Mark Levin is jealous that no one has accused him of causing the Tucson shootings and he’s offering a high-publicity lawsuit to the first person to make such an accusation. Luckily, there’s a new website to devoted to the question “Did Mark Levin’s Hate Speech Incite Mass Murder in Tuscon?”.
The site poses it as question, so the proprietor may not be eligible for the lawsuit.
Quaker in a Basement
He’s begging to be blood libeled?
This guy is a raving lunatic.
He went after Coburn from Oklahoma when Coburn defended Pelosi from the vile comments being pushed by outcasts like himself.
Levin sees his duty as being to enrage the right and make them hate the left…don’t give an inch to civility, it only encourages decency.
Demonize and dehumanize. That’s his MO.
S. cerevisiae
Hannity thinks this guy is Aristotle. No wonder the right wing is so fucked up.
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
Responsiblity. Speculation. You know the drill.
OT, but the site rebuild prompted me to roll over your email link. I hadn’t noticed that before. That did make me laugh.
I like the part where Levin says he’ll “drag their ass into Federal Court.”
Like he’s not even messing with a lower court. Like he’s just going to roll up his sleeves, stop all court proceedings in a large DC building, and drag the culprit in for sentencing.
Fucking douchebag.
I swear to Christ, I almost ended my most recent blogpost by directly blaming Levin for Tucson (out of snark). But even the flashmob of hate scares me a little too much.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
Crazy people want attention. If they don’t get it, they do ever-crazier things until they do. See, e.g., Loughner, Jared L.; Levin, Mark.
It would irresponsible not to speculate.
Joey Maloney
My comment on that site: “What concerns me is why Mr. Levin has never denied rumors of his complicity with Glenn Beck in the rape and murder of a young girl in 1990.”
I also had no idea Levin’s mother was a whore.
Informative post, Doug.
I’d say Mark Levin is a public figure. Which means that in order to win a libel suit, he has to prove that the defendant acted with reckless disregard for the truth or falsity of what was said.
If I say that in my opinion, people like Mark Levin contributed to the creation of a climate where assassinating public officials with whom you disagree is no longer unthinkable, that’s not actionable.
Mark Levin is nothing but an attention slut. He’s worse than my dogs. Don’t pet him, and don’t give him any treats. That will just contribute to a continuation of the bad behavior.
Subornation of libel. You heard it here, folks.
Tony J
The way the wingnuts are smearing themselves in victimitude over this I’m comfortable predicting that the Must-Have accessory at the next GOP Convention will be little ‘Gun-Sight’ badges and ‘Free Jared Loughner – For ACLU President!’ banners.
They classy that way.
@eemom: Isn’t “Subornation” what Fox News calls its audience?
Idiots like Mark Levin are the reason why we have Rule 12(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
@burnspbesq: No white shoes after Labor Day?
Ah, he’s using “the Cavuto”! Clever, clever!
Comrade Javamanphil
Wingnuts sure do love themselves some trial lawyers when an election isn’t impending.
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
And he’ll PERSONALLY depose the defendant. I’ve seen that from fReichtards before, which leads me to believe they think depose is a synonym for beat about the head and shoulders.
Mark S.
Who the fuck cares enough about Levin to specifically name him in such an accusation? Nobody listens to his show because his voice is so grating it makes Michael Savage’s sound like a choir of angels singing.
@Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel):
a party may assert the following defenses by motion:
(6) failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted
Is that a Cavuto mark I see at the end of the title?
(For an example:)
@BGinCHI: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I’m not saying Levin’s mom is a whore. I’m just asking: does Levin’s mom fuck strangers for money?
licensed to kill time
@Mark S.:
Quoted for truth. How that guy ever got a job in radio is beyond me. They talk about ‘a face for radio’, well he has a ‘voice for signing’.
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
@burnspbesq: Word. I looked it up:
JD Rhoades
Not to mention Rule 11.
maybe he’s the Jim Jones of Hate Radio ® and is hoping for a mass suicide of folks repulsed by the execution of his 1st amendment right to free speech…
I will now blame Levin for everything (that I don’t already blame Sarah Palin for). That’s the joy of being liberal (and snarky).
wrt Balloon Juice….I know the remodel went OK but is it too much to ask to separate out each comment from the next with a blank line? Of has the price of data in servers skyrocketed? If so, I will blame Mark Levin, that bastard!
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
I only wish that I had the kind of resources that can, out of sheer vanity and unrepentant egotism, waste a court’s time.
I’m going to keep reaching for that dream.
@kindness: I get a tiny dotted gray line between comments… using FireFox on a mac… so maybe it’s a browser issue for you…
Not liking the new format. Everything runs together.
@Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel):
I like yours better.
Ed Marshall
Yeah, you have to clear your cache. I didn’t figure that out until this morning. It looks great after you do that.
@Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen:In a metaphorical manner. I believe that he thinks it is a opportunity to browbeat and intimidate. He suffers from assholeism. I think there’s a twelve step program for that.
Assholism, a subject ripe for snark and derision. An epidemic of the right.
@DJShay: Clear your cache.
Browser – firefox. Machine – here at work it’s PC’s (of course). At home it’s a Mac. Every other post is grayed so there are boundries, it’s just less readable. Some separation would be better imho.
Mark Levin? Never heard of the guy…
Elvis Elvisberg
I’d forgotten that Newt Gingrich likes to blame liberalism for the actions of madmen— Virginia Tech, Susan Smith, Katrina, Mark Foley, all were results of the failures of liberalism.
Every Republican commentator who criticized Gingrich then has a leg to stand on when they complain about people’s claims that Loughner was a Tea Partier. The ones who didn’t, don’t.
Ctrl + F5
This refreshes the browser cache.
The browser is trying to load the old style.
I’m stuck in moderation #38.
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
@Drouse: That’s a good read. It’s also pretty obvious he doesn’t understand that BOTH sides get a turn. And it is boring as hell.
This post made my day.
I don’t think there’s a bigger sh*t-stain anywhere than Mark Levin. Listen to the opening of his broadcast. Last time I did, it started with a flack talking about “Our Leader broadcasting from a secret underground bunker.”
You’d think Levin would understand how sick it is for a Jew to use such Führerbunker imagery; obscenely, it creates an image of the guy as a Yiddish Hitler or Goebbels whose despised minority is not his fellow Jews, but rather those “libs.”
You really have to hear it to get the full impact. I find Levin nauseating.
Brisbane Belff (formerly G. Nelson Buttnergle (formerly Mumphrey (formerly Renfrew Squeevil (formerly Mumphrey Oddison Yamm (formerly Mumphrey O. Yamm (formerly Mumphrey))))))
I, Brisbane Belff (formerly G. Nelson Buttnergle (formerly Mumphrey (formerly Renfrew Squeevil (formerly Mumphrey Oddison Yamm (formerly Mumphrey O. Yamm (formerly Mumphrey)))))), hereby declare that it was not Jared Loughner who shot those people in Tucson, but Mark Levin wearing a Jared Loughner mask. Also, he fucks goats. For money.
Come and get me.
Mike Kay
who’s Mark Levin?
wait, don’t tell me, let him live in obscurity.
Mark Levin is a sad little man.
@burnspbesq: I thought idiots like Mark Levin are also why there are Rule 11 sanctions.
In addition to the very sad nature of Mark Levin himself, I am further ensaddened by the fact that the man possesses a JD from Temple Law. You see, I am currently a student at this institution and can only hope that Mr. Levin will continue to toil in relative obscurity. Otherwise, it could become very difficult for me or any of my classmates to find gainful employment when we get outta here. And as for Levin’s federal lawsuit- I can’t think of any better way to piss wingnut welfare dollars down the drain.
In addition to the very sad nature of Mark Levin himself, I am further ensaddened by the fact that the man possesses a JD from Temple Law. You see, I am currently a student at this institution and can only hope that Mr. Levin will continue to toil in relative obscurity. Otherwise, it could become very difficult for me or any of my classmates to find gainful employment when we get outta here. And as for Levin’s federal lawsuit- I can’t think of any better way to piss wingnut welfare dollars down the drain.