Best interview with Rummy in the history of the land.
“Is he a lizard? Is Dick Cheney a lizard? Have they eaten any Mexican babies? Have they eaten any human beings?”
by Imani Gandy (ABL)| 11 Comments
This post is in: Humorous
“Is he a lizard? Is Dick Cheney a lizard? Have they eaten any Mexican babies? Have they eaten any human beings?”
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Mike Kay (Peacemaker)
Louis CK looks too much like Jim Cramer.
poor guy.
In a sane world every interview Rumsfeld had would go along similar lines.
Except he wouldn’t be able to do very many interviews from prison. He’d have to make do with hanging out in the prison yard with Cheney and Dubya.
Probably not going to be a European leg to Rummy’s book tour either.
@Mike Kay (Peacemaker):
He probably gives better investment advice.
Is that Opie or Anthony that spends half the interview fellating Rumsfeld?
Ed in NJ
I haven’t listened, but I’ll assume it’s Anthony. I haven’t listened to those guys since mid-2008 when Anthony revealed himself to be a vile, racist Obama-hating douche.
Answer the damn question, Rummy. Don’t make us waterboard you. (Does waterboarding work on reptiles?)
Lizards yes, amphibians no.
The man does not even deserve the dignity of an interview where he is made fun of. Mr. “I never talked to Doug Feith and the Office of Special Plans” deserves to be SHUNNED by all peopoe…except federal or congressional investigators.
Cliff, who currently owns no pets
I was going to comment on the massive amounts of cocksucking going on in the clip, but you beat me to it.
@Ed in NJ:
One who supports barry soetoro, is by default
satan’s, bitch.