Via TPM, the Seattle Times reports there’s been an arrest in connection with the attempted bombing at Spokane’s MLK Day Parade:
A magistrate clerk at the U.S. District Court in Spokane said that Kevin William Harpham is scheduled to make an initial appearance Wednesday afternoon in Spokane. Harpham was arrested Wednesday near Addy, Stevens County.
Harpham, 36, has been charged with one count of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and one count of knowingly possessing an improvised explosive device, according to a complaint that was unsealed Wednesday.
An FBI source in Washington, D.C., said one man was arrested Wednesday outside a home near Addy. Agents, including a bomb expert from Quantico, Va., were preparing to search a house where others associated with the suspect may be living, the source said.
The suspect is believed to be affiliated with white supremacists, the source said…
He’ll be out on bail in no time.
I didn’t know white supremacists were Muslim.
C’mon. You’re not helping the War (on brown people) Effort here.
Mark S.
Whew, for a second there I was worried this might have been terrorism.
A small correction perhaps?
Muslim-turbaned, Koran-spouting, white supremacists
Isn’t that how it was meant to read?
The Moar You Know
white supremacists = Nazis = Hitler = socia1ism = liberal operation.
You heard it here first. About an hour before you’ll hear it on Fox.
Can we just call this the attempted mass murder, not the attempted bombing? The bombing was the means, but the mass murder was the goal.
General Stuck
Doubt that, I suspect getting charged with deploying a WMD will most likely get you remanded until trial.
Alert Peter King–he’ll want to figure out which mosque this guy belonged to…
Mike E
I’m surprised he didn’t go all Eric Rudolph and blend into the ferns. Nice catch.
@General Stuck:
Studly Pantload
Terrorists my ass. These are just some spirited boys who are at heart God-fearing Christians. HEY, LOOK, IT’S A BROWN PERSON NOT TRYING TO THWART AN AL QAEDA PLOT–BETTER HAUL HIS BARBARIC ASS BEFORE A HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEE!
Villago Delenda Est
Surprise, surprise surprise!
It’s a racist asshole wingtard. A teabagger ally.
Gosh, never saw that coming…and neither did the fuckwits of The Village!
jeez … don’t harsh on peter king’s day; obviously, this was timed by the feds to embarrass him. ;-)
Villago Delenda Est
@The Moar You Know:
The wingtards are too fucking stupid to know that “National Socia1ism” is a marketing slogan.
So, naturally, Nazis are actually liberals…the ORIGINAL DFH’s, in fact.
Well, they do have fashion sense. That means they MUST be gay!
patrick II
I am always amazed that someone could with premeditation create such a weapon but would also leave two t-shirts in the bomb bag which were from local events near his town.
General Stuck
Oops sorry. But why isn’t he in Gitmo?
Roger Moore
Nobody could have predicted…
Do you think he’ll get better treatment awaiting trial than Pvt. Manning? Discuss.
Politically Lost
I’m reading this post in line at Foster’s Freeze standing next to some moo-ron of a young adult with an Arian Nation hat on.
I’m in NorCal wine country liberal Satan territory. There are ignorant fuckwads like this everywhere.
When buying 2nd hand tshirts for your home made bomb, don’t buy ones given out by the local charity events.
Cat Lady
He’s just a white lone nut like all of the other white lone nuts but every Muslim is a terrorist. QED
There is a big Aryan Nation compound out in Idaho not that far away from where he was arrested…
Shithead #3 - formerly Gen Stuck
No one wants to see a nude survivalist, except maybe Mclaren.
How is MSM media covering the arrest of a terrorist? Clue, not much..
@Shithead #3 – formerly Gen Stuck: Oh ick. I didn’t really need that visual, thank you very little.
Just posting this again from another thread, because I found it interesting.
There was a Republican freshman Rep. from Texas on C-SPAN this morning. A caller asked, what Republicans have done to create jobs. The Rep. said they repealed Obamacare. Someone Tweeted a similar comment. His response, again, was the House repealed Obamacare.
You have House members claiming they’ve repealed it, without the Senate passing the bill and the President signing the repeal into law.
Fucking morons.
Studly Pantload
Good murderin’ and maimin’ help is so hard to find nowadays, what with all the Evil Geniuses having moved exclusively into white-collar crimes, which of course is where the big money is.
@patrick II: Viral advertising fail.
Obviously just a frat boy prank.
Southern Beale
I didn’t know “Kevin William Harpham” was a Muslim name. Man they are getting craftier and craftier!
Sounds like some good po-leese work there. Glad this schmuck’s off the (rural, gravel) street. Pellets coated in rat poison? Shades of the SLA and Marcus Foster.
Southern Beale
And no one has yet explained to me how repealing Obamacare creates jobs. Just cause they called it the “job killing death panel Soc1al1zed medicine bill” or whatever DOES NOT MAKE IT SO.
Why is it these cannards seep into the narrative and no one asks them about this? Obamacare kills jobs, because the GOP said so! Easy peasy! Well I said I saw monkeys fly out of my ass this morning. Any takers?
Uncle Clarence Thomas
Obviously Pepsi drinkers.
Villago Delenda Est
The guy’s sticking to his talking points. Obviously incapable of thinking on his own, or on the spot. The kind of guy who would have had a very short tour of duty as a junior officer in ‘Nam.
Ah, another three-namer like Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wayne Gacey, John Quincey Adams, Neil Patrick Harris and Barack Hussein Obama. You just can’t trust the three-namers.
Paging Peter King, Peter King to the white supremacist courtesy phone!
Omnes Omnibus
@Southern Beale:
Thank you for your kind offer, but I must decline. Flying ass-monkeys really do better someplace where they have a yard to play in.
Villago Delenda Est
@Southern Beale:
“Lisa, I want to buy your rock”
El Cid
The FBI actually referred to the bomb plot as “domestic terrorism”; I haven’t seen any FBI release on the arrest yet.
On the subjects of Nazi’s and fascism & ‘leftists’ or ‘soshullists’, the Nazis and other fascists were pretty clear about that.
If you’re against the theory of class exploitation in an industrialized society of owners versus workers, and you’re against the theory of class conflict within such a society between capitalists and wage workers…
In other words, if it’s not capitalists versus labor…
…then you aren’t a “soshullist”.
Why is my comment awaiting moderation? Was it the reference to John Quincey Adams?
Mike G
You could knock me over with a feather, I’m so shocked.
File it under Isolated Incident of Right-Wing Violence, #545,408,780,903.
Hopefully they have enough to drag in some of his little white supremacist friends too.
There are plenty of them, we can spare a few.
@Studly Pantload:
Yet another industry suffering from brain drain due to the out sized compensation the FIRE industries pay.
When will our Gov’t act to curb the FIRE industries behavior so other Evil Geniuses can once again find competent henchmen at an affordable wage?
@Mike G: just a few million more and we might be able to see a trend here.
If this is the guy (lets not jump the gun), charging him with attemping to use a weapon of mass destruction (if so) is about the most damning and heavy charge that anyone can be hit with without the actual mass murder part included. This guy is history until the trial and even more so if convicted. The FBI isn’t playing games here on this one.
@Southern Beale:
Apparently, he was a Terror Baby …
El Cid
The CDC and other government elitists once again snub their nose at the South, the most patriotickest area of the country.
Map of diabetes diagnoses nationwide, at county level.
protected static
The Seattle alt-weekly, The Stranger, caught a funny: one of the agencies credited with catching this guy is the Washington State Employment Security Department. Was our Turner-wannabe living on the dole?
@Cat Lady:
No, no, no, this guy is a lone wolf wacko, but every Muslim is part of a grand unified jihad conspiracy.
Well, no doubt P King will bring up the fine distinction that he’s only worried about violence against the right sort of ‘mercans. I mean, tut tut, we can’t go about throwing terms like “terrorism” around with too broad a brush now, can we?
El Cid
By strange coincidence, here are two other interesting maps which may aid understanding of diabetes issues.
National map of estimates of obesity rates, county level.
National map of physical inactivity during leisure time, county level.
Studly Pantload
What’s all the more sad is that the media in general (let alone the Beltway Press) aren’t going to let their hair catch fire over this story because the target of this planned mass murder wasn’t Christian White Privilege.
By their reckoning, Timothy McVeigh’s crime wasn’t taking out a bunch of people to try to start a race war, it was that his victims included soccor moms mid-level managers from the suburbs.
Or am I being too cynical, here? Someone feel free to talk me down if you think I am.
Alex S.
Open thread? Ok!
‘Game change’ the tell-all-you-didn’t-need-to-know-about-the-2008-election book by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann is being made into a movie. In the role of Sarah Palin: Julianne Moore.
Listening to the ultra-leftist NPR this afternoon, they were interviewing Imam Rauf and asked him about the Muslim extremist “home grown terrorists.” I sorely wished he had talked about McVeigh, or that this news had broken before the interview was taped.
Mike Kay (True Grit)
I just found out that Broder kicked the bucket.
Is it wrong of me to be happy?
dr. bloor
@Alex S.:
Ooh, is McCain being played by Mark Wahlberg?
@Alex S.:
How can they pass up Tina Fey? Morans!
Well, knock me over with a feather. I’m shocked. Just shocked.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@El Cid:
Well, El Cid, you can see those elitists at the CDC are out to get our more ‘Merican Southern brethren with their socia!ist gay agenda exercise and diet recommendations. They are in collusion with the EVELEST first lady evah to destroy the ‘Merican way of life!
Alex S.
@dr. bloor:
Not yet, but I’m hoping it’ll be Charlie Sheen, you know, winning!
It’s fascinating that liberals can be Dirty Fucking Hippies and fascists at the same time.
Mike Kay (True Grit)
In Honor of David Broder…
It was noted that one of the “T-shirts” was for (and written on as) “Rally for Life”. So will we hear about the Antiabortion forces are allied with terrorist who use weapons of mass destruction … come on media, I’m waiting.
@Mike Kay (True Grit): Yes, actually. But we’re not exactly a high-standard bunch, so don’t let it weigh on you.
Anne Laurie
I made that assumption when the bomb was discovered, too, but apparently it’s an anti-cancer race.
Still gotta score a few extra points on the Irony Scale, though.
Anne Laurie
@Gustopher: Best I can guess, FYWP thinks ‘John Wayne Gacy’ attracts the wrong sort of spam.
That was a cancer charity.
you watch – the freepers/redstate/stormfront d’baggers are gonna start whispering that the White House timed this arrest to deflect America’s attention from the rightful witch hunt of Caliphate loving Brownies to the un-American persecution of light skinned European Americans…
S. cerevisiae
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony:
Son, ah say son, y’all pry my chicken fried steak out of my cold…AAAUUGGHH! *thud*
Damn, so much for my attempt to attack the Pro-life- just proves stupid is as stupid posts … been there before and I’m sure in the future-thanks for the fast correction!
Mike Kay (Ding-Dong-Broder's Dead)
What a 24 hours.
Yesterday was Fat Tuesday, and today wingnut welfare queen Broder fell off the face of the earth!
Digital Amish
@Studly Pantload: I’m afraid that today a measurable portion of the Republican party would chalk McVeigh’s action up to budget cutting — over-privileged government workers, yaknow.
Tonight network news will probably cover Peter King’s hearings on scary Muslims and home grown terrorism but not cover the white supremacist arrested today.
Mike Kay (Ding-Dong-Broder's Dead)
The great satan David Broder is gone.
Time to open some Merlot!
@Alex S.:
Charlie Sheen blew it. Even /b/ has given up on him.
@Maude: Thank you, Ma’am. I just go where the facts lead me.
Alex S.
(Beware! Link to /b/!)
@Alex S.:
You have to be kidding me? I will only accept this if Tina Fey turned the role down, if she didn’t then the casting director needs to be fired.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike Kay (Ding-Dong-Broder’s Dead): Aside from any objections on the grounds of manners and good taste people might have to celebrating a person’s death, I have to ask why merlot? It is not famous as a celebratory beverage. It is, shall I say, rather ordinary.
Mike Kay (Ding-Dong-Broder's Dead)
@Omnes Omnibus: Ya know, when Hitler committed suicide, they partied in Times Square.
Manners and good taste, like religion, is a con invented by the elite to control the population.
A more in tune society would be outside the Washington Post with pitchforks.
As for the merlot, I’m sorry that not all of us have the time to become oenophiles.
Mike Kay (Ding-Dong-Broder's Dead)
Kind of fitting that the Great Satan died of Diabetes considering everything he did to impede government research, including stem cell research.
Live by the wingnut, die by the wingnut.
@Mike Kay (Ding-Dong-Broder’s Dead): I’d hardly bestow the Great Satan title on David Broder; it should be saved until the demise of someone like Murdoch or Ailes.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Mike Kay (Ding-Dong-Broder’s Dead):
Gone from us to a better place, a happy middle-ground between Heaven and Hell where reasonable people can find common ground.
David Broder rots in hell! WAHOO!
Mike Kay (Ding-Dong-Broder's Dead)
I’m so drunk with happiness that the Great Satan is gone, that I might make a contribution to FDL.
@Southern Beale:
I don’t like Pepsi. But if you were talking Coca-Cola, now…
So much win. Bless you, sir
In other news: Newt loves America so much he had to fuck an aide
I’m waiting to hear from my brother and my cousin, who both assure me that “not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims.”
Wonder how long I’ll have to wait. If you hear hell freezing over you’ll know it’s happened.
Mike Kay (Ding-Dong-Broder's Dead)
The only problem I have is the Great Satan didn’t face a war crimes tribunal, like Julius Streicher and Shūmei Ōkawa.
Herbal Infusion Bagger
Let’s go to the Poet:
I then, with horror yet encompast, cried:
“O master! what is this I hear? what race
Are these, who seem so overcome with woe?”
He thus to me: “This miserable fate
Suffer the wretched souls of those, who lived
Without or praise or blame, with that ill band
Of angels mix’d, who nor rebellious proved,
Nor yet were true to God, but for themselves
Were only. From his bounds Heaven drove them forth
Not to impair his lustre; nor the depth
Of Hell receives them, lest the accursed tribe
Should glory thence with exultation vain.”
I then: “Master! what doth aggrieve them thus,
That they lament so loud?” He straight replied:
“That will I tell thee briefly. These of death
No hope may entertain: and their blind life
So meanly passes, that all other lots
They envy. Fame of them the world hath none,
Nor suffers; Mercy and Justice scorn them both.
Speak not of them, but look, and pass them by.”
@Svensker: I don’t know why people refuse to admit the Klan was a terrorist group. I’m pretty sure there was a white guy or two in that group.
I’d be okay with Gina Gershon as Snowflake Snookie.
NBC led the news with Peter King’s connections to IRA and hearings for four minutes, then spoke about Libya and now onto NPR. No news yet about the Spokane terrorist.
I was inappropriately pleased when Novak hitched a ride on the hellbound express. With Broder I’m more along the lines of, “why didn’t you retire twenty years ago and take up golf?”
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike Kay (Ding-Dong-Broder’s Dead): I am saving any celebrations of that kind for Cheney. As for the wine, enjoy what you like.
Dennis SGMM
Does this mean that members of the Aryan Nation will now be placed on the No Fly list? Thought not.
@Dennis SGMM: It’s not even getting coverage on network news.
Mike Kay (Ding-Dong-Broder's Dead)
There’s a silver lining in the Muslim witch hunt – it has turned once reliable republican voters into diehard Democrats in key swing states (VA, FL, MI, IN). In 2000, 80% of 6 million US Muslims voted for Bush. Today, they vote for the Democratic party.
This is an under reported reason why Obama was able to flip Indiana by 21 pts and Virgina by 14 pts.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Herbal Infusion Bagger:
There once was a journo called The Dean
Who spent life existing at the mean
When facing Judgment’s knell
To enter Heaven or Hell..
He asked, “Are you sure there’s no in-between?”
Mark S.
There’s something about Newt’s third wife that creeps me out. I wouldn’t put it past Newt that she’s a robot.
So…um…they seemingly just passed the union-busting bill in WI in about the most desperate, underhanded manner possible:
I guess now we get to yell about things being rammed down our throats?
@Just Some Fuckhead: More! More!
God, I’ve wished Broder dead so long now! And it’s finally here.
Didn’t someone on the front page here just give some sort of, sort of, sort of, absolution to the Broder? Who knew he was in his 80’s?
Just Some Fuckhead
Haha. Nah, gotta save some material for Gergen.
Mike Kay (Ding-Dong-Broder's Dead)
There’s a silver lining in the Muslim witch hunt – it has turned once reliable republican voters into diehard Democrats in key swing states (VA, FL, MI, IN). In 2000, 80% of 6 million US Muslims voted for Bush. Today, they vote for the Democratic party.
This is an under reported reason why Obama was able to flip Indiana by 20 pts and Virgina by 14 pts.
I really thought the news would cover the arrest of a homegrown terrorist but I guess he’s the wrong color.
Alex S.
They could have done that all the time already, but until now, they wanted to make it appear as if it was about the budget, not about power.
There are white guys in there so by definition it can’t be a terrorist group. They’re freedom fighters, silly. Pete King’s favorite buddies the IRA are somewhere in between. At one point in time Irish weren’t white, so they were definitely terrorists, but as Irish-Americans were accepted as members of the white American race, they turned into freedom fighters.
Mike Kay (Ding-Dong-Broder's Dead)
With the passing of the Great Satan, Sally Quinn has lowered her nose to half-mast.
Alex S.
@Mark S.:
Now that you mention it….
Just Some Fuckhead
@Alex S.:
Which means, of course, we’re winning.
The whole “teahadist” thing is even more apropos right now. This is just flabbergastingly self-destructive on the part of the 8 Republican Senators. I hope for their sake that Mr. Koch’s got some nice consultancy salaries lined-up for ’em.
@Just Some Fuckhead: They vote at seven according to msnbc online.
Since this is an open thread, I wanted to share the bit of cognitive dissonance one of my Facebook friends indulged in today. She was attacking the WI teacher’s unions (and Wi education in general), even though the only reason she’s in WI is because her special needs children were getting a crap education in her home state of FL and are thriving here. Gee, I wonder if those evil teachers unions might have had something to do with that?
Well, of course, HER teachers are just spectacular, but it’s all the union asshole teachers with their seniority screwing it up for everyone else, don’tcha know.
Spaghetti Lee
Fuck every last one of those fucking Republican assholes, with a rusty pitchfork. They are scum, filth, rotten to the core Kochsucking monsters. I hope they’re all recalled and end up begging in the streets.
Alex S.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Well, their scheme has been revealed and people don’t like it, but it’s still a loss unless the next elections reverse their actions.
Mike Kay (Ding-Dong-Broder's Dead)
@Elia: I’m sure they’re being paid off as we speak. What corporations usually do is hire the spouse or some of the Pol’s grown children. That’s how Wellpoint bought off Evan Bayh. They didn’t directly give him the bribe, no, they hired his wife, giving her some superficial job for $700,000 per year.
Mike in NC
Yes, a new low even for that miserable little prick.
@Mike in NC: Just don’t make the mistake of thinking there’s a bottom to this slide.
@Alex S.:
This is unfortunately true. Even if it’s massively unpopular, it would still be their legislative victory and law of the state until there are enough WI Dems in their legislature to get past a little Scotty veto.
But he’s not a suspected terrorist, just a white person of interest…
I’m really disappointed that the white community has not done more to help authorities unmask these terrorists among them. Maybe Pete King can hold some hearings about it.
Anne Laurie
Katie Couric covered it, briefly. No mugshot, but the words “associated with white supremicist organizations” were used.
I was listening to even-the-liberal-NPR just now (8:00 p.m. CDT). They did not deem today’s arrest worthy of mention in their top of the hour newsbreak. Had time to cover the Dow and NASDAQ, though.
S. cerevisiae
@Mike Kay (Ding-Dong-Broder’s Dead): Mike Kay – That is really interesting. is there a poll I can link to because I really want to use that stat.