Is it just me, or did the issue of illegal immigration just completely fall off the radar after the first week of November? Did something happen then that would make illegal immigration no longer an issue? I wonder what it was…
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It’s going to be a hot topic in Georgia most rickey-tic, these fucking goobers are out for blood.
“A lawmaker has introduced legislation aimed at blocking state agencies and counties from hiring illegal immigrants for taxpayer-funded projects in Georgia.
Sen. Judson Hill’s “Georgia Public Works and Contractor Protection Act” would toughen existing state laws targeting illegal immigration. Among other things, it would require state and local government contractors to prove they have been using a federal work authorization program – such as e-verify — for six months prior to getting government work.”
All the wingnuts I know are in full bray about it. Didn’t you know that’s why there aren’t any jobs for real murkans?
Oh, John, you are such a cynic. I can’t imagine why you would think such a thing.
It’s fallen off the national radar now because all the rest of it now is sausage making (as in, how do we grind up the dirty brown folk into sausage for dem All-‘Mericans). “Americans have spoken” don’cha know, and they hate them dirty swarthy brown folk too! It’s all settled, no Messicans or Mooslins evar!
Marc McKenzie
Yeah–Sharron Angle lost.
Also, the MSM is too busy showing the Repubs in all their hypocritical, bat-shit insane, Gollum-like glory. Of course, the same MSM refuses to actually point that out to people, but, hey, that’s how things go.
Oh, and the ‘Net is too busy screaming about how Obama’s a piece of…well, just look around and you’ll find something.
But, speaking as an immigrant, I’m damned glad it’s off the radar. Christ, even legal immigrants such as myself are subjected to that line about “taking away American jobs”…and it makes me want to gag.
@Marc McKenzie:
Refuses? No. Revels? Yes. They’re seeing the GOP behavior and fucking indulging in it. The GOP is ‘Real America’ for them, and everyone else is a fucking Hippie that needs to be concussed for the good of America.
And I’m relieved my parents are already naturalized, because if they weren’t at this point? Whoo boy, imagine how bad it’d fuckin’ be THEN.
It’s off the radar right now because there isn’t an election anytime soon.
Aaaarrrgggghhhhh! But I did read some sensible thing somewhere.
Don’t worry. It’ll show up again around January 2012.
Yeah, just like the “Ground Zero Mosque” farce.
I’m happy when it remains an electoral tool, though. The alternative – that they actually meant to follow up and deliver for the racists – would be far worse.
Come to Oklahoma. It’s going to be the big issue for the legislature, along with abortion. It seems the new teabagger majority wants to focus on socially conservative goals this coming session. With Mary Fallon the incoming governor, nothing is safe except probably the duty positions of the best looking state troopers on the governor’s security detail. Till the whispers start like last time, that is.
sent from android.
I hear ya. Spend a few minutes on any immigration-related thread at Pajamas Media or the like and you’ll quickly discover that their “we’re only against ILLEGAL immigrants” line is a crock of shyte. They hate everyone.
Yeah, that’s the root of the red/blue divide – people who talk about our political or economic differences are missing the point.
They think America is their country and their birthright and no one else’s. And we, e.g. everyone who isn’t with them, cannot sit down and have a discussion about what we all want for America, with people who think we’re not really American and therefore aren’t entitled to want anything for America in the first place.
Marc McKenzie
@Kryptik: Agreed. And I’m also damned glad that my parents and my siblings (and myself, for that matter) became naturalized.
And as for the MSM…well, you said it best. Or as Mike Malloy stated once, “They’re doing for the Republicans what Monica did for Bill.”
(Now, I liked Clinton a lot, and still do, but still–Malloy was on point and damned funny with this.)
The Republic of Stupidity
Beat me to it…
The Republic of Stupidity
There’s a new ballot initiative out here in CA modeled after AZ’s law being floated by a teabagger… just in time for the 2012 election cycle…
Is Michael related to Erick, by any chance?
Other than by ‘teh crazy in teh blood’?
El Cid
And this issue was raised at a time in which immigration rates have dropped severely and many of those less tied to the US are returning home, because there simply aren’t enough jobs or jobs paying enough to justify the costs of remaining here.
Southern Beale
It’s not off the radar in Tennessee. Our Republican state legislature is crafting a shiny-sparkly new bill that will looks JUST like Arizona’s.
The Republic of Stupidity
@El Cid:
Uh… yes…
Out here in the East Bay (NorCal) I drive by several of the spots where day laborers have been collecting for years, hoping to get hired for the day (them, not me), and the number out there is down to maybe a tenth of what it was a few years ago… I’m not kidding… at locations where there used to be a hundred and more, you’re now seeing 10, 15, 20 tops… I suppose if hiring picked up, they’d be back, and prolly pretty quickly, but for the time being, they’re just not there…
One could always be snide and say it’s easier to claim victory in a fantasy war than work to solve a far more difficult but real problem…
Barkley G
Mosques at Ground Zero and the scared ground of Murfreesboro, TN apparently are not a cause of alarm any more either.
I suspect that these are the type of issues that only really matter in the late summer and fall in even numbered years only.
@Marc McKenzie:
I was going to make this same point until some foreigner beat me to it. Damn you!
Hey, this is what they should be doing. I’m not against enforcing immigration laws. I’m against targeting poor workers who have no voice instead of greedy employers who keep hiring these people. Stop raiding immigrant housing projects and start jailing Hormel executives and I think we’ll see some changes.
Davis X. Machina
It’s bad form to immigrant-bash around Christmas time. Something about a child, and traveling parents, and a Flight into Egypt.
Kathy in St. Louis
Funny you would mention this. Our brand, spankin’ new midget Senator here in Missouri, Roy Blunt, made a commercial walking along the new fence, all about illegal immigration. You know how serious a problem it is here in Missouri, with our long border with Mexico? It was, possibly, the oddest of his ads. I’m guessing his wife and sons, lobbyists all, must have some stake in the building of the fence. Let’s see if he picks up the standard for this VERY SERIOUS Missouri problem once he takes office. I didn’t think I could possibly feel more embarrassed telling folks who my senator was after Ashcroft, but I guess there is no end to embarrassment for me until they start shoveling the dirt on me.
@soonergrunt: I think of her as the Salt Monster from the Original Star Trek, leaving a pick-up stick jumble-trail of husked-out state troopers behind.
The Republic of Stupidity
@Barkley G:
And only to the easily frightened/manipulated…
Don’t forget the all-important ‘easily frightened/manipulated’ demographic…
Anti illegal
Dam roaches no illegal alien left behind deport them all.
Apparently the TSA won the war.
Frank Chow
Everyone figured out hating gays in teh military was a more pressing issue…
@El Cid: yes, but as i suspect you (who[m] i find rather alarmingly knowledgeable) are aware, [insert usual Obama-hating assholish trolling comment by moi here]*.
*none of which is to deny the point(s) made here. personally, i find it downright creepy that in addition to this vanishing, i haven’t seen any widespread complaints of voter fraud. i can’t understand it at all, especially since the Rs were promising to be so vigilant. spooky!
@jimmiraybob: kool! where do we return our lead underwear?
One could ask what happened to the Islamic Center near ground zero hysteria, also too.
Fascinating how the message drivers can turn the conservative voters’ fury on and off like a faucet and I don’t see tea partiers/republican voters asking themselves if they are being manipulated. They just check in with Fox to see what the new outrage du jour is and switch gears.
The same point could be made regarding TSA body scans and the Mosque art Ground Zero.
what ‘r you talking about? It’s an excellent time to remember that the foreign illegal immigrant government in the holy land oppressed a hard working American son-of-god, right as he was being born. If that job ain’t safe from them
brownillegal immigrants, then what job is? WE NEED MOAR JAILS AND POLICES!!1/wingnut
@sparky: You will be contacted by the proper authorities.
I imagine it will become a problem again around January 2012.
The GOP won, so obviously there was no voter fraud.
@oklahomo, 64
ROFL! Of course she ran as a decent God-fearing Oklahoma Christian.
sent from android
Keith G
@Cole: Clearly the GOP have bigger and more effective sticks to beat Obama with.
Well, as the daughter of naturalized citizens (and a theoretical citizen in my own right. I say theoretical because I am only an anchor baby, after all), color me puzzled that this issue has just completely disappeared. NO idea why.
Marc McKenzie
@asiangrrlMN: You’re a citizen–not a “theoretical” one. Take it from someone who’s been naturalized and has seen a lot.