She’s talking again.
Sarah Palin has blissfully been silent about Egypt. Until now.
In an interview with some dude at the Christian Broadcasting Network, Palin criticized Obama for his handling of Egypt:1
“It’s a difficult situation,” Ms. Palin told the Christian Broadcasting Network. “This is that 3 a.m. White House phone call, and it seems for many of us trying to get that information from our leader in the White House, it seems that that call went right to the answering machine.”
“And nobody yet has, nobody yet has explained to the American public what they know [what who knows?], and surely they [they who?] know more than the rest of us know [us who?] who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak [what the — how are they to know who is taking the place of Mubarak when Mubarak himself can’t seem to make up his damn mind] and no, not, not real enthused [yes, but are you jazzed?] about what it is that that’s being done on a national level and from D.C. [Do you have any idea what you just said?] in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt. [The Situation is in Egypt?! Pics or GTFO.] And, in these areas [what areas? Alaska? Russia?] in that are so volatile right now, because obviously it’s not just Egypt but the other countries too [Which other countries, too? Can you name one? Didn’t think so.] where we are seeing uprisings, we know that now more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House [::blank stare::]. We need to know what it is that America stands for [truth, justice, and the American way! Duh.] so we know who it is that America will stand with. [Anyone standing with you is standing with Stupid. That, we know.] And, we do not have all that information yet.” [All what information? What America stands for? Whether America has legs? I just — I can’t even.]”
***[full text sans peanut gallery comments below]
First of all: What in THEE hell is she talking about?
Second of all: “Nobody has explained to the American public what they know” is a delicious Freudian slip because that’s the Teatwit credo, isn’t it? “We don’t know anything until you tell us what we know.”
Third of all: I’m not kidding — what the fuck is she even saying?!
Fourth of all: Don’t get comfortable. This country is full of asshats and they are dumb enough to elect this woman president. Nate Silver’s new graph —
— indicates that she is the second most likely candidate to win the Republican nomination (Pawlenty Romney being the first), or so says someone smarter than I.2
Finally, if you want to bang your head against a wall for a while — just to make the pain stop — here’s Sarah on how she’ll behave if she decides to run for President:
“I would continue on the same course of not really caring what other people say about me or worrying about the things that they make up, but having that thick skin and a still spine [so — we can expect full paralysis then?!].”
What the hell is wrong with this woman? It’s like she was created in a lab. She cannot be of this world. I mean, really — How stupid can one person be? I think we’re witnessing some sort of Guiness Book of World Records shit.
Mark my words: At some point, she’s going to start the debate about whether or not the earth is actually flat. I mean, who’s to say? Science?! What’s that?
The continued stupidification of America continues… stupidly. Might as well sign up for the Flat Earth Society and get your free tote bag.
“It’s a difficult situation. This is that 3 a.m. White House phone call, and it seems for many of us trying to get that information from our leader in the White House, it seems that that call went right to the answering machine. And nobody yet has, nobody yet has explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak and no, not, not real enthused about what it is that that’s being done on a national level and from D.C. in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt. And, in these areas that are so volatile right now, because obviously it’s not just Egypt but the other countries too where we are seeing uprisings, we know that now more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House. We need to know what it is that America stands for so we know who it is that America will stand with. And, we do not have all that information yet.”
1 I’m guessing that she’s criticizing Obama. I don’t speak fluent Alaskan Crazy and even Google Translate can’t decipher this nonsense.
2 I don’t know what this graph is supposed to represent, but it looks scary, so I figure I better start panicking.
[cross-posted here at Angry Black Lady Chronicles]
The size of the bubble indicates the likelihood of nomination. This places Romney first, Palin second, Pawlenty in the 3rd to 6th range.
Spaghetti Lee
Sure she’s got a good chance of winning the GOP nomination, but I really wouldn’t worry about her beating Obama in the general. The poll averages I’ve seen have Obama up by 55-37 or so, and she’s only ahead of him by one in Arizona and Texas. Arizona and Texas! She’d have to win every single state John McCain won and then like the entire midwest sans Illinois, or take back Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania and maybe a few more. Do you see that happening? I sure don’t.
Angry Black Lady
@acontra: thanks!
@Spaghetti Lee: i don’t but i’m not getting comfortable!
Thx for this post. I cited this trainwreck interview in a comment on a prior thread. It demands its own thread because of Palin’s stone cold stupidity.
Palin’s latest interview puts Geoffrey Rush’s oscar winning performance in Shine to shame. Palin is the Queen of “word salad”.
h/t Wikipedia
“Palin” should be declared a unit of measurement to quantify stupidity.
That whole interview is full of her gobbly gook gook bop de bop for supporters rasmataz. It’s a clusterfuck of known unknowns and Ain’t I something, now, ain’t I?>
She will not be elected president, probably not win the nomination.
That is my known.
Spaghetti Lee
Regarding the map in general: Trump, Bolton, Cain, Paul, Giuliani = PAHAHAH! Bachmann’s scary, but no one’s every won the presidency as an incumbent in the House of Representatives. Gingrich and Santorum = keep dreamin’. They had their time. The ones I’d worry about beating Obama are the boring ones: Daniels, Thune, Barbour, and Pawlenty. I don’t think Romney qualifies as Safe and Boring anymore: too well known, too much baggage. If DeMint won the nomination, I’d be pretty worried. He knows how to get the tea party worked into a froth, and he’s not as visibly stupid as some of his peers.
Triassic Sands
Where the hell is Fred Dalton Thompson?
Mustang Bobby
Where the hell is Fred Dalton Thompson?
Selling reverse mortgages on late-night TV and trying to get his job back on Law & Order. He should show up in the chart any minute now.
Oh, my holy dog. Man, that’s the kind of thing that makes even Okies, a group that is typically proudly conservative and uneducated, say “what the fuck was that about? Seriously, what the fuck?
Who is “Cain”? Just as I’m going to bed, Silver springs THIS on us?! Makes no sense. Where is Abel? Oh, wait, Abel would be an “accuser” and thus, not Republican enough.
PS, the Whooosh jpeg is inspired. Love it.
@Triassic Sands:
Fred’s busy reflecting on Reagan at with cliche after cliche.
Take warning from this, though:
Oh, sigh and oh god.
(Someday I’ll learn how to post a more graceful link here.)
Please let me assist, ABL.
She’s saying that Obama is doing it wrong. Of course. I mean, that’s the easy part. She’s doing so in such a freakish way because she’s been yelled at fifty times about waiting another month to make death threats, but she still has to talk Tea Jerker language. The message is that a government conspiracy is keeping secrets from Real Americans, but those Real Americans still know more in their gut than any hoity toity fed with an ‘education’ and an ‘IQ greater than 100’. Also overtones of ‘nuance is wrong, pick a side’.
Incidentally, that there’s a message somewhere in that gibberish doesn’t make her any smarter. Her appeal is based on being the moron that makes the morons feel like they’re special. She speaks their language because it is her language.
As for that appeal, I’m going to side with ‘Sure she has a shot at the nomination, but not at the general.’ 2010 showed the power of the whackadoodle fringe… in primaries. In the general they cost the GOP seats in what election patterning predicted would be an epic blowout. Palin polls slightly ahead of Dick Cheney in popularity among the *overall* population.
Jeremy B
FREE TOTE BAG? That’s for them commie greenies!
If you sign up for the Flat Earth Society you get a lifetime supply of disposable plastic grocery bags….
I can see a scenario in which Palin could win the general. It would require Obama to go insane and murder Michelle and the Bidens in their beds. Even then, the tally would be close in the electoral count if he saved the rampage for October 31.
As for what she said about Egypt, I commend CBN for reporting her every last hesitation with perfect clarity. The content has been fully explicated by other commenters, so I won’t bore folks with needless repetition.
I still can’t shake “What is this I don’t even,” though. Just can’t. She exemplifies it.
Here’s the translation of Sarah “Mooseburger Helper” Palin’s remarks to David Brody of CBN:
Shorter Sarah Palin: “Humina, Humina, Humina, Humina…”
h/t Ralph Kramden from The Honeymooners
@Triassic Sands: He’s in Secretariat.
John Emerson
I Google translated into French and then back into English:
“And nobody has, nobody has yet explained to the American public what they know and they certainly know more than the rest of us know who it is who will replace Mubarak, no, no, no real enthusiasm about what is what is done at national level and DC regarding the understanding of all the situation there in Egypt. And in those areas that are so volatile now because that ‘Obviously it is not only Egypt, but the other countries we are witnessing riots, we know that today more than ever, we need strength and sanity there, in white. We need to know what it is that America is so we know who it is that America stand. And we do not have all this information
@John Emerson: That actually makes sense in a way the original does not.
Perhaps we should do that with all teabagger statements, and particularly those by Sarah Palin(tm).
M. Bouffant
I don’t know what this graph is supposed to represent, but it looks scary, so I figure I better start panicking.
Me too.
In the age of the teevee, when you must at least LOOK like you are not an idiot (instead of, as in Sarah’s case, actually BE one)DeMint and Barbour do not have a prayer of being elected. I truly fear them not.
Can’t really put much faith in a graph that tacks Paul as a moderate.
The chances for the nomination are from Intrade, which probably means that the Palin number is rather inflated. The volume on Intrade for Palin is about 4-5 times as much as most of the other leading contenders, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that is mostly savvy betters fleecing the Palin fanclub.
Former President Bush must be proud. His occasional Bushism now seems endearing. If Sarah were a representative the Republicans could let her sit on the Intelligence Committee along with Bachman.
Tom M
Considering she gets her info from Newsmax, America’s Shittiest Website and RenewAmerica, she parrots their lines pretty well. Grammar is the hobgoblin of liberal minds or something, me know remember.
Black wingnut radio talker
Tim O
You know there’s a whole bunch of out of work consultants biting at the bit, praying she’ll run, so they can latch on, propose silly campain stunts, that she’ll go for, just so they can loot the coffers.
I do fear a run though. She would certainly lose in a straight vote but you know there are nutjob shooters plotting everyday, and should “Our Lady of Lock and Load” get nominated, they’ll think it’s a sign from god that hunting season is open. The Secret Service will have to deputize the National Guard.
Linda Featheringill
Oh my.
I am not sure how much we need to know about Egypt’s near future. It is their revolution, not ours. It is theirs to live through. I realize that the whole situation is fascinating but it is their situation. We are the spectators.
Speaking as a spectator, this has been one wild ride. And if it really is “Arab spring,” we may have some interesting times ahead.
Linda Featheringill
On the other hand, this thread is not about the Egyptian Revolution. It’s about Miss Sarah. And she is as strange as ever.
Odie Hugh Manatee
I really like that you posted this at 4:20.
Sounds like a great way to start the morning. The bowl of champions! :)
I think the chart shows that no one other than Pam Geller gives a crap about John Bolton. So there is a point where you can be too crazy for America, though we unfortunately will probably destroy ourselves long before we reach that point because holy shit, Palin isn’t too crazy and that nut would nuke us all just to stop people from saying mean things about her. Thick skin my ass, her skin is thinner than saran wrap.
That woman is just one crazy-ass motherfucker. I don’t know how else to say it.
My translation is as follows:
Something like that.
I seen that graph over at Silver’s place last night. I couldn’t make any sense of it either till I got into the comments. Then someone nailed it.
It’s Wonderbread.
I think that about sums it up.
@Donut: You are reading to much into her response. What Snowflake Snooki said was I have no idea because the President didn’t brief me.
Also, too..Did McCain take the time to interview her?
Good news for McCain I guess.
The Page has more of the interview and it doesn’t get better
Bobby Thomson
It doesn’t make sense because it doesn’t have to. All she has to do is provide a vague template for people with anxiety about Egypt who are impatient, want to know more, and just generally don’t like the template.
She’s never been the coolly cerebral candidate. Why start now?
Chris Matthews on Hardball tomorrow
Steaming Pile
Wow. That’s a whole barrel of stupid there. Of course, you have to not get distracted and just read the black text to get the full effect. I am now more than just a bit dumber than I was before I read it. Thanks.
Palin’s responses remind me of the times in my old job when I interviewed job seekers, and some would just ramble on at every question, clearly not answering the actual question, but just spouting off what they believe you want to hear. Palin is exactly the same way.
Don’t freak out over that graph. As Silver notes in the column, the size of those circles are derived from Intrade values for the candidates, which are essentially just the hunches of ill-informed day traders. Silver says he doesn’t accept their rankings at all, but used them only as a starting point. The real purpose of the graph was to demonstrate the spectrum of insider-outsider and conservative-moderate in the primaries.
As much as I wish Palin would get the nomination and destroy her party, it ain’t gonna happen. Mittens or Huckster, with TPaw as VP.
Be SCARED, be very SCARED !
Sorry ABL,
There may be enough asshats in the Republican party, but when it comes to that, I for one am absolutely dreaming of Palin at the top of the ticket for Republicans. She literally puts states like South Dakota and Nebraska in play for Obama. She would be an absolute disaster for R’s. She still has her fantastic record of non-accomplishment and ridiculous statements to have to run on. Landslide for Obama in 2012 if Palin is the R nom.
mai naem
I am willing to be bet that Princess Sarah had no idea who Hosni Mubarak was before this situation came up. Also I would bet that she didn’t know anything about Cairo. Also too, I bet when Princess Sarah thinks about Egyptians, the first thing she thinks of is the song “Walk Like An Eqyptian” An extra bonus – I would bet she doesn’t know who Anwar Sadat was, hell, or Nasser. And, yes, I really do think she is that stupid.
Sarah Palin should learn to speak correctly before going on air to criticize anybody. She makes no sense and never has. I am appalled at the constant coverage she gets from the media.
She is a crazy person who has seized the moment to cash in. She’s going
To trademark her name as if she was brand. That tells you how nuts she is. It’s all about money.
It’s too large a unit to be used in everyday life; it would be like measuring body weight in tons. Still, I like the idea, even if we have to use milliPalins and microPalins.
The proper response to any Palin comment is the debate judge’s comment from Billy Madison about how we’re all dumber now for having heard it.
Here’s what Sarah Palin is really saying:
“Doesn’t it seem like that black guy isn’t being straight with us about this?”
(She just happened to say it about Egypt this time, which is why it sounds particularly stupid.)
It might be enough to win the GOP nomination – after all, it’s an awfully succinct (and paranoid, and regressive; but those are features, not bugs) message – but is it enough for a general election? Hard to be sure until she loses.
Love the comment “Palin” should be used as a measurement to quantify
Stupidity. So appropriate !
If you don’t speak Wingnutese, this sort of thing can be challenging. Let me see if I can help:
Did that make it any clearer?
I’m with Chris — probably the only sop to coherence is to imply that Obama is being “sneaky” again. She is a true pox.
Last night I tried to share that “interview” of hers with my oldest via IM. She’s an IS major with a concentration in North Africa and has been a source of interesting insight. After a couple of snippets where she could only reply “uh, derrr..” she finally told me to “give it up” because there was absolutely nothing intelligible in that “harpy’s meanderings” and she would rather do her homework. Cracked me up.
Sko Hayes
The problem with Sarah running for president is who she is going to pick to advise her.
After the disastrous encounter with McCain’s handlers, I predict she’s going to stick with a trusted circle of insiders, few of whom have any national political experience. She will attempt to avoid the media, but will have to succumb to interviews and answer actual questions rather than the “How do you stand all these attacks from that mean old liberal media?”.
Her campaign will start out strong, but the gaffes will pile up. What will be interesting is how the other candidates treat her in debates.
I’m stocking up on popcorn.
Sarah Palin is as dumb as a box of rocks.
Carry on.
Translation: Obama is keeping stuff from the American people (probably because he’s a secret Muslim and hates America and we can’t trust him). He needs to pick a side to stand on, because I’m too stupid and uninformed to pick a side on my own. Until then I have to say incoherent things because I can’t figure out what to oppose until I can figure out what Obama is for.
I grew up in Michigan, parts of which are as close as you can get to Alaska in the lower 48, so I have experience with a dialect related to Alaska Crazy.
On PalinsTM being too large a unit of measure for stupid – they have a solution to this problem in the metric system – you just move the decimal point. MiliPalins, centiPalins, DeciPalins, etc. Problem solved. I think I’ll trademark all the metricized units myself.
@John Emerson: I did a similar thing, but added an extra step.
English to French to German and back to English:
So, in her own words, translated into something barely coherent: we don’t know what America means unless something that has happened in Egypt is explained by Big Daddy America Figureheadperson.
Maybe if the original was actually in English it might have made more sense.
Which is why I simply refuse to listen to her. I can NEVER make out what she is saying. It takes way too much energy and time try to tease out even ONE comprehensive sentence. I just don’t have it in me, but kudos to you, ABL, for trying.
Since her base is so uninformed regarding global politics they can’t differentiate between the babble they can’t comprehend from those that know what they talking about and incomprehensive babble from those that don’t.
Really, the most complex policy these people can understand is “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran”
The sad thing is that Palin’s ramblings actually make sense to a lot of conservatives, not all of whom are old and on the margins. She has found that sweet spot of fear and anxiety that appeals to those who have bought into the argument of Limbaugh and Beck that whatever Obama is doing is wrong and not good for America.
It’s sad, but it’s where we are. And worst of all, it is creating an opening not only for Palin, but also for someone like Mitt Romney, who is not as bone stupid as Palin, but who is just as much an empty suit with a mean streak.
@Donut: I approve
Funny to have found and be reading this post right after reading the NYT review of Rumsfeld’s 800+-page discourse on the known unknowns and unknown knowns of his career. Palin’s simply carrying on the tradition.
Mnemosyne (iPod Touch)
Watching the 2012 Republican primary is going to be fascinating. Palin probably won’t get the nomination, but whoever the nominee is will have to cater to her nutty followers, which isn’t going to go over well in the general.
I don’t think Rumsfeld was dumb, just inarticulate and that made dumb things come out of his mouth some times. But he had actual thoughts. With Palin it’s just word sounding mouth noises unrelated to any underlying mental activity.
Wait, you’re saying Sarah doesn’t sit in at National Security briefings?
Davis X. Machina
If she wins the nomination, the Republicans lose SD and Nebraska for the first time since ’64.
Goldwater, with tits, IOW
Relax, she’s toast. (I see on edit lonesomerobot got there first.)
While George W. Bush did solidify the notion (set in motion by Reagan) that the U.S. will definitely elect a bag of hammers as our president, the real difference between him and Palin is money, as in old, plentiful and with as much political pull as you can get get these days. Bush had lots of all that and got the requisite nudges at election times to pull of the improbable feat, twice. Palin, not so much.
Palin and W may share similar IQs (along with measures of fuck-you-up-the-ass viciousness and cunning) but Palin isn’t in the same political, big-money class as Bush, and it took all of that to get Bush over. Bush had heavy hitters like George Schultz and Jim Baker to get his boots up on the Oval Office desk, and Rove and Cheney to keep them there. Who’s Palin got? Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity? They’re good for keeping the screamers hot but that won’t translate into the White House–unless somebody does something REALLY, REALLY STUPID.
Best comment so far on the Palin pronouncements regarding Egypt, courtesy of Shannyn Mooore’s Twitter.
ABL, I would not worry about her becoming a president. She’s got
less than a zero chance in a national election. She has a small devoted fan base, but they’re too small to matter in the general election.
I read her word salad late last night, and I thought I was too sleepy to make any sense of it, so I went to bed. After 8 hours of restful sleep, I still cannot make any sense of her gibberish. I am sure though, her fan base will view it as another brilliant interview.
The words don’t matter. What matters is her heart is pure. Just like Reagan. Some guys sold coke in California to pay guys in Central America to dig other guys eyes out with a spoon or blow torch their armpit. Pure hearted freedom.
Rick Massimo
Seriously? The woman who can’t stay out of a war of words with a semi-employed 20-year-old former future son-in-law?
Lol I just don’t understand why she even feels as if she’s adding to anything going on right now. She never or at least has yet to bring something insightful or helpful or sane to any situation that has occurred the last 3 years. She speaks like a highschool sophomore term paper. Just shit thrown together with a lot of filler words only to restate the opening statement at the conclusion
Jeez, why is that every time she starts trying to talk authoritatively, she ends up sounding like the kid giving the book report for the book she didn’t read? How on earth does someone find *5* colleges that don’t teach you about run-on sentences even if you aren’t a Div 1 student athlete?
ABL @ Top:
I believe I may have been the first person to point that out, back in September, 2008 at Sadly, No:
What can we do to help Snowbilly Snooki win the GOP primary? Are there open primaries that can benefit from the obverse of Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos? Anyone want to join Democrats for Palin(R)?
Let’s make sure Sarah’s word salad is part of the presidential debate.
Mike in NC
And Palin couldn’t tell you the difference between the Suez Canal and the Erie Canal, except one of them is in Alaska.
Please! Do not further inflict the name Palin on us even as a measure of stupid.
Can we please just delete her and her sorry offspring permanent from our daily lexicon?
grumpy realist
Didn’t Palin get a degree in Communications? Eeek. I would think that the colleges she attended would yank her credits simply on grounds of acute embarrassment. (sorta like Orly Taitz and her handy-dandy mail-order law degree. Either the California Bar fails to test anything on Civil Procedure or she sent a ringer to take the test.)
And if this country is inhabited by enough idiots that $arah actually does become POTUS, you might as well stick a fork in us anyway; we’re done.
Sir Nose'D
The international standard for stupid is still Time Cube Units, with one Time Cube being equal to the madness of time cube theory. Ms. Palin (TM) registers only about a 0.2 TCUs.
MI has an open primary. For years republicans have been crossing over to help the Dems nominate weak challengers to GOP incumbents.
Payback’s a bitch, baby.
ETA: I clicked that Time Cube link and I have to go rinse the ignorance off my brain now.
Shorter Sarah: “Fuckin’ Egypt. How’s that work, anyway?”
Shorter Sarah Palin = Me, Me, Me, a verb and Obama is doing it all wrong.
Shorter Sarah Palin = Me, Me, Me, a verb and Obama is doing it all wrong.
New to Ballon
Maybe we need a liberal bimbo to further confuse the tea baggers.
What she is saying is that Obama should be letting America know, via twitter and facebook, what he believes in, so that she can know what she should believe in. And he shouldn’t move much, showing his still spine. Or something.
They need to tell us what they know so we know what we should know about that thing that we don’t know about right now.
this this a thousand times this.
No disrespect to ABL’s fine post, but one place I part company with most of y’all good folks is that I don’t understand why people listen to her and I REALLY don’t understand why people talk about her.
What, are we still waiting for the day when pigs fly and something coherent comes out of her mouth?
There is nothing to be gained except an increase in blood pressure and an overdose of revulsion.
She gets enough undeserved attention as it is — why give her more?
I was in the ‘let’s watch the flameout’ camp until her appalling performance after Tucson when she was criticized about targets on her map. Her reaction to the criticism showed that she’s no ordinary clueless dumbbell but a complete egotist with no interest in the part of the world that isn’t looking at her right this moment. Her reflexive lashing out really put me off. As far as I’m concerned she can’t fade away fast enough now.
@shawntos: You’ve nailed it! The one-size fits all translation of all Sarah speeches from now to eternity. Congrats!
I’m pretty sure if Obama used the bully pulpit, the media wouldn’t spend so much time talking about Sarah Palin’s nonsensical blathering.
Here’s the translation
“I am a fucking moron,who doesn’t know shit about anything, yet less stupid than the senile old man who made me the VP, and less stupid than my drooling retarded base and give me money, money and more money”
Ok, I have to weigh in on this:
. That so-called “sentence” is being transcribed like that everywhere I see it. I think, however, because of her ridiculous, affected accent, she is saying “steel spine”, not “still”. Kind of the way she says she’s the “rill dill”, meaning “real deal”. Not even people in MN or North Dakota lay it on that thick.
Carry on.
CNN, for its part, is calling it “Palin’s new, strong criticism”
Another Commenter at Balloon Juice (fka Bella Q)
@Admiral_Komack: Really, that’s unfair. I’ve met smarter rocks.
@mai naem: Nasser? She thinks that’s what they call the place space jockeys work on the evil East Coast. An historical figure? LOL, I also doubt she knows who Sadat was, or that/why he was assasinated.
I’m still considering marketing “Sarah – Shut up” bumper stickers at cafepress.
Joy Behar’s tweet from a couple of days ago, “Let us imagine Sarah Palin dealing with Egypt right now” was a winner with my liberal email circle.
I’m not getting comfortable. As Booman summed up writing about wingnuts obsessing over incandescent light bulbs, “It’s like one half of the country is suffering from cerebral hypoxia”.
Dear ABL: are you sure this nonsense shot out of Palin’s face? Because I’m pretty certain that this is the product of the other end of Palin’s digestive tract.
@Nick: About all Sarah Princess has a this point is that she represents some fundamental difference between right and left. It really doesn’t even matter any more what that difference is: she’s simply a sign. I’m absolutely convinced that if we (the left) weren’t such suckers for each and every shiny turd that Sarah Princess drops, she would simply go away for lack of interest by all concerned. But clearly she serves some profound need for the left (most obviously: evidence that the right is stupid, which it is not, but that’s another issue). So, she won’t be going away. Evidently, we just need her too badly.
On the other hand, I just don’t get why anyone would be afraid of Sarah Princess as a presidential candidate. Her politics are really no worse than pretty much the entire rest of the Republican field at this point, and all polling indicates that she would be by far the easiest of the Republican candidates for Obama to defeat in 2012.
@Nick: And you actually think what CNN says matters?
@Nick: And Huffpo? “Sarah Palin Blasts Obama’s Handling Of Egypt.”
I guess that wording makes sense, if “blasts” can refer to a chaotic explosion in all directions, ten miles from the intended target.
I think this is the problem for all of the right wing. No one can take a stand until Obama does. He’s f’ing them by not choosing sides.
Clearly she’s lost track of what the founding document says about dealing with Egypt.
Just look Egypt up the the Bible and go from there.
Shorter Caribou Barbie: “foreign policy is HARD!”
Even if you give her the benefit of the doubt and try to make sense of it, it’s idiotic. It sounds like she’s calling for the Obama administration to make public any sensitive diplomatic discussions it’s having regarding the turnover of another country’s sovereign government. It would be insane of an administration to do that on any level. Mind you, this is the same idiot who blasted Wikileaks for revealing sensitive diplomatic information.
Suffern ACE
I agree with her. Two weeks is long enough. A real president would have this wrapped up by now. I hope tonight Obama spends time in his interview to announce that Sarah Palin has been selected the new president of Egypt. Since whatever the US says goes in Egypt, I’m sure there will be a smooth transition.
Is Egypt Obama’s Katrina yet? It will be sooner or later, in the right wing press.
Palin is a 24 carat gold ignoramus who has never made an intelligent or insightful comment in her adult life. Unfortunately, the MSM keeps shoving her down our throats, so it isn’t possible to completely ignore her.
Best takedown of Palin I’ve seen in months:
Palin seems not to have gotten the gist of Hillary’s “3am” ad. The call would have been from a Cabinet member or foreign leader warning of an imminent crisis. The implication was that you wanted someone with a little more experience, like Senator Clinton, when the call came.
The gist was definitely NOT that a president was supposed to take calls at 3am from random citizen nutjobs wanting to know when we would start bombing Iran or was it time to seal off the house with cellophane.
Hoping for the Chelsea Clinton quote “my father was a Rhodes Scholar.”
Anyone with a twitter account, Ayman Mohyeldin, a US citizen and a Middle East-based correspondent for Al Jazeera English has been detained by the Egyptian Army. Please retweet #FreeAyman!
Strength and a sound mind are not two of the things that come immediately to mind when I think of Palin and McCain.
Leaving aside all the other word-suey, who the FUCK has an “answering machine” in this day and age? Besides, 3:00 a.m. her time is 10:00 a.m. DC time. Reason none of this makes sense to her is that she’s seven hours behind. Also.
@Citizen_X: The way they cut and used little pieces of the word salad, make it sound coherent, to anyone who has not seen the whole thing. What’s HuffPo’s angle, anyway?
I second your sentiment regarding Chelsea Clinton.
Palin is so incredibly dense upstairs, it’s almost impossible to find the right analogy or metaphor to illustrate the enormous gulf between her intellect and that of any other Republican politician.
Sarah’s place on the graph represents her batshit insane “outsider” status in the GOP, and her popularity in that circle… when gravity takes over, and the silicone fails she’ll be sent to
the asyluma permanent gig on FOX.hilts
There should be a special place in Hell reserved for John McCain for poisoning the well of political discourse by selecting this knuckle-dragging neanderthal and babbling buffoon to be his running mate.
BTW and OT, I got the Rogue Warrior and Steampunk Palin comics that I ordered. High hilarity. These are spoofs, of course.
More on Palin and Egypt:
Love the sheer arrogance in “Trust, but verify.” And I love how those proponents of small government and trusting the people and not letting elites dictate things, somehow believe they get to be consulted in the way people in every other country on Earth (minus Israel) run their affairs.
How about this? She’s the black hole of dumb. A singularity of infinite density orbiting our political system and sucking the intelligence out of it with her irresistible gravity.
The Commenter on BJ formerly known as arguingwithsignposts
You have reached President Obama’s answering machine. Press “1” if you are a cabinet member or NSA member; Press “2” if you are a member of the press corps; Press “GTFO” if you are Sarah Palin.
I have no words for Palin, so I’ve just been staring at that graph. The placement of Giuliani as the ultimate moderate was confusing to me– I thought maybe Silver forgot how Rudy had abandoned most of his vaguely sane positions and rebranded himself as a teabagging neocon in 2008– but then I realized that even so, he’s still a moderate in the current GOP. Depressing.
@Chris: 10 bucks says if you asked her tomorrow what her stance on anything is she wouldn’t know… she is incapable of retaining anything in her tiny brain except how much her next speaking fee will be… every piece of word salad she spews is her interpretation of what Bloody Bill Kristol, Schmidt and her other “off-the-record” advisers tell her to say…. she’s their “empty vessel” and they’re working her hard.
she’s an alzheimers Reagan with tits.
Hey, old people! Do you know that there’s still a black Marxist Mooooslim in the White House? Yeah, I know Fox has gotten a little dull lately, but there’s an election coming up next year and we need your lever pulling zombie horde interested enough to break off of Matlock reruns to win this shit for me. How cool would it be for me to be President, all perky and down-home folksy talkin’, just like Huck Finn came to life in your country.
The Commenter on BJ formerly known as arguingwithsignposts
What is beyond head/desk? I guess there is this.
Because a sizable chunk of the nation loves her and what she represents. Because stupidity yoked to brute force can be an unstoppable force.
Because it is pointless to pretend that she doesn’t matter as long as there are Tea Party People in Congress, and the mainstream GOP is scrambling to move as far to the right as they can as fast as they can.
The Dangerman
Her run for the nomination will be fascinating. Will she show up for Republican debates? Will she be quizzed by any media outside of Fox News or the local Bob Jones affiliate? OK, we know the answer to THAT one, no way. When her poll numbers start to slide, will she start sliding on a pole dance to raise, um, the interest of the Right? Stay tuned.
This is gold! You are quite the wordsmith.
I only wish the Republicans weren’t such goddamn pussies and that someone within the Republican Party would tell Ms. Mooseburger Helper to shut the fuck up if she doesn’t have anything intelligent to say.
@hilts: RossInDetroit must have been watching the Colbert Report a few weeks ago… Bernard Henri Levy made the same assertion about Palin being a black hole.
Tom M
Is Sarah Palin any smarter than W?
@Tom M:
Nope. And that’s the problem. America has happily elected genial dopes like Reagan and Dubya.
Ok. What exactly is Obama supposed to do in Egypt? There’s “something” that’s supposed to be done, but she doesn’t know what the fuck that is. Once again, it the thinking that Obama has a magic wand stashed somewhere and can magically make whatever he wants out of thin air.
Also, I have no doubt Palin will do somewhat well in GOP primaries, but seriously folks, as crazy as some americans are, there are just too few of them outside certain areas where Palin is popular for her to actually win the General. Palin’s political map would follow parallel to where her book tour goes. That’s the best she could hope to do, so while I’m fully prepared at being annoyed, I’m not going to worry President Dimbulb.
Times eleventy billion.
I don’t know if Palin started out objectively stupid, but when you make a career of devaluing intelligence it has to have an impact.
I just can’t hope she gets the nom — it’s not worth an Obama landslide to have her even that near the Presidency. 2008 was bad enough.
@danimal: I’ve considered changing my voter registration from Democrat to Republican precisely so that I can participate in the Republican primary and vote for the most proudly militant, tea-spewing, ignorant candidates on the ballot for the House, Senate, and Presidential races. But my great fear is that some of them might actually win in the general election. I have little faith in the American public.
Palin is deftly playing to her audience, despite her stupidity. Obama is supposed to be tough and maybe even insert an obviously pro American puppet regime. Otherwise, he is obviously incompetent, anti American and anti Israel.
AAA Bonds
This is the first blog post that ever got me to read what Sarah Palin said about anything, because your interpolations took something laughable and made it unintelligible.
Tom Spradley
How many of the crowd saw the housing/banking/stock market crises coming? Or the Eqyptian, Middle East crises coming? Herd mentality makes people blind to the facts. If the DOW drops 5000 in the next year, a possibility, and unemployment suddenly turns down again (people who saw the above coming say there is a good chance), then the unthinking crowd will vote for liars, idiots, and beauty queens. Don’t get caught up in such groups. You will be needed to counter them.
That’s a reasonable guess, but not for me. If it’s on TV I’m unaware of it have have been since the mid ’70s. That’s why I have time to read about things like black holes.
Please please please, let her be the Republican nominee! It’s been a while since we’ve had an election where every day brings a new laugh.
Putting them on the intelligence committee does no harm as rethugs don’t believe in intelligence so they don’t listen to anyone on the intelligence committee. I know they don’t believe in it because they prove it every day.
@Brachiator: I have not gone and read (or listened to) all of Obama’s statements on Egypt and our evolving policy. But people who are experts on foreign policy probably have, very carefully.
I can almost bet that SP has made a point of NOT actually reading ANY of those statements, in order to free associate about what the White House big wigs are not telling ‘us’.
BTW, I believe Hawking recently stated that contrary to previous theories information may escape the event horizon of a black hole. If this is true then the comparison to Palin becomes less exact.
@Brachiator: But Reagan had George Schultz as Secretary of State, who as far as evil goes is an inheritor of Henry Kissinger, but he was actually sane.
Palin would pick Bolton, or maybe Frank Gaffney.
A box of rocks would take offense. A box of rocks can serve an actual purpose, to assist gravity. Now if you had used an airbag as a point of reference that would work. Nothing inside, explodes full of hot air at a moments notice, deflates almost as fast.
KLOSS In Australia
The trouble is, she can’t see Egypt from her house
This is all Balloon-Juice has when it comes to supporting torturing, murdering despots in the ME: “Thank God for
MississippiPalin.”I’m glad as we enter the third year of his administration, the President has discovered a reason to (at least publicly) deviate form the status quo once he’s given no other choice by the media reality.
What a Change.
@srv: There’s a point in this statement somewhere, but I seem to have some difficulty in locating it. I suppose this is just lingering butthurt from Hillary not getting the Big Chair. Or something.
Polar Bear Squares
I’m glad you said it. Cause everytime I hear her speak, my head hurts, I feel like I’m in the movie “Scanners” and a voice in my head yells, “WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE TALKING ABOUT?!?!?!?”
You might be very right here. Palin does plug into the conspiracy meme, that the technocrats in Washington are doing unconstitutional stuff behind the people’s backs.
But Palin has handlers and advisers. She does not just pop off whenever she gets an urge. I would really like to know how she and her people craft her utterances.
Aside from this, I cannot even imagine a Palin presidency or what her cabinet might be like. It would be like Dick Cheney multiplied by 20 and on mooseburger steroids.
I sometimes wonder if McCain did this on purpose. To lose. For him, being a senator is easy. He does nothing, gets praise/paid for it.
He may have realized that being president is hard, actual work and all that and people say bad things about the president all the time. You don’t get to call it in (OK the last one is a bad example). And he has lots of people telling him what to do and what to say. Not his kind of gig. His people wouldn’t even let him nominate the jackoff he wanted for VP. Well he fixed them.
Now he’s back on the TV circuit getting those publicity blowjobs, showing up what, 3 days a week, doing absolutely nothing.
@Brachiator: Her real only shot at winning is trying to gird up racist resentment to the point where only a White Savior will be able to rescue the country. And that will take a shit ton of work, which she just doesn’t seem interested in doing at all. And she would have to fix her Mean Girl image. Women mostly can’t stand her. But again, more actual hard work. I don’t see it happening.
Sissy Van Dyke
I think most of Sarah’s comments are computer generated. You know those programs that are supposed to translate your voice into text, and they end up typing all kinds of crazy mess? Her brain is a discount version of that, trying to translate thoughts into words.
I have heard that if you put your ear next to Palin’s head, you can hear the ocean. Todd finds it very relaxing when he’s sleeping. Dreaming he’s no longer freezing in Alaska, but on the beach in Hawaii, with anyone BUT her.
How is this going to take a ton of work? This has been the shit thrown out by the GOP since Obama’s nomination, and which continues to animate a sizable chunk of the electorate.
That said, I do not think that Palin will be the Republican nominee. But she will have a voice. And if she were as lazy as people believe, she would have dropped out of politics altogether. But she travels and speechifies and can safely attack without having to be responsible or accountable.
There are many women who love Palin, and her key strategy person is a woman.
I luv you, ABL.
you are hilarious.
And she would have to fix her Mean Girl image. Women mostly can’t stand her. But again, more actual hard work. I don’t see it happening.
There are many women who love Palin, and her key strategy person is a woman.
True, but there are more women who have had her number from the get go. I keep on going back to this – it will not be men that sink Sarah Palin, it will be WOMEN.
Her gender gap is with WOMEN.
@RossInDetroit: well, it was just a guess… anyone who’s been paying attention for the last 2 years and doesn’t dismiss those “sciencey things” as blasphemy does recognize the Palin phenomenon as a huge
@Sir Nose’D: I don’t know how or when you ran across that Time Cube website, but shame on you, Sir, for inflicting it with no warning on the innocent blog readers of Balloon Juice.
What WAS that all about?
Angry Black Lady
@Sir Nose’D: wow, what the hell WAS that?
Angry Black Lady
@Citizen_X: i just tried to post a comment to HuffPo. It’s in moderation, of course.
@Angry Black Lady:
I think that is one of the great unwashed. Actually it may be several in one body. Or at least one body with a lot of very loud voices. Unfortunately none of the voices speak any understandable language.
Jeanne ringland
@John Emerson: I’m so glad to see the non-word “enthused” replaced with “enthusiasm”.
That little error phrase “…in white..” makes me think your translator is like a Freudian slip detector.
I was thinking the same thing. I crashed my FZR last week; I assign myself a milli-Palin for that, since it was mostly accidental rather than stupidity.
It leaves full-Palin units available for hyperbole, or for referring to the Plain herself.
joe from Lowell
@srv: I get the sense that, somewhere beneath the bitterness, there’s actually a brain down there. Somewhere.
Not a terribly impressive one, but something.
Kathy in St. Louis
I believe, but this is just my opinion….I believe this is one of those days when she’s speaking off the cuff. She is too intellectually lazy to actually learn the names of “the other countries”, such as Tunisia, Yemen, etc., where there is further unrest, so she just gives a general “over there” type answer. J H C on a handcar, this is one incredibly stupid woman.
Dr. Psycho
When Dear Sarah says, “Obama’s a disgrace!”
We “Ha-la-loo-yah!” in Sarah Palin’s face
We must put Dear Sarah in Obama’s place
So we “Ha-la-loo-yah!” right in Dear Sarah’s face!
[Wow, am I showin’ my age or what?]
@Angry Black Lady — nicely done. Might as well laugh instead of cry.