For fun, list the things you would rather do than watch this:
Check Out a Stossel Special Tonight on Politicians’ Broken Promises
Posted on December 17, 2010, 5:13PM | Nick Gillespie
Sweet fancy Moses! Christmas comes early to libertarians thanks to Fox Business and Fox News Channel!
First up, at 8PM ET is Freedom Watch’s Reason-palooza featuring Katherine Mangu-Ward, Matt Welch, and your humble narrator yakking with the great Judge Andrew Napolitano for an hour about what it means to be a libertarian.
I once watched about 3 minutes of a Bloggingheads episode featuring Althouse and Matt Welch before I attempted to strangle myself with my mouse cord.
To each his own. I don’t tell you what it takes to get me off, and I’d appreciate it if you did the same.
Omnes Omnibus
Self-dentistry, driving nails through my feet, eating glass, and that’s just off the top of my head.
Omnes Omnibus
@freelancer: End the thread; we have a winner.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: Agreed.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Get a cordless mouse for things like this. Death is not an option.
I would rather watch Ann Coulter strip naked and douse herself in Max Cleland’s blood.
Freelancer won the thread already, but I’ll bite: I would rather give birth to vipers, unmedicated, while standing in a blizzard.
Instead, I will put some voodoo on it.
Cat Lady
I would welcome back another two days of the stomach flu I’m just recovering from before I’d subject myself to that. At least there might be some weight loss involved.
@R-Jud: Fantastic song and video. Amazing album overall.
Tom Hilton
#1,197: read Nick Gillespie
@Omnes Omnibus:
Really, cause I can keep going…
I heard that’s what killed David Carradine.
You probably forgot to put the lemon in your mouth first. Newbies…
This from the guy who pleads with us to stay out of the archives so as not to bring up anything embarrassing.
3 minutes? I made it a whole 5, but I blame the Franzia.
Hunter Gathers
Give my 3 cats a bath, watch ‘2012’, snort wasabi, eat 5 tins of Spam and go to the local Teabagger meeting.
Mike in NC
Nick Gillespie’s leather jacket + John Stossel’s pornstar mustache = Chick Magnet!
Corner Stone
@Bnut: I…uhhh…me too?
I really want to like Bob Wright, though! I don’t like Mickey, but Bob seems (from what I’ve read in his books) to be a great guy who just devoutly hopes that reality is wrong and that the universe if a benign and warm place. Also too government is what interferes with an otherwise perfect world. Bob wouldn’t say that, but he has this faith in technology and economy that absolutely beggars belief. Nice guy, though.
Beefheart has died.
Drive a nail through my man parts.
I had a sinus infection so bad last winter I couldn’t sleep because when I fell asleep my mouth closed and then I stopped breathing through my mouth. I was hallucinating from lack of sleep and understood why people consider killing themselves. I would do that again.
@Bnut: Agreed. And I’ve been trying to get the tightrope move down for weeks, like a goddamn eight-year-old.
@R-Jud: majestic voodoo. made my night.
Corner Stone
You haven’t lived until you’ve heard Pantera’s “I’m Broken” done by a cello quartet.
watching Miley Cyrus attempting to perform hiphop dance while my moms and my aunt read me the list of
unbelievable useless crapgifts my YOUNGER cousin got at her recent wedding.alternatively, having AWS and Omnes explain the real meaning of Islam and the metaverse to me.
or having lit bamboo slivers shoved under my fingernails.
its all one.
Pluck scalp bald with salad tongs … Transfusion with grape Kool-Aid … Brunch with Justin Beiber
I will let Mr. Yankovic speak for me.
Do it yourself vasectomy. I would easily rather do this than watch John Stossel’s Mustache of Doom spout off libertarian moronicisms.
I once got Don’s autograph at a concert. I didn’t have any paper on me except a dollar bill. He wrote on it “Love over Gold” above his signature.
Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle
I once watched about 3 minutes of a Bloggingheads episode featuring Althouse and Matt Welch before I attempted to strangle myself with my mouse cord.
Is that what the DoD is showing Bradley Manning to try and get him to rat out Assange?
@Corner Stone: Everyone likes a vaguely attractive tranny-looking conservative woman who thinks people who lose limbs in Vietnam are cowards, right? I’m a sick fuck though.
Roger Moore
I’d rather have my blood sucked out by leeches,
Stick an icepick under a toenail or two,
I’d rather clean all the bathrooms in Grand Central Station with my tongue,
Than watch bloggingheads with those two.
Yes, I’d rather jump naked on a huge pile of thumbtacks,
Or stick my nostrils together with crazy glue,
I’d rather dive into a swimming pool filled with double edged razor blades,
Than watch bloggingheads with those two.
(Props to Weird Al. ETA: I see I got there just a little bit late).
@Roger Moore: Heh, mediocre minds are stuck in the same rut. :)
fucen tarmal
be standing between the door and cable news producers when word of a missing white girl with cheerleader pics, and a dozen active social media accounts, breaks.
Speaking of strangling oneself with things, here’s something I found over at Tom Ricks’s place. It’s an essay from a Marine Veteran called, “You Can Go Strangle Yourself With That Yellow Ribbon.” I’m not a veteran, but I dug it, and I think many people here, including the esteemed Mr. Cole, will, too. The Vet rips into what he sees as the military’s disrespect for civilians, backing it up smartly, and talks about mandatory national service in a way that does not amount to the mindless dick-waiving of Marshall Whittmann and the rest of the “National Greatness” crowd.
Evolved Deep Southerner
Watch this over and over and over.
“Please tell me that’s pronounced Man Goo Ward,” he said with immature glee.
@Jay: As an OEF vet and Jarhead I strongly agree with this essay.
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
That merely diminishes the risk of auto-electro-rodent strangulation. There are millions of other ways to die.
(And, yes, I only responded to this for the pleasure of typing “auto-electro-rodent strangulation.”)
General Stuck
Somebody is obsessed with irrelevant Glibertarians.
Ross Hershberger
Beefheart dead. Well, that’s all of us some day.
Yesterday around 6:00 pm Ice Cream for Crow lodged in my head and refused to leave. I adore that song so I was cool with the invasion. Happy to have given the man some brain space on his last day on earth.
But I’m real sad now.
@Bnut: Korea (67-68) and Nam (68-69) dogface is on board.
Corner Stone
@Bnut: Well that and the erotic sensation of warm blood cascading down your naked body. Like heated 10W-5 motor oil you take out of the microwave and sensually take your hand and…then you…and she..
Uhhh, yeah. You are one sick fuck.
Since I can’t imagine watching Stossel, I can’t imagine what I would do instead. Guess I’ll go munch on a doughnut.
R-Jud, Janelle Monae is extremely talented. I’m old enough to know that I’ll never be able to move like she does.
Ann Althouse
Time to get a wireless mouse, John.
@Corner Stone: You uppity people and your “warm” blood. Some of us have to use the cold stuff.
different church-lady
“Michael O’Donoghue’s impressions of famous people” for $300, Alex…
Stossel? Sorry, I have an appoinment for an all night colonoscopy without drugs. Otherwise I’d love to tune in.
Mark S.
Spoon Lily?
@freelancer: I Lol’d at that.
Winner, indeed.
Teevee ‘news’ is for old people.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jay: Very interesting view. Even in my time, 1987-92, the attitude of being separate from, and better than, civilians permeated the army. Of course, Rangers were better than non-Rangers, Airborne qualified were superior to “Legs,” combat arms superior to combat support, and so on.
I’d rather jump off the balcony. Admittedly it’s only the 2nd floor. But it’s cold out there.
No, Not the mind probe! (Oh, wait. Stossell and Reasonoids. In fact, the mind probe’s looking pretty good. Borusa. Sign me up!)
Corner Stone
God damn Cole. You just got SNAPPED @42.
Dissatisfied Customer
1) Shave my taint with a cheese grater.
2) Take a barium enema.
3) Examine Wolf Blitzer’s testicles for lumps.
@Omnes Omnibus: Such a crock of shit and all the services perpetuate it. Then, when it suits them, every swingin dick (and clit I guess) is a fucking hero.
@BDR: Criminy! An era has truly ended.
Me? All my toenails yanked out simultaneously?
Doesn’t count because I’d probably pass out? Bug, not a feature.
Right now I’m more tormented by the thing in the rug that jabs my naked foot, yet eludes all naked-footless attempts to identify, isolate, and remove it. That’s immediacy for you.
Perhaps the Bush-Admin-In_exile. would be interested. And would pay me money.
As if.
+4 Chardonnay; shuddup i know its winter
Corner Stone
@Bnut: I just assumed Cleland was not yet dead in your scenario.
My bad.
And you do *not* want to get into my repertoire of things that would make a billy goat puke.
Just sayin’.
@different church-lady:
Damn you! Your Google-fu was stronger than mine!
Corner Stone
@WereBear: Listen. I have to know more.
Perform my own hysterectomy with a rusty spoon. Follow it up with a Hoover liposuction.
@stuckinred: To be honest, it really has to be hard to motivate latrine-scrubbing sailors and window-washing airpeople(not sure what the PC title for the AF is).
General Stuck
@Ann Althouse:
I’d sue Cole, if I was you, doesn’t matter what for. We have plenty of evidence for anything.
Omnes Omnibus
@stuckinred: But it’s good for unit morale.
And on that note, I am off to dinner. Have fun all. I shall.
@Corner Stone: Trout Mask Replica.
That’s all I know. And all you need to know.
Yogsothoth! The goat with a thousand young!
Sorry. That slips out, near the Solstice.
@Bnut: As you know that’s not really an MOS. One way to motivate the run-of-the-mill doggie, swabbie, jar-head and flyboy (and I think they probably do when push comes to shove” is to assure them that whatever they do contributes to the mission. Anyone who has been in the military knows damn well how few people actually are in the shit. Re-reading “With the Old Breed” by EB Sledge made it pretty clear that he felt there was no one except those very few grunts on the line had any idea what it was really all about. As much as he pushed that line he also took the time to recognize how crucial every bit of support they had was. There’s no shame in being a remf as long as you don’t run around trying to be what you are not. That being said, ever meet a Marine that was in the rear?
Barring the Mr. Mike solution, I would rather be trampled by goats when we go to the Holy Petting Zoo tonight (aka the local episcopalian church’s Living Creche).
Organize my son’s dirty diapers by smell and consistency.
Benjamin Cisco
I’d just as soon shave with a rusted cheese grater, followed up with a grain alcohol aftershave.
Corner Stone
@WereBear: I’m…pretty sure I love you.
No, wait. I am sure.
@stuckinred: Obviously. I was a grunt and scrubbed many a toilet and washed many a Humvee. And no, I never met any Marines in the rear with the gear, they were all Force guys with dive bubbles. Well, DI’s I guess, lol.
@Mnemosyne: Ummm. Trampled by goats. I’ll fill in that bubble with a #2 pencil.
@Corner Stone: Oh, you are just saying that. (Tosses hair.)
…whack off with a Slap-Chop and eat a Sandra Lee Kwanzaa cake.
I think I’ll stick to my usual, baking cheese stuffed loaves of bread ad playing cata. And snickering to my new joke: Tauren Pally=Ret Bull Gives You Wings.
Mr Stagger Lee
Anybody watching ESPN2 the FCS semifinals between Eastern Washington and Villanova? Look at that field, as a resident of the Pacific Northwest I apologize. I pray that Paul Allen doesn’t do that to Qwest field, or the geniuses at U W don’t do Husky Stadium with a purple field.
@Mr Stagger Lee: You don like no red field??
@Jay: On second reading, he was probably with 1st Marines in Horno from the way it’s written and I am willing to guess either 3/1 or 1/4. Sorry if this is code for most people.
Edit:Now that I think about it 3/1 is the only BN in 1st Marines who did 4 back to back.
Randy Paul
I think I’d rather get my balls waxed.
I used to have a nodding acquaintance with Stossel when we worked out at the same gym about twenty years ago. He’s as much of an insufferable prick in person as he is on television.
Where’s Dave Schultz when you need him?
@Ann Althouse: wireless mice sukk donkey dick on the Battlefield of Gilneas.
Jewish Steel
I would un-pie Oscar Leroy, change and Wyldpirate.
Ha! Jk. I would never do that.
@Bnut: One of my best friends was E 2/7, cousin was 4/1, 1/26 in the Hill Fights.
Saw your tweet about Silithus, John. You’ve been leveling archeology, haven’t you?
@jnfr: YES! id rather level archeology to 525 than watch that glibertarian leatherboi wank-fest.
Gilneas is better off dead. Or undead, as the case may be.
@stuckinred: I’m assuming you mean Khe Sanh. Horno was a base in Nam, but also one in Iraq. Me and my boys said it all the time, as much as GWOT sucked, thank a higher power we were never in Nam.
Total agreement.
Here you go, from 7 years ago today:
“the idea of Howard Dean letting our policy be run by Kofi Annan ad his ilk scares the shit out of me.”
@WereBear: The solstice this year will be very special, what with a full lunar eclipse happening at the same time (early Tuesday morning, totality at 3:17 am EST). I’m setting my alarm and hoping the night is cloudless. Supposedly great viewing everywhere in North America.
It’s pretty cool whether you’re a scientific type or a Wiccan type
Depending on what sources you check, this will be the first time in either 456 or 632 years that a lunar eclipse has coincided with the winter solstice. I haven’t verified either and really don’t feel like spending the evening trolling through lunar ephemerides. Let’s just say it doesn’t happen very frequently.
dont you mean the Global War on Islam?
@matoko_chan: Holy shit, thanks for catching that! Go fuck yourself.
@Bnut: Yea, Khe Shan, 881 N and S, all up and down the DMZ. My buddy was kia at Meade River along with 107 other Marines. It’s cited as big success because so many charlies died. spit
More lies about film Sicko that was promoted and applauded on this site.
@matoko_chan: Too bad your little ass wasn’t crawlin around in the bush.
@stuckinred: Of course, body counts are sacrosanct. Hell, according to reports, my BN killed like 100K AQ during Phantom Fury.
Mark S.
@Mr Stagger Lee:
They finally got back from halftime, and that field is HIDEOUS.
ETA: It’s almost hypnotic. It’s like they’re playing in hell.
@Ann Althouse:
No fucking way that trollish asshole would comment around here.
@Bnut: The more things change. . .
Having apparently won the thread up top, I surrender it to you. Thanks for the LOL.
@matoko_chan: As an aside, no one here is asking for reverance, or thanks, or any of that BS. It’s me, stuck, John and a few others talking about some horrible and amazing shit we went through. Nobody asked for your opinion. If you want to know what we are talking about, go sign some papers, or stay in your fucking lane asshole. If we thought killing brown people for sport was fun, we’d post on Red State, not on BJ. Get a clue.
General Stuck
Oh yea she would. Her and Cole have history, as they say.
@Bnut: im just asking for truth.
i never get it anywhere, even here.
i held TS/SBI/EBI. i know what happened.
im just sick of all the fucking pretend time.
sowwy if i hurrt ur fee fees.
Oh this motherfucker had a clearance, stop the presses.
@matoko_chan: The truth? Wtf does that mean? That people in the military kill people and get killed? I’m trying to square your earlier comment with what you just said.
@Bnut: Fuck this punk, it’s not worth the key strokes.
@stuckinred: Oooohhh, a TS clearance. Since only every single combat arms MOS servicemen have that. I think matoko should stick to posts about Wikileaks and bovine eating habits.
Palin really is the gift that just keeps giving.
@SiubhanDuinne: Yes, this is why we are doing a “once in 456 years” party.
My hope? That we create an anti-Bush wave of thought.
I mean, face it. Someone has to.
General Stuck
There are some people, maybe quite a few Americans, even in high places that do consider it a war on Islam. But the US military does not, nor does the vast majority of American people. If that were the case, the Afghan people, other than the Taliban, would be fighting us, and they aren’t, and haven’t been for about 10 years now. Despite some reckless rules of engagement and tactics, we have employed that has killed far too many civilians. The teatards and neocons are not a majority in this country, and currently do not set policy. And most GI’s serve and behave honorably toward focusing on those that are at war with us and us them. Iraq was just a huge clusterfuck concocted and carried out by some evil civilian leaders, but even then, it was not a war “on Islam”
Mr Stagger Lee
Well maybe it might work at Che Guevara University or Beijing
University, but that field is ick! Besides I thought Cheney, Washington was Conservative Country, where is Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck? The Commies are taking over the pig skins!
@Bnut: what i said was it was never a global war on “terror”……it was a global on war on Islam.
it was always a global war on Islam.
it was ALWAYS an attempt to replace islamic societies with western style jeebus-humping democracy.
you werent noble soldiers.
you were missionaries with guns.
that failed.
what wuz the Mission again, soljah?
now we are down the rabbit hole with m_c.
@matoko_chan: I suggest you read the link Jay posted earlier and not interject yourself into conversations about which you have no fucking clue about (yes that was a terribly written sentence). Did I ever kill a Muslim? Yes. Did I, or my fellow Marines want to? No. John Boehner and Michelle Bachmann are not in the service. You are out of your league here.
@matoko_chan: to annoy your sanctimonious ass.
@Mr Stagger Lee: Wisconsin Whitewater plays Mt Union for the DIII National Championship in the Stagg Bowl tomorrow. No red fields in Salem, VA! Go Warhawks!
@stuckinred: The OODA is WAI, cudlips.
@stuckinred: Mission Accomplished then.
why not just call it what it was?
cause it hurrts your fee fees that you got spoofed?
@arguingwithsignposts: ding for the dink
@matoko_chan: keep typin Cato
@matoko_chan: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Julian Assange and Bradley Manning are heroes who deserve your fee fees hurting. Medal of Honor winners and veterans are just useful fools or charlatans.
@Bnut: i just corrected GWOT to GWOI.
because that is what it was.
and it doesnt matter what you thought it was.
im not blaming you. you were doing your job.
like i did my job.
i just think the truth is important in the long arc of history.
@Bnut: Don’t argue with the dink, he had a clearance.
@matoko_chan: I just corrected matoko_chan to dumbass_troll.
Because that is what it is.
@Bnut: Must have wandered in from FDL.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@JGabriel: “(And, yes, I only responded to this for the pleasure of typing “auto-electro-rodent strangulation.”)”
I would have done the same if I had thought of it…lol!
@Randy Paul:
Odie Hugh Manatee
I really try to limit my posts on this blog since I’m an addictive person and can easily get drawn into long drawn out battles in useless words on sites that only some think are cool. But I swear to god, matoko_chan got my blood up. He/she is a fucking idiot. Sorry if me and stuckinred took this all over calling out a person who is a)a troll b)an idiot and c)a useless poster on this site.
im just telling the truth.
sry if its too much for you.
ima grrl.
thank you for your service sir.
peace out.
I can take care of that for you. I’m here to help.
@matoko_chan: You don’t have to leave. Just make comments that aren’t stupid. As I said earlier, we aren’t apologists, or people looking for a stupid ass yellow ribbon “thanks for your service”. You completely miss the point.
On a different note, this (from Kathleen Parker today) was remarkable, especially in light of the essay Digby referenced the other day about conservatism’s essential deceit:
Was she asleep 2001-2009? (rhetorical question)
I don’t think there’s enough duct tape in the world.
@suzanne: Not so sure.
Oh, and I’d rather 1) find blood in my urine, 2) listen to an audiobook of “Atlas Shrugged” read by Gilbert Gottfried, 3) get stoned with mclaren.
I think John Stossel and John Bolton should get together and have mustache babies. After gay marriage is legalized in California, it’s inevitable mustaches will be able to marry each other.
I feel that the Llamas With Hats series perfectly articulates the relationship between left and right in America today.
@matoko_chan: Who gives a fuck if you are a girl. Come in running your fucking mouth then you can go fuck yourself either way. And all that cutesy spelling doesn’t cover for what an idiot you are.
Jay in Oregon
Odie Hugh Manatee
@stuckinred: “And all that cutesy spelling doesn’t cover for what an idiot you are. “
But it does express exactly what a wise beyond her years, intelligent and literate young lady she isn’t. She’s a political griefer now, having expanded her horizons from the gaming world. If she was a gamer on one of my servers I would have banned her ass a long time ago.
But only after using my admin powers on my server to make her life miserable and to have a bit of fun at her expense.