Was gonna do some long-form snark on Mr. “Who knew selling my li’l princess Froggy Dimples to the Mouse Factory was gonna backfire?” and his belief that the Adopt-A-Highway program leads to Satanism, but the original “Come gawk with us at the trailer-trash novelty act and his deeply narcissistic narrative about Jeebus and other dead celebrities who can’t refudiate him” article is just another sad, sad mile marker on Real America(tm)’s Road Paved with Good Intentions. So, instead — go go boys!
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Some folks just don’t know what to do with themselves when their fifteen minutes is up. That’s about the best summation of Billy Ray Cyrus I can come up with.
And before there was Duffy, there was Lesley. And I do indeed appreciate the homage.
Are we far enough gone as a culture that we can’t implement Bill Hick’s last TV pitch anymore?
Billy Ray knows the saddest words are, “she’s 18, she can control her own money now.”
M. Bouffant
@Yutsano: Your link isn’t linking. But let me guess: Lesley Gore?
Anne Laurie
@freelancer: The GQ article actually does a pretty fair implementation of Hick’s pitch, but it feels like the kind of ‘canned hunt’ where they baited a particularly dumb, inedible quadruped for a few weeks and then blasted him when he showed up at the garbage dump snuffling for his nightly fix. Not that BRC doesn’t deserve to be humanely destroyed for the good of American culture, but the method just seemed… unsporting.
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
This chopped and screwed version of Party in the USA was a top 10 hit here at Castle Jewish Steel.
Anne Laurie
@Yutsano: Duffy’s wiki page actually credits this lady as a key influence:
@Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel): Holy shit. They actually improved that little piece of Disney pop tripe by a factor of a thousand. They overdo the beat skipping though.
@M. Bouffant: I haz link fail. But you would indeed be correct. Second attempt hopefully without muffing it.
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
@Yutsano: Crazy, huh? What is piercingly irritating at regular speed is pretty damn groovy @ mid-tempo
@Anne Laurie: I’m not entirely certain that’s an either/or proposition. I hear them both in Duffy, but in a different and special iteration.
@Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel): My crazy confession: Miley does have a guilty pleasure for me. And no I ain’t apologizing.
I just coughed up a snot ball that was an especially nifty color. I just figured I’d share that.
Villago Delenda Est
Like Dick Cheney hunting anything at all?
Angry Black Lady
i’m accepting applications for a very special mission: the mission is shooting me so i don’t have to work anymore tonight.
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
@Yutsano: I think chances are good that she is a genuine talent. Alas, chances are better still that, like Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson, her good musical instincts will be crushed by her handlers.
Colored mucus means the white blood cells are winning the infection war, IIRC. Looks like you’ll live.
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
@Angry Black Lady: Posted right below a Cheney reference. He would be happy to oblige but apparently he is feeling poorly. Prob worse than Yutsano.
Angry Black Lady
@Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel): he may be feeling ill, but if you were all, “HEY DICK! Wanna go shoot a mouthy black lady in the face?” i bet he would pop out of bed like a dick-in-the-box.
@Angry Black Lady: No can do. I’d need you to defend my ass in court if that ever happens.
@Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel): Things are draining and I’m no longer feeling the irritations and congestion in my sinuses, so I’m fairly certain I’m making progress. I wish I could take another damn day off though.
Villago Delenda Est
You may find this difficult to believe, but the asshats in John’s rape thread are still there, rebutting people who are most likely in their comfy, comfy beds right now.
Jeeze. It’s like being on USENET all over again…
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
@Yutsano: Strangely, my nose is getting irritated. Power of suggestion? Super-cyber rhino virus?
@Angry Black Lady: Not until John Yoo wrote him a memo saying it was okay, amirite?
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
@Villago Delenda Est: Yeah, I saw that in the recent comments box. Thanks for peaking my interest and sending me over there. I’m ready to un-see that now.
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
@Villago Delenda Est: I’ve never seen Tim or Wil before. Do they only troll threads about rape?
@Angry Black Lady:
If you will do the same for me, I think we are in the same part of CA.
Good morning, I also,too went over the ABL’s thread and sometimes the lack of civility still amazes me.
The NYTimes has an article about those among us who sleep with our pets. link
Angry Black Lady
Those asshats have been at it all day. Meanwhile, I’m eating pizza and watching Battlestar Galactica. I win!
@JPL: Dead link.
Pet sleep link
@stuckinred: thanks for the proper link. I normally check to make sure it works but not today. Moxie always waits until she’s invited to jump up at night unless I’m not in the room. Does that mean that Cesar would only be slightly pleased?
@Angry Black Lady: What are you doing up? They are asses that aren’t into reason and logic.
Southern Beale
Oh wow. You know, I’ve actually talked to Billy Ray Cyrus a few times (I’m in Nashville, after all). He’s actually a really decent guy.
You know, he can complain about Hannah Montanna all he wants, but he was actually on the show with her! Playing her father, no less. So, to complain that it ruined her is a bit disingenuous.
Had no idea BRC was that nutsy. Makes me feel better about hating Achy Brachy Hart,not that I really needed any help there.
Via Annie Laurie’s link, Mistermix gets a shoutout from Savage Love. Apprehension about quality of new readers to be had thereby
You wonder if the celebrity machine will eat Justin Bieber to the same degree, or be as cruel. Seen during the review of “I Think I Love You” is that David Cassidy is still performing.
Sko Hayes
I’m so sick of BRC whining about how bad things are. Hey buddy, you’re no different than all those other stage mothers who saw the $$$ signs over their children’s heads.
Now that she’s an adult, and you can’t control her anymore or live off her money, it’s everyone’s fault but yours.
Pardon me if I don’t give a damn.
Betty Cracker
I beg you to reconsider your decision to forgo the long-form snark project.