We’re going to stop for now and let things simmer for a while.
I’ve deactivated the plugin that opened external links in a new window, because of excessive whining. You want it to open in a new window, right click the link and choose to do so. Or press CTRL while clicking.
I removed gravatars because they suck.
We’ve enlarged the font.
Things should be fixed for you hopeless people who refuse to use a real browser and continue to pollute the world with IE.
Comment names should be fixed.
Removed the facebook “like” thing and replaced it with a whole bunch of social media options. None of which I use, so again, I don’t care, but I hope it makes you happier. If not, go drink DRANO.
And seriously, we’re both tired of this for now. Everything we fix for one person opens up a whole new bunch of WATB moaning by another group. I’m not Preznit, I don’t have to juggle all these whiny special interest groups.
The only thing left (that I know of) is to add ABL to the email.
*** Update ***
It is impossible to have the banner return you to the main page and to have the rotating tagline. Just click on the damned rotating tagline, for the love of everything holy. “OMG- I HAVE TO MOVE MY MOUSE A QUARTER INCH AND AIM FOR THE TEXT JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER FUCKING HYPERLINK IN THE WORLD. THE INJUSTICE OF IT ALL”
Sko Hayes
You poor guy, LOL. You can’t please everybody, nor should you try.
I like it so far. No, I really like it, I do.
Things working good enough for now.
Mmmmmm… Drano.
Mark S.
Boo! Hiss!
My personal opinion: your blog, do what you want. If the format is enough to keep folks from commenting fuck them. They’re probably Unserious People anyway.
Everyone, if you middle-click on a link, it will open in a new tab. Much faster than right-clicking and selecting from a menu. As far as I know, this works in Firefox, Chrome, and IE. Just fyi.
I can’t find the dioramas.
But I’ll leave that for later. I have to go watch ol’ Rex whoop the Pats all by himself, and I am late tuning into the game. That will be quite a thing to see. Looks like he is doing OK so far. Probably the fancy footwork.
Edit: what is a gravatar? I assumed it was an exotic supermassive swarm of subatomic particles on a chip, designed to counterbalance the gravitational influence of Tunch, which was stripping electrons from the site and causing the blog problems. But maybe not. After the game I’ll run down to Good Guys and ask about it.
Can i just make a call for civility?
I think you were less surly when you smushed your shoulder blade. But it’s all good – we know Tunch will make you pay if you get out of control.
I have no complaints using Firefox.
@Yutsano: hear hear! Although it’s an utter vacation and relief getting to gripe about truly trivial things.
For those of you who get text scrolling off the right instead of wrapping, it seems to be some script interference problem. If you keep reloading the page, eventually it goes away.
I think it has something to do with whatever ad is running at the time. When that ad switches out, the problem disappears.
John Cole
@Rommie: I was on drugs. My biggest problem when taking that much percocet was constipation and accidentally putting liquid soap on my toothbrush.
BTW, this site is real purdy now on Firefox. I am in luuvvv.
John C,
All that work… and you’re staying with the same lame-ass color scheme??? JESUS CHRIST, MAN!
(hehehe, j/k!)
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
I <3 Cranky Cole.
There! It officially loaded right on the most widely used OS/Browser combo in existence. TYJC for conquering the mighty FYWP for us.
ETA: Until the moment I commented, then text went soaring off into infinity again.
JC, in the f00ter of the site, the “hosted by” is incorrect. it’s not Host Matters. Small thing, I know, but there it is. it’s “HostingMatters”
@AT: Blood libel!
Yay, it looks great now!
Also, I’m using Firefox and not IE so I was not one of the hopeless losers even when it was all effed.
People who still use IE as their main browser really confuse me.
People don’t like links opening in a new tab? Weird. Don’t worry, I can right click. Site looks great.
South of I-10
It looks great on iPad.
What the hell is a middle-click?
Any reason we aren’t enabling the mobile theme?
Thank you for you and your team’s efforts, John.
@AT: Fuck you!
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
@John Cole: We’re making Blame it on the Drugs your official theme song.
@MBL: Click with your mouse wheel.
edit: testing Edit capability
Clicking anywhere in the banner should bring you to the blog home page.
@MBL: click with the wheel for those mice that support it.
@mistermix: I lobbied for that too. not sure why it didn’t make the cut.
Click the wheel on your mouse. Or, if you’re on a laptop and don’t have one, click the left and right touchpad keys at the same time. Takes a little practice to get that right but it works the same way.
gogol's wife
This looks better — but only on Safari. I don’t get why everyone is saying it looks great on Firefox. For me it’s illegible on Firefox and only looks good on Safari. On Firefox everything’s smushed up together, and the stuff that should be in the margins is down at the bottom.
Long time lurker, first time commenting. Thinks it looks great.
quaint irene
What are you guys talking about?? Banner? Tagline? I’m just happy if I get the homepage to load.
Temps supposed to go down to the single digits tonight. Gotta put antifreeze down the shower drain so it doesn’t freeze.
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
Edited for The New Civility(TM).
I just realized, autobold for blockquotes is no more.
Some sites have a little checkbox labeled “force links to open in a new tab”. Maybe that could be integrated into FYWP.
That way people who always want to do just that one thing out of the like 8 different things you can do with links would have their life made simpler.
re: Cole’s update: And I’m still waiting for my rainbow blinking animated gifs. Damn!
Not looking right on Firefox. V. 3.6.13, Windows 7 Pro. Posts look blocky, sidebars all on left, bottom of the page. Comments look like a list in Excel.
Looks okay in IE, Chrome.
JD Rhoades
Looks good on Firefox to me, John. Thanks for all the good work.
Thank you for the blog redesign, Mister Grumpypants. The site appears pretty much the same on Firefox 3.6.13 and Google Chromium 8.0 running on Ubuntu Linux — as well as IE 8.0, Firefox 3.6.13 and Google Chrome 8.0 running on WinXP.
My sole request would be to make the links and blog posts a darker shade of blue, but you’ll probably tell me to go DIAF.
ETA: Could you make the site set more cookies and add a few more ads? Good God. Adblock!
If things don’t look right, try refreshing the cache.
In most browsers this done with Ctrl-F5 and Ctrl-Shift-R and Command-F5.
Everything looks great, Cole, and it was a fun day of trying on avatars and seeing new colors and stuff.
And it’s obvious the grumpy charade is just a mask for your deep love for the commentariat.
General Stuck
Ho Hum. I never saw the need for an upgrade, or whatever this is, in the first place. I like my blogging and platform a little kinky. Things that run smooth make me nervous.
But of course, this is all quite academic from someone not knowing what they are talking about
Safari 4.1.3 on Mac OS 10.4.11 is a mess. Firefox 3.6 is fine.
Villago Delenda Est
My only possible reaction to this is something about blood libel.
John Cole
@mistermix: It isn’t working?
Anne Laurie
Thank you, Mr. Cole, and also Ms. Webmistress (Stacy?).
Boy, am I glad you guys didn’t try this when originally planned, right before the November elections.
ABL, love the Ellison crack. Once you’re added, of course, your email will be at the top of the list; in return for which honor, I suspect you’ll be making a whole bunch of new friends with lazy/hasty reading habits…
Omnes Omnibus
@arguingwithsignposts: Bring on the dancing fucking leprechauns!
Perry Como
Go Jets!
@John Cole: It isn’t working on my android device. haven’t tried it on an iphone/ipod touch.
@John Cole: On my phone (Motorola Droid) it’s showing up as the regular site. Looks OK, but usually WordPress sites with the mobile theme have a more compact look (e.g., Yglesias’ site).
If you look in the administration interface, under appearance, the mobile switcher is disabled. I think you just need to enable it and tell it to use one of the mobile themes when a mobile browser hits the site.
Barb (formerly Gex)
@AT: Why are you politicizing this open thread?
Looks great on my mobile with Google chrome.
Why not use Disqus for comments and WP-Touch plugin for the phone view (much better UI)?
Whoever told you that is simply lying to you. Or else too stupid to realize they have no idea what they’re talking about. It is NOT impossible. Just a point of fact – I don’t actually give a rat’s ass either way about that feature.
Barb (formerly Gex)
@gogol’s wife: Do you have an old version of FF by any chance?
Michael D.
@John Cole: Looking at it on my Motorola Droid X and seeing the regular site as well.
I love the pissy Cole.
Though all y’all must be OLD! The type is *huge*… I have to press Command- in order to not feel like I’m reading a book for old people.
I too miss the large elegant post numbers on the left, but I can deal. Only other suggestion I have is to make the commenter’s name and post number offset even more to the left, or bold the commenter’s name, because right now, some of the names show up in the same type weight and size as the text of the comment itself, and I’ve found I’m missing the name.
I think disqus would be good, except, personally, i use a pseudonym for BJ, and switching disqus profiles would be a PITA.
your place, your rules. I’m not unhappy with any of the variations so far (although I am kinda bummed I created a gravitar & now can’t use it)
Again, I am sure you sweated the details on all this so thanks.
Omnes Omnibus
@arguingwithsignposts: iPhone is working.
On behalf of myself and all other similarly situated commenters, I demand recompense for the time we all spent this morning obsessing over the avatar thing.
Also, we can haz FB group page? SOME of us like FB. Takes like five seconds to set one up.
And no, we don’t care if John Cole is a member. We don’t want to have a drink with him either.
Odie Hugh Manatee
What would Billy Gates do without stupid people? ;)
This is what you get for trying to make teh libruls happy, misery.
Looks fine to me on SeaMonkey (2.0.11).
Fuuuuuck – you should’ve seen the site a few hours back.
@John Cole:
The second should have cured the first :-O
I’m using Firefox 3.6.13 and there’s no spacing between comments. No separator lines, but that would be okay if there was a double space between each comment.
If I’m the only one seeing this, I’ll shut up.
ETA: Never mind. Refreshed and it now looks fine, with separators.
Joshua Norton
It’s beautiful! It’s wonderful! It’s a major achievement in blogging history! A testament to the brilliance that is modern technology.
I wouldn’t change a thing.
Except maybe the color……
@Omnes Omnibus: I just turned it on in the admin interface.
John, I sent you an email with a link where you can turn it off if people hate it.
Linda Featheringill
Yeah, some of us have a number of days on us.
And yes, I like the bigger text.
How’s the family?
Comrade Kevin
On iPhone individual posts have the mobile theme but going to the homepage does not
@Patrix: Don’t you have to sign up for disqus? That is, don’t commenters have to? That would suck ass.
Left Coast Tom
I see when I’m on the main page there’s a rotating page title in addition to the rotating tag line (and that they’re different). For example, the main page loaded in the next tab over has the title “Balloon Juice. Also, too.”, and the tag line “Verified, but limited!”.
The page started looking a lot better once the old CSS cleared itself out of my browser cache. It was really broken before that (post titles large enough for the legally blind, no real formatting, etc.).
@Omnes Omnibus:
also working on droid now.
@mistermix: don’t hate it. it’s a big improvement on the small screen.
@MikeJ: Not to mention that it’s another point of failure.
I’m reading and posting from my IPod. The site is readable, but it is not loading a mobile version.
@Rommie: Try reload – it should be sensing your browser and pushing out a mobile version of the site.
I’ve always clicked on the rotating tagline. I didn’t know I could just click anywhere on the entire banner. It’s not going to stop me from complaining about the change, though.
Mystical Chick
John, I’d probably hate your “what-the-fuck-ever” attitude in real life but reading it on your blog? Makes me love you even more.
(Well, the thing you have about loving your pets to pieces and your amazing feat of strength last year popping your shoulder back in to place are also bonuses.)
Okay, I probably *wouldn’t* hate you but we’d have to retreat to separate houses in order to get along full-time.
Just tried it again, mistermix – getting the mobile version on the main page and comments on my Ipod. Yay.
Site looks fine on droid. No nonsensical special format. My screen is big enough that the standard layout looks fine. I can’t stand sites that remove all the helpful stuff to make it fit on some retarded miniature screen.
Benjamin Cisco
Looks great, Cole. Gonna check it on my mobile later.
Alex S.
I liked my David Broder avatar. I demand that we have the option to show them. I want the public option! NOW!
Joseph Nobles
If there’s meant to be a mobile version, it’s not loading onto my Android phone. WPTouch is the mobile plug-in I use for my two little vanity sites. The free version is verra nice all by itself, but with the traffic this joint gets, you might want to spring for the pay version with all the extra doodads. It’s not that expensive.
Thus endeth my unpaid testimonial for the day.
ETA: After two reloads, the Android still isn’t seeing a mobile version of the site. It’s no big thing to me, but if you’re looking for it to happen on Android phones, it’s not.
Benjamin Cisco (mobile)
Ok, so it’s later. The mobile site rocks hard.
OK, OK, OK. White People Problem. I get it.
And to be fair, thanks for all the upgrade work.
Mark S.
No kidding. “I’m having trouble clicking links from my iPad.”
@MikeJ: Nope. You can use any username. Or if you prefer, log in (one-time) with your Twitter/Facebook ID.
Is blockquote fixed yet? Or is the FYWP double underscore multi-paragraph blockquote hack, ©MonkeyBoy 2009, still needed.
Let’s test:
Blockquoting multiple paragraphs with a blank line between gives:
With a double underscore line instead of a blank gives
I haven’t tested the cases where if you don’t do the stuff correctly before and after a blockquote tag the whole contents go bold.
P.S. The ‘blockquote problem’ is really a problem where the parser ‘helps’ by closing any open tags when a blank line is found. You can bold two paragraphs with one pair of b /b tags if blank line between them is changed to a double underscore.
So still at least one fix before there can be a final maintenance thread.
Ta Da!
Fuck yes this version of the rebuild is fantastic on an iPhone. Sweet.
CSS for comments needs headings per comment. The alternating row coloring is insufficient.
Which just happened.
FYWP! This isn’t fucking 1995!
A Ghost To Most
looks good here on Chrome and IE on XP, and Balloon Juice has never looked so good on my Crackberry.
freelancer (itouch)
Mobile site looks cool, FYI.
Comrade Mary
Ooh! The mobile site is AWESOME on the iPhone. (Well, as long as I turn the phone sideways when I comment.)
Cat Lady
I still miss the ability to preview comments from one of the earlier iterations, but I assume that’s never coming back, and it’s a a minor quibble anyway. The separation between comments isn’t as easy on these old eyes either. Get off my lawn! Also.
Balloon Juice, fuck serifs!
::loves grumpy John::
Things look fine on Safari 5.0.3. I’m stuck with AIYEE 8 at the day job, and am hoping text stops running out to infinity and beyond. Won’t know until Tuesday.
Chris Grrr
That was a cumulative FY for old irritations.
Lily will never sell personal info to corporations. Probably.
Looks fabulous!
Site looks fine.
All the comments are totally full of
shitawesome.Tom Hilton
You know who else forced his readers to click on a text link to return them to the main page?
Well…he would have, anyway, if he had had a blog.
J.W. Hamner
Thank you. The place looks great. New paint?
@Mark S.:
Personally, I think Cole’s whining about us like this is a huge White People Problem.
Looks good, nice clear crisp design. One minor request: is it possible to make it so the social networking icons only appear if you click on the little button, rather than when the mouse passes over them, as they can be quite distracting.
“Why not use Disqus for comments…”
Please God, no!
David Fud
FYI: My Chrome has all of the contacts, Pages, ads, recent posts, etc. all below the “leave a reply” form. It looks nice in IE, but is really broken in Chrome. Weird since it seems others are not having this problem. I didn’t have this problem before.
Oh, well. Guess I’ll miss out on the ads and the nicer design.
@David Fud: Have you tried the suggestion above:
Monkeyboy’s fix – Ctrl-F5 – fixed it in Firefox. Thanks!
Omnes Omnibus
Overall, I think it looks great. Hopefully, the usability will be great as well.
Nice job, Cole. Have a couple brews and go snuggly with Tunchie. That would make me feel better.
On the mobile site, there are no lines between the comments, and you can’t directly reply to another comment.
It looks good, though.
(On iPhone 3GS)
You sound like a software developer, John.
For what it’s worth, it’s not for me. It’s for someone who finds one of these pages through a search engine and thinks, “I’ve never read such an interesting blog! I wonder what’s on the front page? I guess I click ‘Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack!'” It’s basic usability–making Web pages usable even for people who might be relative novices.
Eternal gratitude for minimizing any FaceBook anything.
Just wondering if it is possibly to tweak the typography of the comments – and the numbers if possible – so that the name of the poster is bold, a different, color, font, any or all of the above, to separate it more distinctly from where the comment begins. Would increase readability. Makes easier skimming. Helps separate comments.
There is a sort of simulation of that enhancement by the folks whose names are blue indicating clickability because they have blogs. Change of color makes it easier for the eye to move from one comment to the next.
Omnes Omnibus
@suzanne: Yeah, no reply feature on the iPhone 3GS, but it is still a HUGE improvement.
@asiangrrlMN: OK, on the mobile site, you can reply to another commented if they have their name link to their own site, but you can’t otherwise.
Just ditching the bilious green was a quantum improvement.
Heh. The Team Which Must Not Be Named loses ugly. Couldn’t happen to a better bunch. I hate them with the fiery heat of ten John Coles.
Love, love, love the site on my iPhone, I must say. Looks great, loads quickly. Many thanks, Cole and his Tech Minion.
Not to send John into a tailspin, but this is really not true. It can’t be done with the way the markup is currently structured, sure (that would be true if the rotating tagline were there or not), but all it requires is pulling the “Balloon Juice” text out of the headerimg div background and throwing it as a separate image with alpha transparency into its own tag inside the headerimg div.
Now the road has been cleared for the STILLERS!!!
Steelers are going to beat Jets 35-17.
Packers over Bears 28-24.
Steelers beat Packers 17-14.
Omnes Omnibus
@wmd: You have that last one backwards.
@suzanne: That’s why I only link to my own site! Not really.
Hope you doing good.
Wow. Not having kept up with any of this maintenance discussion, I was viewing it in Chrome for Mac and thinking, “This can’t possibly be how it’s supposed to look”.
Holy cross-browser compatibility problems Batman!
John, it’s your damn blog. Do what you want.
I don’t read it several times a day for the theme. I read it for the content.
What’s so confusing? At the moment IE 9 seems (and is, according to benchmarks) the fastest of the big 3 browsers.
Should that change, I’ll use a different one.
Is the commentariat like the proletariat? How is this tied into Obama being a Marxist? And George Soros?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Depends on whether Big Ben gets hit hard in the first half.
The borders are still broken. If you want to have the only site in the blogosphere that doesn’t work for people using IE, that’s up to you. It’s kind of a fucked up decision though. I don’t care if your site never lets me make a comment again, but at least set it up so that I can READ the thing using the same settings that I use for EVERY OTHER SITE that I have ever visited. Fucking snob.
Okay, couple of complaints. I have to put my email address in every time I post a comment. And I cannot for the life of me figure out how to reply to other commenters. Oh, and this all on the iPhone. Will have to wait for tomorrow to see it on the computer at work.
@slag: And…nevermind. Cache-clearing seems to have fixed the Chrome problem. For now.
@jbb: Thank you, I was about to quote that and ask exactly why he thinks it’s impossible, because unless the administration of WP is made of even more fail than it already seems to be, it ought to be a dirt-simple change. The header may be currently designed in a way that makes it prohibitive, but that’s a problem with the design, not an issue of it being impossible to do.
Okay, I just took a look at the markup, and you’re right–instead of making the header image a background image for the element, just turn it into an IMG tag and wrap it in an anchor. It is a simple change.
And contra John’s whining, it’s not about anyone being too lazy to move their mouse an inch one way or the other, it’s about UI standards that just make the web easier to use for everyone, including and especially disabled and mobile users. The cutesy rotating tagline gimmick might be easy enough to hit with a mouse, but it’s a pain in the ass to reliably do with your fingertip on a touch screen, and having the website logo on the header function as a “home” link has been a proven and common UI convention since before half the commenters here were born (ETA: I exaggerate, but not by much).
@Comrade Mary:
That’s what I would have written had I wanted to parody Apple fans.
I’m a complete computer dunce. I use a Macbook and Safari 5.0. The front page is fine, but the formatting of the comment section is pretty unreadable. I doubt I’ll stop reading the front page entries, but I’ll miss reading the comments which are part of the fun here.
Ok. I told you I was a dunce. After I posted my comment (136) the page reloaded and the comments look fine now. Don’t know what the problem was before.
@dogwood: OK. Nevermind. Again. I’ll stop trying to keep up now.
Thanks for the mobile version. Looks good.
Zuzu's Petals
Lovely. Just lovely.
Thankee John.
Zuzu's Petals
Interesting. Just ordered an iMac and wondered what the dif might be using Safari (currently Firefox on my PC). Glad to know it turned out okay.
PS, I think I can use Firefox on my iMac, yes?
Perfect Tommy
Not sure if this is a Firefox issue – but the formatting of this blog just went from being one of the most readable, to being on par with a credit card privacy disclosure insert.
edit: Must have been a transient thing, The formatting is now readable again at 20:54
@Zuzu’s Petals: Firefox on your mac? Yes.
Ash Can
So which of our current troll menagerie is going to be the first to post here to say “YOU CHANGED THE FORMAT JUST TO KEEP ME FROM COMMENTING HERE DIDN’T YOU?”
Mike S
Using Google Chrome: At first the comments were run together and very hard to read also the front page had no side bars, but I followed the suggestion to clear the cache and now it looks great! (But ABL is still missing from the contact list :-(
Looking OK in Opera.
thanks for the clearing the cache tip!
Zuzu's Petals
Kewl. Thanks.
You changed the format just to keep me from commenting here, didn’t you?
Seriously, looks really really good on the iPhone. There’s no Reply function, and this comment box is a little weird, but the net gains are huge.
One request after some dust has settled would be only for tweaking a couple (hopefully) easy variables out front: more entries listed by default (10 or 20 instead of 5), and longer blurb copy out there (say, a whole paragraph rather than just 8-10 words). These are minor low-priority requests, but I hope you’ll put them in the queue (espec. since they should be easy and non-controversial).
Again, props on a hell of a transition!
Zuzu's Petals
@Ash Can:
I’d bet on Lorna. She insisted the moderator was deleting her very first comments only because she didn’t agree with him. Never heard of new commenter filters I spoze.
I’m buying Drano stock first thing Tuesday morning.
@jTh: I upped the number of posts to 10 and the number of words to 500. See how that looks.
A couple of weird things I’ve noticed on my droid. While the mobile version comes up on Dolphin, the standard browser gets the full version. If the comments get above 100 the first digit gets chopped off. Finally, the reply function doesn’t seem to work right. Still, overall I’m happy with it.
My reaction to the redesign is still a little mixed but settling down. I did do a full Danny Thomas spit-take when I saw it on my Droid earlier today. It was really messed up earlier, and it is still not quite satisfactory on there. The main thing–on the Droid–is that “clicking” on the link to a comment to which another comment is replying does not take me back to the previous comment. I will try reloading the browser and see if that fixes things.
On the PC, things are much better. I guess my complaints are mostly aesthetic. I liked the previous look well, and I’m not sure the new look is better. Glad I missed the avatars and gravatars earlier. Shudder. My main whine is that I wish the “Link” link beside the commenter’s name and time stamp would be flush right, so they would line up vertically. One of my almost unconscious habits is to click the “Link” link to pull the current comment up to the top of the page, and now I have to hunt for them a bit. But I’m sure I’ll get used to it.
Thanks, Dad. You’re the best! ;-)
The Other Chuck
Yep, still WordPress.
Love your blog, Cole, but you’ll never get me to like WordPress.
It seems to be much more stable.
Shadow's Mom
Not sure I like the font, but I’ll get used to it. I am long used to clicking the rotating tagline to return to homepage so no change there is just fine.
Like the share option feature.
Good job all!
The Share/Save button thingy is really annoying. It pops up whenever the cursor near it, and I don’t know how to make it go away – sometimes the “comment” hypertext is under the popup, and then I have to click somewhere else to make it un-popup, and then go back to comment. Half the time I click somewhere else, I hit an add border or something and off we go somewhere else.
I should have to click the damn thing, or expand it. It shouldn’t popup all the time.
trixie larue
good luck with the transition. I don’t know what it’s all about. It all seems the same to me. I don’t know about the font; it looks the same.
I like your blog anyway,, no matter what.
For those who have been having problems on a droid, I can only suggest downloading a different browser than the standard one. I have yet to see the mobile version load on the standard browser that comes with it, but the Dolphin browsers work fine. (I tried Skyfire and it came up with the standard one as well. I have no idea why dolphin works and the others don’t.)
Kay Shawn
Sorry, but the comments are harder to read, and thus, not as much fun to chew on and respond to…no offense, it ‘s just feedback. I will go drink my Drano now.
John, we love your cranky ass.
However, despite what you said, I know you use Twitter (found in your little share-box) because I follow you!!
Is this site run by John Cole or John McCain. Both would score 9.9s from the judges in the Olympic “GET OFF MY LAWN” competition (perhaps even a 10.0 from the Russian judge).
Wile E. Quixote
Eh, I suppose it’s OK. I didn’t find anything wrong with the old design that couldn’t be explained away by the utter suck that is FYWP. One question: Where’s the easter egg that when clicked on opens the “John Cole Hot Naked Mopping Webcam?” C’mon Cole, you promised!
Can I just say, I fucking HATE those MOTHERFUCKING social media FUCKING pop-ups?
Can I?
I’m taking your silence as a “yes.”
Looks good, congrats ands thanks!
What plugins are you using for the rotating tagline and for comment formatting? I am familiar with all WordPress plugin traditions and would be happy to take a stab at fixing some of the problems.
When looking at the mobile site (Safari on a first-gen iPhone), the “disable the mobile site” link at the bottom is broken, and does nothing.
Okay, I just took a look at the markup, and you’re right—instead of making the header image a background image for the element, just turn it into an IMG tag and wrap it in an anchor. It is a simple change.
Actually, I don’t think even this is really necessary. Not that I really care much, but you should be able to create an empty anchor tag, positioned relative to the current link on the slogan or against the 200 px margin on the headerimg class that is sized to fill the space where the current logo is. You could even just put a transparent gif or png right in that space and put an anchor tag around it. Wouldn’t have to change the background.
@suzanne: Ahem, that is old Ma’am to you.
Comrade Mary
Do any other Windows people using Firefox see the blue headers for each post (in H1) as slightly eroded-looking Helvetica?
I can see that your headers from H1 to H6 are set to use font-family: Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif. Does anyone object to changing the order to font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif?
Mac users will still get lovely Helvetica, and Windows users like me, who somehow wound up with half-assed Helvetica, will at least get clean Arial headers.
Deuce MacInaugh
I can’t believe it still looks borked in NeoPlanet. Sheesh!
(I kid, I kid…)
@mistermix, I woke up this morning to the happiest surprise! YES, you have optimized my Balloon Juice reading experience on the iPhone. It’s marvelous now.
IE 8 displays the site with the left and right sidebars in place. IE is set with standard trust, I did have to allow Adobe Flash addin to run, oddly had to click to allow three times.
FireFox 4.6.13, the latest, is a total mess. The left sidebar decides to appear on the left starting at the very end of the last post on the page, and spacing is odd, and there is 0 left marging, the text is dead flush to the left side of the browser. The ride sidebar elements start in the middle section below the central posting area, and are spread at wide and scattered points downward from there. With Firefox, I am using NoScript and Ghostery, FWIW, but with NoScript choosing to trust all elements on the page.
Pretty much a total mess at the moment.
Mustang Bobby
I like it.
Might have your designer check this out.
With FireFox, I choose to look at source of the main page. I find this css code: id=”sidebar-right”.
I look at the standard stylesheet (style.css), and that id is nowhere to be found. Instead, the sidebare style elements are sidebar and sidebar2, apparently. No right and left.
I then look at the alternate style sheet for IE, ie.css. And there is the sidebar-right nomenclature.
Problem is, FireFox is trying to render and use the IE stylesheet. Ergo, since there is no “sidebar-right” or “sidebar-left” to render, the sidebars just drift to the bottom of the page.
According to the code in the page as rendered, the style sheets being used are:
and [if IE]
Yet another reason to hate cross browser compatibility issues, and wish that all browsers had stuck to standards as was the original goal of this web thingy.
@HeartlandLiberal: I discovered that Ghostery addon in FireFox was preventing the sidebars from displaying correctly. I turned it off, and the display worked correctly. So I will have to finer tune it, just as I do NoScript, for the site. FWIW if anyone else is actually trying to secure their browsers.
@HeartlandLiberal: Well, I take back my remark about Ghostery as sidebar issue cause. FireFox is now loading the correct css style sheet file, and getting the correct sidebar and sidebar2 commands, that appears to be what fixed the display for me. I turned Ghostery back on, apparently turning it off was just coincidental with FireFox loading the correct style sheet when I went back and forced a page refresh.
Lurker here. I’m using chrome, and the comments are unreadable. Posting a comment helped before, so I’ll try it again.
Just looking to see if that pussy socialist moderation-triggering spam filter still lives.
Seems the lame ass spam filter is still part of the lawn.
Test comments