From commentor Inkadu:
I swear this is not Merrinc’s cat. This is Chedda’ Bob, 6-month old rescue.
On a totally unrelated topic, since I come from people who believe a good grudge is a resource to be cherished, it pleases me to know that Assistant House Minority Leader James Clyburn (D-S.C.)…
[Palin] is an attractive person, she is articulate, but i think intellectually she seems not to understand what is going on here.
… is never gonna let Joe Biden off the hook for a certain un-thought-out comment.
Southern Beale
Looks just like my Julius! Except about 15 pounds lighter.
He has big bones.
In other news, Arizona Republicans are resigning, citing threats from AZ Tea Partiers. Apparently supporting John McCain over J.D. Hayworth has caused some backlash and even the Republicans are afraid of the creepy crawlies beneath the GOP rock.
That is one great photo!!!!
That picture looks phony. But damn cute.
shorter, not PC Clyburn: Cute woman, stupid as a box of rocks.
On Clyburn I think the poet said it best “A thing of beauty/is a joy forever.” His comment is so lovely that I think it should be recorded and played every Christmas.
Have I mentioned lately how much I love James Clyburn?
I love Jim Clyburn. I thought he was spot on today.
Chedda Bob is hawt!! And Clyburn is wonderful. I got the reference when I first read that, and giggled. Then I giggled again.
And may I just say, fuck a bunch of Alan Dershowitz.
Comrade Javamanphil
It nevertheless pleases me that Biden is our VP. Frankly, that is all I needed to know about Obama’s character. Can you imagine the Quitter picking a VP who criticized her in ANY manner?
I love Chedda’ Bob! And his name! And those eyes.
And they are planning to run away and let others deal with it, I am sure.
OMG! I refreshed the page, saw this photo, and did a double take. Then I realized that pic isn’t among the several dozen my kidlet snapped of Tigger and that His Orangeness isn’t that um, svelte. He has big bones too. Covered by lots of um, flesh and lovely orange fur.
Xecky Gilchrist
i think intellectually she seems not to understand what is going on here.
I agree, in a limited sense – that is, limiting “here” to meaning “on Earth at any point in history.”
Ronnie P
Best pet picture I’ve seen in some time.
AAA Bonds
burnspbesq, if you’re reading this, yes, the follow-up was quite helpful. Thanks.
What a great picture!
What a cute kitty! Adorable.
Clyburn is a gem. That comment was spot on and had the bonus of making me laugh. Good thing Biden has a sense of humor.
trixie larue
Nice picture. Looks like a nice cat.
I followed the link to Clyburn and got lost in the Washington Post where it was all about the loonie lefties. Wait, where am I? I don’t think this is balloon juice anymore…
Jade Jordan
Biden’s done worse: voted Clarence Thomas out of the Judiciary Committee when he should have been Borked.
Beautiful cat. My cat looks at the snow with disdain because it hides the critters.
Sarah Palin used a teleprompter – which totally refudiates any claim she is articulate.
AAA Bonds
@Southern Beale:
I can’t imagine that anyone even wants to visit Arizona anymore, at least without hazard pay.
With this development, things are due to get a lot nastier there before they get better.
Chedda’ Bob is a hottie, too! But, yeah, the resemblance is amazing.
James Clyburn, aw, snap!
@Hogan: Because of what you said, I read his comment. So, thanks a lot (not) for that.
Having just slogged home through the huge snowdrifts here in Boston, I logged in and saw that chipper kitty all psyched to be out in the cold. What a cutie pie!
And ditto to all the Clyburn praise upthread. He is old school and I’ve always liked that about him.
I grew up in North Carolina. I understand the “sit at home, until all the snow melts” attitude of the South very well.
But right now, I need to deal with folks in Atlanta for business, and those folks are snowed in. I can’t get a damn thing done.
It’s very frustrating.
They need to realize their people do business all of the country and invest in snow plows. The rest of the country doesn’t take off for a week because they get 6″ of snow.
Gaaaaarrrgh…it’s frustrating….
Comrade Javamanphil
Please. The free market will solve this problem way more efficiently than the government.
The Dangerman
Sadly, Republican Men don’t get all “starbursty” over what they can do with a box of rocks.
dr. bloor
Nothing like Clyburn with some Chedda to warm my heart on a snowy, blustery day.
Another beautiful cat.
@The Dangerman: maybe if they were painted with cute slogans like “tax cuts, free market and 2nd amendment” they’d pile on…
Comrade Luke
“I disagree with their use of the term, but I think they used it by accident and agree completely with the argument”.
What a complete fucking cop-out. I really hate that guy.
Are you kidding me? I’m not in Atlanta – I’m further north in a much nicer city in NC where our county commission has been slashing the school budget right and left, laying off parks and rec staff, and closing libraries and you want us to buy snow plows? Fuck that.
Al Gore just needs to shut up about global warming and God will stop making it snow.
Mike Kay
Another “blood libel”
If John Boehner were to have a cat (not that a cat would have him, nor would I wish him on one), that would be the cat. They’d be well color-coordinated.
That’s one gorgeous feline.
AAA Bonds
Need I point out – snow plows cost, and right now, no municipality has extra money sitting around to throw at problems like Southern snow that come up maybe once or twice a year, if that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
In semi-related news, a boy noticed his Emperor was naked as a jaybird today, sending shockwaves through the assembled courtiers
That is one fine looking cat, too.
That cat looks like trouble. A cat enjoying the snow as much as that one looks to be, has to be trouble.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
And Palin is articulate like John Kerry is concise (See? I dinged both sides, can I be on TeeVee?)
Hilarious Clyburn, nice cat. (New year’s word diet. I can say anything I want, but I’m trying to keep the portions small.)
Mark S.
I wonder what Sarah’s going to do next? Maybe she’ll put out a video for MLK day where she puts her hair in cornrows, eats a watermelon, and talks about how she has a dream that this blood libel will stop.
Barb (formerly Gex)
Does anyone know how to get a libertarian to answer you when you point out one flaw in their proposed solution to a problem? I asked EDK for clarification on one of his points in two different threads, several times. Today it was clear he was on after I reiterated my question. Still no response.
Whatever. Fuck it.
she’ll go after John Dingle next, he’s being positively uncivil.
Xecky Gilchrist
@Barb (formerly Gex): Does anyone know how to get a libertarian to answer you when you point out one flaw in their proposed solution to a problem?
No. There is no way to do that.
@Barb (formerly Gex): trick question, those things don’t happen in a libertarian paradise.
Chyron HR
Look, Sarah Palin is just some isolated nut. It’s completely unfair of you to suggest that she’s a member of the Tea Party or that has in any way been influenced by their rhetoric.
Barb (formerly Gex)
I guess so long as interstate competition works in thought experiments, the real world example of South Dakota and the credit card industry I provide is irrelevant.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Just got back online and right now a show is on The History Channel about the Black Plague where they talk about the Jews that the Christians persecuted because they believed that the Jews had poisoned wells and so on, causing the plague. Yes, they talk about blood libel and give a bit of the history behind it. It’s like the stars lined up against her perfectly today. The description was complete with the reenactments of the public attacks, imprisonment, torturing, false confessions, murder and burning at the stake that they suffered at the hands of the Christians as a result of this persecution.
Timing, Sarah Palin just doesn’t have it. What she did was disgusting but I am glad this shitstorm is raining down on her.
This couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.
@gene108: Sheeeet, these fuckers are getting ready to slash the shit out of the education budget here, you think they give a flying fuck about the snow?
@stuckinred: well the snow will probably be a godsend then… they can dock the teacher’s pay for not working on the days the school is closed to help make up the budget gap.
this is snark, and not meant to give ideas for budget fixes.
dr. bloor
@Barb (formerly Gex):
As we say in New England, can’t get theah from heah.
He’s gorgeous and he knows it!
Chedda Bob, not Clyburn (though his words ARE a thing of beauty).
Sarah Palin can has a telepromter.
I love that picture.
@sukabi: s.
Gov. Nathan Deal on Wednesday vowed to end teacher furloughs and to eliminate 14,000 government jobs as he laid out his budget plans during his first State of the State address.
State university programs would see their funding cut about $300 million over the next 18 months under Deal’s amended 2011 and 2012 budgets. Technical colleges would take a substantial hit as well. In an interview Wednesday afternoon, Deal told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that was intentional.
Colleges, he said, are “going to take about a 6 percent reduction. I did not feel that they had the same priority as k-12.”
That picture looks too good to be true! Gorgeous cat.
Mr. Blink
I am not one to comment on pet pictures, but that is an awesome pic.
hate to dirty up this nice clean & articulate kitty thread, but Alan Dershowitz joins the list of prominent Jewish persons who wanna cut lil Sarah some slack:
Fucking you, you fucking LAWYER.
And fuck YOU, Ezra Klein, Jeffrey Goldberg, whatzisname at TNR, and anyone else who stuck up for this bitch today — if only because her obscene cult of self-victimhood really SHOULDN’T have been what ANYBODY was fucking rushing to get on the record over today.
Fucking assholes, all of them.
That’s some fine wordsmithing by Clyburn. I laughed immediately. There’s at least one skilled surgeon in Congress.
Palin’s biggest problem is that every time this topic is posted, it goes up with a link to the videotaped interview of Giffords stating that “words have consequences.”
“Words have consequences” indeed. She’s put herself in a position where she’s arguing with a congresswoman who’s just been shot in the head. Palin’d be better off to shut up, but we all know how likely that is.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Barb (formerly Gex):
Be polite, quiet and firm.
EDIT: Nevermind, I thought you said librarian.
Ya know what, I’m getting really sick and tired of these “people acquainted” with the Arizona killer all over the news, just saying shit, that there is no way of even fuckin’ verifying, and the MSM just reporting it as if what they are saying is the frickin’ gospel truth.
this is why so much mis-information is out there. Bryan Williams, Wolf Blitzer, Katie Couric and whoever else, should not be just letting this people come on tv, and not at least saying that NONE of what they have been saying about the killer can really be substantiated! It’s irresponsible.
Some dude on with Bryan Williams, with his faux-hawk talking about how he didn’t want to go on a camping trip with the killer when they were in HS or something…huh.. WTF! Who cares?
First of all, comb your damn hair dude, this ain’t some MTV “I wanna be a VJ” interview, your on nat’l TV, and you aint’ some teenager. Second, what evidence has he given that even begins to prove that he’s speaking even a remote truth?
None that’s what, and it’s just really aggravating a just so damn irresponsible, IMHO!
@lamh32: That’s bullshit, who are you to tell people how to groom for tv or anything else for that matter.
The kitty, the photo and the photographer are exceptional. James Clyburn is not too bad either. He knows how to turn a phrase, doesn’t he?
What a GORGEOUS tabby — and photo! And I love his name.
Speaking of cats, I’m helping to pimp my cousin’s ridiculously cute cat, Murphy, who was also a rescue (and has led quite the life ever since).
I’m no one. I just have such a hatred for the faux-hawk hairstyle. It’s for people who don’t have the courage to go full mo-hawk!!
It’s a personal pet peeve, I hate grown men with faux-hawks and black eyeliners.
Sue me.
@J.: That is one bad gato!
I’m watching on TV as McKale Center (UA basketball stadium) fills up with people waiting to see President Obama speak.
Last time I was there, I got my BFA.
This is depressing.
@eemom: Who gives a shit what a torture apologist says about anything?
Brand new year. Same old problems.
WTF? How did this happen? From the New York Times Hezbollah Forces Collapse of Lebanese Government
And in Australia, the terrible floods continue.
Fortunately, most people, and presumably their pets as well, have managed to scramble to safety.
Villago Delenda Est
Or, and I realize this is a vanishingly small possibility after the eight years of Rethuglican rule in the last decade, they might be just professional and not disclosing information that could endanger leads in an ongoing investigation.
But of course, such thoughts are a form of blood libel on the saintly rancid cumstain that is Louie Gohmert.
@lamh32: Ha!
I really like the Clyburn remark. Snap! and the fact that many are now pointing out that Caribou Barbie used a teleprompter to issue her completely inappropriate remarks today. Though I do suppose it is a couple of steps up from scrawling “blood libel” on your hand!
EDIT: And that kitty pic is GORGEOUS!
@stuckinred: well I see they’d already thought of that… :-(
A sign language version of Cee Lo Green’s “Fuck You”
In the name of God, sanity and all that is holy, SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. SARAH!
Sorry about the all caps. Had to get that off my chest.
Jeffreyw, with all the talk of palin and telprompters and writing things on her hand, I think it’s time for you to link to my favorite photo (I think you’ll know what that is).
The Grand Panjandrum
Via Sully here is some pretty good Scalzi:
Mike Kay
@eemom: Dershowitz should go back to defending people who kill Jewish waiters.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mike Kay:
At the risk of providing some equivalency for the rantings of various Rethuglican personalities, Dershowitz has been dead to me ever since he mistook 24 for reality.
Linda Featheringill
The sign language version of Cee Lo’s classic hit:
Charming video! Loved it!
Aww, what a good looking cat.
Also, too, Palin sure is articulate when she’s using a teleprompter.
abo gato
Best photo ever!
Re: ASL “Fuck You” thanks, I needed that. I posted on my blog and gave you credit. :)
Btw, Clyburn? My Congressman!
One daughter of his is a middle school teacher in a nearby district. She’s pretty damn cool too.
How’s this for being tied to Laughner?
Glenn Beck and Laughner look fucking identical
I’d like to see THAT picture all over the place. Laughner’s was bad enough, but now I like it because it’s just mind-shattering to see how he and Beck have the same face, the same expression, the same agenda apparently, to the point that you can combine their faces and it looks like THE SAME GUY.
Thanks to Driftglass for originally doing this, once you see it you can’t unsee it.
Triassic Sands
Chedda’ Bob, you’re so damn…orange.
I assume Chedda’ Bob cleared the snow himself. Nothing like a cat willing to work for his/her keep. Good work, C-Bob.
I sadly feel no gloating towards Sarah or any of the other morans we hear from on the right — including apologists like Dershowitz..
I am just so ashamed. So mortified that what this country has stood for — open access to your leadership, to the system, has been so modified by psychological and social perversion… that the bullies, the social Darwinists have defined us — and we let them
Not only do I grieve the Congresswoman’s and other’s injuries and the death of a child for this sad sad situation, but the unbelievable tragedy of a young, mentally ill person who gave warning, but was not appreciated enough by his parents, or school, or friends to be helped.. This is happening TODAY, I assure you, for someone else’s kid.
Who would have thought, looking at your newborn son, that someday, he would do this? No one.
We need to have this be a fulcrum for change in not only our discourse on the mega political landscape, but in the small landscape where most of us live.
If you see a kid, know a kid who is struggling — risk a little bit, and reach out to parents or to the kid. Try to make something good happen for him or her. You will probably not be thanked, you will not see a big payoff for what may have been avoided. But your caring is the soul of what we need way more of in this country. We have to build that up again…
Chedda Bob’s gorgeous!
Chedda Bob is the best kitty pic I have seen this year…
I am totally hooked
Handsome, handsome cat.
Nancy B.
It’s very anti-semitic of you people to point out that Sarah uses a teleprompter.
Thanks for all your kind comments about Chedda’ Shredda. It was his first snow. After some sniffing and paw shaking he went back inside.
Credit goes to my awesome and talented girlfriend for the image — she’s a professional photographer.
Gorgeous kitty! I love orange tabbies, and Cheddar is such a great name!
Stunning photograph!
I would also like to get on the anti-fauxhawk bandwagon. If you are older than nine, it’s just as sure a sign of doucheness as an Ed Hardy t-shirt.
kitty is a cutie.
Triassic Sands
Palin is an attractive woman; as a person, i.e., a human being, she’s pretty damn ugly.
Articulate? Palin is a lot of things, but articulate certainly isn’t one of them. What on Earth inspired Clyburn to say that?
“…she seems not to understand what is going on here.” Duh. If asked which word better described Palin, “articulate” or “clueless,” does anyone think a random sampling of any group other than ardent Palin devotees would ever respond “articulate?” I still can’t believe Clyburn came up with that word to describe her.
Wouldn’t it have been more accurate, if less polite, to say:
Palin makes the vacuum of space seem crowded by comparison.
Triassic Sands
I returned to this thread to voice that same sentiment. However, since “this year” is only 12 days old, I’d express my opinion of this photo a little differently; a bit more expansively — this is the best pet pic I can remember seeing on BJ. If this were an audition photo for an adoption, it’s hard to believe Chedda Bob wouldn’t get snapped up in a matter of seconds.
Comrade Mary
I was about to say the same thing. As much as I love Tunch and all the kittehs, that is an amazing cat picture. Kudos to the girlfriend! (And the snow, and Chedda Bob Himself.)
Paul in KY
@merrinc: That’s one good looking cat!