Mr. Kitten Mittens? How is he supposed to go outside and be around other dogs with a name like that?
Although, full disclosure, my family once owned a cat named Mr. Purr Puff. He was AWESOME.
by John Cole| 72 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Mr. Kitten Mittens? How is he supposed to go outside and be around other dogs with a name like that?
Although, full disclosure, my family once owned a cat named Mr. Purr Puff. He was AWESOME.
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haters gotta hate.
This really should be a comment, not a post.
If we had an ombudsman, this kind of shit wouldn’t happen. oh, wait.
Mrs. Polly
@AhabTRuler: Crrrr-itic!
Best cat name I’ve ever heard, excepting, of course, you-know-who: Admiral Mudge. He belonged to a photographer buddy of my father’s.
He had his own uniform.
my dog is Scooty Puff Jr..
also it’s a female dog
Long ago, in my married days, my former mother-in-law gave us a sealpoint Siamese kitten, which we named Mouse because of its size and coloring. When it turned out it wasn’t feasible for us to have a pet at that time, we returned him to her. Because she hated the name, which she said was horribly inappropriate for a cat, she renamed him something much better: Yum Yum.
J.W. Hamner
We had a cat named Ms. Cat. A fount of creativity our family.
I was going to say something about the need for an ombudsman in these parts, but my arthritic thumbs are no match for Ahab and arguingwithsignposts. So I won’t.
(Full full disclosure: when I was a little girl we had a cat named, with no irony whatsoever, Gay.)
Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle
Has anyone read that POS column in Kaplan today by Milbank? Does he enjoy just pulling stuff out his ass?
While Luther’s name is actually Luther, he also answers to his many nicknames: Bunny, Bunny Bun Bun, Bunny of the Ganges, and Bunny Bunny Two Shoes.
@ thread: there is a 4 foot high snow ridge in the middle of the street and I have to go into the office today. I still haven’t figured out how that’s going to happen.
Ross Hershberger
Geezer the dog, gazing in puzzlement at two orphan wood ducks, Charlie and Daphne in his bath tub.
Whatever happened to our ombudsman? Is he too busy ombudsmaning elsewhere?
We just adopted a big, gorgeous, swaggering lynxpoint Siamese mix guy from the local shelter. He’s only two years old and had already been adopted and brought back to the shelter three times because of his attitude and penchant for swatting at folks.
He had been named Kitty Koo.
We renamed him Jake, and although he’s no one’s lap cat (yet), he appears to be grudgingly grateful.
Cat Lady
The local papers are all over Cosmo McTrucknutz today. Sweeeet!
we had a cat in Paris named Chupabeanie even after all our friends made fun of us for not knowing about the dreaded chupacabra.
My late hubby said, “Suck what?”
Oops! The kick ass pozole may not be suitable for Mrs J, seems I may have gone overboard with the chipotles in adobo sauce. Or those little dried red peppers. I await her testimony before the kitchen court. There is no appeal.
@Cat Lady: I saw that earlier. Brown’s approval numbers are quite high considering his lack of accomplishments.
@Violet: I think he’s busily making notes for his secondary duty as in house critic.
@J.W. Hamner:
Ours is Ms Kitty.
My daughter named our black striped cat Tigger.
(sorry, link fixed)
What exactly is an ‘in house critic’? Is that someone who comes into your house and says, “Your paint colors suck, your window blinds look cheap and you really should re-do the kitchen”?
J.W. Hamner
Ms. Kitty was also used to address our cat… I guess in less formal situations than when she was climbing the curtains? All due to the fact that my mother couldn’t remember that me and my brother named her Bandit…. so I guess her full name was Ms. Bandit Cat, but nobody knew her well enough to address her by her first name.
We adopted a yellow lab mix pup from our local shelter and named him Spanky. When he got older, he developed a thyroid problem and our vet said we could use a regular pharmacy to get his prescription filled.
The vet’s office called it in and when I went to pick up the pills, the pharmacist gave me the strangest look, then hesitantly said, “I just have to ask, did you name your child “SpankyDog”?
I burst out laughing and told her it was my dog, but I thought it was an awesome name anyway.
General Stuck
Hey, I once named my 150 monster wolf/dog Pooh Bear. And when I got a female Samoyed to keep him company, I name her Winnie. I was smoking a lot of dope in those days, so there is that.
He had a male cat called Motor Muffin. He always had a very loud purr and we were too lazy to give him a more dignified name.
Cat Lady
He’s good looking and drives a truck. Duh.
@JPL (#17):
That’s because, contrary to all the blather saying otherwise, Massachusetts is not a liberal bastion of commonsense; it’s a conservative enclave of Democratic voters. And that’s changing slowly, ’cause in an otherwise sane universe, a large portion of Massachusetts politicians would be moderate Republicans. Not Scott Brown; he’s just dim.
And it occurs to me, Mr. Cole, you put this post up just to f*ck wit’ all those who were gettin’ whinny about the FPers responding to each other with new posts. Go on, admit it. It’s Sunday, the confession’ll be good for your soul (or something).
Trabb's Boy
Maybe he’s called Mr. Kitten Mittens because he has a pair of these:
@J.W. Hamner:
We had a cat very similar to Ms. Kitty, named Kaylei. She belonged to a good friend of ours who died in a car accident… so we took custody.
Kaylei was with us for a quite a long time. And when she passed away, the house just seemed so lonesome and quiet. Cleve (my better half) did some research on the ‘net and found a kitty in an animal shelter who was in need of being saved. And I’m glad we did. :-)
If you are familiar with Simon’s Cat cartoons, then you’ve met Ms. Kitty. They’re so much alike! hehehe
Jim Parish
One of my sisters had some friends who named their black poodle “Black Poodle”. (It was the 1970s….) This was shortened to “B.P.” and eventually to “Beep”.
Which was fine, until the day the dog got out and they had to wander the streets calling “Beep! Beep!”
I had a cat named Big Dog. No living thing ever messed with it.
I still miss him.
speaking of names, every time I see yours I think “credit.”
I have this thing about zeroing out.
@Ross Hershberger:
Now that’s cute!
I once dated a woman who took in a stray cat who had started hanging around her house. I said–as a joke!–that she should name it “Tabby Wynette.” And she did. Ugh. Great cat, though.
Ross Hershberger
Thx. He’s an adorable dog and is appropriately spoiled.
We kept the orphan ducklings for about 10 days while they doubled in size. They were handed over to a nature center/bird rescue along with a substantial check for their care. My wife has this thing for rescuing imperiled baby animals. Bunnies, squirrels, snakes, etc. It gets interesting around here. You do not want to share your house with a juvenile black squirrel if you value order in any way.
I guess that’s better than having a large dog named Mr. Purr Puff. The therapy bills (for the dog) would be enormous.
Brian S (formerly Incertus)
It’s the “boy named Sue” theory of pet naming.
Like I said in the other thread, though, my mom named our childhood miniature schnauzer (who I loathed) Baron von Spears. Mr. Kitten Mittens is a vast improvement on that.
@Cat Lady: What’s wrong with Massachusetts (which holds a special place in my heart because that’s where I was born) but seriously? Scott Brown is a moron and a craven opportunist; so why is he so popular in a state that just went Democratic in all levels? Is it his good looks? I really don’t get it?
Ed Drone
My wife is a knitter, so she found this New Yorker-style cartoon showing a dog, sitting beside its owner, who’s telling a friend about the sweater she’s knitted for the dog (he’s wearing it). The dog is thinking, “I’m getting killed at the dog park this afternoon, for sure!”
So names aren’t the only thing can get a pet into trouble. There are many other things humans do to them that can have the same effect.
@J.W. Hamner:
I had one named Miss Thang. When he moved in with my parents, they renamed him Big Guy. He was very fat and grumpy.
I once had a cat I named Nico (the cat by which all cats to follow are or will be measured—just amazing), after the Velvet Underground’s “Femme Fatale”. She had a rough, hoarse meow that reminded me of the human Nico’s voice. Then I found out that “neko” is the Japanese word for… cat.
Damn it.
I also had a lovebird that I named “McTweet” when I was eight.
@Ross Hershberger:
I bet!
Your wife is blessed to have such a big heart.
@whiskey: Cool website.
@General Stuck:
Ha ha!
Assuming your question is serious:
1) Martha Coakley didn’t bother to campaign. She thought winning the Dem primary was her coronation.
2) Brown, as is often the case with wingnuts and Teabaggers running in blue states, was, shall we say, less than completely candid and forthcoming regarding his right-side beliefs. If people don’t know that you’re a wingnut, and you try to convince them you’re a centrist, it’s not too hard to fool them.
3) Massachusetts has had a fairly large streak of redneck in it for a long time. It’s part of the reason they’ve had so many Repub governors since the 1970s.
4) Pickup truck
That being said: he’ll probably win in 2012 (or whenever Kennedy’s term would have been up). Unless he does something pretty egregious, which he doesn’t seem to have done yet. But I’ve been wrong before. (No news there.)
@eemom: See, it’s even more funny when you realize I work in an accounting firm. But really, it’s because my first name is Deb and debit was my first nick when I wandered onto the internet back mumblety years ago. I know, it’s too precious, but I’m fond of it anyway.
Also too, I’m at work. I got out of my driveway and street, but I rather doubt I’m getting back in. This is worrisome.
I signed up for the ASPCA Guardian program. the ad on the right side of the BJ page with the sad looking dog did me in. 20.00/month helps 6 dogs!
You Don't Say
@Ross Hershberger: Great photo. Reminds me of an old photo from my childhood: our schaunzer meeting our new kitten. That look of alert bafflement. Love it.
Scott Brown’s Senatorial website is fairly sparse; based upon a cursory scan-through, he’s pretty much the empty suit he more or less promised he’d be during his campaign.
My friend’s parents once made the horrible mistake of letting him name their dog.
He named the dog Hitler.
Why? Well, my friend had a funny feeling that the dog would be a wanderer, thereby giving him the opportunity to go strolling through the neighborhood yelling “Hitler, where are you?”, “Come’ere, Hitler!”, “Sic’em, Hitler!”, “Good Hitler!”, “Bad Hitler!”, et al.
The dog lasted about a week or so before it mysteriously disappeared. To this day, my friend’s parents claim not to remember any of these events.
Yeah, my teenage years were interesting.
I figure if a dog can overcome having to parade his orchiectomy scar in front of god and everybody, he ought to be able to bear up under a name like “Mittens.” Maybe even “Romney.”
I think Little Scottie Himbo’s numbers are quite high BECAUSE of his lack of accomplishments. Had he succeeded in doing any of the tea-bagger shit they wanted his numbers would be inthe toilet.
Zuzu's Petals
When I was little I named one of our dog’s puppies “Taxi.”
Years later I finally realized the hilarity of the name…as when its eventual owner went outside to call it.
licensed to kill time
Back in the 70’s I had a friend who named his two dogs Lord and Allah because it amused him so much to call for them out in public. Nowadays it might get you beat up or shot, I guess.
Or perhaps he might receive a sternly worded letter.
I don’t think Harry Reid has the time/inclination to worry about dog names.
Zuzu's Petals
Because we wanted something to read when we visited my aged dad, we got a subscription to Vanity Fair in his Lhasa Apso’s name.
My dad passed away almost eight years ago, but VF is still sending its mag to Tofu Jones…just can’t seem to get him off their list.
It was also an easy way to find out who they were selling their list to. Those direct mailers could have only gotten that name from one source.
I don’t feel so single-minded now (and please forgive me, ABL):
It could be worse.
Seeing “kitten” and “mittens”, I was afraid it was going to be a story about Romney tying a fluffy little kitten to the top of his car for a twelve hour drive.
“Roof, Roof.”
Comrade Mary
New Simon’s Cat!
Mr Kitten Mittens and Mr Purr Puff are both awesome. It’s the title that really seals it.
Some years ago, my then-boyfriend and I took in a stray cat who we first thought was female (he was very fluffy and well, we just didn’t want to look that closely) who we named Princess FluffyPaws. When we decided to keep him and took him to the vet to get him checked out, and were informed he was in fact a dude, we changed it to Prince FluffyBoots.
Eventually that become Mr Bo Jangles once we put a bell on him. Really, it’s all about the title.
Seriously, a name like that makes you be tough. It is a dog eat dog world, after all…
Love these animal threads. Love Mittens (my name for Joe the Cocker as he is now dubbed). Love the great animals the BJ commentariat have. That is all.
Angry Black Lady
oh no you di’n’t, john g. cole.
::removes earrings::
Angry Black Lady
i was all settled on joe the cocker, but now i’m going with joe the cocker kitten mittens, D.D.S.
@Angry Black Lady: Your puppeh is a dentist? Are you sure you want to do that to the poor pup? You know who ELSE is a dentist in California? Just sayin’.
Angry Black Lady
@Yutsano: hitler taintz?
Mr. Kitten Mittens? Wait — you’re talking about presidential candidate Mitt Romney, right?
Oh… Never mind.
A couple years ago I had a guinea pig named Gwendolyn Elmira Pigg. Yep. Gwen E. Pigg.
ABL is really, really pretty. Dare I say hot?
That is all.
Paul in KY
I have a cat named ‘Mongo’.
Paul in KY
@LarsThorwald: I certainly agree. Righteously hot, IMO.