From commentor Serge:
The dog in the foreground is Roxie, and the big galoot on whose tail she is resting is Fitz. Why he lets her lay on his tail, I’ve no idea. We got them fairly close together as it seemed we were going through dogs at an alarming rate. We’d had four, all rescues, and we’re down to these two. They’re now inseparable.
Fitz was a rescue straight from the SPCA right before Christmas. His entire litter was just dumped on their doorstep. In appearance he looks like a golden retriever, and his demeanor is very golden-like (i.e., he always has a ball in his mouth). Roxie was rescued by a friend of ours who bred great danes in Florida. She and a group of agitating animal activists had received word of a mother dog who had just delivered while being chained to a tree with no food and no water. They went in with a bolt cutter,stolerescued the mother and placed all of the puppies in homes. We got her when she was two weeks old and had to be hand fed.
Roxie’s not exactly wired right. She can make a nuisance of herself barking, but she and I are attached at the hip. She comes to remind me when it’s her bedtime every night, so come on, and I have to remind her that maybe I don’t want to go to bed just then. Later I find her on my pillow, fixing me with a doleful look of reproach. Usually it takes about eight seconds for her to forgive me. She’s a pure junkyard dog and I love her to death. Fitz just coasts through life, handsome and carefree (as long as dinner isn’t late). Two dream dogs…
(The second pic is the two of them as pups.)
Obligatory PUPPEH!!
Fitz definitely has the golden face but that fur looks pure Newfie to me. It might be worth genetically testing him just to see what exactly he is.
And Roxie is probably not “wired right” because of black of socialization with her litter mates. I’m sure Anne Laurie could comment more on that, but that’s my first thought there sanyway.
Zach Wiener speculates that Humans and banksters have already split in terms of speciation. He may be on to something.
Hey, doggehs. Wolf!
the big one looks like u never bathing him LOL
Good dogs! They’re such good dogs.
@Yutsano: Yes, socialization is key, but it sounds like there were other dogs at the place when she showed up, at the time.
The PUPPEH pic is so adorable. I can see the Roxie!
My golden loves tennis balls. He has a favorite thing to dig holes in the yard and roll slobber balls into tasty mud coated yum-yums. Sometimes he gets so happy he forgets all about the no-hole-digging rule.
I love when dogs get “happy tongue.” I am getting a big happy from that second pic.
Such sweet faces. Doggie friends are so necessary in life.
Dog is My Co-Pilot
Such cute faces!!! Thanks for rescuing these pups and sharing their story with us.
Cool dogs.
Fitz definitely has Newfie bone structure in the picture from behind. I would have guessed he was one of mine from the first picture.
The funny thing is that in the puppy picture he looks almost brindled. That would suggest something other than a golden in my mind as the other parent, but that could also just be from the picture. The face is pure Golden though, so whattdaiknow.
Great dogs!
(Edit is cool!)
Paul in KY
Pair of real cuties. Thanks for the story.
@yutsano and @ukko and everyone who commented, your remarks are very nice (I won’t show them to the dogs because they’ll get big heads). The Newfie connection has been noted before. He’s a strange mix but he is an attractive dog. People ask me all the time what “breed” he is.
And, in his youth, he was definitely brindled with stripes of gold over the brown. Now, as he gets older, not so much. He’s been a fun dog to know…he is a most mellow fellow. Roxie, one of the important loves of my life, is still not wired right.
my job recently changed internet policies. for some reason, I can no longer read balloon juice at work, something I do when I’m on phone calls that take forever and go nowhere, waiting for someone or just need a sanity break.
weird that reading a blog that focuses on losing your sanity because of the death spiral of American politics is what helps me keep my sanity. now when I need a fix I’ve got to look it up on my phone– a very poor substitute.
Mr B
Can’t you read it via Google reader?
Let’s hear it for those agitating animal activists. Right on!
Fitz is gorgeous! I’ve no doubt folks ask, What breed…
Two pups land upright on their feet. These kinds of stories are about the only thing that give me any sense of hope and change these days.
Have become increasingly involved in animal rescue locally of late. It’s the one place where individual effort actually seems to make a difference.
Good on ya, Serge. Well done. Beauty and Cutie, me thinks.
@Mr B:
oh wow… I had no idea about Google reader.
It works. Thanks man. So good.
Awwwwww! Gorgeous pups! Good on you for taking them both. I have to admit that lately I have been skipping over a lot of the political stuff until I’ve been to a rescue post. These make the others readable.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Another post and story that send the Cuteez Meter to 11.
Wonderful pups. Love the baby picture.
Fitz looks like he could be the brother of my BooDaPest (see Balloon Juice calendar, June, lower left corner) except his face is slightly more brindled than Boo’s. The shelter said his mother was a Golden, and father maybe Australian Shepherd. I think there’s also some Border Collie in there as well.
Boo’s a sweet, carefree boy and thinks he must plunge into the creek every single day, no matter the season. There’s ice in the creek right now, but if we went to there, he’d still get in. In the summer, he goes to his deep spot and just stands there with only his goofy face above water. He has a terrible penchant for digging up rocks in the creek, going underwater to pick them up, and then parading around with his “catch.” Unfortunately, the rocks have worn away part of his teeth, but I can’t get him to stop. He’ll have to eat only soft food in his old age.
That Fitz is one gorgeous pup. And little Roxie is precious. I want more dogs. :\
@serge: Roxie and Fritz are just toooooo cute (especially together). In the first pic, I was thinking, “What the hell is she lying on?” before I realized it was a tail! Thanks for saving these two babies. Yay for animal rescuers and for the people who adopt from them.
Good on your friend for taking those bolt cutters and saving that dog and her puppies. That’s a right and excellent thing to do!
well thank you for that. Made me smile.
Cute little babes you got there