Fuck these people.
I have (or at least I think I have) avoided coming right out and stating that Republicans hate women. It seemed to be such a gross and unfair generalization.
But with each passing day, as they attempt to redefine “rape” and “rape victim”; as they attempt to pass legislation that permits Dr. Conscientious Objector to refuse to perform emergency abortion services and to also not require hospitals to transfer women to a facility that will provide such services (thus, quite literally, leaving women to die); as they attempt to redefine justifiable homicide such that the murder of any person threatening the life of a fetus becomes justified (does this include the murder of the mother herself? Can a scorned boyfriend or husband decide to murder his girlfriend or wife because he suspects that she intends to make a choice about her body and whether or not to carry a pregnancy to term?), it becomes more and more difficult for me to avoid stating the obvious:
That any person could stand on the House floor and claim that women are out there fuckin’ and abortin’ for sport is positively primitive. I’m not particularly shocked that some Republican asshole (Chris Smith, Asshole-NJ) said such dumbheaded shit. I am shocked that only Jackie Speier (D-Cal.) stood up for the rights of women in this country. What the fuck is the deal with these Republican women? It is beyond the pale.***
So yeah, I’m saying it. Republicans hate women.
And to those who would say it’s unfair to paint all Republicans with such a broad brush, I say this: If you’re a right-leaning individual and you still self-identify as a Republican, there’s something fucking wrong with you. Full stop.
Republicans hate women.
Certainly, there are plenty socially conscious Republicans Whatevers out there. I am friends with some of them. But this GOP — this steaming pile of human entrails — is so repugnant to everything that I believe in and stand for, both intellectually and as a matter of politics, that I am no longer mincing words.
Republicans hate women.
If you don’t believe me, watch this video of Jackie Speier’s remarks during the House vote to defund Planned Parenthood. Yes, that Planned Parenthood. The one that performs a whole host of family planning and lady bits services. The one that performs pap smears, and mammograms, and cancer screenings, and STD testing and services, and ::gasp:: abortions (none of which, as Tom Levenson points out, are funded by taxpayer dollars):
If you self-identify as a Republican, you listen to what Jackie Speier said, and then go find your mother, your wife, your sister, your aunt, and you tell her– tell her to her face — that you stand with the party that thinks so little of women that it has voted to strip funding from an organization that has saved the lives of countless women.
You’re a bunch of assholes.
[cross-posted here at Angry Black Lady Chronicles]
[Name changed from Debbie to Jackie. I haven’t slept in… a while. ABLxx]
***Apparently Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) also spoke out against this measure. I haven’t slept in a while, so you’ll have to forgive the error.
Southern Beale
Oh come on. Haven’t you heard? America has the best healthcare system in the world! There’s no need for things like STD testing and pap smears and mammograms in poor neighborhoods. The free hand of the market will take care of those people! Gloriously!
It’s interesting that when it comes to paying Planned Parenthood for health care services they argue that money is fungible, and therefore paying them for anything supports abortion. What makes it interesting is that they can’t seem to understand the same argument when applied to giving money to kiddy rapers in the Catholic Church.
Naturally. Since the GOP centers around fundamentalist Christianity, and fundamentalist Christianity views women as vile vessels of sin, what else do you expect?
Look for the Republican platform for the 2012 election to include forced genital mutilation for women. Standard stuff, entirely typical.
Well, you know, Republicans are showing they really do understand environmental concerns. They’re all about controlling limited resources.
Drive By Wisdom
The deranged rantings of another feminazi death cultist. If baby killing is so precious to you, then you pay for it. Do not make the rest of us subsidize your genocide.
Shameless, heartless sons of bitches. DIAF every single one of you GOP fucks.
There are now two people I will blindly follow how/where ever he/she tells me:
Don Cherry
that is all.
Good for you. And good for Debbie Speier. I fear she’s going to get the shrieking countertop treatment.
Is there a classification in the DSM for this political sociopathology where everyone other than you and your big money donors is no more important than in insect?
I really do not understand how so many women support a party that considers them to be nothing more than masturbatory aids at best, and dirty animals at worst. Instead of listening to what Palin and Bachmann have to say, we should demand to hear what their husbands have to say as it can be presumed these she-creatures are representing them.
The Republican party has ventured into territory where even the Taliban didn’t bother to go. I think it is perfectly fair to ask all pre-menopausal female Republicans if they are pregnant and if not why. Did God curse them with barrenness? Are they failing to perform their wifely duties? Do their husbands prefer to sleep with men? Or are they just hypocritical sacks of shit?
That’s Jackie Speiers, please. Best damn state legislator when I was in CA, and now working on being the best damn rep. Any good legislation came out of CA leg had her name on it. Tragic, tragic life–gunned down with Rep Leo Ryan in Guyana by People’s Temple crazies, took 5 bullets and survived, went on to win Ryan’s seat. Lost her husband to a car with bad brakes while she was pregant, so she sat out a few terms and came back. Make sure to spare her some cash come contribution time.
But one of my sisters is a staunch republican. There’s no way to talk to her about this kind of stuff (because Bill Clinton got a blow job!)
I did have that conversation with my youngest sister today. She lives in WI and can’t believe how crazy things have gotten. Neither of us can understand why my other sister is such a winger.
I’m with you ABL — certainly there is no pretense anymore.
The real question is how to make these disgusting “show votes” for their rightwing standard bearers backfire on them.
What would be better than having this assholery repaid in full? They really shouldn’t get a pass on this.
Welll, given that they’re “pro-family” republicans, I’m going with “sleeping with men” for 500, Alex.
and 45 percent of them will vote for them anyway.
@jg: As long as you don’t dress like Don Cherry, it’s all good.
@Nick: That’s because the Republicans protect their freedoms, like their right to be treated as a breeding sow by every man they come in contact with.
It’s not that we hate women per se, it pisses us off that women keep rejecting us just because we have small penises (penii?).
They hate newborns also. Anyone who can vote pro-life while at the same time blocking funds to planned parenthood, pre-natal care, early childhood intervention and health care deserves a special place in
hell.Guantanamo.General Stuck
Balancing the budget, one fetus at a time
Geez, tell us how you really feel.
But still, maybe it’s just me speaking as a Penile-American, but when I think about my Republican sister and my other sister that is an anti-abortion Democrat, I just think “what the fuck is wrong with these women?”
Am I missing something here? I asked them if they would convict a teenage rape victim with murder if she aborted her rapist’s baby, and they both said yes. Of course, I could ask them the next obvious question, but that would require me imagining the unimaginable happening to my sisters. But still, really? Seriously?
In a way it’s good for this to get started in DC and Wisconsin. The fucking republicans have been sliding, bit by bit this way, to confrontation and, goddamn it, let the party begin. It is no surprise to me that these plutocrats are union-busting. They are bringing their strike-breaking teabagging, gun-nut thugs tomorrow, armed to the teeth I am sure. The cat is out of the bag: Destroy the unions, cripple Planned Parenthood, de-fund health care, shut down the government. It was said tonight by Lawrence O’Donnell, the republicans are out to destroy the only source of money the Democrats have: unions. Without the unions, the Koch brothers, and the other right wing funders will have no competition. What we have here is political terrorism, pure and simple. (By the way, a big shout-out to the protesters in Wisconsin.)
Do Republicans really understand what pro-life means. Cutting funding for cancer screening is not pro-life. Write your congressmen.
@ItAintEazy: Does your sister have a baby every year? If not, what is her secret because this is about more than abortion, it is about contraception.
@JPL: If you don’t consider women to be fully human, than their is nothing pro-life about their getting cancer screening. They begin with the assumption that all those female bits are diseased and icky anyway so how could a little cancer hurt.
I thought we had figured out that the GOP hated women on Monday.
@beltane: Well, since she’s a right-wing Catholic and all, she remains celibate.
Yeah, boggles my mind too.
John Cole
I just gave Planned Parenthood 150. Who wants to match me?
@John Cole: I don’t have the money right now but I’ll give $50 next week. My 97 year old grandmother feels very strongly about this issue and will undoubtedly be sending them a large donation. (I will remind her though, because she is 97)
@John Cole: I can’t afford $150 but I’m donating what I can tonight. All for a fund-raiser, too, if you do go ahead with one.
General Stuck
Just remind the wingnuts, if abortion rights were taken away, we could have a hundred Barack Obamas instead of just one. And For that matter, several dozen Pelosis, give or take.
@John Cole: Who’s got the link to Planned Parenthood?
Pro-life is a marketing term, because it sounds good.
The poor can die screaming for all they care.
General Stuck
You can’t put a limit on Vagina Outrage. It needs to vent, when it needs to vent, or else we will all have hell to pay.
Here you go:
Donate Planned Parenthood
How about if all of us women who stand against this stupidness “just say NO” to having sex with our Husbands, male partners, boyfriends?
General Stuck
See what I mean.
Sign the petition “I stand with Planned Parenthood”:
@John Cole:
I can spare $5. Yeah, it’s that sort of life, but even a penny is worth something (I hope).
Well, in all truth, this post should really have been titled, “It’s Official; the GOP Hates Anyone Who Gets Laid” as Planned Parenthood also offers a full range of health care services to men.
Though you’d think, looking at the list of services PP provides to men, the GOP would be big supporters. I see treatment for erectile dysfunction is on the list, as is premature ejaculation.
I saw that play. Greek, right?
@Sue: My husband is staunchly pro-choice and he hates these motherf**kers with a passion. But hey, if it helps the cause I’ll promise not to sleep with a wingnut.
@Nicole: Navajo too.
General Stuck
Done. I always say that since I will never have an abortion, it is a womens right to choose, ALWAYS. Any opining on the matter by me is irrelevant, other than to support the owners of their own uteruses
@Nicole: I’m in for $50.
Jackie Speiers is amazing and awe-inspiring. Allan posted this in the last thread:
From the Wiki, and the emphasis is his.
This woman is worth a million of Mike Pence and his ilk.
@SteveinSC: I was able to swing $25. Between you, me and ruemara so far, we’ve slightly more than half matched John’s donation. Anyone else in for a few dollars?
@Nicole: I’m in for a hundred. We got it covered.
ETA: I wanted it to be it’s own comment so you could see it.
ETA II: I signed the letter, too.
Chad N Freude
@Nicole: Greek indeed, but it sounds Hispanic: “Liz Estrada”.
@General Stuck: Actually, men opining on the right to abortion is very, very important. Virtually every right we’ve gained- voting, property ownership, birth control- has been given to us via a male-dominated government. Men who understand the freer and more equal women are in a society, the better for everyone, are too rare.
It’s not enough for women to stand up for our rights; as the GOP is making abundantly clear, they’re more than happy to ignore us. We need the men in our life to stand up for us, too. So if you’re pro-choice, opine away. God knows the men on the other side are going to.
@asiangrrlMN: Woo hoo! You’re awesome. Thanks for the reminder about the petition.
And thanks for the challenge, John.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sue: How exactly is a lack of sex going to make me more pro-choice?
Twinky P
‘Cos you’ll agree to anything, given the right motivation?
@Chad N Freude: Someone get Maria Irene Fornes. I think you just suggested her next project.
@asiangrrlMN: Oh, good lord. “its own comment”, of course. I am so embarrassed.
@Nicole: I had been lax on my donations last year. This shit is important.
Not only am I in for $100, but I’m sending it in Rep. Cory Gardner (dick-CO4)’s name. I’m also gonna do everything in my power to take off work and go to his townhall next week and ask why, exactly, he hates women. I’m fuming over this!!!
Just donated $20 to Planned Parenthood and $20 to the Wisconsin Dems. Wish I could give more!
@asiangrrlMN: I just posted to my FB page about it, and a dear friend of many decades, who, in full disclosure, is ardently against abortion (though very pro-contraceptive and pro sex-ed, reminding me people are complicated) just retorted that PP was assisting pimps with their underage prostitutes. Sweet Flying Spaghetti Monster, people will believe ANYTHING. Bad enough Susan B Anthony got herself co-opted by the forced birthers. I’m sure she’s spinning in her feminist grave.
@Squirrel: Good for you. High-five.
@FoxinSocks: Hey. Every dollar counts. Way to go.
@Nicole: Yeah. This is what discourages me. So many people believe what they want to believe. But, the tiny optimist in me says maybe, just maybe, the Republicans overreached this time.
Chad N Freude
@Nicole: Excellent idea. A play by Fornes that riffs on Lysistrata in the context of the 21st Century assault on women’s rights would be terrific. Although I have to admit that I don’t know if “Lysistrata” affected the popular attitude towards war, and the hopeless cynic in me thinks such a play would have zero impact.
@Squirrel: Ooh- I hope you can get to the townhall, I hope you can ask your question and I really hope someone would video and post his response.
Congresswoman Jackie Speier is awesome.
we need to start calling it the “Republicans War Against Women.”
would any major News Media, Newspaper have the guts to print that as the correct headline?
Chad N Freude
Maybe. But I don’t think that in the present climate of willful ignorance, denial, defensiveness, and hatred of anyone who doesn’t behave in a way that one was brought up to believe is proper that Republican overreaching is possible.
Chad N Freude
@catpal: No. SATSQ.
@Chad N Freude: Maybe we should send a letter to her agent (“Balloon Juice posters feel you should do a 21st Century Lysistrata”)
I understand the cynicism. I was able to see The Scottsboro Boys during its previews and thought it was fantastic. It was, unfortunately, a flop on Broadway. I think tourists don’t want their entertainment to make them uncomfortable.
It did well Off- B’way and at the Guthrie, though. So maybe there’s hope for our new assignment for Ms. Fornes.
Angry Black Lady
@Drive By Wisdom: you’re a fucking moron who can’t read. what part of “tax payer dollars don’t fund abortion services at Planned Parenthood” don’t you understand?
Oh, right, you’re a stupid asshole.
Angry Black Lady
@John Cole: Me.
@Angry Black Lady: Oh wow. I totally missed that fuckstain had shown up. Ignore it ABL, it only does drive-bys. Big coward that one.
@MikeJ: Agree. I am trying to find out how much Federal $$$ has gone to Catholic Charities through the “faith based initiatives” program and other agencies.
That would mean that MY tax dollars are helping to pay for the support of Priest Child Molesters.
Would ANY Congressperson have the serious Courage to bring up a bill to Defund Catholic Charities and call their supporters a bunch of Child Molester Protectors.
I found this 2009 “Catholic Charities USA has received a five-year, 100 million dollar federal contract to aid in disaster relief throughout the United States.”
Really it seems that the Catholic Church is causing more tragedy and disasters, than they could possibly be helping.
@Chad N Freude: Yeah. I think that as well. But that little optimistic voice in me says that maybe eyes will be opened before the Republicans totally decimate the country. Maybe.
@MikeJ: Totally missed this, but good point. If we’re going to play that game, then we should play it all around.
@Yutsano: I like it when you swear, especially because you don’t do it often.
@Angry Black Lady:
Le sigh. I’m having this exact same argument with my previously mentioned FB friend. It’s like banging my head against a wall, minus the satisfying whomp whomp noise.
@asiangrrlMN: I hope you’re right about eyes opening. I’m looking at my seven-month-old, and seriously thinking he’ll be seeing early-20th century level labor riots in his lifetime. Every time some right-winger yammers about fat cat public employees I die a little more inside.
@Nicole: My other response usually is, “Well, I don’t want my money going to defense (I think I’ll change that to Halliburton), faith-based organizations, or bailing out the banksters, but I don’t have a say in that, do I?”
@Nicole: I know. We are regressing at a rate that is truly alarming. But, the beginnings of push-back in Wisc. and other places gives me a tiny bit of hope. Damn it. You know when I’M the optimist, shit is getting very ugly.
@asiangrrlMN: So true. Why is it only ever progressive programs that the country thinks should be optional for taxpayers?
Angry Black Lady
@ruemara: every penny is worth something!
@Nicole: Because, damn it. And, shut up, too. Also.
@Angry Black Lady: Wot you said. Kinda like every vote. We in MN know this to be VERY true.
Angry Black Lady
@Nicole: i donated 150. BJ Fundraiser!
Well, maybe we should call it something else.
On second thought, let’s call it BJ Fundraiser and make all the stupid assholes donate for free blowjobs.
I blame my job. I can’t swear at work, so my language has somewhat modified. When I’m at home or with my brothers though I drop F bombs like they’re going out of style.
@Angry Black Lady: Yes! I’m down with that.
@Yutsano: Ah. Got it. You don’t swear much when you comment, though. Not like me. No way I could be a LOOGie, no matter how much morzer was egging E.D. to ask me to guest-blog.
@catpal: let me clarify that my comment was not religion bashing. the Priest Molesting horrors is very much in the recent news here in the Philly area, and I was upset to learn another person I kinda know was molested.
and I still really don’t want my tax dollars going to them.
@catpal: That was perfectly clear in your post. And, I agree. I don’t want my tax dollars going to them, either.
J. Michael Neal
@Omnes Omnibus:
My on-going personal experiment says it doesn’t make much difference.
thank you ABL
I found a credit card with some available credit on it, and donated in honor of Jackie Speier.
I lurk here because I’m not smart enough to add anything meaningful to most of the conversations had on this blog, but if I can donate $5 to have a statue of Robocop built in Detroit, I can do the same for Planned Parenthood.
Just for the record, Catholic Charities has been around for yonks, and probably isn’t part of the “faith-based” funding bullshit.
Yer big churches’ charity organizations are carefully run to be in compliance with 501(whatever) requirements.
The whole point of “faith-based” funding was to funnel money to organizations that were free to discriminate against people they didn’t like, counter to regulations placed on all other charitable organizations.
Even Richard Land, the dickhead-in-charge of the Southern Baptists, said he wouldn’t touch that money with a barge pole. And they’re the fuckin’ Vatican in these parts.
I’ve cruised the job boards of my own church (ELCA), and there’s a clear, bright line between worship-related activities, which require church membership in good standing, and others, which don’t.
Anyway, Catholic Charities does good work, and they do it for anyone who needs it.
Also, too, Lysistrata.
@Angry Black Lady:
And then PP can treat them for their erectile dysfunction! See, everybody wins.
Another loophole of the “faith-based” funding bullshit, which was probably more important: the freedom to proselytize.
If you receive federal funding, you’re not allowed to require recipients to get baptized, or accept the Lord as their personal savior, or pray a certain way.
This is not a problem for your older religions. Jews, Catholics, and Mainline Protestants have been serving people for years, no questions asked.
Can’t add anything to this conversation except a resounding SRSLY.
@Sue: Because my husband is pro-choice. Anyway that is kinda what they want – all us dirty wimmins to stop having sex!
“If men could have babies, abortion would be a sacrament.”
Dang, but I wish I could remember who said this.
But Mary Taylor in Ohio has cheerios for brains, yet she is the lieutenant Governor,and was the state auditor (all actual accounting was outsourced, at substantial expense). The heffalumps like her just fine.
Are you kidding me? I got a job because I needed money and didn’t think I was OWED by my government. I pay ALOT of money for healthcare because I think it’s important. Nobody owes me, you, or any other person anything. You have the right to get pregnant or to not get pregnant. Use birth control if you don’t want to get pregnant. But I don’t have to pay for it. I have the right to not be responsible for other people who are lazy. You need insurance or money? Get a job! Do you need training? Get that too. I did! So can you. Stop your whinning!
Marc McKenzie
@Strandedvandal: Yeah, but haven’t you heard? There is no difference between the parties!! They’re all the same!!
In all seriousness, though…who didn’t see this coming? These…pieces of s**t have been blaring this out for years. And in 2010, the calls loud and clear. And still, some fell back on the “I ain’t voting to punish Obama and the Democrats!! I don’t care if the Repubs get in charge!!”
Well…look around.
Will this finally energize us to hit back and organize and put these jerks out of power for a couple of generations? I don’t know. All I can say is that elections ALWAYS have consequences. This is only one of them. The events in Wisconsin, New Jersey, and other states are other examples.
@Drive By Wisdom:
No government money goes to abortion at Planned Parenthood.
Abortions at Planned Parenthood are funded through Private Donations.
Jrod the Cookie Thief
@LJ: You’re so tough and dreamy. Tell us more about how nobody ever helped you with anything, never ever. A job? Oh, wow, why didn’t we ever think of that?