Just thought I would rub this in your faces. When I mentioned rum balls the other day, it turns out that one of you is a professional candy maker, and I received a box of Maker’s Mark bourbon balls in the mail, and they may be the best candy I have ever had.
They just melt in your mouth.
And you know what, it is nice to see the progressive blogosphere happy. My twitter feed is almost gushing with good will. It’s making me a little uncomfortable, to be honest. I may have to tweet something nasty to balance things out.
The Dangerman
That’s just cruel; who’s kopping to being the candy maker?…
…and let me tell you about my famous Schweady Balls….
bastard. give me my balls.
um, hunh.
Is Daou happy too? Pics or it didn’t happen.
The Grand Panjandrum
Thanks for rubbing your rum balls in our face. Seems like a fitting way to celebrate the repeal of DADT. BTW as I mentioned in the last thread you really should take a bow because it was you who predicted that Lieberman was being kept in the fold to help with today’s outcome on the repeal of DADT. So, come on big boy, rub those rum balls in our collective faces!
Balls in your mouths, on DADT repeal day. That is all.
We are all GLBT now.
Would you say the lefty blogosphere is acting a bit “gay”? ;)
Damn that Obama!
Suck It Up!
I can’t wait to see the signing ceremony. There should be a ton of people standing behind the president.
Just go back to the Manning thread.
Maybe he’ll veto it?
So…we are all teabaggers now?
Ya done brought this on yerself there JC. I cannot be responsible for the consequences.
And the candy maker should fess up. S/he will get a spike in Internet sales.
Nethead Jay
Heh, just saw your tweet. If that’s the best you can do in nasty, the happiness must really be rubbing off on you ;)
You’re as corny as Kansas in August. Hey, you should find out where Manchin’s family party is and crash it with 100 similarly outraged friends.
It’s not even an hour after don’t ask don’t tell is repealed and Cole is already shoving his rum balls down our throats.
Has Louie Gohmert gone into his bunker yet?
Go watch “24/7: Pens vs. Caps: Road to the NHL Winter Classic” on HBO instead, then come back here and talk about how it’s not just the best show of 2010, but probably the best show since Lucy and Ricky.
Oh John. This is the left we are talking about. We will all be unhappy and bashing Obama soon enough. Prolly like tomorrow at the very latest.
I’ll start: The seemingly neverending Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Aaargh! Feel better?
Makers Mark Bourbon Balls!! Who makes them??? I need them:)
Tony J
Just get wasted and tweet some combination of “DADT”, “Chocolate Balls”, and “Tastes like… Victory!”.
Because we all know what – that – means.
Well, I suppose DADT is a good trade for the pulling of the Omnibus spending bill and the 1 billion dollars worth of ACA funding that was in it that the Rethug House will put a kibosh on next year.
Yay!. Gay folks can write “I’m gay” grafitti on their helmet camo covers and can bring their partners to unit social functions without getting fired. They don’t have to lie about who they are anymore. It’s an end to one bit of officially sanctioned discrimination in our country.
Mike Kay (Team America)
@stuckinred: we can only hope!
after all, he’s a secret republican.
@SBJules: I don’t know if these are Makers Mark, but they are excellent.
God, that’s funny. And right in line with some of the paranoia on the outer fringes of left blogistan. They’re probably watching the skies over D.C. to be sure Rahmbo doesn’t parachute into town and destroy it all.
Mike Kay (Team America)
“Like 2009’s removal of the HIV ban, which was as painstakingly slow but thereby much more entrenched, this process took time. Without the Pentagon study, it wouldn’t have passed. Without Obama keeping Lieberman inside the tent, it wouldn’t have passed. Without the critical relationship between Bob Gates and Obama, it wouldn’t have passed. It worked our last nerve; we faced at one point a true nightmare of nothing … for years. And then we pulled behind this president, making it his victory and the country’s victory, as well as ours.”
All Hail Obama
Southern Beale
And you know what, it is nice to see the progressive blogosphere happy.
Ooops. Well don’t read my Christmas Crab post then.
Southern Beale
And you know what, it is nice to see the progressive blogosphere happy.
Ooops. Well don’t read my Christmas Crab post then.
Keith G
Mike Kay (Team America)
PinballPolitical WizardHe stands like a statue
Becomes part of the machine
Feeling all the bumpers
Always playing clean
He plays by intuition
The digit counters fall
That deaf, dumb and blind kid
Sure plays a mean pinball
How do you think he does it?
(I don’t know)
What makes him so good?
He ain’t got no distractions
Can’t hear those buzzers and bells
Don’t see lights a flashin’
Plays by sense of smell
Always gets a replay
Never tilts at all
That deaf, dumb and blind kid
Sure plays a mean pinball
I am a very happy Obot today!
Nethead Jay
Bwahahahaha. Other than being one of the most hateful fuckers on a group that’s not exact short of such, I’m beginning to wonder whether Gohmert’s a cigantic closet case. There must be a reason for his obsessiveness on matters like this. Apologies in advance for the mental picture, but can you imagine him and say Gov. Goodhair in a hot embrace… ;)
So a stranger sends you a bunch of balls and you just stick them in your mouth?
My parents used to make Bourbon Balls that would knock the party guests for a loop. They would stagger home.
@Keith G: Bwa ha ha. Feel the restraint. Feel the self-control.
@Maude: Yea I’m gonna have to get my mothers recipe for this years Christmas party.
Cole shoving his balls down our throats, again?
Bloody teabagger!
Now gays can also die in endless PermaWar for Empire against brown people! YES!
Meanwhile, this country is still involved in two illegal wars, is engaged in torture at home and abroad, is shredding up our civil liberties, refuses to prosecute the Bush/Cheney War Crimes (and even tells other countries not to, either) and the rich are still fucking us up the ass as we slide further and further into corporate serfdom.
But gays can serve openly while they die for Our Corporate Owner. Yay!
Chat Noir
And remember, it’s Keith Richards’s birthday today. Happy 67th, Keef.
licensed to kill time
rub this in your faces
melt in your mouth
gushing with good will
tweet something nasty
fun with words
@Kenneth: I think you have just finally cheered John up.
@Chat Noir: Let’s honor him by putting his face on the American $20 bill! Wait, too late.
Your pathetic grasp at a narrative is like watching a bear going after a picnic basket on top of a greased pole.
OT, Not to interrupt the festivities, but one of my fav Christmas movies is on TNT right now:
A Christmas Story!
Now back to regularly scheduled festivities
@Keith G:
Not sure exactly what you are referring to KeithG. I was simply referring to the ACA portion (1 billion total was what I read) of the Omnibus bill (well over a 1 trillion).
Some of it is bound to be stripped out with the health care reform funds. That was my point.
You disputed none of my points.
I had a client in Lawrenceburg, KY about 6 years ago and I spent a year flying back and forth from NC to KY every week. I got to know the people in the manufacturing plant and shipping department really well in that time, and at Christmas they brought me some incredible home made Makers Mark bourbon balls, a country ham that one of the guys cured himself and all kinds of country goodies. Those bourbon balls were outstanding!
Balls! Once again, Schwetty balls.
Cole, you are adorable when you’re cranky. TUNCHIE!
Omnes Omnibus
@Kenneth: Because the world has not been perfected, we should neither celebrate nor acknowledge any progress toward a better world, is that it?
Similarly, PanAmerican never argues with the guy dressed as Eleanor of Aquitaine who mumbles angrily into his own collar at Pan’s subway station every morning. Pan’s failure to engage demonstrates that crazy Eleanor has scored a decisive win with each mumble.
@Kenneth: You must be a blast to have a beer with.
@lamh32: And they will no doubt play it over and over and over and over.
South of I-10
@lamh32: We are watching it too. We just finished Elf. It’s a full out Christmas movie marathon over here!
@Bnut: Didn’t TNT do that for like 24 hours one year? Or was I in some strange stupor and imagined it all?
@asiangrrlMN: Hi hon. Ya think the Dawg kiss would make the cover of TIME? Dunno how we’d fit in the frame, him being 6’7″ and me being 5’9″.
They usually play it all day on Christmas! Today must be for those in the audience who have other plans on Christmas which doesn’t involve watching this movie!
@asiangrrlMN: Remember Evelyn Waugh’s response to the woman who noted that for being a devout Catholic, he sure was an asshole: “Madam, you have no idea how much nastier I would be if I weren’t a Catholic.”
Now just imagine Cole without alcohol or sugar!
@Yutsano: They do it every year. Also, Fleet Week is gonna ALOT more fun next year.
Why don’t you love salty chocolate balls?
Warhawks take the lead 24-21!
I saw that it’ll be on 24-hrs straight, Christmas eve. (probably same channel, TNT)
I luv watching it. Thanks for the heads-up!
@Yutsano: That would be awesome. Just recreate this iconic image, and it’s all good. Or, he could swoop you to his bosom, literally sweeping you off your feet.
@shortstop: Or Lily! Teh horrors.
My wingnut cousin is insisting that the repeal of DADT means that gays will be kicked out of the military en masse, cuz before they didn’t have to say if they were gay or not. Now they can be called out of the closet and kicked out for being gay.
Can you give yourself a concussion from banging your head on the intertoobz?
@Bnut: Oh my gravy. I never even thought about that part of it. Gonna have to keep a close eye on my leave balance and see what I can manage. :)
@asiangrrlMN: Heh. I doubt we’d go that far. But it is a rather intriguing thought…
Seriously. Show yourself and take my money.
@Svensker: Just tell him or her that no, it means that the military can now openly discriminate against heteros. Also hint that it opens the door to organized ghey recruitment activities, with costumes, at the PX.
Omnes Omnibus
@Svensker: I am waiting for my wingnut cousin to put something equally stupid on her FB page. It’s only a matter of time.
Spare me the happy talk.
Until Bush/Cheney are in prison, this country is no better than the Soviet Union and is going down the shitter.
Yum, yum rum balls. It’s a cloudy damp day here and I’m writing a few cards and watching holiday movies.
This made my morning even better than it was already. I think I love you.
General Stuck
It’s enough to make one sick in the head. I tells ya.
Hello. What have you two been up to in my absence? Hmmm?
/tapping foot and frowning
@asiangrrlMN: Where ya bean frijole?
@Tattoosydney: I have no idea how in the world I missed that comment. It could be my slight giddiness over my country still managing to make its way into the 20th Century.
Buon giorno! Come stai? We was having fun last night and wished you had been along. :)
@Tattoosydney: Arranging marriages, teasing Marines, avoiding the emo of the last session before the holidays. Nothing too horrifically salacious. I guess we’ve been slacking lately.
@Omnes Omnibus: They don’t have Rush to feed them their talking points yet, so they’re lost little lambs waiting for direction. Wait until Monday however. It will flood your page like a torrent.
@Kenneth: blah blah blah, type in keyword Firedoglake and stay there.
Omnes Omnibus
@Tattoosydney: You do know that some questions are better left unasked, right?
“Remember the motto of the Bengal Lancers,
‘Don’t ask questions, you’ll only get answers.'”
@Svensker: As I mentioned in a previous thread, technically your cousin would be correct if DADT (in the strictest sense) had been repealed. DADT originally referred to the Clinton executive order that explained how to deal with the legislative ban on gays in the military that was included as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994. This was all part of a compromise between Clinton and Congressional Republicans so the combined policy is generally what people mean when they speak of DADT.
If your cousin is trying using that technical difference, you can point out that Congress does not have the power to repeal DADT if it is just an executive order. In fact, I don’t even know if Obama will bother to rescind the executive order since it is now moot (and leaving it would make it the default behavior int he unfathomable event that the ban on gays in the military is reinstated – or more likely that it is delayed by a lawsuit of some sort)
@Tattoosydney: Arranging marriages and sniping about you in your absence. S’up? Glad you could join us, big boy.
@stuckinred: Ha. Funny. I’ve been keeping odd(er) hours lately. How you? How are the pooches?
@Yutsano: I think it’d be neat.
yep, its usually TNT! All day Christmas Eve.
BTW, I just love the scenes where the dad is cussing the heater. It just hilarious.
and when he receives his “leg lamp” and the box says “FRAGILE”, and the dad says “Look at that it says Frag-e-lay”
@Omnes Omnibus: Hey. me and Yutsy were having clean, wholesome fun last night. ::crosses fingers behind back:: No reason for him to worry. By they way, I really like your nym. It makes me smile.
@MattR: You and your ‘facts’ can take a hike!
@stuckinred: Why are you?
@asiangrrlMN: Fine, they are curled up wondering why I am watching the D-3 national championship!
Me too! And he just did it… TOO FUNNY!
I love all the plugs shoved into the outlet… ONE TOO MANY!
@lamh32: Stolen from the Marx brothers.
wow, your watching it, i’m watching, I wonder who else is watching it right now too?
Aint’ technology wonderful!!!
Oh, and my God that lamp is hideous, but damn if I don’t want one myself for some reason.
Hey, dearie — don’t whine, just bask. You provide a pretty awesome service; once in a while it’s good that you should just sit back and grin. So, deal. Then grin.
@lamh32: But have you been to the A Christmas Story House and Museum in Cleveland? (EDIT: Pretty sure that you can order a leg lamp from there)
It may just be urban legend, but I remember hearing a story of the police being called to a radio station when they did a 24 hour Stairway to Heaven marathon because some listeners got concerned that the DJ had a heart attack (IIRC, they had put the track on repeat and left the station unmanned so no one was answering phones)
Did Manchin in the end for the repeal or not?
It would have been nice to have 100% democratic support.
It had 100% in the house or not?
Just a symbol but then a repeal of DADT is just symbol too. But symbolic victories are sometimes important.
@lamh32: Yes. :-)
@stuckinred: Lemme guess. Mount Union and Wisconsin-Whitewater for what feels like the 10th year in a row.
I found their website once. The house is actually a little different on the inside, but they did restore it. Labor of love.
A museum, really!!! I’m just campy and tacky enough that I’d like to see that there museum!!!
And I’m usually more “elitist” about my museums, ya know Smithsonian, the Louvre, that one in NYC…LOL!
@IM: he was at a party, no vote.
Found it! (that wasn’t too hard)
@MattR: 6th, my pal’s kid is a linebacker for WW. #52
@IM: “While he regrets missing the votes, it was a family obligation that he just could not break,” spokesperson Sara Payne Scarbro said. “However, he has been clear on where he stands on the issues.”
Manchin’s absence stood in contrast to the presence of another Democrat, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), who despite a recent diagnosis of prostate cancer, made it in for Saturday’s votes. (Wyden is slated to undergo surgery on Monday.)link
@Kenneth: Really? Then why are you still here? I can’t imagine anyone living in the Soviet Union without the ban on travel abroad and not emigrating.
@lamh32: I will probably go see it next summer when I head to Canton OH for the Pro Football Hall of Fame enshrinement ceremony. We usually stay outside Cleveland and head in to see the Rock and Roll HOF. If I knew this existed earlier, I would have found a way to fit it in to our schedule.
@stuckinred: Very cool. Guess I should at least start flipping over during commercials to the Humanitarian Bowl.
@Buck: Heh. You obviously didn’t notice the link in my initial comment :) But yeah, it is quite easy to find on the google.
@MattR: He just drilled the MU QB!
Bloody hell. Who am I fake married to now?
@stuckinred: Heh. I’ve always thought linebackers were auditioning to be Satan’s next enforcers. Especially the ones who play for Navy.
@MattR: A friend of mine was driving across the country some years ago, and out in Nebraska or somewhere came across an all-Macarena station.
@Yutsano: My pal played at Illinois in the early 70’s. Great guy but serious hitter.
are you the same Pan American who posts at Global Guerillas?
@Southern Beale: despite your crabby christmas we get candy, repeal and a kitteh… Etta is lovely. more please.
Alex S.
I simply had to laugh at this photo (Politico link, but worth it, in my opinion.)
She probably got the slot because she wanted to know all the secret secrets the goverment has hidden from her (the ones she always knew about). If you had a secret, would you tell it to this woman?
Anne Laurie
@Kenneth: “All of us are lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”
Speaking of football… funniest commercial ever:
Referee Training
@Tattoosydney: Hehehe. Fortunately the family hasn’t swollen up yet. Unless you count the any-day-now pregnant one. We’re trying to get ABL hitched. So far it may be succeeding, but we can’t tell yet. It’s her fault for posting a picture of herself looking all luminous. With a very handsome puppeh. And Santa.
@Anne Laurie: This ad infinitum.
Check out this bullshit:
@Anne Laurie: Beautifully put.
@stuckinred: Jackasses. All of them.
@stuckinred: So that leaves that they think the men and women of the military are incapable of handling it. Gee. That’s not the least bit insulting to our soldiers.
It always makes me think of the man on the Clapham omnibus (or as it was referred to in law school, the Omnibum Clapibus)…
@Buck: Especially that draft dodging punk.
Omnes Omnibus
@Tattoosydney: I prefer asiangrrlMN’s take on the ‘nym. Equating me with a “reasonable man” is simply wrong.
Shorter Kenneth: Not THAT pony! I wanted the one with purple and green stripes! I HATE YOU, OBAMA DADDY!
@Buck: I prefer Terry Tate: Office Linebacker
Thank you. Now to more serious matters:
What the hell is a cudlip?
(And Manchin is a coward even in a institution full of cowards)
@IM: Felicia Sonmez of The Washington Post really nailed him though by bringing up Wyden’s vote and comparing someone who needs cancer surgery to a holiday party.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I apologise. It’s much better to be the unreasonable man. The reasonable man is such a square.
Omnes Omnibus
@Tattoosydney: Accepted.
@Yutsano: Heh. I had a chance to play basketball with this young fellow (edit: link added) when he was a freshman in high school and I was a senior. Thankfully, he was a heckuva lot smaller then than he is now.
Random note from the Humanitarian Bowl: The mascots for the two teams are named Victor E Husky and Victor E Bulldog. When they saw each other, was that the equivalent embarassment to seeing someone wearing the same dress at a party?
Do you hate Christmas or what?
Nethead Jay
Ahhahahahaha, such sweet delicious tears. AFA’s Bryan Fischer just issued an unhinged howl of pain. But we knew that would happen. Deranged bigotry
I’ve never seen that. Good one!
@MattR: There had better be a Victor/Victoria joke in there somewhere or else Blake Edwards died for nothing.
That’s a negatory.
I see TNT’s gonna show The Wizard of Oz after A Christmas Story. I’m gonna have to bail on that one.
I’m a “Wiz” fan myself. I love a little soul as I “ease on down the road”.
@JPL: TPM also noted that Joe Lieberman usually does not work on the Sabbath but made an exception for this important issue.
@Buck: Super Bowl from 7 or 8 years ago.
@Yutsano: I’m working on it.
@Tattoosydney: I just like the rhythm of the name. It sounds lovely when said out loud. And, ABL is already in the family, though she does not know it. Hm. If we marry her off to Bnut, then he’ll be in the family, too….
@stuckinred: Instant rage at the asshat who smeared a REAL American patriot.
@IM: A word that makes me giggle uncontrollably now every time I see it, along with WAI! As far as I can tell, it means someone who has a sheeplike obedience and is cattle to The Man.
Not fair, not fair! We must know the name of this “professional candymaker” so that gifties and goodies can be ordered!
@Nethead Jay:
As a citizen of one of those horribly misguided allies, I just want to say to Brian Fischer “Fuck you, you sad fucker”.
Make that “Fuck you, you sad, closeted fucker.”
Just Some Fuckhead
How are they coming along with your chariot? Fixed yet?
Good point. If even holy Joe did make an exception…
@asiangrrlMN: If you need a cuteness break. The BLT. (aargh. i hate that you cannot see that capital letters are part of a link. FYWP one more time)
It’s a damn good one for sure… thanks!
I don’t know… I have a lot of “Dorothy” in me. (snickerz)
Gotta go do some late-minute laundry now. Ta!
Anyone who goes to sleepaway camp or joins a travelling sports team.
@Yutsano: The sad thing is that I did not connect it back to the Wizard of Oz talk earlier in this thread. (Come spring I think I may have to find a reason to go visit our warehouse in McDonough GA – about 15 miles north of Noah’s Ark)
@Tattoosydney: Yeah. That too. Outside of my experience so it did not jump straight to mind like the others
@MattR: Oh my!
(c’mon, it HAD to be done!)
We used to call it “boarding school”.
@MattR: Awwwww. I was a little hesitant because I thought you might be saying I need to take a break FROM cuteness, but that’s just heartwarming.
And, my favorite internet cat, Maru and the Christmas stocking.
@Tattoosydney: Yeah, wot he said. Fucker.
Omnes Omnibus
@MattR: Oh, for fuck’s sake! How about the military? It’s not like gay soldiers (sailors, marines, and airmen (airpeople?)) did not exist before.
@MattR: Here’s a related vid.
@Yutsano: You would.
Gratuitous cuteness – orphan baby wombat.
S. cerevisiae
@Tattoosydney: He really likes to talk about strong, virile young men, doesn’t he?
Nethead Jay
Indeed. He doth protest too much.
I am trying to figure out a reson why anyone would need to take a break FROM cuteness.
I almost stopped by Whiskers in Winterland on the way home from a friend’s place in Manhattan earlier today but it sounded like a giant allergy attack waiting to happen. I really do need to see the allergist to talk about the possibility of adding a kitty (and get a checkup and r/x refills)
@Tattoosydney: Okay yeah I give that’s fucking adorable. Kind of a sad tale to boot. Fucking wankers need to learn how to drive.
@Omnes Omnibus: How you speak sir! Everyone KNOWS there are no homosexuals in the military! Just like there are none in the ranks of professional sports! Which kind of fairy tale candyland do you live in anyway?
(Worst part? There are people who actually think that is true.)
Dee Loralei
@Omnes Omnibus: Hey how was dinner last night? What menu did you choose? Oh and congrats again on 6 years!
So a cudlip is a obot?
(Just joking)
@MattR: Awwwwww! Sweet little kittehs (and other animals). Yeah, I hope you get that allergy thing figured out. I got two cats snoozing on my legs right now. Hebbin. And, because I’m all curmudgeonly and shit, so I can only take so much cuteness.
@Yutsano: There are no gays at the gym/health club, either. Nuh-uh.
@IM: Ba-dum-dum!
Really sorry for the downer, and I don’t mean to go all BahHumbug, but two things:
1. I don’t like “A Christmas Story.” A few years ago when I was at my sister’s house for Christmas, she had it on ALL FUCKING DAY LONG. I’d never seen it, so I watched. Ho hum. Watched again. Ho bloody hum. Watched YET AGAIN. Ho to the FUCKING HUM. Sorry, I just think it’s a stupid movie and the parts that everyone else thinks are funny I just find stupid. No offense if you enjoy it, but I’ll never voluntarily see it again.
2. Much more serious, and I’m still trying to process this: just found out (from the same sister) that our brother, her twin actually, was diagnosed yesterday with bladder cancer. I haven’t spoken to him, and don’t know what the protocol is (he may not know yet himself), but it’s news that certainly puts a damper on things even if I were in a fine-spirited holiday mood to begin with, which I’m not. I’ll do some research on this kind of cancer, obviously, but if anyone here has experience or knowledge of the disease that you’re willing to share, it would help.
Sorry again to be a damp squib.
@S. cerevisiae:
@Nethead Jay:
I do try to resist assuming that anyone who hates the gays is closeted, but when he writes something like this:
you can just hear the fervid sweatiness leaching through…
@SiubhanDuinne: 1. I don’t get it, either. I’ve only seen snippets, and I didn’t find it funny at all.
2. I’m really sorry to hear this. I have no knowledge–only hugs and vibes.
@Tattoosydney: Agreed. The way he words it…yeah, he’s tempted. Wombats weigh seven to eight TONS? You sure you meant to type that?
Unfortunately, wombats tend to go out walking at dusk and because they are grey/brown and low to the ground, they often end up as roadkill ’cause they’re almost impossible to miss.
They do weigh seven or eight tons, so they fuck up cars badly on their way out, so there is that…
@SiubhanDuinne: 1) A Christmas Story is very campy and I think you have seen it for the first time as a kid to be able to enjoy it.
2) So sorry to hear that. I don’t know a thing about bladder cancer but I will pass on that my sister’s best friend recently found out that her aunt’s pancreatic cancer is in complete remission so even the longest of odds can be beaten. Best of luck to your whole family
@Suck It Up!: Did Joe Lieberman’s web team design it?
Suck It Up!
LOL! TPM’s site is ‘experiencing unprecedented traffic’ . crashhh.
Down to the wire in the Stagg Bowl!
Written by a man who has obviously never spent any significant time around Marines. After boot camp, they’re ALL pretty much sexually twisted. But sixteen weeks of sexual frustration will do that to a man or woman. Otherwise the guy’s just a closet case who has zero clue what being gay actually means.
@Tattoosydney: REVENGE OF THE WOMBAT!! And are you speaking from personal experience here?
Dee Loralei
@SiubhanDuinne: So sorry to hear about your brother. It is quite surviveable. They do remove the bladder and he’ll have to wear a colostomy bag, well it’s urinary equivelent, I forgot the correct term.
My father voted for John Kerry in 2004, his first ever vote for a Dem, went to bed thinking Kerry still had a chance. Woke up the next day, found out Bush was still President and he had blood in his urine. Later that day he got the diagnosis. I told him in NO WAY was he to equate voting Democratic and cancer, because too many people had survived their votes for too many years. Unfortunately, later we learned about Elizabeth Edwards cancer diagnosis, so maybe I need to rethink my theory. Hmmm… nah still doesn’t hold up to even the littlest bit of scrutiny. Anyway, 6 1/2 years later he is doing well.
Hopefully they caught it soon enough. Don’t warn him about flying and TSA until later though. He may rethink it all. Best of luck to him and your family.
@stuckinred: Huge play that should end it. Congrats.
EDIT: Wonderful hesitation to let that blocker come across and get the MLB.
@MattR: It’s really been fun to follow this young man’s career!
Coppage and Max both are from Oak Park.
I’ve seen cars after they have hit a wombat, but never been in one. I have been in a car that hit a kangaroo while the car was doing 80kph and the kangaroo was in mid leap at windscreen height… not pretty.
Nethead Jay
@Tattoosydney: I try to avoid that assumption too, becoyse there can be many kinds of motives/impulses behind such attitudes. But I remember another religious reich-winger who also wrote similar florid screeds and he was caught in flagrante some time ago.
@SiubhanDuinne: I’m so sorry. I don’t have any useful information, I’m afraid, but I hope someone else can be helpful.
@SiubhanDuinne: So sorry for you and the family, treatment is getting better and better.
@SiubhanDuinne: they don’t always remove the bladder so don’t go bonkers until the doctors actually propose this. my sister’s partner got through it okay though with some dignity injuries for some time. it isn’t the worst of cancers, rare though, usually diagnosed in smokers and people who worked with solvents – and some think some cases are from 9/11 toxic disaster dust/debris/trash in NYC. hang in there and don’t jump the gun.
Gandhi is on TCM. try that, it’s more uplifting than that xmas stuff.
@Tattoosydney: Is it sad I felt more sorry for the poor roo?
Cheryl from Maryland
@Tattoosydney: Wombats are my favorite animal EVAH! Poor little thing, but I may die of the cute.
@Yutsano: That was my reaction the first time my dad told me the story of the time he totalled his car on a deer while driving with my mother (Coincidentally, this happened the first deer season after my mother convinced my dad to quit hunting)
Omnes Omnibus
@Dee Loralei: Dinner was great. We ended up going with the 4 course tasting menu. consomme with pheasant sausage, crab cakes, pork chop, and Makers Mark toffee sticky pudding for me. Cod fritters, gnocchi with duck sausage, turbot, and skipping the dessert because of fullness but eating all the hazelnut truffle things that came with the coffee for my wife. I had a smoky martini; I am very much a traditionalist with martinis, but this one intrigued me, in addition to gin and vermouth, they added Laphroaig and garnished with blue cheese stuffed olives. It was quite good. Thanks for asking.
For anyone like me who missed the airing of “The Gringe Who Stole Christmas” on ABC last week, CARTOON Network will be showing it at 6:30pm CT.
I didn’t realize that it was only 30 minutes long. I guess as a kid, 30 min seemed like such a long time…lol! I just love the song “Your A Mean One Mr Grinch. Who knew the dude who sung it was the voice of Tony the Tiger at the time?
Yep. Australian animals are little but dense. It’s why the drop-bears are so dangerous.
Dennis SGMM
ecks ecks ecks ecks for the win!
BTW, I dedicate the “grinch” song to John McCain!
Just a heads-up: Women’s NCAA volleyball championship on ESPN2 @ 8:30 EST. Penn State vs. Cal. Saw both play during the semifinals; should be a great match. As a former college v-baller, I’m obviously biased, but IMHO it’s a sadly under-appreciated sport.
Ross Hershberger
Okay, today I don’t hate Lieberman. But tomorrow starts in 5 hours and I’m ready.
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh32: Thank you!
@Tattoosydney: Ahem:
Sorry to be a spoiler!
@The Dangerman: @Yutsano: @SBJules: @JBerardi:
I’ve been making Ky bourbon balls since 1983 (after I moved out of Ky — if you live there, you can buy them from many places).
Due to popular demand, I’m considering making some (for money) prior to Valentine’s day. If you’re interested, email me at [email protected].
Happy Holidays, everyone!
Omnes Omnibus
@Citizen_X: Facts are meaningless; you can prove anything that’s remotely true with facts.
@Omnes Omnibus: Do you write for the Colbert Report?
@Yutsano: My general rule of thumb: If you can wave to the pilot, they are too low.
@Omnes Omnibus: I was thinking of posting the definition of hyperbole, but I’m too lazy to do teh Google right now. Plus the planes are coming into Sea-Tac low because of the weather and I’m trying not to notice if they’re too low.
@Tattoosydney: Right. You are wrong on the weight. Wot Citizen_X said.
@Omnes Omnibus: Want. Want very much. Yum.
@Omnes Omnibus: All of it. I’m greedy like that.
Omnes Omnibus
@MattR: I believe it was originally noted by Homer J. Simpson.
Omnes Omnibus
@asiangrrlMN: Which bit?
@MattR: What’s going on? People are commenting on comments that appear AFTER theirs! Could it be…
OBAMA BROKE TIME! Probably with his Kenyan Witch Doctor magic or something.
Dee Loralei
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m a foodie, so I followed your menu link last night. Was having fun trying to decide what I’d order, and finally settled for neither tasting menu, because I just can’t eat that much food. I usually get an appetizer and a salad and very rarely a dessert. I might have had the comsomme you had and something else and then the cheese plate, because I love cheese.So, yea, I’m a cheap date.
I also don’t really drink liquor, beer and wine hell yea!. I do love a dirty martini, like twice a year. And if I drink Scotch it’d be Laphroig, I love the smoky peatiness of it. And I do love those blue cheese stuffed olives, so I might have to give it a go.
I hope your wife got her dessert to go, after snarfing all the truffles and had it for breakfast this morning!
@Dennis SGMM:
Of the many things I love Pratchett for, getting Australian mythology right may be the greatest.
For many years we had young Japanese exchange students (usually nubile 16 year old girls – not that I noticed), and they loved hearing about the drop-bears. It makes walking in the bush, the quiet dark and slightly alien Australian bush, just that much more exciting to know that a bundle of fur and teeth and a death wish might fall on you at any moment.
@Citizen_X: The “edit” button makes me super powerful. Too bad those powers are limited to this blog (and are really not that super)
“Known”. My point exactly. Thanks.
Ok. You believe what the government wants you to believe. Cudlips.
Omnes Omnibus
@Dee Loralei: The portions with the tasting menu were quite small. By the end of the evening, I was quite satisfied but nowhere near stuffed. My wife did not go for a dessert at all. She would have had the chocolate cake with dark chocolate-mint ice cream, but she was rather stuffed and a little drunk. She thought that the sugar in the desserts would make her sick. The hazelnut truffles were apparently worth the risk. The crab cakes and the pork chop were the best things there. I tasted a bit of everything on the table.
@Tattoosydney: Pedants all. I wash my hands of the lot of them.
@Omnes Omnibus: The martini sounds seductive. I may file that one away for personal use.
Omnes Omnibus
@Tattoosydney: Giant wombats are part of Assange’s system killer? Is it still WAI?
@Citizen_X: I type really damn fast and I know how to copy and paste. Phear me.
@Tattoosydney: Yes. I am a sheeplike cattleperson. Moooooooo. Cudlips is killing me now that everyone has appropriated it away from m_c. Everything is WAI!
@Omnes Omnibus: Verbal food pr0n. U r doin’ it rite. Plus, for some reason, you asking if it’s still WAI? is cracking me the fuck up.
Don’t even get me started on the crazy duck billed, poison spined, egg laying, furry fish creature we had living in the river on our property. It could create electric impulses with its muscles and then use them locate worms under the bed of the river. No one ever believes THAT one!
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: The martini was good. Not an everyday drink, but good.
@asiangrrlMN: I was just about to post that I can’t believe I am saying it, but m_c has contributed one positive thing to this blog. Just not quite as she intended.
@Tattoosydney: The devil you say! Methinks that be one bridge too far good sir! What you think the FSM had spare parts laying around and just threw them together on an animal? Absurdity I say!
(That’s actually close to the reaction that Europeans initially had to platypii. And somehow the noble animal ended up with three plural forms. Go figure. And just to engage in my own pedantry, you forgot with a beaver’s tail.)
Omnes Omnibus
@asiangrrlMN: One does one’s best. I am now going to rescue my wife from her take home exam and make her relax. Have a good night all.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Mega wai. the suvins are saunt but still walking around on stilts, begorrah. it’s the suxxxxors.
@Omnes Omnibus:
(sorry, it’s the mood I’m in.)
I never thought it would happen with me and a girl from Clapham.
I annoyed the fuck out of one of my workmates when we had a gig in Clapham and I insisted on singing that every. single. morning. as the train passed through the junction.
Damn those tricksy platypodes.
“The Thai greeting referred to as the wai (Thai: ไหว้, pronounced [wâːj]) consists of a slight bow, with the palms pressed together in a prayer-like fashion…”
Hello to you too, fellow-cudlip in the cudlip-mines of Truth, Justice and the John Cole Alco-ball Way!
Fair play to you sir.
@MattR: I know. Hard to believe, isn’t it?
@Omnes Omnibus: Relax….is that what the kids are calling it these days?
@MikeJ: I would have smacked you upside your head if you’d done that to me.
@morzer: Good to see you! And, yeah, I know that because I spent a semester in college in Thailand. It just cracks me up even more. I don’t know why the whole cudlips, WAI, etc.-mocking is so hilarious, but it is.
I don’t know wai either. Where is Mad Princess Tokie-Dokie anyway?
Something odd happened to my Intertoobz for a while there, so I’m late in saying Thank You to everyone who sent good wishes, hugs, or reassuring information about bladder cancer. Steve is generally very fit, though he’s a heavy smoker. Dunno about his exposure to toxic chemicals — I don’t think that’s an issue, but really do not know. Anyhow, I’m feeling somewhat calmer now, so thanks!
@morzer: Snort. She’s shown up here and there, but all she talks about is pie. Strange, that.
@SiubhanDuinne: Keep us updated.
Over ate great orange satan, somebody compared McCain to Wallace.
I and others objected: After all, Wallace repented or at least had the decency to pretend to repent.
McCain , now, we don’t have expectations of that sort.
Doubtless her Rabidity will resurface at some point to explain that she is now an international Ninja Hacker with a black belt and the Order of the Somalian Pineapple, Third Class to her credit.
Did Wallace whore himself out to a blonde heiress, drive her to drugs and then start cruising for lobbyists? Just askin’.
Crusty Dem
@Omnes Omnibus:
Sounds delicious, glad it was a good time (even if you did skip the beef).
ETA: and the cheese…
@morzer: My god. That’s just pure poetry, Sir! My hat’s off to you.
Just the facts, ma’am, just the facts.
Wallace used his wife as stand in for governor.
And there is the old story that Wallace started out as a quite common southern politician: Pro segegration, but more interested in other things. And then hes was out_niggered in some election and sweared to be never be out-niggered again.
But at least Wallace had political instinct.
My best wishes to you and your family.
Give it a week and wait for news that McCain swore never to be out-Mexicaned/out-fagged against Hayworth. But yes, I had forgotten about poor Lurleen.
Sorry if I’m repeating what someone else has already said but reforming DADT is the signature accomplishment to date of the Obama administration… and I’ve been heterosexually married for 30 years.
Incidentally, anyone heard the latest Randy Moss potential scandal? It’s really quite funny:
The latest Randy Moss alleged scandal is pretty amusing:
@SiubhanDuinne: The initial shock wears off and then you go into figuring out what the hell to do from here. I think you’re in good shape on that front.
Induction scheduled for Tuesday morning.
Mother-in-law comes tomorrow night.
Rescued a kitten from my mom’s roof on Wednesday. Will be coming home as soon as the vet gives the A-OK.
Keep calm and carry on.
John McCain has one big advantage – or disadvantage:
His political career isn’t over yet. He can still do things that can astonish us or at least nauseate us.
@suzanne: They’re seducing labor, as a friend of mine likes to say? Good luck, Suzanne! Wishing you a smooth and painless-as-possible labor.
@suzanne: I was about to say that it can’t be that time already, but then I thought you might hunt me down and hurt me! :-) I have been away from BJ for a few weeks so I am out of the loop, but I know this has been a tough pregnancy. So I would guess that you are ready to be done with the pregnancy and have the baby!
Edit; big yah on the new kitty, too. Sounds like you will have a full house.
So sorry to hear about your brother. Prayers and good wishes and fingers crossed for things to go well. A big hugs, too.
Christmas Story? Tried to watch it 3 times because everyone tells me how great it is. I hate it. You have good taste. :)
I am very late to the thread, but wanted to throw in my best wishes to you and your brother (and a positive thought and prayer or two).
I do not know much about bladder cancer but hope that he has a favorable prognosis…
Tough time…
My very best to you for your Holiday Baby —
I wish you both health and the joy of the wonder bond between mother and child (and also with your whole family)