So Republican Peter King is proposing the following:
King said his bill would make it illegal to knowingly carry a gun within a thousand feet of “certain high-profile” government officials.
“It is imperative that we do all that we can to give law enforcement the tools they need to ensure the safety of New Yorkers and prevent an attack before it happens,” King said during an appearance at a Manhattan event with Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other officials from New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania who discussed ways to prevent another shooting tragedy.
On the other hand, Republican Louis Gohmert wants to do the following:
Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert says his office is drafting a measure to allow members of Congress to carry guns in the District of Columbia, including in the Capitol and on the House floor.
Gohmert says he and his colleagues need to be able to protect themselves, in light of the mass shooting in Arizona.
“It’d be a good thing for members of Congress who want to carry a weapon in the District,” he said. “I know friends that walk home from the Capitol. There’s no security for us,” he said, adding that the measure would deter people from attacking members. “There is some protection in having protection.”
I’m sensing a conflict here, but there is the possibility that we could call all the Republicans to the floor of the House and have them citizens arrest each other at gunpoint. And don’t worry, the Democrats and civilians will be safe in case there is an accidental shooting:
Indiana Republican Rep. Dan Burton, according to an aide, plans to introduce a bill that would encase the House Gallery in “a transparent and substantial material” — think Plexiglass.
Should a gun go off, the bullet won’t make it out.
There’s your new Republican majority.
*** Update ***
This is the second day in a row someone has beaten me to the punch. Damnit.
Isn’t it telling when Peter Fucking King is the sane one?
Mike Kay
I didn’t know Gohmert had any toes left to shoot off.
Eric U.
I’m going to say that if the Republicans can carry guns the Dems better insist on snipers
…or maybe we can just keep all the Republicans 1000 feet from each other. Hold Congress in RFK stadium. Or, if that’s not big enough, Arizona.
Mr. Blink
I’m all about gun rights, but I think our leaders need to lead by example, and not continue to fuel the fire. It would just be an excuse for everyone to openly carry guns everywhere. Sorry, but I would not be comfortable going into Starbucks with a bunch of people packing. I would always be looking over my shoulder. Not exactly the kind of America I want to live in.
you say that like it’s a bad thing.
Just Some Fuckhead
God, it really makes me misty for the days when Republicans wanted to shoot everything down with laserbeams from space.
David Brock is absolutely crushing it on Hardball.
Tweety thought it was hyperbole that Beck was inspiring violence, and Brock dropped down the three specific examples in the last year of the violence he inspired.
Seriously, can we get a clip of this and post it far and wide? Succinct, clear, and damning.
Can we have them install Burton’s barrier only around the Republican side of the aisle? That way they won’t accidentally injure any Democrats when the inevitable fratricide episode occurs.
@Mr. Blink: indeed… what kind of fucking country is this if everyone feels obligated to pack heat at all times?
Joseph Nobles
All we want is life beyond the Capitol Dome.
@r€nato: that was my first thought.
Hunter Gathers
@Joseph Nobles: Two men enter, no one leaves.
@sukabi: we are bad, awful, naughty people.
Sko Hayes
Isn’t it nice that the republicans are happy to pass gun laws to protect themselves, but the rest of us can simply go to hell?
Ask King if we should tighten the concealed carry laws in Arizona and see what he says.
I can think of 33 reasons why Heath Shuler shouldn’t be carrying a gun.
@r€nato: see you in hell. LOL
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Make sure all the Republicans are in there before they fill it with molten glass.
Oh, that’s not what he means by encasing…
Sounds good to me. You just know there’s plenty of Republicans who would frag Boehner. And Cantor. And…
What a bunch of twits. King’s proposal, while reasonable, smacks of the need to protect his group while meanwhile the rest of us are out here in wild west world, where guns are proliferating in a lot of the places we go. “Security for me, but not for thee” because, you know, we don’t want to piss off the NRA. The other two ideas are just nuts.
Somewhat on topic, I posted a belated Christmas gift for Sarah Palin over at my joint.
Here’s the David Brock appearance on Hardball. Terrific.
I think the best solution is to just move the House republicans to satellite offices in AZ where the armed citizenry will keep them safe and protected. 95% of their work can be done via email and teleconferencing anyway.
Davis X. Machina
There’s a another way, a way to peace and prosperity for all — but to get there we must all embrace Sarahism:
Representative Trent Franks (R-AZ) today.
@Mr. Blink:
Stay out of Arizona, pal. They pack everywhere, I saw people carrying guns at Houston’s in Scottsdale last week.
@Irving: RFK stadium isn’t even 1000 feet (.2 mile) across. You couldn’t put two congressmen in there. End-to-end, with 1000′ gap between them, it’d be nearly 100 miles from the first to the last.
They can hash it out at Boner’s Memorial Cocktail Party.
I will reiterate my call for DC to outlaw metal detectors and remove them from the capitol, its associated office buildings, and the Supreme Court.
The second amendment doesn’t say jack about metal detectors.
@Davis X. Machina: back off Trent, she’s married and so are you.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@TR: Except the post ends with:
Because pointing out violence is the same as encouraging it.
This post by Driftglass a few minutes ago is just eerie.
Xecky Gilchrist
King’s proposal is a slap in the face to you, Tea Partiers! He’s implying that you’re a bunch of mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, sloping-browed troglodytes incapable of coming near a political personage unarmed and calm enough not to do violence to them and any bystanders.
Are you going to put up with that? What’s next, taking your guns away?
Land of the free, home of the fearful.
@TR: what surprises me most about that video clip is that Tweety didn’t try to talk over them… that’s a first…
but yeah, clear, concise and on point.
Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther
They’re actually want me to think that they’re idiots, don’t they? They couldn’t be trying this hard to make it this obvious without intent, right?
Xecky Gilchrist
@Davis X. Machina: .If every person were like Sarah Palin, this world would be a peaceful, beautiful world to live in.
True enough, because they’d all starve to death in a few weeks of lounging around doing nothing but pissing and moaning about meanie liberals, and with no humans left on the planet there would be peace.
phillip anderson
Way to go, America!
@sukabi: It wasn’t like that for the entire segment.
That is terrific. I hope it gets a lot of play.
535,000 feet = 101.325758 miles or 163km.
@Davis X. Machina:
Good grief! There’s sucking up and then there’s Franks. His remarks are just embarassing.
@stuckinred: knew it was too good to be true.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Davis X. Machina: Except a world full of women catfighting would not solve everything.
Yikes. I always thought Beck had the crazy eyes, but that really seals it. You can barely tell the difference between them.
Brock really did it well. He seized on Tweety’s disbelief, framed it in a way that demanded he be allowed to keep the floor for a minute, and then he just rolled out the evidence in short, clear form. Factual, concise, solid.
I keep going back to the classic Daffy Duck cartoon where the little bird breaks the fourth wall, looks out into the audience, and says, “I like him, he’s silly.”
@Davis X. Machina: Dear Lord.
Remember when Republicans waited until Reagan was dead (or at least deep in the throes of Alzheimer’s) before deifying him? Those were the days.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
Eh, I’m trusting more people see the clip itself and not the commentary.
Jon H
“He has the mind of a child!”
@freelancer: now that’s just creepy…
So in response to a shooting at a constituents event, Gohmert thinks it will help to carry a gun while in D.C. 2000 miles or so away?
@Jager: I briefly went to college in AZ in the early 80s. Imagine my midwestern farm boy surprise to see some dude come strolling in off the street wearing a six gun on his hip in Godfather’s Pizza.
Suffern ACE
@TR: See what happens when someone is actually prepared to be on TV? We’re floored because it so rarely happens, when it should happen all the time.
My guess is he won’t be back any time soon…
@dmsilev: yeah, but Reagan didn’t have the legs, the hair and the tits… plus his corpse is getting old… moving on to new humping material.
Keith G
Congressmen packing heat. Would be an interesting State of the Union Address.
@Hunter Gathers:
Kan I haz first match between the rep. Kings, Peter and Steve plz?
@Calouste: Pretty much. He’s the same bright bulb who suggested that the FBI is stonewalling Congress on the investigation of the shooting because the agency is afraid that Loughner’s Secret Liberal Agenda will be embarrassing to Obama’s base.
Scary when you realize that it’s quite possible that Michelle Bachmann *isn’t* the dumbest and craziest member of the House GOP.
@Keith G: Just one more inevitable step toward the full implementation of Idiocracy.
Mr. Blink
@Jager: I lived in Phoenix for a while (grandparents were out there). There were no open carry laws at that time. I have seen the kind of people that live there (not all, but some), and I would be very afraid to go there now.
pseudonymous in nc
Well, unlike Gomer Bile, he’s spent lots of his leisure time around gun-toting terrorists.
Jon H
With guns in Congress, isn’t it likely that the Secret Service would want to put up a barrier in front of the President for State of the Unions?
Six-hundred-some morons, potentially armed, jumping up and down dozens of times to applaud (or not). Just for the potential of an accident, I’d think they’d want something there.
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
In space no one can hear you Skreeeee!
Mark S.
@Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther:
We’re only a week into the new Republican majority. We’re just seeing the tip of the Iceberg of Stupidity.
@Martin: …and what an utterly charming idea.
mr. whipple
Not really sure who the plexiglass would be protecting in this scenario.
Gooper under glass? I’ll pass.
It’s not as if we don’t have sworn security falling out of trees around here. What’re another couple hundred guns going to do on top of the tens of thousands already here?
Davis X. Machina
@dmsilev: Shocked to this day that Peggy Noonan didn’t have herself interred with the Great Communicator, in order to serve her lord in the Otherworld….
@mr. whipple:
As long as we don’t wire up any communication equipment, and just stick some food in through a slot once or twice a day, it’ll make a wonderful zoo exhibit.
Peter J
They should go for a steel cage instead. Then the representatives can battle it out instead of voting. I think C-SPAN would approve, their ratings would sky rocket.
Xecky Gilchrist
The Teabag fail is getting very meta, isn’t it. Remember how they looked bad for yelling threats or racist insults at people, so they forbade that and said it was liberal infiltrators doing it to make them look bad?
Then they looked bad for the illiterate and/or racist signs at their rallies, so they banned signs at their events, and for good measure said that it was liberal infiltrators doing that to make them look bad?
Now there’s actual violence that makes their calls to violence look bad so they start sort of halfheartedly saying maybe violence isn’t the best way to solve problems and those were surveyor’s marks anyway and besides it was a big fat liberal infiltrator who shot Giffords to make the Tea Party look bad?
Next up, their knee-jerk blame of liberal infiltrators doing things to make them look bad will make them look bad, so they will blame liberal infiltrators for blaming liberal infiltrators for doing things to make them look bad to make them look bad.
@mr. whipple: on the other hand, calling a joint session and then sealing them in would be one solution to contain the crazy shit they’re doing.
@mr. whipple:
That would be a good name for a band. Maybe second generation grunge.
Organizational meeting. That’s what Boehner is at. Right. An organizational meeting with cocktails. Sponsored by his PAC. For 168 RNC members. He’s fundraising — (insert alliterative adjective of the Anglo-Saxon variety) fundraising while the President and 14,000 others are attending a memorial, which he (repeat adjective) ought to be attending. That’s low. That’s really low. See
On the bright side, I am absolutely going to be attending organizational meetings whenever possible.
Nancy Pelosi is there, and Boehner is fundraising. And yet no one bothers to even mention the optics.
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
@Xecky Gilchrist: Will the last one occur before or after every individual member of the GOParty declares every other member of the GOParty is a liberal infiltrator trying to make make him look bad by calling everyone a liberal infiltrator?
@Nellcote: Also, too. Different link, same drink. Sorry I missed it before.
Congress under Glass? Hey, think of the marketing opportunities for souvenir snowglobes (take that Fat Al Gore! Proof!). Or maybe have versions where you shake them and the little minimal bills (minus red tape!) and guns (with celebratory mottos!) would fly around inside. Wow! Budget problem solved! Lower Taxes Now!
@Peter J:
Plexiglass! He is even dumber than I thought he was.
Suffern ACE
@lamh32: Two of their members missed their swearings in due to prior fundraising commitments. Don’t want to disappoint the donors.
I’m disappointed in Gohmert. He should be drafting a measure to require members of Congress to carry guns in the District of Columbia, including in the Capitol and on the House floor.
Time for a primary!
Does the congress-in-a-jar proposal include air holes or not? I can’t decide how I feel about it until I know that detail.
@Xecky Gilchrist:
Rush said today that the shooter has the full backing of the Democrats!
Mike Kay
we need a thread for the memorial service, which is just beginning.
@Jager: Actually he said it Monday.
We don’t have to remind the Goopers to put air holes in that plexiglas dome, do we?
@freelancer: Jeebus, talk about separated at birth!
@elm: well have to read their calls for transparency in government very very carefully to check for catering.
Mark S.
So that’s why he spends $100,000 a year on tanning: so he can look good in a speedo.
I’m no fan of Boner, but at least he’s just a corrupt drunk instead of some drooling teabagger believer. I feel a lot more confident we won’t do something suicidal like default on the debt because most of Boner’s beach buddies are bankers.
@Jager: now if he were to go with lexan for the bubble combined with a mandatory carry rule for congresscritters, we might have something.
This memorial is getting off on the wrong foot. Too much applause from the crowd when President Obama entered, and now, to memorialize victims of a shooting, a song with heavy pounding from the kettle drum.
Seriously, stop cheering, people.
Can I just say how disgusted I am that Boehner turned down an offer to fly to the memorial service with President Obama–so that he could do a Republican Fundraiser? I’m just –no, I can’t even say I’m surprised anymore.
Fuck man, that’s CREEPY :(
@aimai: It was a shitty thing to do. She is a member of the house.
It’s completely disrespectful.
Sigh. Not a good way to start the memorial service. A fine piece of music, but dear Lord they butchered it.
Ladies and gentlemen, here’s your right-wing talking point for the next week — liberals were cheering too much, and they had a crazy, rambling Mexican-Indian guy give the blessing instead of a good Christian.
Good Lord. Why are Democrats so bad at optics in politics, even today?
@TR: That’s what this memorial service is huh?
mr. whipple
@dmsilev: Man, that was horrible.
I was just saying that the audience really should stop cheering.
But I understand the music.
The masculine energy and the feminine energy. Even Obama looks like he’s about to tell this guy to shut the fuck up.
Mike in NC
How about taxpayer-funded Segways encased in bulletproof glass for every member of Congress to tool around Capitol Hill? Sort of like the “Pope-mobile” but on two wheels.
Evolved Deep Southerner
@Mike Kay: Mike, I know we’re past the 90-comment mark on this thread, but when you talked about Gohmert’s dearth of toes up at #2, I couldn’t help but think of this at the :38 mark or so.
Some folk’ll never lose a toe/But then again some folk’ll …
The opening music was the theme from Deep Space 9, right?
No, it’s not politics, you’re right. But given the climate this week, they’d be smart to make it a little less peppy and loopy.
If only out of respect for the families, this is all wrong. Look at Gabby’s husband’s face right now.
@aimai: Seriously, he turned down an offer to fly there with the President???
Talk about deaf, dumb and blind… He was basically advised that as the leader of his party he’d better get his ass there, and oh by the way we’ll make sure you get there, and he said “No, gotta fundraiser to do”.
I guess I’m alone in this, but I am fucking LOVING this Native American pagan stuff.
In your FACE, asshole hypocrite so-called “Christians.” Blood-libelers.
@TR: They who?
@aimai: I’m watching on the local station online. The front page links to an article about Boehner’s absence. It is not ignored in Tucson.
Whoever organized it. They’re acting like this is a pep rally or a talent show.
Sorry, I think that invocation and the cheering were wildly inappropriate.
@elm: It’s Aaron Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man. Written a few decades before the first Trek, never mind DS9.
Bob Loblaw
It certainly isn’t a somber occasion, that’s for sure. Goofy orchestra music and the rambling barrio dude aren’t helping. I’m cracking up.
Technically, it isn’t her memorial since she’s, you know, still alive. Republicans are still going to be fucking Republicans no matter what though…
Jon H
@TR: “Whoever organized it. They’re acting like this is a pep rally or a talent show.”
Pretty much what you can expect from a short-notice event staged in a smallish city that probably isn’t accustomed to putting on something like this.
Realistically, if you’re not in DC, Los Angeles, or Manhattan, there’s a good chance an event like this will come off as if it were a Christopher Guest movie. Very earnest, but misguided in conception.
Bruce (formerly Steve S.)
There’s already a law against shooting someone point blank in the head. At least, I think there is, but since we’re talking about Arizona I’m not sure. I don’t think what King is proposing would deter the Jared Loughners of the world.
I actually love this idea. I can’t wait for a Congressman to blow away somebody approaching him, only to find out later that person was just trying to shake his hand. That would be hilarious. Er, well, except for the victim.
Another great idea. I also think we should sell $9 beers to spectators and allow them to throw octopuses and stuffed toys at the legislators.
@TR: Guess it’s a good thing I’m not watching it. I went to a relative’s funeral in North Carolina a year ago. She was young mother who died suddenly and the people there, including her mother, were totally giddy that she was with jesus. People have their own ways of mourning and sending people off. Ever see a Tibetan Buddhist Sky Burial?
Barb (formerly Gex)
@sukabi: Those optics don’t matter to his voters. C’mon people. I mean, fly there with the Democratic President? Decide there is something more important than lining your pockets this very minute?
This may be a time for the nation to come together, but let’s not go overboard.
Damn, Clyburn is there too, if there is any karma in the world, Boner should be in for a world of hurt, for going to a fundraiser instead of to this memorial.
Are ANY of her GOP colleagues who are not from Arizona there? Is Cantor, anyone?
You Don't Say
Anyone else think the AZ guv gave the Obamas the old stiff arm to keep from getting a hug? A hug that would be used later in some political ad against her?
that plexiglass will be the most transparent and substantial thing about the 112th.
Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert says his office is drafting a measure to allow members of Congress to carry guns in the District of Columbia, including in the Capitol and on the House floor.
This has nothing to do with his safety and everything to with reminding the people of Washington that they are still second class citizens. Gohmert can go fuck his doughy self.
Boehner should have gone there because he is the Speaker of the House and the memorial service is for people who got killed in an attack on a member of the House.
In civilized countries such disrespect for members of the body you are the president off would be a career killer.
@dmsilev: Soundtrack to He Got Game.
My grandfather’s funeral in rural Kansas involved the priest giving a ten-minute spiel on how Jocelyn Elders was a sign of evil in today’s world. My mother and her siblings were livid.
“Should a gun go off, the bullet won’t make it out.
There’s your new Republican majority.”
I just got a thrill up my leg. We’ll take back the House yet!
(OHMIGOD, did I say that? BOTH SIDES DO IT!)
@elm: You owe me a new keyboard.
@Jon H:
That’s a fair point. But whoever tapped that dude for the invocation was way, way off base.
@TR: Yea, we had one for a guy from out vets group and they sent a pool chaplain. This dude started on the drought being because of fags and it went downhill from there. Finally the Sarge’s son stopped him. It was not pretty.
some of ya’ll would hate an ole fashion N’walins jazz funeral. There somber music, “buck jumping” and second lining. And that’s at a funeral. This isn’t even a funeral.
The gop are gonna complain no matter what…optics be damned.
This is for the nation as the whole, but also the people of Tuscon, if they wanna cheer, then let ’em.
There is no way that everyone in the audience are Dems, just cause Obama is there.
@Mike Kay:
That’s a malicious rumor. Gohmert did not shoot off his toes; he BIT them off.
@Barb (formerly Gex): might not bother his constituents, but it does show, in blindingly clear form, how willing he is to “reach across the aisle” and put politics aside…
could have a very big impact on how willing the WH is to deal with these assholes over the next several months.
and it’s a matter of respect, not just to the President, but especially to the entire congressional body to show up at a memorial for victims of an attack on one of your colleagues.
So I turned it on and one of the real hero’s is firing it up. Celebration of life maybe? Tell it bro.
Now, Hernandez — this kid is impressive as hell.
I get my Rush 2nd and 3rd hand, so I may be a day or 2 late
He’s awesome. I think he’s got a future in politics.
No, I love a New Orleans funeral. It’s a celebration of the departed’s life.
But the president is rarely there.
Those two AU students were terrific.
Daniel Hernandez is a very good guy.
Barb (formerly Gex)
@sukabi: True. It’s just that, if you haven’t noticed, the GOP doesn’t give a fuck about the left, or independents. Only their base. The base won’t mind and the rest is meaningless chatter as far as he’s concerned. If the GOP cared about optics, we wouldn’t have to be talking about the rhetoric issue in the first place.
@TR: If I weren’t so old and he weren’t so gay, I might have thoughts about him. Oh what the hell, they are only thoughts. I love him….
I certainly hope so. Personally, I’m hoping Gabby is back in her seat for a few more terms before moving up the ladder — running for McCain’s seat would be huge — but when she moves up, this guy would be a great one to run as her replacement.
@JPL: I’m old and straight and I love him too.
Is there anyone else besides me who just doesn’t feel comfortable carrying around a weapon everywhere? Because it kind of seems like, in the tradition of the rules of upside-downism, in the aftermath of this, we are heading towards that direction.
“I’m having a physical reaction to the T-shirts,” Amanda Carpender, a speech writer for Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) tweeted tonight. “I’m tearing up. This feels wrong.”
Other conservatives on Twitter shared in the sentiment. Some have already speculated the shirts were paid for with taxpayer dollars.
Michelle Malkin had earlier raised a rukus about the event’s logo on her blog.
“Isn’t the churning of the instant messaging machine a bit, well, unseemly?” she wrote. “Can’t the Democrat political stage managers give it a break just once?”
Hah. Governor Brewer just rattled off a list of people present, including Pelosi but most emphatically not including Speaker Boehner.
Someone should have told him that he could have gotten a real tan in Arizona.
But it’s one of the reasons why I don’t mind the applause, not cheering. They are applauding at appropriate times.
No one should expect a crowd of thousands to be completely quiet like they are at a church funeral.
Like I said, those who want will criticize even if the crowd was quiet as church mice,
Chris Wolf
I saw a press conference with Michael Bloomberg doing a snow emergency briefing…there was a loud bang in the room, something must have fallen over, but the facial expessions of the pols on the dais was telling. They were scared, really scared.
The video must be out there somewhere, but I’m lazy by nature.
Jon H
@TR: “That’s a fair point. But whoever tapped that dude for the invocation was way, way off base.”
Maybe, but I’ve no idea who he is, what stature he has in the community, what relationship he has to people involved, etc.
Maybe he’s, like, a big deal there with her constituents?
Mike Kay
@WarMunchkin: I don’t know, guns make great bottle openers, whenever I misplace my keys, I just shoot the lock off my door, and late at night, I use one to turn off the tee vee (much more reliable than the “clapper”). They’re like swiss army knifes.
@lamh32: You folks don’t know Tucson do you? This is on the U of A campus, many of these folks are kids.
So while political uses of the First Amendment are among the most protected, King wants to make political uses of the Second Amendment illegal?
I really can’t get behind a law that protects the political elite from the consequences of their own reckless pro-gun votes. If they don’t want guns within their vicinity, then they should find a legal means to make that an option all people can exercise.
Applauding is certainly fine. But when the president of the university said “here at the University of Arizona” they woo’ed at him like he was a rock star calling out the name of the town they were in.
But yeah, you all are right — the critics will harp on this no matter what.
@Mike Kay: Mine make a great display up over the door.
Brewer was as good as she could be and they didn’t boo her so that is out of the way.
Jon H
Where “certain high-profile” means “Republican”?
I realize that, which is why I said I don’t mind the applause. This is a BFD to this kids and Tuscon.
Sersiously, with all the immigaration and “show me your papers” bullshit going on, did anyone expect the Prez to ever show up in AZ?
gogol's wife
This expresses my feelings exactly.
@lamh32: I may go back to the basketball game because I don’t like this either.
Triassic Sands
I can’t express how much safer I feel now that the adults are back in charge.
I can’t believe this. All we can think about here is how “the optics” of this event are gonna play with the republicans??
Srsly — what kind of spineless ARE we?
@stuckinred: The service is suppose to help Tucson heal as a community. Unfortunately just like the service for Wellstone, the right are now feeding the media about their morning response. The network media is finally covering it though. The President must be speaking soon.
edit…just read eemom… spineless…thanks for reminding me…
@eemom: I don’t care about how it looks to republicans ( and they WILL tear this up) but goddamn.
Tweets coming in about President’s speech from reporters
One said “find hankies”
Will there be a thread for the President’s speech?
Linda Featheringill
Watching THE EVENT on cspan with the sound muted until something I really want to listen to comes on.
Holder is aging well, isn’t he? Yum, actually.
@JPL: That’s the first thing I thought of. Bad music or a goofy invocation is one thing but whoo-hooo don’t cut it.
And to the point that conservatives will criticize anything they can about this event, read this.
This may be O/T (haven’t scrolled through comments) but you know what? I’m in tears here watching the memorial service from Tucson, and POTUS hasn’t even spoken yet.
The cheers and applause and sense of community — just so moving.
wow you mean they broke away from “in it to win it” on NBC?
I don’t mind the applause and cheering, but all the bible quoting has gotten annoying. I was more impressed with the native american invocation.
@eemom: Agreed. I missed the invocation, came in before the students, and I think it’s fine. Even Brewer did OK. I just wish — no snark — that Boehner was there.
Since he is instead at a fundraiser, I am no longer willing to give the little bar-steward the benefit of any doubt whatsoever. Like he cares …
Oh boy.
@Linda Featheringill:
ALRIGHT! I just said that it’s superficial as hell, but I find Holder mucho sexy!
Yay, Daniel Hernandez!
Ozymandias, King of Ants
@Mark S.:
I think “Republican Iceberg of Stupidity™” deserves to become a tagline.
Mr Stagger Lee
@sukabi: Remember one of the reasons Newt Gingrich shut down the government, back in the 90’s because he was mad at Bill Clinton because he was forced to leave Air Force One in the back.
Suffern ACE
@JGabriel: I don’t think any of this is actually serious legislation, save maybe the plexiglas in the gallery stuff. I think that’s been proposed before, but honestly, if the Congressmen are allowed to carry arms, I’d think that the plexiglass would be needed. In the unlikely event that someone was able to get by security and into the gallery and the security guards in the gallery were somehow distracted, and someone actually fired a shot, you’d have a few hundred congressmen drawing their weapons and firing wildly up into the gallery, killing dozens of tourists and security guards.
Chris Wolf
Pope-mobiles for all of them.
Again possibly O/T and maybe this has been discussed, but where the fuck is Arizona’s senior fucking US Senator?? I actually had to google even to find a reference to his statement of condolence.
we’ve just been through a day when a half-wit attention whore’s ignorant trivialization of genocide, and the apologists therefore, dominated the “public discourse” on a national day of mourning……for which there will most likely be 0 consequences.
And we’re clucking and fussing because these people, in this place, chose to deal with THEIR tragedy in a way that won’t fucking PLAY WELL in Peoria?
Sorry, I am just not on board with this.
@WarMunchkin: I don’t own a firearm of any kind. I do have a few weapons from my martial arts days, but they are buried in my closet somewhere, I think. So, no, you’re not the only one. But I’m a smartass who has a tendency to say somewhat offensive things, so I’m not too keen on living in a world where the next person I piss off by making fun of them has a pistol on their person.
I find it disturbing that administration officials read Scripture.
Jon H
@SiubhanDuinne: “Again possibly O/T and maybe this has been discussed, but where the fuck is Arizona’s senior fucking US Senator?? ”
He’s there.
first time I’ve seen Obama in a while… I forget some times how trying the gig is, he looks so much older than he did just two years ago. So much grey/white in his hair.
He’s there somewhere behind Gov. Brewer.
(Went to a concert Saturday night, though.)
Comrade Mary
Oh, wow. Did Obama just say that Giffords opened her eyes for the first time today?
…..if that’s who we are, we’re pathetic.
@Comrade Mary:
I’ve got tears in mine at that news.
This isn’t the philosophical speech I was hoping for, but I may have been wrong to hope for it. I am really moved.
Maybe now?
This could work well for the Republican presidential primaries. They could settle it the old-fashioned way, with gunfights in the streets.
@Elisabeth: Yeah, he always crosses me up. :) He’s a better dramatist/speechwriter nor what I is.
Thanks, finally saw him (McC).
No probs with applause or scripture. Right stuff for the setting.
Linda Featheringill
I think the Prez gave that crowd what they needed to hear.
(Cross posted from Open Thread, perhaps more appropriate here):
You know what, I have absolutely no problem with the cheers and applause. The kids (likely 90 percent of the audience) are showing support, appreciation, and solidarity in the way they know best.
And you know what, I’m a non-believer but I have absolutely no problem with native American blessings and readings from scripture. When I’ve been invited to give eulogies or readings at funerals and memorial services, I’ve selected lines of poetry or literature that help express what I want to convey. I’m not going to get all over Holder or Napolitano for selecting passages that they felt were meaningful and appropriate.
And you know what else? I love Copland’s Fanfare for the CommonMan, and if I were hired as a music critic for this service I would have found plenty to criticize in the University Orchestra’s performance. But I wasn’t listening with a critic’s ears, I was listening and watching as someone who wanted to share in a healing, communal moment. I got that.
And Gabby opened her eyes tonight. That’s just fucking awesome.
OMGosh Gohmert’s bill is just so full of win.
Instead of debates the politicians can have duels.
The fastest on the draw wins.
US Politics will become the awesomeist spectator sport ever.
Just the international TV rights will cure the national debt.
OK, so you’ll need a few more elections to replace the losers,
but think how totally badass the winner will be.
Tonal Crow
Idiots all. And King’s bill creates a bee-autiful gotcha: you’re walking the sidewalk carrying your piece, and suddenly a “certain high-profile” politico exits a car right in front of you. As soon as you recognize her, you’ve violated his bill. Nice.
Jesus H. bin Laden Kee-rist on a crutch made of the True Cross, can we GET A GRIP?
@Evolved Deep Southerner:
Good catch – I am certain that Cletus and Gomer G. Gohmert are related.
Barry Parr
King may be on to something.
I’d like to see Congress to pass a bill that says no one can carry a gun within 1,000 feet of my family.
@Tonal Crow:
I’m less concerned about the “gotcha” in King’s bill and more concerned about the “special rights” it creates out of thin air. He need to tell me exactly why a Congressman’s life is so much more important than mine that he gets a 1000 foot “Second Amendment Exemption Zone” around himself but I can’t have the same thing. If Congressmen can have a 1000 foot zone of no guns, then why can’t every other citizen?
Tonal Crow
@NonyNony: Yes, also a good point. I’m more concerned with the gotcha because it exemplifies the moronic nature of much of our lawmaking. It will make many people who have no practical means of avoiding it into criminals, and will thereby give police and prosecutors yet more arbitrary discretion on whom to investigate, search/seize, and/or charge.
Here we are at the end of days… It won’t be the Russians or the Chinese that do us in, it’s going to to be ourselves.