agree with you thinks that ‘obama can do no wrong’.
why, because he/she merely noted that it was funny that scar was criticizing palin for insulting presidents while doing it himself in the same paragraph? methinks strand aint the ‘sensitive’ one here. basically, you were looking to go full retard on yet another thread and randomly picked on person’s post to reply to in order to get the stupid rolling.
Ross Hershberger
Trolls? What trolls? I don’t see any. Maybe they’re in that indistinct blur on my screen as I scroll past but I never pay the slightest attention.
@soonergrunt: LOL @ your edit
The comments over at the Politico article are what’s most fun.
Man those Teabaggers are really living in another universe, aren’t they? I was able to read about 100 before I had to get on with my own life again. Tea-tards eathing their own…..I like it.
@chopper: Wylde awaits Jesus the Infallible, SuperHero President who will rule from his post at the Daily Kos and all will hail his decisions. The Pirate doesn’t accept less than perfection…
I do agree that there seem to be some issues for Obama right now. As a supporter of his and an advocate for our country, I am concerned. I DO buy that there may be an experience issue or at least a personnel/advisor issue somewhere.
Where we differ, Wyld, is not in perhaps the observation of there being a problem, but in the conclusion. I am looking to see what the administration does to correct things. I have to assume that they and he are not so far out of it that they don’t know that they have some problems. At least I hope not. You seem to have already concluded that there is no correction that either can or will be made or that there is a game plan that either of us may not know about. Its your inability to concede that you may not know and to give that benefit of the doubt.
Why is the benefit of the doubt important? Don’t know about you, but when I select someone to represent me in something, I am hoping that they succeed. Why?, and esp in this case, its because there is a fucking lot at stake and their failure is a huge problem for all of us. I therefore, instinctively, wish them success and the means to be successful. I try to understand the issues with as much attention to all the arguments and info I can gather. Why? Because many of these issues are complex and the play out takes a while and a bit of understanding…
Ultimately I acknowledge that there comes a time when you have to decide that things are working, successful. I don’t think half way through this very tough Presidency is adequate time to throw in the towl, pronounce the whole administration as a failure, then what????? How does that help our progressive cause?
I just don’t get your approach at all. If I select a realtor, a contractor, or anything, I am not looking for them to fail. Yeah, I am checking, but sheesh, I am not celebrating everytime they goof up like it seems you do. What is up with that? That is a bonafide trait you show over and over — the celebration of trouble… you seem positively gleeful — as though you have no skin in it…like our freakin lives are not impacted by this…
Bella Q
You know she’s gonna come back snarlin’ (as she would say), as opposed to returning to her previous posture of fellating the corpse of St. Ronnie the Senile. Interesting times to come; wish I’d held my popcorn futures.
I was surprised that Ann Coulter was not ousted from her spot of GOP darling for her criticism of Reagan for dredging up when he pulled out from Lebanon as a sign of his weakness.
Kathy in St. Louis
@david mizner:
By today’s standards, he is a moderate Republican. There used to be such an animal. There were even rather liberal republicans, such as Nelson Rockefeller, Jacob Javits and a few others. But that was a time when Americans actually expected politicians to be well-educated and clean of heart. Now, we have a race to the bottom of the food chain in the Republican Party. It’s pretty sad when Scarborough starts looking like a winner.
@New Yorker: Romney has as much chance of winning that nomination as I do.
@WyldPirate: I endorse this course of action wholeheartedly! I still think you have plenty of good things to say.
@Califlander: I caught that, too. Isn’t being ‘pusy’ an unfortunate medical condition?
RR Mikey
@cleek: Fanned a thousand times over – its all you really can say – she’s an ass hat
Ross Hershberger
Must have been a slow news day. Like the Neutrino that cannot exist below the speed of light, if Coulter hasn’t got shit stirred up she disappears in a puff of irrelevance. Who she pisses off doesn’t matter as long as there’s conflict. The Dems are just the easiest target most of the time.
Ross Hershberger
I’m still holding out for Palin to Nader the GOP with an indie run in ’12. I just hope she doesn’t find out that running for president is like, work & stuff. Because then she’ll just sit at home & watch it all on the bigscreen while she dictates tweets.
Joe might be a bit premature characterizing her as a ‘reality-TV star.’ Haven’t seen the ratings from episode three of her show. The reviews are consistently terrible–not that that’s ever stopped Americans from gobbling up whatever sh*t producers shovel at them–but I suspect if there had been a big rebound from the 40% drop in viewership, it would be all over the news. The best antidote to Palinism is (over) exposure.
Ross Hershberger
I want her front and center 24 X 7. The more media attention that political dead end gets the less there is left for the truly dangerous people like the Cheneys and McCains. She’s basically too lazy to do anything but attract attention to herself so any minutes she gets are a net loss to the GOP.
@Cat Lady: “We’ve seen too much of her over the past couple of years to believe that in the event she doesn’t make it all the way through the primaries, that she’ll just shut up and sit down. She’s got to be kneecapped by the big money boys, but they’re going to have their hands full with her every inch of the way, and I for one will be popping popcorn by the fuckton.”
A possibility is that she doesn’t do too well in the first few (IIRC, she’s not laying the usual groundwork in NH and Iowa), and a combination of “it’s haaaaaard!” and the big money boys persuades her to ‘abdicate’ in favor of another candidate, while retaining a role as leader of the base and (real or imagined) kingmaker in the GOP.
Huggy Bear
So you don’t think Palin’s already leading a circle-jerk?!?
It seems to me that she’s got a massive one going with both hands right now. Impressive in a way, but irrelevant in the larger sense. The irritating thing is she’s doing it in the middle of the town square and all the TV stations preempt their regular programming to show it. Her arms have to start cramping eventually, don’t they?
@Huggy Bear:
she’s a world-champion skier is what she is.
bzzzzt wrong again juicers.
there will be no freakout.
Scarborough is WAI.
we are currently seeing a full court press from the conservative elite (see– Krauthammer, McKinnon, Frum, Douthat et al) to wean the base away from Palin.
They know she cant win, so they are going to TRY to suppress Palinism just like they suppressed birtherism last year.
but i think she is too cunning to fall for that again.
they exploited the heck outa her in Sick Grandpas doomed campaign, and then expected her to go quietly back an “read some books” as Dr. Krauthammer and Jonah Goldberg put it.
she dont play that.
the conservative elites were mostly successful at suppressing birtherism– but i doubt Palin is going to go off quietly.
they have already tried to convince her to step aside.
now they will try the birtherism/palinism approach, and try to wean the base off her.
i hope they fail.
a third party run will be amazing entertainment.
@Ross Hershberger:
That is exactly why she will NOT run. That girl couldnt do a real lick of work if it killed her. She don’t do nothin — maybe spend money and run her yap from the endless irrelevant stuff in the air between her ears.
@Elie: she is running.
wanna bet me?
cross my palm with silvah.
she might be doing a dance right now because she wants to be offered the VP slot on a Romney ticket.
but she is already running.
she said she can beat Obama.
she is going to show us all, the GOP elites included.
Cat Lady
She does not take instructions from anyone. Repeat after me- she does not take instructions from anyone. The only possibility that might make her “work” for the party if she isn’t the presidential candidate is a flat fee. A very, very large flat fee. Even then, they won’t be able to ask her flying monkeys not to fly. The establishment money boys are ridin’ that tiger all the way through 2012.
@Cat Lady: i dont think they can buy her off.
she wants revenge. ..and she wants to show ever one. that big middle finger that she and Bristol talked about.
and the conservative elites are not buying her off yet….they are obviously attempting the suppression model. it worked for birtherism afterall…
they were able to dial back the stupid.
but like you point out, the base is very attached.
i agree — door number 3.
third party tiger.
Ross Hershberger
But Palin loves attention and the feeling of power. Running for President might be irresistible to her. It’s either that or she has to sit on the bench and watch the candidates get all of the playing time.
Snarki, child of Loki
@matoko_chan: They’ll have to fire up the Breitbart/O’Keefe slime machine to get Palin out of the race.
Plenty of material there, it just needs some creative “editing”.
Bella Q
We’ll see how long it takes for the GOP Starburst Wars to break out in full.
Palin running? Of course she is, right up to the time she finds out: 1. it’s not fun any more or 2. it’s cutting into her big, big income stream.
There’s no way, with an ego bigger than Alaska itself, she’s not running, at least in that fever swamp of a brain of hers. But I seriously doubt there’s a Master Plan–she’s way too live-for-the-moment for that. She wants to be considered a Serious Person.
Kathy in St. Louis
@Snarki, child of Loki:
All they need to do is dig up all the crap about her that they buried in 08. There’s the house, there’s the ethics thing, there’s the husband in the Secessionist party, there’s the snake handling in Church (oh, wait the TP set might like that one). And that’s just the stuff the press wasn’t too chicken to bring up. Wait until Rove and Company decide on who the anointed candidate will be, and the dirt will start flowing. It will be done in such a way as to keep their hands clean, but they aren’t going to give over the presidency to this yahoo.
Babs Bush recently said that Palin is beautiful and she hopes Sarah will stay in Alaska.
I think the “elite” Republicans are trying to destroy Palin to clear the way for Jeb.
LaPalin will run third party via Tweets/Facebook posts, occasional speeches to TeaParty/Anti-Abortion groups and Fox news. It will be up to the msm coverage whether she succeeds with this strategy.
i think it’s more likely she will run, get trounced, drop out, blame various enemies, and continue on as a well paid spokesmodel for ressentiment.
Will no one rid us of this meddlesome mama grizzly?
@xian: That’s it. Until very recently, I assumed Palin was just in it to line her pockets, and had no intention of making a run. I began to think otherwise, but couldn’t make sense of why she would subject herself to the inevitable humiliation. You answered that question: to make even more money! I’m really surprised that hadn’t occurred to me.
@Ross Hershberger:
But she has never been able to successfully get it done when push comes to shove and this will be no different. Plus I think the Bushes and other old timer GOP leaders have a “V” on her. My notes say that when it comes to vicious, you aint seen nothin till you have dealth with mama Bush and the little Velocibushes.. pound for pound she aint ready for the Bush team — she aint got the network, the boots on the ground or just the real, down home, plain mean. She is “ha ha” Bush league when it comes to the Bushes. And there won’t be a fingerprint on her…just her body in the alley of the political landscape