In a stunning display of Teabilly slacktivism, Palinites are planning to block traffic for an hour in order to – to – well what the fuck do I know what they’re doing it for:1
Sarah Palin called the Obama Administration’s actions as [sic] the “Road to Ruin”! [Uh, no. The Road to Ruin broke ground when you were born. Heyo!] Like most of the USA now, we at Stand Up America think it is a great way to express yourself and learn what is really happening to our country , so what can we do? [Let me get this straight: You think that pulling one’s car over to the side of the road is a great way to learn what is really happening to our country? Like, seriously? Are you planning on reading a history book while you sit there blocking traffic? Besides, I doubt you can find five Teabillies who think that sitting on the side of the road on a Sunday afternoon is a great way to express themselves. I suppose we should be thankful — it’s less frightening than the traditional Teabilly method, which is to show up to a rally armed to the teeth with guns and misspelled signs. So thanks for deciding simply to pull your cars over to the side of the road and just sit there pretending to make phone calls as opposed to, I don’t know, blowing cars up on the side of the road. (P.S., if you’re doing that last thing I mentioned, call me! I’ve always wanted to blow up a car for freedom.)]
Well, it seems the normal methods do not work because of entrenched political machinery, moneyed interests, power seeking for power’s sake, and a media that is just plan [sic] in the tank. [Toilet or fish?]
In the past, petitions were signed, marches on Washington and elsewhere were held [I remember the great civil rights March on Washington and Elsewhere — those were heady times], Tea Parties were created [by the Kochsuckers], letters were written [in broken Teabilly English], calls were made [using tin cans and string], new representatives were elected, yet, the road to ruin is still there [where, exactly?], and the Obama Administration has the pedal to the floor, the speedometer is pegged, and there are no brakes. [Talk about metaphor salad. Crikey. “The Obama Administration is on the road to ruin, leading a gift horse to water, looking in its mouth, and making it drink soshulism!] All our efforts have for the most part FAILED! [Oh no, you’re wrong there – they have ENTIRELY failed.]
So how do we make our voices known? [There are known voices and unknown voices, and you will hear us by the trail of dead.] How do we finally succeed? [Never gonna happen.] How do we send a clear message that cannot be twisted by the media, misinterpreted by politicians, or co-opted by Obama apologists? [Hey, you can have this one. We Obots have better shit to do than pull our fancy elitist arugula-fueled cars over to the side of the road and just sit there.] Well, we have come up with one interesting new way. [You’re overselling it.] Are you game? It won’t cost you any money short of a gallon of gas. It won’t take much of your time, only about an hour. It won’t mean travel to distant cities. It won’t mean crowds to wade through, and it won’t interfere with your life too much. [Shorter: It won’t mean DOING ANYTHING OF VALUE and you’ll be home in time for Leno.]2
What it will be is FUN [and by “FUN” we mean “ASININE”], and a great way to vent your frustration [also a great way to vent carbon monoxide into your car ::crosses fingers::], without being labeled [jackass], or maligned [descended from a clan of jackasses]!
Here is what is planned:
• Sunday, March 13th, 2011 – 4 PM Eastern, 3 PM Central, 2 PM Mountain, and 1 PM Pacific time;
• We want everyone to get into their cars, trucks, motorcycles, RVs, Semis, box trucks, and any other vehicle, and drive to your nearest highway or main route;
• Don’t go far, just enough to get in a safe position to pull over to the shoulder, and park, engine running, headlights and flashers on;
• Why? To take a cell call, or make one or several. After all, law enforcement recommends that you pull over to the side to take your call or text.
• Hook up a boat trailer, a snow mobile hauler, or anything to make the line look miles and miles long, bring your tractor-trailer;
• Set up a long motorcycle run to a STOP;
• Get your car club involved to show off those great hot rods and collectibles;
• Imagine others driving by wondering “what the heck”? Wave to everyone;
• Get ten friends to do the same; or go to an over pass and hang temporary signs saying – “Time to stop!” Just imagine the imagery! But be SAFE!
• Once pulled over to the side, place calls or texts to your friends, take pictures, send tweets, flood Facebook with messages and photos, along with several million others on other highways across the land.
• Stay one hour if you can, get your friends to do the same, line up all your vehicles in a safe manner as far off the side as you can, and hit your horns.
• One hour gives the media a chance to react, a chance to get footage. Imagine the traffic reports!
• Hang a sign inside your back window, or use temporary soap to write a message safely on the window;
• Be a part of millions of people saying: “Stop the madness, we are pulling over and just stopping!”
Imagine the image, when every news outlet in the USA must take notice.
Helicopters recording the event, YouTube filling with videos from every spot in America, with one message: “Just Stop”! Imagine seeing 300 cars pulled over for miles in California, in Texas, in New Jersey…etc.
Imagine the evening news and cable stations saying, “What the heck is going on?”
Do the math. If a car is 17 feet long, and 10 feet is maintained between each vehicle, it takes only 195 cars to stretch one mile. Imagine 500 tractor trailers pulling over for one hour! That’s over seven miles!
Be SAFE though!
• Be safe, peaceful, patient, kind, considerate, cautious, and alert;
• Be respectful, and patriotic to a fault;
• Stay away from congested areas, you know where they are, do some research;
• Leave plenty of room so you can pull back out safely, in turn, one-at-a-time;
• Help each other when stopping or starting back out into traffic lanes;
• Be courteous to your fellow “Stoppers”;
• Do not do anything illegal, and do not get out and walk, Observe and obey all laws;
• Don’t cause any interference with the flow of traffic;
• Do not disobey any lawful order;
• Be the PATRIOTIC icon of virtue that you are!
• BE SAFE!!!
We are on the “Road to Ruin”, and we are stopping on the side of that road to protest the downfall of our country!
We are not going to drive on that road anymore!
I can’t even continue trying to make fun of this. This has got to be some of the goddamn stupidest shit I’ve ever read, and I read Atlas Shrugged. I’m actually stupider for having read that nonsense. I mean, really. What a bunch of assclowns. They think that getting a bunch of fools to drive to a nearby freeway and then sit there on the side of the road under the pretext of making a phone call — is “akin to a sit-in.”
No. Just no.
The sit-ins of the civil rights era were about protesting segregation, and calling attention to the unfair and unequal treatment black people faced in the South. They required commitment to the cause, belief in what you were fighting sitting for, and strength in the face of violence perpetrated by those who would deny fair treatment.
Take the famous Woolworth’s sit-in. Four black students wanted to eat at Woolworth’s, but pursuant to store policy, were refused service. So those four students sat there in protest. On the first day, four people sat. Then twenty people sat on the second day. Then sixty on the third day and three hundred on the fourth day. They sat and sat for six months until they achieved their goal — desegregation.
A sit-in requires “sitting in” a place such that passers-by (and eventually the media) would assume that the location of the sit-in had committed some transgression against those sitting there. That’s what “sit-in” means. It doesn’t mean “drive somewhere at 4 pm on a Sunday and ‘sit in’ your fucking car for an hour.
Sit-ins have a tangible goal. What’s the tangible goal here, Palinites? The cessation of construction on the Road to Ruin? Would you like metaphorical cones to be placed on the Road to Ruin? Perhaps a sign? “CONSTRUCTION FIGURATIVELY HALTED DUE TO LACK OF METAPHORICAL FUNDS.”
And this — “It won’t take much of your time, only about an hour. It won’t mean travel to distant cities. It won’t mean crowds to wade through, and it won’t interfere with your life too much” — are you kidding me with this? If you are fighting for something — if you really feel oppressed and feel as if people are “treading on” you — you don’t go sit in your car and Twitter for an hour. You don’t take action only if it “won’t take much of your time.” You go out there and you sit in your car for as long as it takes! You think on the first day of his first hunger strike, Gandhi was all, “I’m just gonna not eat… for, like, an hour. Hopefully those bloody colonialists will notice.”
Jesus H. Bieber. The idiocracization of America continues.3
1 Unsullied Text: “Sarah Palin called the Obama Administration’s actions as the “Road to Ruin”! Like most of the USA now, we at Stand Up America think it is a great way to express yourself and learn what is really happening to our country, so what can we do? Well, it seems the normal methods do not work because of entrenched political machinery, moneyed interests, power seeking for power’s sake, and a media that is just plan in the tank. In the past, petitions were signed, marches on Washington and elsewhere were held, Tea Parties were created, letters were written, calls were made, new representatives were elected, yet, the road to ruin is still there, and the Obama Administration has the pedal to the floor, the speedometer is pegged, and there are no brakes. All our efforts have for the most part FAILED! So how do we make our voices known? How do we finally succeed? How do we send a clear message that cannot be twisted by the media, misinterpreted by politicians, or co-opted by Obama apologists? Well, we have come up with one interesting new way. Are you game? It won’t cost you any money short of a gallon of gas. It won’t take much of your time, only about an hour. It won’t mean travel to distant cities. It won’t mean crowds to wade through, and it won’t interfere with your life too much. What it will be is FUN, and a great way to vent your frustration, without being labeled, or maligned!
2 I know Leno is a weeknight show. CREATIVE LICENSE.
3 Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.™
(H/T Deb!)
[via Wonkette]
[cross-posted here at Angry Black Lady Chronicles]
[I know you hate the formatting, complainers. It looks glorious on my blog, so shut your pie holes. To the rest of you, kisses! ABLxx]
Thirty minutes away according to the blog. Couldn’t make it to March, huh?
I think they are being too ambitious. Why not just sit in their La-Z Boy chairs and do the same damn thing? It would have just about as much effect as this stupid shit. Every time I think the Lipton Tea Baggers hit the nadir of stupidity, they continue to surprise me–and not in a good way.
Left Coast Tom
That’s I-80 in the Sierra foothills, waiting for an average snowstorm to clear.
Something I’d expect a snowbilly to be familiar with, if she weren’t a total fraud.
The only flaw in that epic rant is that it was wasted on these no-talent assclowns.
I mean, really? “Don’t interfere with the normal flow of traffic”? Have they considered what will happen if they succeed in pulling off this puerile stunt?
Yep. Freedom isn’t free. But it *is* dumb.
Here’s the only Road To Ruin I’m driving on…
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
“Be patriotic to a fault”
Take a moment and contemplate that phrase.
Brian S (formerly Incertus)
You know, you’d think a group made up of so many so-called Christian types would understand when symbolism is powerful and when it isn’t. Oh, I forgot–these are the folks who think the stuff that happened in the Bible is real.
@Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel): No. You can’t make me.
@Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel):
You mean too much blind nationalism is a bad thing?!
@Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel):
Does that mean they should all try an park along the San Andreas Fault?
S. cerevisiae
S. cerevisiae
Wag beat me to the obvious fault.
Left Coast Tom
@S. cerevisiae: You could get them to park along the Hayward fault. There’s faults to spare out here.
Must be a Gault thing.
I’m pretty sure in this case it’s spelled ‘free-dumb’.
Thank dawg people this mean ain’t too bright.
Ash Can
These people are just, well, retarded. In the strictest, most clinical sense. As in, they never made it past sixth grade, mentally.
@Ash Can: I also think many of them are stupid in the objective sense of the word, not the pejorative sense. And, frustrating as hell because of it.
Is this some kind of coded info that the Rapture is going to happen in form of the Big One? But then, aren’t we supposed to go skywards when the Day of Days happens? This has got me so confused. Does this mean I’m not among the chosen ones?
OK, what I LOVE about this is that March 13th is the start of daylight savings time, so half these assholes will hit the road on entirely the wrong hour. HAH.
To protest moving forward, the Tea Partiers are just gonna stand still and watch the rest of the world pass them by.
Who says they’re bad at symbolism? That sums them up perfectly.
@S. cerevisiae:
Great minds think alike.
So do we.
I think the main goal of this is to get as much backlash as possible, she feeds on that. And then she slingshots that new found strength to create her next backlash event to grow even stronger and gain more momentum.
Oh, but it’ll be epic. Something to tell the grandkids about.
“Yup, we’d had enough of the freedom hating soshulist demoncrats so we drove out on I-80 and sat there for 60 minutes. That showed ’em”
@Ash Can:
I resent having my clinically retarded cousin lumped in with these morons. She is definitely smart enough to know that this is the stupidest shit ever planned.
This is the “I want to protest but I don’t want to experience any actual inconvenience” protest. Slacktivism for middle-aged suburbanites.
Rick Massimo
Yeah, the point of a sit-in is, you’re sitting in someplace you’re NOT SUPPOSED TO BE.
This isn’t that. This is doing nothing.
Which I guess is their best thing.
I encourage all teabaggers to concentrate all of their efforts on the Harbor Fwy. Around 2AM. Carry one of those Obama = Hitler signs as well.
@Raul: Is this for real? Because that’s just too delicious if it’s true. Yum.
The Dangerman
So, they are to pull over, but leave the car running. Was this protest brought to you by Exxon?
Okay, that is great.
Right, right, right, but the real question is, how much time will CNN spend trying to find people with stopped cars who are Palinites (as opposed to just out of gas, broken down, urinating away from the road, etc.)?
It’s the future, folks. Drive in movies, drive in food, drive in church services, drive through liquor stores, drive through pharmacy, banking, funerals, etc.
Now drive in protests. All the symbolic participation and none of the standing and walking.
It’s the future, folks. Drive in movies, drive in food, drive in church services, drive through liquor stores, drive through banking, funerals, etc.
Now drive in protests. All the symbolic participation and none of the standing and walking.
Villago Delenda Est
The Palin stupid! It BURNS!
Villago Delenda Est
The answer of course is more time than they’re spending covering the rallies in Wisconsin and Ohio.
@Chris: Now that you mentioned it, I have a vision of lefties going out on the roads at the same time and confusing the hell out of everybody.
@Villago Delenda Est: What rallies? There were rallies? Who knew?
Yeah, the First Sunday in Lent is a big travel day. Has been since the Middle Ages.
People would travel for miles to gather with their families and eat root vegetables. And be penitent.
Ash Can
Who says they won’t all be doing that too?
The Dangerman
Actually, now that I look at Stand Up For America’s website (taking one for the team; I don’t recommend it), turns out this has nothing to do with Palin directly. She just had a quote of hers used (wonder if she will sue). Stand Up is just some whacked out ex-Ranger that stood a little too close to the artillery for a little too long.
Now, in the interest of deficit reduction, can we PLEASE have those scooters that Medicare pays for in full cut out entirely. Sorry, cuts gotta be made.
[raises hand] “Um…question? Teabagger Bill here, volunteer state militia, undisclosed location chapter…does the drive-through window count as “parked by the side of the road?” because that’s really usually where they are (the drive-through windows and me)…and, um…they don’t really get me my food as fast as I like it. Sometimes the time it takes me to get my supersized meal and gallon bucket of diet-cola makes me feel like I’m parked”
DougJ, fess up, that’s your website, isn’t it?
I think they are suggesting this because they know they can never actually pull together as many people who showed up for the recent solidarity rallies. This way they don’t have to prove their numbers. LOL @ Teabillies.
Stealth protesting, the most effective kind. Like ninjas in the night – wham, bam, you’ve been protested at and you didn’t even notice! Haw, haw! We win! You never even saw us coming! Or protesting! Or leaving! Or anything!
My favorite part of this is that it won’t take a long time. Yes. Because if you’re behind seven miles of tractor trailers when they all put in their “hour of protest” and then go back onto the highway there won’t be any congestion at all!
Joseph Nobles
Gotta love it. The answer to America’s problems is not volunteering your time in Big Brothers Big Sisters or Habitat for Humanity, it’s not helping your kids with their homework and going out for ice cream after, it’s not donating to the American Cancer Society or, no.
It’s helping Sarah Palin catapult her spring propaganda phrase into the media.
Can we set up a counter-protest? It’ll consist of liberals pairing off — one to drive and one to sit shotgun flipping the bird at all the Sarahbaggers as you drive past them.
That’s it. Granted, it’s not complicated, and it ain’t got much point besides giving conservatives the finger. But, really, does it need more point than that?
@The Dangerman:
Don’t forget, these are the same people who decided they should spend Earth Day revving the engine on their SUV just to show those damn lie-berals who’s boss.
That is a brilliant observation.
You made Jean-Luc cry. I haz a sad.
Ah, republicans. A democrat claiming the country is less than perfect is a traitor. A republican openly predicting the downfall of the nation is patriotic.
These people need to learn never to organize a protest that requires doing something at a specific time on the first day that Daylight Savings Time goes into effect.
They are also, despite all their warnings about not breaking the law, encouraging people to stop on freeways where stopping is prohibited in non-emergency cases. Getting in the way of people who actually have emergencies, and greatly increases the chances of deadly accidents.
Boy, you said it, Chewie.
Chris Grrr™
CHP won’t look too kindly on hanging “temporary” banners from overpasses.
Or stopping on the shoulders of interstates en masse.
Really, though, in terms of courage and sacrifice and profoundly relevant political speech, this is obviously equivalent to what Ghandi did. Or would’ve done, if he had a car. Or a moped.
Roy G.
Sooo, that means they are doing something different than their usual crank MO – driving 50 in the left lane.
Chris Grrr™:
It’s just like Ghandi leading the poor to the sea to make salt.
Except that everyone stops at the highway and chats on their cellphones. And never gets to the sea.
What is this? Some no risk/no reward chain letter? Shouldn’t she at least offer some sourdough starter and make a vague threat about breaking the chain?
What’s my motivation?
opie jeanne, formerly known as Jeanne Ringland
@Raul: Nice catch. That’s just too true.
Your posts are always total fucking messes, you’re rarely clear what you’re talking about, and I’m not sure why you’re able to post on the frontpage.
I’ve never heard of you. Few here probably have. And ABL posts here because Cole sez so. You gotta problem, you bitch at him.
In the meantime, you do me a solid and feel bitter and baffled why you aren’t blogging on a high traffic site on your own turf. Kthxbai.
@oondioline: So tell us how you really feel sunshine. Or in other words, frak off dickhead. Get off your ass and write your own blog if you think this shit is easy.
Well, she’s certainly helped bring the GOP to a screeching halt.
They rally just the way you might expect them to! If they’re sitting in their cars by the side of the road, they don’t have to actually interact with anyone. They are self contained, i.e., walled away from anyone with a touch more melanin than they, in a little world of their own making burning fossil fuels needlessly.
How much more representative can you get?
“Let’s roll…to a stop!” needs to be added to the rotating subheads. It is, to me, the perfect distillation of conservatism.
Good to see that the Palinites have now moved so far right that they can’t even drive on the road like normal people… ;)
Second the Let’s roll…to a stop! needs to join the tag lines. It’s as if the Wingularity spit out a jet of stupid.
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
And when there’s a 20-car pile up because some guy blew a tire and couldn’t get off the road due to this stunt, the TeaBaghists will point out that one of the cars in the wreckage was a Prius, ergo STEALTH LIBERALS DID IT!
Except stopping on the shoulder for any reason save an emergency is not, in fact, legal.
The ultimate Real Murkan protest: sit on your fat ass and talk on your cell phone. Jesus K. Reist.
And, ABL, I think the adage you had in mind was “you can’t lead a horse to water without breaking its eggs.” Or something.
Those guys imagining themselves to be “just like the sit-ins” remind me of people who go camping and think they’re living the American experience “just like Davy Crockett/Daniel Boone/insert-famous-pionneer-name-here.”
Except, you know, with a flashlight, hermetically sealed tents, sleeping bags, air mattresses, insect repellent, a cooler, a portable stove, cell phone reception and a car ready to take them to the nearest hospital if one of them breaks a nail.
But other than that, just like Davy Crockett.
Ash Can
Assuming you find any, that is. I have a feeling that unless you happen to be driving past this guy or his three or four faithful readers in Oklahoma, the only people you’d be flipping off are a couple poor shmoes here and there trying to change their tires.
13th Generation
@freelancer: @Yutsano:
Seriously guys, just because you never heard of someone doesn’t mean they can’t comment. Your response of “Go write your own blog” is very predictable. This place really can be an insular echo chamber a lot of the time, and just because you don’t like someone’s opinion doesn’t mean they can’t express it. Let ABL stand up for herself if she so chooses.
Wow. Sunday afternoon. I can picture all the congestion now. I would think they’d waste more than a gallon of gas running the engine so they can stay warm, but it’s their dime.
Pretty whacky, but even whackier is the report I heard this morning that for a hearing in the Ohio Senate about the heartbeat/abortion bill, a group is planning to have a fetus as a witness. Seriously. Some pregnant woman will be there and they will conduct an ultrasound for all to see. You’d think there would be some kind of reluctance to expose so much naked woman belly flesh in such a family-friendly atmosphere, but no.
You know what they say… people in glass houses sink ships!
Commenting at Balloon Juice since 1937
@13th Generation:
What’s there to defend? “I hates you, go away” scarcely qualifies as an opinion.
We argue with the front pagers all the time in here–it’s one of the hallmarks of this place. I don’t see why that should mean that we can’t mock an idiotic commenter who thinks an argument consists of flinging an unsupported insult or two! If you can write a post like #59, you can eat a little mockery in return.
I mean, what would engaging “your posts are always fucking messes” seriously even look like? “Nuh-uh?”
john b
she does realize there aren’t many news programs (and basically no traffic reports) on sunday afternoon — especially in the scant places where this might actually happen, right?
Ash Can
@13th Generation: Because God knows no one carps at trolls around here.
May Saint Darwin, patron saint of “Hold my beer”, watch over them.
Dr. Wu
“Sit on your ass for freedom!” It’s the next great idea from the crew that fought the Iraq war from their moms’ basements.
God what an unreadable mess this is.
Someone needs to track accident, injury, and death statistics that day.
Sko Hayes
@lacp: Actually, the phrase goes:
Sunday drivers pulling over to the side of the road to protest. Should make Sunday driving a lot easier!
As for ABL’s formatting, I find it easier to read when the margins are a reasonable width, which doesn’t happen often on this computer, so I’ll take what I can get (the front page is a nightmare though).
When I read dumb shit like this I always wonder if they are purposely trying to get the police to tell them they can’t do this (for the obvious reasons that it is illegal and dangerous), so then they can scream about how their free speech rights are being oppressed by the socialist government. But I’m probably giving them too much credit for thinking more than 2 minutes ahead of themselves.
Atto Buoy
This will end in tears, mark my words.
I’m guessing there will be at least five fatalities nationwide as inattentive drivers plow into cars stopped on the shoulders of freeways.
But hey, the personal injury lawyers out there are rubbing their hands in anticipatory glee, ready to sue private citizen Sarah Palin for her contributory negligence in these accidents.
And Sarah Palin will say “Who could have foreseen such a tragedy?”
The half-term half-wit strikes again!
HAHAHAHAHA! Yes, imagine others wondering exactly what they always are wondering when tea baggers do or say anything.
By all means, “Be SAFE” while you block the shoulder of the highway, preventing cars that actually need to pull on to the shoulder from doing so.
Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I really like how one of the big selling points is that “It won’t take much of your time, only about an hour.” I guess nothing says “dedication to the cause” like being unwilling to commit to anything that might get you back home too late to catch Wheel of Fortune…
mmm.. driving past it dragging a skunk’s carcass would be fun!
Dr. Psycho
@asiangrrlMN: There Is No Peak Wingnut.
Wile E. Quixote
@Atto Buoy:
“Half-term half-wit.” You sir have a gift with words.
Wile E. Quixote
Hey, that’s what Grant Storms was doing in his van. He was protesting, it’s just that he got started a few days early, and was in a public park and not on a highway.
Angry Black Lady
@oondioline: jellis much? poor you.
@Marmot: yeah, my “shut your piehole” disclaimer was for you, buddy. you don’t like my posts, scroll past them. not sure how many times i need to tell you jackholes that i cross-post and that the formatting doesn’t turn out quite right here.
But it doesn’t matter. You’ll complain because that’s what you like to do. I’ll take solace that others enjoy my writing. I’ll also take solace that the most exciting thing you do all day is wait for me to post so you can tell me what a mess and how awful my posts are.
I won’t begrudge you your one pleasure in life, dear, but really — you ought to consider fucking off.
Angry Black Lady
@freelancer: i don’t know if you were around for this bit of callous assholery, but i can assure you, the opinion of this “oondioline” or “ondioline” asshole is of no concern to me.
Phoenician in a time of Romans
Can we set up a counter-protest? It’ll consist of liberals pairing off — one to drive and one to sit shotgun flipping the bird at all the Sarahbaggers as you drive past them.
Eggs, dear chap(pette), eggs.
Call me a callous asshole, whatever. Just please present readable fucking English blogposts. Is that too fuckin’ much to ask?
Vomiting your shit all over the frontpage doesn’t help whatever you’re trying to say. Trust me.
Angry Black Lady
@oondioline: trust me? pfft. you’re an asshole. that’s not an opinion, it’s a fact. i don’t generally take advice, writing or otherwise, from assholes. i get that you enjoy complaining about my writing, so do continue to spew bullshit from your fingers. one must enjoy the little pleasures in life.
also, hate me if you must — it seems to make you feel like the king of fuck mountain — but every time you waste precious seconds from your day of drooling and rocking back and forth in a corner to SHOUT IN ALL CAPS and make nonsense comments, know that this here “shit vomiter” is mocking your apparent inability to navigate your own goddamn computer. see, what you’re supposed to do is click on the stuff you want to read, and ignore the stuff you don’t. i’m downright concerned about your inability to understand that.
so again, if you don’t like my posts, then don’t fucking read them. is that “too fuckin’ much to ask,” asshole?
Angry Black Lady
by the way, have you ever added anything of value to this blog?
based on my “research” the answer is —
oh and here’s a doozy (which was apparently deleted because you’re that much of an asshole):
hell no
i’m on the front-page and you’re not. suck it up. maybe if you stop the anti-semitic, sexist, and racist dogwhistles, someone might give a shit about you or what you have to say.
Have a glorious day, asshole!
It’s stupid, but aside from the possibility of traffic jams, what harm does this do?
A lot of idiots will spend an hour just sitting there.
They’re not using that time to wave signs, shout slogans, phone officials, donate money, barricade clinics, march, or do anything actually constructive/destructive.
If everyone stays inside their own
bubblecar, they won’t even be networking with other like-minded individuals.[Given the persecution-complex Palin seems to exude, I wonder how badly it would freak her followers if folks started writing down their license plate numbers?]
Blah blah blah. Just format your fuckin’ shit so it’s in English.
Your barbaric yawp bullshit got old months ago.
Why don’t all these baggers just line the parking lots of their local Wal-Marts? Hell, they more than likely would be there anyway. They could practice some precision scooter maneuvers and be a bagger version of the Shriners.
Angry Black Lady
@oondioline: sick burn, dude.
They let out the instruction to connect a hose to the tailpipe…
Goddamn it, your link has an automatic downlaod. Grr.
Did they pick this date because it’s the only Sunday in the next month with no Nascar race?
In other words, normal Sunday traffic around your local mall, but with teh stoopid added.