Hey, Cole — if you’re looking for a way for Rosie to burn up some of that excess JRT energy…
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Hey, Cole — if you’re looking for a way for Rosie to burn up some of that excess JRT energy…
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Those who planning on dating that girl, better watch out. The competition is way out of your league.
Just Some Fuckhead
Useful tricks seem to be something only other people’s dogs can do. Max doesn’t do anything useful except let himself out to go to the bathroom. And then he can’t get back in so I still gotta get up.
Today should be the big day for the Senate vote on DADT repeal. Here are the Senators who need to hear from us most to urge them to vote for fairness, equality, and military readiness by repealing DADT. While you are at it, also urge them to vote for the DREAM Act and the START Treaty ratification.
Olympia Snowe (Maine) – (202) 224-5344
Susan Collins (Maine) – (202) 224-2523
Scott Brown (Massachusetts) – (202) 224-4543
George LeMieux (Florida) – (202) 224-3041
George Voinovich (Ohio) – (202) 224-3353
Jim Webb (Virginia) – (202)-224-4024
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) – (202) 224-6665
John Ensign (Nevada) – (202) 224-6244
Richard Lugar (Indiana) – (202) 224-4814
Mark Kirk (Illinois) – (202) 224-2854
Joe Manchin (West Virginia) – 202-224-3954
Winning Progressive
Just Some Fuckhead
Sorry Moses, I never taught Max how to call my Senator.
My dogs are supporting the Vet_Med complex quite well!
@Just Some Fuckhead: But the real question is whether we’ve taught our Senators to vote the way we want them to. That would be a really useful dog trick!
Stupid dog didn’t even add detergent in the dishwasher.
It would however be useful to have a dog that would undress girls.
The video made my day. I’m pet sitting for a 5 pound mutt that can’t even jump up on the sofa by herself.
EDIT..Stuckinred did the pet insurance cover the vet bills?
I love this! My son and I have taught one of our pooches to turn on a lamp as part of an opperant conditioning science project. This video has inspired me to move on to other useful tricks like teaching him to go to work for me, show up at jury duty for me, and to pay my bills. :)
Mystical Chick
LOVE THAT! The song was perfect and that doggie is just too cute. I’m momma to two cats (queens both) and a 14 1/2 year old dog who is blind in one eye and can’t hear (unless the word “treats” is used and then he’s supersonic hearing boy! We sure do love our furbabies!
Great video! thanks for the early am smile.
@JPL: Don’t know yet, they were helpful on the phone but we only have a policy on the Bohdi with a $200 deduct so we may get back $400 of the $1200. Better than nothing.
That says “Good Morning to ya” like a good cup of coffee and pet kisses. Thanks!
Southern Beale
WOW. Now THAT’S a dog!!!!
Brick Oven Bill
Chandler pretty much nails it.
That being noted, this particular dog is more than qualified to replace any member of the current Cabinet.
Linda Featheringill
Jesse is so cute! But do I really want to train a dog to untie shoe laces? Not sure about that.
@Brick Oven Bill: Wow. That blog post has nearly 1000 comments proving the guy’s point about dogs.
Linda Featheringill
We should have DADT vote and DREAM vote. I understand that the DREAM vote is going to be carried live over the Spanish television channels. Probably both votes will be carried over CSPAN.
There will be a lot of people watching and taking names today.
Michael D.
Here is some fun. Bush era Diplomatic Cable: “Michael Moore’s Sicko banned in Cuba because Cuban people hate his fat ass and he lies about them.”
Reaction: “Newspapers, Twitterers and blogs like BoingBoing and HotAir the world over run the story and criticize Moore.”
Reality: “Cuba loved the film so much, they played in on National television and hailed More as a visionary.”
It seems that Ezra Klein just joined the ranks of our Galtian overlords. He links a paper that’s supposed to prove that rich people withhold productivity when their taxes go up, only, it doesn’t really say that.
According to the Washington Post the votes will occur after 10:30 am. 44 Politics and Policies has a column talking about both bills. The comments against the Dream Act are sickening and I refuse to link to it.
That trick of putting the VHS tape in the player is right up there in usefulness with retrieving the buggy whip and taking clothes over to the washboard.
J.W. Hamner
Just got a call from the OFA folks about DREAM and DADT votes coming up today… call your Senators.
It’s been all ring-ring-ring for me so far, but hopefully I’ll get a Brown staffer soon
what an awesome dog — and props to the dogmaster. and, yikes, the energy those dogs put out…
my sister had a rott who would plop his big butt down next to anyone’s socked feet and tug away until he removed your socks and then pranced off with the booty — and never once tore them. but they would be kinda gummy when you went to retrieve them.
and i can’t resist linking to this unbelieveably heartwarming story of a little pooch frozen to the tracks but rescued by a trainman…
Very cute but who knows what a highly energetic but bored JRT will do with all these skills when humans aren’t around.
mr. whipple
DADT vote at 10:30. Lieberman on floor speaking now, doing good.
General Stuck
John McCain is a mean spirited talking cadaver
TaMara (BHF)
Dog training. Iz doing it wrong. Although my dog/cats seemed to have me trained well. I feed them on cue, in the morning I open the blinds on cue – the sun comes up and meowing starts for me to open them up. The dogs were notorious for pulling my hands off the keyboards when it was walk time.
Of course I get wonderful treats for all my efforts: hairballs, various piles of processed food…oh wait, gotta run a cat is busy hacking up her breakfast.
What I loved most about this JRT is that look of, ‘what next!’ like she could do this all day.
HE Pennypacker, Wealthy Industrialist
If my dogs had those skills, the trash would be all over the kitchen floor, the pantry would be open and the contents of every dry good bag would be scattered around the house, the dog treats drawer would be licked clean, and there would be no more dry cat food for the cats.
Otherwise, what MikeJ said about the usefulness of a dog that can undress girls.
I started target training my dog until I realized it probably wasn’t a good idea to teach him how to open the accessible door handles. So now he beeps peps hands thinking it’s a good thing like there is a treat coming or something.
So cute. So energetic. I’m tired now.
If I could train my 7 cats to do all that (yeah RIGHT), I’d never have to clean house again.