Bless their hearts. I think you can hear Rich Lowry doing background vocals.
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Bless their hearts. I think you can hear Rich Lowry doing background vocals.
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yes, it is real.
Those people are gullible enough to believe anything.
DougJarvus Green-Ellis
Color me skeptical. Are you sure this isn’t a joke?
What really disturbs me is that this is apparently happening in a sanctuary – see the altar, the open bible, lectern/pulpit. I’m a working church musician, and Karaoke for Christ is bad enough without this!
Ummmmm… So It’ll be a cold day in Hell before Sarah Palin is in Washington? Is that what they are saying?
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
Thank G-d I can’t play streaming video at work. Battle Hymn of the Republic really is my favorite patriotic song (if that’s not already an oxymoron), mostly for the “fuck you, Confederacy!” aspect. I don’t want to hear something I could never un-hear.
Wait a minute. You mean this isn’t the Culps from Saturday Night Live?
Mark S.
“Jail” and “hell” almost rhyme.
Otherwise, I really have no complaints. This one is going in my collection.
Mike Lamb
There’s a new circle of hell for people like you Cole. I mean c’mon…posting that is criminal.
This is the perfect example of what I think of when I think of the teaparty.
Stupidity is such a temptingly abundant source of energy, too bad it’s in the form of intellectual entropy and thus impossible to constructively harness without costing more energy to capture than it could potentially generate.
However, I do have to tip my hat to Sarah Palin for one thing: she has apparently found a way to harness the energy of stupidity to make a boatload of money from it. But then so did P.T. Barnum, the difference being that Barnum was full aware he was a showman selling hokum to the “fool born every minute”.
Should I laugh or cry?
joe from Lowell
They’re writing hymns to her now?
Look, I get it that Sarah Palin is the biggest celebrity in the world, but is she ready to lead?
You know, Stalin indiscriminately threw people in jail too. Just saying, watch yer back before she confiscates your Hoverround you dupes.
oh. my. indeed.
ya know, ya gotta feel for these people. i mean, all else aside, you can’t argue that they’re insincere.
the saddest thing about this, as we sit and giggle and urp, is that these really are honest, good people, and we’re expressing the very thing about “elites” that sends them into orbit.
no, really, the saddest thing about this is the fact that their beliefs have been manufactured and shoved down their throats by the fox propaganda machine.
plus, you have to admit the guy has a truly good country voice. even if he’s utterly clueless about the visual thang.
S. cerevisiae
JesusSarah, protect me from your followers.Buck
Can anyone make out what is etched into the front of that desk? Making the video full-screen helps, but I still can’t make it out.
Mark S.
I’m laughing. I already had my cry over Jumbotrongate.
All they need is a Gadsden flag behind them.
Laugh or cry? How about vomit?
Needs moar cowbell.
@Buck: I believe it says: This do in remembrance of me (Luke 22:19)
joe from Lowell
Remember when writing songs about a political candidate was cult-like?
Mark S.
He does have a good country voice. What the hell is he signaling about for the last 30 seconds?
The man does have a good country music voice.
See, this is my dilemma.
The only way I can get the text to wrap consistently on the site is to put it into the Restricted Sites zone.
But when I do, I lose any embedded videos, so this post, for example, wouldn’t make any sense to me because I wouldn’t be able to watch and listen to the eye-and-ear-with-a-rusty-pitchfork-gouging experience that is this particular clip.
Wait a minute, I’m not sure I’m making the most compelling argument for further repairs.
Oh, yeah, I also lose the little plug in that makes it easier to add simple HTML formatting to my responses.
Please fix the text wrap so I don’t have to lose both these fine features.
Thoroughly Pizzled
Political songs peaked with Nixon Now. It’s been a long downhill journey since the ’70s.
The Grand Panjandrum
Nothing says, “Fuck yeah, America!” like a hymn to a former half-term governor.
I think they signed him to do lights for the road show.
Clever lyrics. I like the way they matched up the word jail to rhyme with hell.
I think it’s just a simple, decorative pattern in the dark-stained wood of the desk-front, rather than any words.
The key detail is the cloth-bookmarked open book on the stand on top of the table. Although it’s not possible to read its title or any wording on the open pages, it’s a solid bet that it’s a Bible, not sure to what passages.
EDIT: more power to you wobblybits, if you can make out that it’s inscribed with a Biblical passage from Luke, rather than simply a carved decoration in the wood. You must have a higher-resolution copy of the video than is available to me, even blowing it up to full screen size.
Wouldn’t a parody of this look exactly like this?
@wobblybits: Hi wobbly, it’s Raven.
Mike Kay
I can’t wait to max out to her campaign.
OT: Gotta love republican transparency…
@cmorenc: No, more like flashbacks of bible verses that I had to memorize as a kid. They said it would come in handy one day. Who knew?
@stuckinred: Hey you (hugs)! How’s the wifey and the furry kids?
@wobblybits: Peachy, we’re all jammed up on the sofa as we speak. How’s you?
@wobblybits: Thanks. I suppose this video was filmed in a church then.
Really, this is tragical.
I wonder if there was anyone under the age of 80 in the audience? I wonder if triage was required?
Who the hell wears a camouflage hat when speaking from a pulpit in a church??
gypsy howell
jay-ell and hay-ell DO rhyme, if you’re from a certain part of the country.
Yeah, that’s what it says. It adds a certain irony or poignancy to the whole production.
@stuckinred: Recovering from a cold and surgery. We started back to school last week and I’m supposed to be reading this essay on Brecht in German but I am so not motivated :) I think I am managing about a page every few hours.
ETA: correct spelling :)
Michael D.
Oh. Wow.
@gbear: You’re not from around HERE are ya?
Chyron HR
But some schoolkids once sang a song about the Presidents and didn’t omit the Kenyan usurper! Both sides do it and the Democrats do it worse, too!
@wobblybits: Hang tough!
Joseph Nobles
This is simply precious. I know other people are just horrified by it, but I grew up around people like this and they are as cute as can be. No sympathy for the sentiment of the song at all, but if loving this video is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Battle Hymn of the Retarded.
@Joseph Nobles: You ARE from around here!
@stuckinred: Will do! I take my prelims in September so keep your fingers crossed for me.
@K488: and he’s wearing his (camo) hat? wtf?
Lots of people.
This only needs the Solid Gold Dancers to achieve perfection.
I think these two goobers are singing over a recording, ’cause camo hat guy has a voice like a buzzsaw.
@wobblybits: Best advice. Do something for yourself EVERY day.
@Violet: Suddenly, I hate life.
The comments section at YouTube are a real hoot. This thing is getting beaten like Cleveland Cavs forward.
You know, they are doing the best they can.
And YAY for the larger “Recent Comments” section. Luv it.
If you can bear watching the whole thing until the end, you will see that the guy singing is a really short man.
There is something to what you say. It also occurred to me that the chairs behind the pulpit are cheap and ugly, that the man singing is wearing a hat in church, and so on. This ain’t a Trinity Episcopal or First Presbyterian, you know. There really is a divide, and Sarah is their hero. My family is Big Business Mitt all the way, and ashamed to be associated with these snake handlers. Populism’s history is too convoluted for me, but it seems like over the last 50 years, when it surges, it finds its place on the Right. These same folks would have been Dems years ago (Huey Long type dems–big government populists).
Everybody has noted that it’s odd for poor whites to vote against their economic interests, but there’s a simple non-marxian explanation…which is they are voting for their pride, which they struggle to hold on to.
I want to laugh but I had a great-aunt that ended life in the poor house because she sent all her money to Anal Roberts in hopes he would cure her. The vibe off these folks is similar. She will take their last dime, laughing at them behind their backs while she lives the high life.
I wish there really was a hell so people like Palin would get the reward they have earned.
@stuckinred: I will do that! Thanks, I will take any and all advice I can get.
This video needs to be ripped and uploaded by a bunch of youtubers. Less hits for the original and more fun with parody via annotations.
If you watch until the end there’s a musical interlude section before the final singing and Camo Hat Guy is waving his hand trying to get someone to hurry up and get through that part so Blonde Woman can sing. I’m not sure they intended this to be seen by a wider audience.
@joeyess: It is a youtube
Bill Arnold
Looks like a bible on a stand, pulpit, lower end of a cross in the background. I guess these could be props. If not, I don’t know how many churches would permit production of satirical political videos sung from the pulpit, or real political videos sung from the pulpit (possibly putting tax exempt status at risk). Which would suggest a possibility that it’s deadpan satire.
On the other hand, my satire detector didn’t fire at all.
Refudiate the pundints.
“This do in remembrance of me.” (From the Last Supper portion of the gospel of Luke: this is in fact taking place in a church.)
ETA: late to the party as usual.
This pretty much sums up my sentiments.
“She’s comin’ south to hunt some skunk” needs to be added to the rotating whosiwhatsit.
“Sarah Palin, she won’t listen to their bunk”
“Sarah Palin, I wish she’d touch my junk”
@Chyron HR:
Hey-you clearly speak fluent wingnut (though with a Harvard accent: the song wasn’t “about the presidents” – it was *all* about Obama! And if there was stuff about all the other presidents in there, it was just a smokescreen.)
Check out the comments to the video:
“oh, but you loved the “little children” singing the Obama songs didn’t you? being taught by their teachers to worship the ObamaGod, didn’t you?”
Mark S.
I was wondering what the hell all that arm-waving was about. But I think this proves the First Rule of Musicians:
Never let your groupies sing backup.
dr. bloor
I am weeping.
@stuckinred: Fer christsakes, I know that. I mean people who have youtube accounts should rip it, save it to their desktops and re-upload it on their own channels. Complete with annotations and graphics filled with comedic snark and outright pointing and laughing. In fact, a laugh track added to the thing would be hilarious.
If you can call moaning and gasping “vocals.”
Mark S.
Jeebus, that is a terrifying t-shirt. Sarah looks like the Bride of Chucky.
@YellowDog: win.
@gbear: “Who the hell wears a camouflage hat when speaking from a pulpit in a church?? ”
Are you implying you have been in a church where they don’t?
Anti-hunting elitist.
We’re laughing (me, too!) but really, this is no different from a lot of the really sincere songs that were put together for Obama.
This one was very sincere and this one was performed locally in my town, with a sense of humor.
I only listened to thirty seconds. How do we know that this isn’t a hoax? Granted twenty-five to thirty percent of the society still adore snowbilly snooky but those are also religious folks who are not suppose to worship false gods.
Steaming Pile
@Mark S.: Jail and Hell do rhyme in Real America (TM).
@jeff: “voting for their pride, which they struggle to hold on to. ”
This is where I put on my elitist hat. In THE MIDDLE AGES,
people knew that pride was the first of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Now they are proud of it. Savages.
This is a fucking campaign commercial – for her opponents.
I’m sort of curious to know where this video was shot, but would hate to find out that it was within a few miles of me, because that would be totally possible.
Why’s he behind the lecturn?
She could use some tourquois.
Comin’ south to hunt some skunk.
Apparently, neither of them saw Sarah’s seven-shots-at-50 yards Caribou hunt.
@Joseph Nobles:
I grew up around people like this in Eastern North Carolina, and some of the people from the northwestern part of NC where my wife grew up are *still* just like that (hint: it’s Congresswoman Virginia Foxx’s district). The people are cute and quite personable face to face, but the fact that the kind of gullible, virulent ignorance and stupidity on display in this video is honestly felt does not make it charming; not very far underneath the charmingly honest surface lies a cauldron of nasty meanness and bitterness and rebellion from rational thought. Congresswoman Foxx’s beliefs and utterances are honestly felt; do they seem so charming, especially once removed from the setting of a spare community meeting room/chapel somewhere out in rural or very small-town America?
Omnes Omnibus
I made it 35 seconds. Is that the record?
I can think of at least 3 car models that could utilize the spare tire around that lady’s waist.
gogol's wife
It’s definitely “This do in remembrance of me.” It’s a communion table. We have the same style lettering on the one in our church — oh my God, I hope that’s not my church!
Interesting to see the southern goobers embracing a northerner.
I love how she taps the beat with the mike against, well, I call it her “thigh.”
Yes, they’re cute and sincere and all that. But I guarantee that, underneath that sweet hillbilly facade, they wear white robes and would have no trouble at all stringing up, say, an uppity Kenyan who has gotten too big for his britches. And then next Sunday, they’ll handle them some big old rattlers and Jeebus will speak through them in tongues and they’ll be already to sit by his side after the Rapture.
Recording contract?
Slightly OT, I’m now getting a Clownhall banner ad across the top of the page, saying “Support Arizona Independence!” Criminy…is there a freaking Arizona secession movement now, also, too?!?
Dude can sing. Puts Lee Greenwood to shame — and he’s working with material only marginally more literate.
Brideof Chucky
@Mark S.:
Hey that comment offends me!
Bet they want the gubmint to keep it’s hands off their Medicare and SS too. Also.
He’s got a nice voice. Unfortunate lyrics, whatever one thinks of the subject.
joe from Lowell
Is “skunk” pinging anyone else’s racism detector?
“Hunt some skunk,” and everyone understands who the skunk is. Is that just me?
I think he’s starbursting
Why is it going to be “cold as hell”? Is Sarah gonna tow Alaska to Washington with her bare tits? I mean teeth? I mean HANDS!
Are there any American symbols left that the teabaggers haven’t tried to co-opt?
@joe from Lowell:
Not really, but “She’ll throw ’em all in jail” sets off my fascism detector.
Old Dan and Little Ann
My wife and I just finished watching The Social Network and this was this first thing I saw when the movie was over. Sadly, this was too good not to share.
It’s always a treat to find a video with less than 400 views. Holy fucking crap.
Mr. Upright
This just goes to prove that if Sarah Palin didn’t exist, somebody would have to create a black velvet painting of her.
@Laertes: They’re lip synching until the chorus. I found the real culprit of this madness.
OT did anyone see the Darth Cheney interview? Why is he on my tv???
Mr Stagger Lee
OMG!!!! If she is elected!! She will be America’s answer to Kim il Sung and Kim Jong Il. I could just see it now, cardboard messages with Sarah Palin. Kids at the beginning of school day praising Sarah Jong Il!
wasabi gasp
John McCain opened with a puppet show about a boy who would be king.
@joe from Lowell: That’s how I took it as well. Hmm.
Plus, I just gotta say,
oh. my. god.
Dennis SGMM
“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
Attributed to Sinclair Lewis
Mike Kay
@Dennis SGMM: when fascism comes to America, it will be singing bad karaoke and speaking in word salads.
Dream On
Not as good as this. Jimmy Carter Says Yes…
@joe from Lowell:
Not really. I’ve heard the same language applied to, among others, Nancy Pelosi. I think it’s just an equal opportunity codeword for any liberal.
@joe from Lowell:
Nah, if they wanted coded they would have said “coon hunting” subtlety is not their strong suit.
Good mustard and tasty lettuce may not be elitist, but some of these comments are, as well as smug and counter-productive. I live around a lot of people just like the people in the video and grew up around a lot more of them. Both sides of my family tree are full of people like this. They are scared. They’ve never really known anyone unlike themselves. My parents were saved from that fate by getting out of that small Oklahoma town in the 30’s when Dad went to work for an oil company. Also for some reason, my parents understood the value of education, and it was drummed into the four of us that we would go to college—we all made it through. I have a neighbor (not nearly like these yahoos, but he has some worrisome ideas) and I challenge him all the time about his beliefs. He likes and respects me so he listens. I think I have changed him some. That is the answer—it’s a long walk but we don’t have another choice.
trixie larue
It’s got a good beat. You can dance to it.
Brisbane Belff (formerly G. Nelson Buttnergle (formerly Mumphrey (formerly Renfrew Squeevil (formerly Mumphrey Oddison Yamm (formerly Mumphrey O. Yamm (formerly Mumphrey))))))
This Sarah Palin shit is getting to be utterly Stalinist. I really don’t get it. I know that a lot of people have noted the excessive appeals to nationalism and emotion, which are typical of all kinds of fascist movements, but somehow this personality cult thing makes me think more of the Soviet Union while Stalin was leadng it. They practically worshipped the guy; even when he fucked up, they fell all over each other to suck up to him at their endless meetings.
I feel fairly hopeful that she’ll never get anywhere in politics again, but lord help us if she did. She’d have her own sycophantic, fanatical army of soulless, violent psychopaths ready to do whatever she asked without another thought. I don’t think there are enough of them to overwhelm the rest of us (whatever Glenn Beck might say, his drooling minions don’t surround us), and damn, they look old and I guess they’ll be dying off more and more everey year, but fuck if they couldn’t make life in this country utter hell while the civil war played out.
Balloon Juice needs to be dedicated to the Tea Party and all the Patriots. and needs to be done in a whiny nasal drawl……
Brisbane Belff (formerly G. Nelson Buttnergle (formerly Mumphrey (formerly Renfrew Squeevil (formerly Mumphrey Oddison Yamm (formerly Mumphrey O. Yamm (formerly Mumphrey))))))
@trixie larue:
I was thinking more along the lines of: “You can shoot yourself thriugh the head to it.”
@joe from Lowell:
Sure did mine. I was surprised to see no other mention.
Black/white, what the hell else would it mean?
Jeanne ringland
@Mark S.: Are they singing “She’ll throw all in jail”?
Personality cults are so much fun.
The term “skunk” has a long history in politics (and invective in general). It goes back long before there were black/white presidents. As far as I know, it has never carried any racial connotations.
I tend to agree that racism plays a significant role in the Tea Party phenomenon. But I’m sorry, I just don’t see it here.
Voting Republican became far more important to these people’s identity the day it became unacceptable to march down the street screaming “White Power!”. If they’re not allowed to feel proud of being white, they can at least be proud of the fact that they’re dumb ass rednecks.
@Omnes Omnibus: Seems like some folks around here beat your 35 second record. Me? Well, I’m aware of all internet traditions, so I’m gonna act like a Sadly Naught and just “trust the Shorter.”
@Omnes Omnibus:
39 seconds here, and my mind melted into slag.
If ever a video screamed out for a Rickroll, it is this one.
If you want to get the taste of that Sarah Palin video out of your mouth, here’s a palate cleanser, courtesy of Tom Chapin:
@Mr Stagger Lee:
Well sure, but the choriography in prison yards will be upgraded. Thriller from Wasiller!
Jose Padilla
Reminds me of the version of the Battle Hymn of the Republic that Judy Garland sang on her TV show a couple of weeks after JFK was shot. She prefaced it by saying, “This one’s for you, Jack,” but the network cut that out. She almost breaks down when she sings the line “died to set men free.” At the end there’s a big standing ovation from the studio crowd. Forty eight years, from the sublime to the ridiculous.
Why do we set the bar so low for voters? It seems like we think poor whites should vote for Democrats because it’s in the voters’ own economic interest. What happened to the good of the country? The good of all the people, of generations not yet born? Excusing people because of their fear or ignorance minimizes their responsibility to the rest of the world to be competent and conscientious proprietors of the world during their sojourn here.
Sorry, I’m just not in the mood to find these people “cute.”
@sjw: Bless you!
Citizen Alan
I hate these people. I hate them, and I don’t care who knows it. People like this are going to be the ruin of this entire nation. Osama bin Laden wishes he could inflict as much damage on America as these pig-stupid, Teatard neanderthals do with their bigotry, their reckless hate and their literal worship of ignorance.
Bill Arnold
@Omnes Omnibus:
Watched the whole thing, but mainly looking hopefully for any evidence of satire. Sadly, it looked real.
I lasted until she started singing.
I saw a little bit of a terrible made-for-teevee movie once about a gaggle of aspiring country singers. As they’re walking down the street, one explains to the other in a folksy say (dialogue reconstructed loosely from a fuzzy memory):
“That’s what I love about country music. It’s never ironic, it’s not funny, it’s always totally sincere.”
And I thought “dear god no.”
I get a similar vibe from these people, except there’s a significant chance they’d think racist jokes were funny.
I know you all must get tired of the crazy that is Texas, but this is also real and was repeated on AM radio several times today:
I can’t be bothered to go back and put in all of the tags, but that was all supposed to be in blockquote.
Jeanne ringland
@Violet: Maybe, but etiquette demands that men remove their hats in church.
Jeanne ringland
@jeff: Good explanation. I think you are right.
I can’t get enough of this lady…switching her skirt, bopping her knee up in down in “rhythm,” fluffing her hair, dramatically raising the mike for the chorus, moving it back down in an “I meant to do that” move when it turned out not to be the chorus…so awesome.
I saw the first few seconds elsewhere, and I quickly stopped the video. I do not care how cute they are or how well-intentioned or scared or whatever else they are. I’m with greennotGreen in that I am tired of making excuses for people who can’t be bothered to actually find out the truth. They can watch their FOX and listen to their Rush all they want, but then don’t expect me to find it funny and/or excusable. And, it’s not a matter of being elitist or looking down at Southerners or country folk or whatever. I have friends who choose not to be well-informed about politics (though they tend to be Democrats), and it frustrates me as well. I am not asking anyone to be follow as closely as some of us do, but a rudimentary knowledge of what is actually happening would be appreciated.
@K488: I did not know about Karaoke for Christians before. Learn something new every day, even if I’d rather not know.
Mobile test
Common Sense
“Bless their hearts” needs to be a tagline. For people who aren’t malicious. Just really, really dumb.
Citizen Alan
@Common Sense:
Bullshit. They’re completely malicious. They CHOOSE to be ignorant, to ignore every opportunity to learn the truth, and to cling to obvious lies because those lies match up with their bigotries and biases. Stop coddling them.
I couldn’t help but break out in the Muttley laugh after watching that. It reminds me of a live action skit from Cartoon Network’s “Adult Swim” and the guy sounds like he does the voice of one of the characters in “Squidbillies.”
But they can saaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnng.
@Citizen Alan:
I agree. I live surrounded by a lot if people, if not exactly hillbillies, then just as stupid and ignorant here in Western PA. They are ignorant purely by choice and, often, due to racial and religious bigotry. They simply don’t want to hear anything that challenges their prejudices and I have no more patience for them. They are too dangerous to even point and laugh at. They are ruining this country and I wish they’d all just reach the end of their demographic dominance of our polity already.
A certain mad genius created a dance mix.
They’ve got the demographic down.
Guy has a good voice.
Bless his heart.
@Brisbane Belff (formerly G. Nelson Buttnergle (formerly Mumphrey (formerly Renfrew Squeevil (formerly Mumphrey Oddison Yamm (formerly Mumphrey O. Yamm (formerly Mumphrey)))))):
People in the USSR sucked up to Stalin because they wanted to keep their heads, or at the minimum tried to avoid a one-way ticket to Siberia. These people suck up to Spalin out of their own volition.
Zuzu's Petals
Best comment there:
I liked the comments like “where are the snakes?” and “she sure knows how to work a stage.” Also, “this is old people metal.”
I hope Sarah uses this song for her campaign!!!
I too have extended family like this, and it is sad to me. They have no real education to be to discern the realities and I have long ago realized they don’t want to learn either.
I have decided to confuse them. My husband and I decided to be right of anyone else in the room! You don’t like hcr, me too, in fact Medicare is socialism! It must be killed. Social Security is communism. Commy red pig. I really need to bone up on my antidemocratic hate speak before I visit them!
@dorita: What’s so crazy about that?
Jeanne ringland
Three Arizona GOP moderates resigned because of the rancorous, threatening tone of the Tea Party activists in their area, and one of them is just a note-taker but felt threatened and reported it to the police. The Los Angeles Times has the story, here:,0,1006136.story
I think I just threw up on my mouth. A lot.
Yikes. Milli Vanilli sure have gone downhill since 1990, eh?
Jesus wept.
Sarah has the wisdom…to walk through an open door…
Setting the bar a little low there, aren’t we?
Paul in KY
@gbear: Old Line Baptists, Free Will Baptists, Pentacostals, Unreformed Palinites
Paul in KY
@Jeanne ringland: Not if they know old Shemp is as bald as a cueball & doesn’t take the hat off when he’s in the shower.
They’ll cut him a break.
Its to bad we can’t get a review from Ricky Gervais…hmmm, with a little more than a quarter million hits I wonder if this thing has a chance to go viral? Reading some of the comments from the youTube comments section has nearly killed me from laughing so hard.