For those of you who participated in the January blood drive, next week will be giving time again, so consider this a gentle reminder. Anyone else interested in giving should check out the Red Cross site for more information.
The reason I started a blood drive was because the Chairman of the Pima County (Tucson) Democratic Party suggested it as a productive response to a Tea Party “Dump Dupnik” protest. Dupnik, you’ll remember, was the Sheriff who served up a few home truths after the killing spree and assassination attempt on Gabrielle Giffords. Since it’s been a couple of months, let’s check in and see how that dump is coming along:
Looks like they need to push a little harder.
But don’t worry, this site will be “updated soon”, perhaps after a few prunes are ingested. Hey, maybe they’ll break some news after breaking wind:
I’ll be giving blood long after the teatards who were butthurt over Dupnik’s truthful statements have moved on to the next nothingburger fauxrage. I hope you’ll join me.
Someone should make a counter drive “Dump Sheriff Arpaio”. I bet it would raise money much faster.
Hillary Rettig
there’s something really satisfying and inspiring about the thought of Dems donating blood to tbagger victims (and others) in the face of ongoing tbagger denial and lunacy. it’s really kind of Gandhian.
TaMara (BHF)
I think I <3 you even a bit more this morning mistermix.
@me: I believe that the Feds have one going as we speak, its called a “special investigation”.
TaMara (BHF)
And if you need something else to make you smile this morning:
Monkeys get their own car.
Suffern ACE
I would empty out my life savings.
Southern Beale
Had to say goodbye to a friend this week …
It really is like Orwell’s Two Minutes Hate isn’t it?
I am glad to see the meter is updated every hour.
Speaking of funny animal videos, here’s one that has cute written all over it.
The Red Cross won’t take poofer blood.
I bet the guy who gave $2000 to the Dupnik recall is pissed.
Steaming Pile
I remember giving blood every eight weeks because I am O-neg. That was, of course, before the mad cow scare where anybody who has spent significant time in Europe since the dawn of the Reagan era was put on the do-not-bleed list, myself included since I spent a long tour in Germany from 83-86. You would think a quarter fucking century would be long enough to determine that I do not have mad cow disease, but you’d be wrong. I guess those poor schmucks in the ER who wrapped their motorcycles around trees are shit out of luck.
Omnes Omnibus
@gbear: They won’t take blood from people who have spent too much time in weeny Euro-countries or weird Asian and African ones either.
Omnes Omnibus
OT: Warren Christopher RIP
@Southern Beale:
Sorry for your loss. It’s hard to see them go.
other news:
(1) one of the Fukushima reactors close to being stabilized
(2) French planes flying over Libya
(3) rally for Bradley Manning at Quantico today — Daniel Ellsberg leading the charge.
git yer own links.
Southern Beale
Thanks… he’s the oldest kitty I’ve ever had. I never realized they could last that long. And he was in pretty good shape right up to the end.
@Southern Beale: Sorry for the loss of your friend, SB. I lost one of my two cats three weeks ago. It’s rough.
@Southern Beale:
My last two went 18 and 20 years, respectively. I still miss them both. And I look forward to having one again when I have the space.
Ash Can
@Southern Beale: Condolences on your loss. You gave him a good, long life.
I’m late to the thread, but I was thinking about you and wondered if you are okay and are you getting a kitten.
Southern Beale
sorry to hear about your loss as well. I guess it’s safe to say that at 19 years, Frasier was my longest relationship! Though Mr. Beale and I are celebrating 10 this summer ….
@Southern Beale: So sorry to hear about Frasier. He sounds like a wonderful, loving soul.
Mr. Furious
Recalling Dupnik is a political loser for the local Tea Party/GOP. I’m willing to bet most constituents agree with his comments, and most will also have no desire to pile on a guy who had to preside over a tragedy like that.
Add to that the fact that it’s likely to be viewed as an outside movement, and it’s got backlash written all over it.
Roger Moore
Of course if you succeeded in raising a bunch of money, that would only prove to the teabaggers that Arpaio had made the right enemies, who were now out to get him.
@Steaming Pile: Don’t know about the Red Cross, but my local blood center takes my Euro-infected blood.
Omnes Omnibus
@Joel:The Red Cross will not.
Xecky Gilchrist
Did the Dumpers say what they needed that $100,000 for, or is it just yet another fleece-the-rubes?
@Maude:@Southern Beale: Thanks for the thoughts. Josie was 16 or 17yo. I have another cat (Halley) that’s about 10 years old. I’m waiting to see how she adapts to being an only cat before I make any decisions about another pet. For me, it’s still too soon to add another pet to the household.
Suffern ACE
@Steaming Pile: Jury is still out. One of the symptoms is writing blog comments on Saturday afternoons.
Read this about Dupnik.
Then, deal with the facts: Dupnik’s department arrests more illegal aliens on their way to Maricopa County than Sheriff Joe could imagine. Dupnik’s alleged disregard for SB1070 is a load of crap, as he’s only against the absurd “musts” in that law that further tied up his deputies in ways that the state would call an unfunded mandate if it was coming from the Federal government. But from the State of Arizona? It’s just the GOP being the GOP.
I hope the supposedly-crazy notion of Pima County becoming its own state comes to fruition. Not because it will solve a lot of problems, but because it will stop those assholes from creating a grip of new ones.
Fukushima latest link. Apparantly, the Japanese govt. thinks it might have “acted too slow”. You think? I’m also (as a former electrical engineer) wondering why it is taking so long to restore power and why the generators they bought in didn’t work. I suspect the answer is that the entire cooling system is FUBAR but they won’t admit it.
Will post some random speculation on Libya in a few minutes.
@Southern Beale: Augh. When I saw the link, and I knew Frasier was having trouble… my condolences. So much of our lives go with them with they are such long term companions.
Regarding blood, I give as much as they let me, but they have to have a good phlebotomist; I’ve had them give up after 10-15 sticks. Dedication, I haz it.
Okay, Guardian live blog here, looks like not a lot happening but the French firing a metaphorical shot accross the bows by occupying Libyan airspace. Don’t know long term outlook, but I think immediate “Massacre of Benghazi” scenario avoided. A good thing.
I thought it was because they had to find an extension cord long enough to reach a Tokyo outlet. But I’m a not-even-former engineer.
Ya know, a harsher person then me would do some snark here about someone speculating about an area of expertise they have no knowledge of…but I won’t :-)
I can understand that it would take a few days to re-establish a grid connection, but we’re talking over a week here. Also I really don’t understand why they couldn’t jury-rig the external generators, unless the cooling system is, in fact, fucked.
I’m tempted to donate a penny to see if the total updates…
@Southern Beale:
I am so sorry. It can help if, after some mourning time, you volunteer with a shelter or rescue group and go love up an animal that needs it.
So sorry to hear about Frasier. He was beautiful!
Can’t give blood because I’m English and I guess you guys think we’ll give you mad cow disease.
sir, as you no doubt realize, my extension cord constitutes a perfect snarkalogy to those certain ignorant ruminations about federal jurisprudence to which you slyly allude.
And speaking of…..
Surely you didn’t think I’d let THAT slip by…
Your honour, I humbly submit the Supreme Court will vote 45-0 against the Tokyo extension cord mandate. The Broccoli mandate will be decided on partisan lines. Please submit an email complaint to John Cole if you disagree.
@Southern Beale:
Oh, I’m so sorry. Wonderful post, beautiful cat. I loved how he nursed Sylvie: Frasier was one hell of sweetie. A hug to you, and extra treats and love to Sylvie.
David Brooks (not that one)
Sorry, I’m still mad. Moo.
As a longterm Tucsonan (40 years), I can say with confidence that Clarence Dupnik is competent and generally lowkey. His statements about SB1070 were right on. And this recall is especially silly, given that SB1070 is not yet the law; I believe it’s still being challenged in the courts. If it has passed a court challenge, I’m wrong and will gladly admit to being wrong.
We have lots of Hispanics here in Tucson. Many were here before the Gadsden Purchase. Some are very prominent in the community, and our Hispanic population is numerous enough and powerful enough that the Arizona Daily Star prominently features the annual Quincioneros celebration, which is for young Hispanic debs of 15 who are attending their coming out ball. We also celebrate El Cinco de Mayo with gusto and marachis and indeed are the marachi capital of the world. !Gracios a Dios por todas las disfrutaciones!
Middle class and well-to-do Sonorans come to shop here and represent a significant portion of merchants’ sales. Yes, we have illegal immigrants here as well, but my point is that there is no easy way to tell which are illegals and which are Sonoran visitors and which are citizens, many of whom predate our “Anglo” presence. For that reason alone, SB1070 is stupid on its face, and Dupnik is absolutely correct to not try to enforce it.
@Wolfdaughter: I’ve only been a resident of Tucson for about 29 years, but I know it’s spelled “mariachi”. That aside, what you said about SB1070 is right on.
But Dupnik isn’t just getting crap because of that bill and all the stupid mandates it presents (and the criticism of him for saying he’s not going to change the way he’s already working against illegal immigration is odd since he does quite a lot more of it than the Sheriff Joes from the two counties North of Pima County.) He’s getting crap because he said angry rhetoric can lead to violence. Strange how even a certain woman has come to agree with his assessment, until you realize she has no beliefs other than in herself.
I donated $50…
to the Red Cross.
Fear not, you can leave it to the Arizona Lege to get all petty and vindictive. They explicitly cut Pima County out of a bunch of state money (taxes WE PAID) destined for anti-gang and border issue enforcement.