One of our excellent commentors included a link to this fine example of political performance art:
HELENA — As promised, Gov. Brian Schweitzer on Wednesday fired up his infamous “veto” branding irons on the front steps of the Capitol and put the brand to seven GOP-backed bills.
In one of the most spectacular pieces of political theater in the Democrat’s six years in office, Schweitzer applied red-hot branding irons to wooden plaques representing bills ranging from elimination of same day voter registration to a bill that would allow new open pit gold and silver mining using cyanide leach process.
“These bills are either frivolous, unconstitutional or in direct contradiction to the expressed will of the people of Montana,” Schweitzer said to a cheering crowd and a throng of reporters and television cameras…
“When I swore to uphold the Constitution I meant it,” Schweitzer said.
I am just small-souled enough to think somebody should introduce this tactic to the WATB teabaggers patriotic Tea Party militias. The slapstick results might finally demonstrate to the participants why ‘playing with fire’ is not always a win-win proposition.
(Reminder: NIXONLAND discussion group, 7pm EDT this evening.)
Roger Moore
What, that we should break out the branding irons and brand giant “I”s on their foreheads so everyone knows they’re idiots? That would get my vote.
Link to video at my place:
@Roger Moore: Or maybe a backwards “I” on their face so we know that they’re teatard idiots.
I really can’t stand stupid grandstanding like this, but since the yokels eat it up it’s good to see our side do something to pander to them. It’s easy to do and doesn’t hurt anything, give ’em their circus.
@Linkmeister: Oh mah stars, that looks like…like…a touch of Democrat…demagoguery! I feel faint…
Seriously, though, is our Democrats learning? They’re starting to act like actual politicians now, instead of doormats. I mean, if this continues, you could start to see Democrats getting elected once again here in Texas!
…nah. Let’s not let the fantasies get out of hand here.
Edit: @MikeJ: “since the yokels eat it up”? Go back to Mt. Olympus with that shit.
@Citizen_X: For better or worse, Democrats have to use the media’s love for stunts better. They’ve been outgamed by the Republicans for a long time.
I watched the whole 19 min. video on Youtube, and I disagree with Mike J. I don’t think this is “stupid grandstandng”, and the people in the video don’t look like “yokels ” to me. The governor isn’t pretending that it isn’t performance art; he’s acknowledging it with his humor. It isn’t the hateful, nihilistic, angry populism of the Teaparty, but rather a populism that exhibits some joy, and humor and humanity.
S. cerevisiae
I love it! Schweitzer 2016!
@MikeJ: you want yokels, how about saving your disdain for the folks that passed that crap despite the will of the people in two state wide referendums. Cripes almighty we have someone finally use the bully pulpit and you go all Bobo on us… sheesh
Dennis SGMM
In a world where a real estate mogul with an uneven track record and a TV show can be a potential nominee because he parrots birther nonsense and in the same world where a pack of rich bimbos can get their own show because they’re rich bimbos then stunts it is.
If the Democrats decide to hire a squad of midgets, put them in Oompa-Loompa makeup, have them stand on the steps of the Capitol and mock the Ryan plan in unison I will wholeheartedly support the move.
ETA: We can’t all be dilettantes.
Well, our current crop of yahoos in Helena are screaming piteously so I’d say the message was delivered. Highly unlikely that these will be overridden. I guess the Repubs forgot about needing the gov’s sig when they were crowing about all of the things they would do since taking control of the lege this session.
@Dennis SGMM:
Win. Of course, Bobo would immediately write a column about how the democrats are exploiting midgets or even better how the Oompa-Loompas is a reason why unions need to go.
I rarely ever read Modo. Years ago I would read her when she was syndicated in my local paper. I found her mildly amusing at the time. I’m not sure why someone who is mildly amusing should occupy such a lofty perch at the paper of record, but what are you goin’ to do?
But, I clicked on her column today and my eyes just randomly went to one passage and all I could think was “God, that is one ugly sentence!”:
What Rand and acolytes like Alan Greenspan failed to realize is that if everyone acts in self-interest and no one takes into account the weakness to the entire system that occurs when everybody indulges in the same kind of risky behavior, the innocent and the guilty are engulfed.
I realize I’m not a stylish writer. That is not my job, however.
I’m afraid you’re right. The only way we can get their attention is to be as pathetic in show boating as Republicans. Since news is also about entertainment, we have to make some allowances for them to present something to people
BTW I live on Mt.Olympus, it’s great up here. I do not ever want to come back down.
This implies that there may have been even more spectacular pieces of political theater in Schweitzer’s term. The mind reels.
There is nothing low brow about this type of political theater. You shouldn’t be holding your nose. It is the essence of politics – embrace it. If you can’t find simple effective ways to make the message, then maybe something is wrong with your message. It doesn’t dumb down the message by selling it effectively with simple messaging, unless the stunt somehow creates a side message that dilutes the point. This one doesn’t.
The bill to allow open pit cyanide leach processing is outrageous. Realize that it overturns a citizen passed initiative to ban the practice. Just stinking rotten Republican behavior.
Dennis SGMM
You got it. The Republicans would have to then appear on every last talking heads show and complain about how mean the Democrats have become. Ryan would be hospitalized with Third Degree hurt fee-fees.
If a Republican governor did this same shtick there’d be nothing but eyerolling and endless talk about how he needed to prove he was big and tough (and hints that trying that hard was an attempt to hide something that there’s nothing wrong with.)
Sure, those were bad bills. Sure, they should have been vetoed. I’m glad to see somebody on our side do what it takes to get votes, no matter how stupid it is.
Another Bob
But I’m not even clear on the concept here. Don’t people brand things as a way of claiming them and marking their identity, e.g. your own herd of cattle? I think it would be more appropriate for the teatards to have themselves branded . . . as a way to demonstrate their patriotism. Perhaps an American flag symbol, or even the entire Declaration of Independence for more ample, mobility-scooter-enthroned backsides. Then again, maybe “Freedomworks®” or “Fair and Balanced®” would be most appropriate.
Exactly, he didn’t demean anyone; he didn’t lie. Schweitzer is a well-educated, sophisticated man. He has an advanced degree in soil science, speaks Arabic, has lived outside the US. He’s the type of elite American the Bobo pundits can’t stand because he doesn’t give a shit about what they think.
How about a local’s opinion?:
You know, I think this might be what’s been missing. It’s not consistent messaging or Democrats willing to speak the truth or make a stand. They do that all the time and the media is absolutely, utterly uninterested and refuses to show it. Much like the liberal cause rallies that consistently dwarf conservative cause rallies.
However, the media eats up grandstanding public shows like this. It could work. I’m not sure. It’s important that Obama remain ‘The Only Adult In The Room’, but congressmen might be able to get away with it productively.