I think we should all take a moment to admire the self-control that it took for Kevin Drum to write a thoughtful, scholarly response to a McMegan rant without noting even once how precious it is for Mcardlebargle to complain that someone else needs a fact checker.
BTW, I’m serious about the self-control thing. I don’t know how he does it. But if you read his very next post, it probably helps explain why Kevin is a pro and I’m stealing time at work.
BTW x2: speaking of work! One the the Nature journals just said yes. To celebrate, here’s another pic of Max.
Sorry about the first link. Fixed now.
***Update 2***
To everyone who asked, the paper is in one of the Nature journals and not in Nature itself. Send me an email if you want to know more and I’ll be happy to talk about it.
Wrong link.
The Dangerman
Flossing at a young age; well done, Max.
@TR: Yeah, that’s a REALLY wrong link. I got no reason for sorting of acid hydrolases to lysosomes.
Congrats on the Nature article!
Here’s the Kevin Drum article.
Prof. Poirot
Dude, you’re being published in Nature? That’s awesome! Many congrats!
Congrats! Did you make _Nature_ itself, or are you in one of the field-specific journals? Either way, it’s quite something.
Comrade Mary
Yay for Nature [group]!
God, Max is adorable. Doesn’t he know he’s supposed to reduce people to pee-soaked terror?
Tim F swallowed the bait? I would have bet my mortgage payment on DougJ, son of DougJ. Nevertheless, my faith in the BJ frontpagers to comment on the ridiculous is affirmed. And yes, Drum is ill-suited for the blogosphere; he has self-control in abundance.
My irony-meter exploded when I saw McMegan spew that post. I guess it’s important that the Atlantic has fact-checkers but not so important that they catch factual errors. Good gig if you can get it.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
What a beeeeyooootiful dog. I hope he has the smarts to go with the look.
Comrade Mary
This Radiolab podcast has a great summation of some of this research (on self control in kids, not the Functional architecture of the retromer cargo-recognition complex).
::places two marshmallows in thread, sneaks out again::
thomas Levenson
Yay re Natureborg!
I really love his naturally floppy ears.
And many congratulations to you, Tim F.!
Dude! Don’t keep us in suspense on the article. Give us some details!
Southern Beale
I didn’t get a “thoughtful, scholarly response to a McMegan rant” in that link. I got a request for a subscription to Nature.
Can someone tell me what this is about? Clif’s Notes edition?
Less Popular Tim
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage:
You don’t think he looks kind of like a hayseed, chewing on that grass? I guess hayseeds can be smart. Not necessarily in the book-learnin sense.
Congrats on the Nature article.
Max is gorgeous. May he be your loving marshmallow for a long time.
J.W. Hamner
It is indeed hard not to laugh when you read McCardle say something like this:
Just like they magically insert themselves into your calculator. I love that errors have their own agency independent of the author.
As a sort of aside, please tell me McCardle isn’t writing a book and that’s why she is thinking about fact checking.
@Southern Beale: Tim F. has his links mixed up. He meant this one for the Kevin Drum blog:
(Probably comes from thinking about adding the picture of Max.)
Congrats on the Nature article! That’s the big time, baby!
Max is the cutest thing ever.
As I said in a comment on McMegan’s post last night:
As with most people who claim to be “conservatives,” it’s all about them. The Virtue of Selfishness, indeed.
Ken in MS
We are on Doberman #3. And everyone who visits is absolutely amazed at how great they are as housepets. Sweet, funny, and intelligent. We’ve never had a red, though, just two blacks and a blue.
@ danimal :
What…if….McMegan’s real job at the Atlantic (the one they’re actually paying her for) is to be one of their fact-checkers? And the “economics” editor thing is just a vanity gig they gave her just to stoke whomever the magazine’s real editors were paying back favors to, one that kinda grew a bit out of control?
OK, so that’s a bit of a hypothetical stretch. However, if true, that might explain a lot if too many outfits are giving out those “fact-checker” jobs to people like McMegan as plums for connected people’s otherwise difficult-to-employ relatives and friends.
Nature, woo hoo! Congratulations, Tim.
Congrats, Tim F!
quaint irene
Face! What a wonderful face!
Crusty Dem
Holy hell, Nature? Congratulations!
congrats Tim!
I’ve always heard the expression the pot calling the kettle black.
Whoa – Nature? Conga-rats, dude!
Comrade Mary
@cathyx: You, my friend, have a future at The Atlantic.
@Comrade Mary: What do you mean by that?
Paul in KY
Getting something in ‘Nature’ is bad ass. Kudos!
Congratulations on the Nature paper, Tim, and thanks for the great posts in general.
Was it a Nature group journal, the OG big momma – or are you finally coming clean about that weird I-need-to-marry-abstract-concepts thing?
As a lawyer, attorney general DeWine’s first question after the accident was “Can I sue him?”. His second question was “Can he sue me?”. The answer to this, DeWine being the owner of the car, was yes, so DeWine made sure that Kirk was examined by a doctor who pronounced him uninjured and thus he couldn’t later hook up with a shyster lawyer who gets Kirk to claim a back injury requiring a sizable compensation.
There is nothing compassionate about this at all.
What a gorgeous pup! And congrats on the Nature thing.
Comrade Mary
@cathyx: You’re a natural-born fact-checker. Not a natural-born McMegan. My deepest apologies if I appeared to imply the latter.
Nice doggie! He definitely needs to be on BJ more often, what a cutie. Oh, and good on ya for that worky-science thing ;-)
Max is magnificent! He looks so thoughtful. Congrats on the job, Tim.
What is Max chewing?
Prof. Poirot
Not in Nature, but in one of the Nature journals? That’s close enough for me! You’re still awesome!
Beth in VA
That’s one beautiful pup! Great chocolat colors.