Not quite tickling the penguin, but here are Ellie and Boghan on Boghan’s 1st birthday:
Boghan is now trained a bit and a canine good citizen. Ellie isn’t but she is so damned adorable, who cares? She and that rogue ear of hers just take it to eleven, and her treat dance at the end is so full of win.
Here’s an old favorite, too:
Ginny and Guesly drying off on the couches after a bath, until my father (running the background there while my ornery mother films) discovers what they are doing to his clean room. The “OH MY GOD” kills me every time.
I hate yappy dogs. A sign they are not well trained to know they are part of a pack and that you are the pack leader btw.
John Cole
@Fred: Lighten up, Francis.
Comrade Mary
You’ve described both your Mom and Tunch as “ornery”. So if it’s your Mom up against the fluffy white guy, who wins?
Dee Loralei
Squueeeee! These videos and SPaT on the front page might actually be better than tickling a penguin.
( though tickling a penguin sounds naughtier.)
Elia Isquire
I’ma blogwhore cause I haven’t in a bit and an open thread is like the free market without liberal nanny state enterprise killing regulation.
So, if you’ll allow me to quote South Park, “Cripple fight!!“
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
Just a notch down from, “Oh, the humanity!” That’s awesome.
Thanks for pet pix.
I suggest the elder Cole’s ‘Oh My God’ by put up somehow as an audio at the top of the front page. With his kind permission, of course.
It could be one of the rotating heading, and be broadcast when some one clicks it.
No, check that. Considering how often this blog ‘jumps the shark’, a link to the audio probably needs to be up there all the time, for emergency use.
Given the atheism of the miserable and debauched lost infidels that frequent this blog, the word ‘God’ could be put in the lexicon, so the dissolute readers can find out what it is supposed to mean.
Also, too, a ‘one click’ Balloon-Juice holodeck would be nice.
I love it. Boghan the good child and Ellie the devil, but oh so cute, so who cares :-) I feel for her — I also dance for treats…
Cat Lady
Has anyone thought of dropping JRTs instead of drones on Pakistan? I think it would be win win.
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
I hate
yappy dogsknow-it-all blogscolds.My point?! YOU HAVE NO CLUE! YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF RELATING!
All the doggies are cute, but Ellie and that ear is so adorable my teeth ache. Boghan is quite grown up now. And that video where the JRTs destroy Dad’s clean room gets me every time. Good stuff.
Elia Isquire
Also my new-er dog, Penny (white), goes hogwild running around the house etc. when she gets a bath, too. But our first, Mayzie (black), never did anything like that — so it was quite a surprise. She seems to be having fun when she’s doing it…
I wasn’t much of a fan of the Planet of the Apes Remakes, but this newer one looks interesting.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes Trailer 2011 HD
Just Some Fuckhead
@Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel):
Chris Martinez
For some fun, check out my satire, “Donald Trump Goes to Iowa.”
Happy Friday, everyone.
Next open thread is #1000. That has to be from some rebuild, since we seem to have three or four of these things a day.
Didn’t see any penguins in the vids.
Where are the penguins!!??
I admire your mom’s fortitude. I could not have filmed that, because I’d have been rotflmao.
Corner Stone
Man, I am just stumped on what to do for dinner. Do I want Thai, pizza, fajitas, chicken soup…
I just got nothing.
Little (dinner) bells
Heh, JRT to the left is tunneling through pillows. With purpose. What sane person gets two of those critters? (I know, asked and answered.) What a riot.
Dang wirehaired griffon completely wins me over. My sort of pooch.
Jay in Oregon
Only if you buy me dinner first, sport.
schrodinger's cat
@Corner Stone: I am making shrimp tacos, a green salad, mango pineapple salsa.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Corner Stone:
Ravioli right out of the can.
@BGinCHI: See today’s Google logo for a penguin that flips into the air (among other animated animals).
schrodinger's cat
@jeffreyw:Love this Homer pic with the dog
@PurpleGirl: Coolz.
Will the lion eat the pandas or the penguins first?
Comrade Mary
@BGinCHI: Penguins. Go ahead and tickle them, if you dare.
i love that video; can your dad even bring himself to watch it without an onset of angina…
there was a nice piece in the nyt about isabella roselini who provides early training of puppies for possible future service training.
schrodinger's cat
May be John can convince his parents to make Rosie their third JRT.
@BGinCHI: Will the lion eat the pandas or the penguins first?
No, but in the right hand corner, the flying fish gets caught by a bear.
Jay in Oregon
Another hat tip to First Draft…
Jon Kyl’s bullshit lie — “If you want an abortion you go to Planned Parenthood and that’s well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does.” — has been stricken from the Congressional record. Too bad you can’t wipe the whole of the Internet so easily, dude.
My favorite part of the article:
@Comrade Mary: I’ve been whacked by those kinds of penguins before.
I learned my damn lesson.
Ellie hasn’t been formally trained, at least not by me. She seemed to have had some training prior to me finding her as she knew sit, the little circles for treats (which I guess some people train their dogs to do), and she was crate trained. I am going to start doing formal training with her although she really is very well behaved. It is easy to forget about her because she is simply happy to be doing whatever we are doing. Oh, and she isn’t yappy generally. I was egging her on.
@PurpleGirl: Just spotted the koala.
No shark?
@Seth: i was just going to ask where ellie came from; i guess i missed that post.
cute poochies; esp ellie.
@BGinCHI: The shark will be jumped by Cole in a future Google logo.
More poochie cuteness.
@Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel): Me thinks you spend FAR too much time here to have gone to the trouble. Knock yourself out.
@Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel):
@jeffreyw: Yummy as always! I have used it in the past, but I forget the name for that shape of pasta, do you happen to know the name?
@schrodinger’s cat: @jeffreyw: Love that picture! Now that’s what I call tickling the penguin. I would kill to see that between my cat and my dog.
gogol's wife
That “Oh my God” could become like the “Wilhelm scream,” a particularly good scream that is used over and over again in all kinds of movie soundtracks.
@Seth: Congrats on the both of them! Happy puppies, yes they are!
Our own little guy, eight month old Tristan:
You know you want to rub the belly.
South of I-10
@gogol’s wife: I was just thinking the same thing! From now on, the “Oh My God” has to be placed in any pet videos posted.
My cat has attacked two dogs this week, one lab, one lab mix. Too bad I don’t have video, I could have set it to the Matrix music and thrown in the “Oh My God”.
schrodinger's cat
@WereBear: Its a trap, pointy ends will be deployed if you try.
Tristan FTW! love his spotty belly.
Saw a story on my local news about how the New Black Panther Party is going to be providing security for a Dem City Council candidate. Said candidate has made some statements about Jews which she said were taken out of context, and the representative of the local NBP chapter pretty much said that hey, Jews do run the world so whatevs if she did say it.
I makes jokes about the New Black Panthers all the time, mainly because I’m 100% certain that they will be a topic of debate in the 2012 Presidental debates.
Dee Loralei
@BGinCHI: Tickling the Penguin was yesterday afternoon, you should be able to find the vid easily. Made me giggle it did.
@schrodinger’s cat:
That’s Buddy, the world famous Brittany and Homer’s personal bodyguard.
schrodinger's cat
@jeffreyw: Buddy, the Brittany is beautiful and so is Homer!
schrodinger's cat
@South of I-10: My cat Yogi, who is usually quite shy and skittish used to attack my friend’s German shepherd because she (the shepherd) would usually go straight for Yogi’s food bowl and the kitteh didn’t like that at all.
@WaterGirl: campanelle, which translates to “little bells”
@schrodinger’s cat: My Malamute mix, Roscoe, had a way of handling kittens who ate from his food bowl. He would very gently hold their heads in his mouth for a few seconds; and they got the hint.
I never want to see the insides of a dog’s mouth again!
@Dee Loralei: Oh I saw it alright. Can’t get that cute little thing out of my head.
Where do I buy a penguin?
Focused like a laser:
One more time: Focused like a laser:…
Is Ellie a Maltese? I ask because I just acquired one. My Maltese looks like a possum or maybe a hairy white rat.
I’m ot really a small dog person, especially little ffo ffo dogs have ever appealed to me, but I am growing attached to Izzy. He’s a rescue, confiscated as part of a cruelty case. A week ago he was early dead. ow he is a cheerful, cofidet, affectioalte little guy who does not yap and is not hyper or annoying. I fact he is a great little dog, no trouble aqt all and lots of fun.
He is does have a high maintanece, coat though.
@jeffreyw: I would have recognized it in a multiple choice test, but I could not think of the name. Thank you!
Open thread, right? I need some advice on bell peppers. I think they got thrips from a nearby crabapple tree. Anyone familiar with spinosad? Does it really work? It is trademarked Conserve.
@trollhattan: Why yes, how else do you rub the smell of wet dog absolutely everywhere?
Our younger beagle does this — she has the most amazing coat that holds water like a sponge, until she rubs it all over the couch.
We’ve learned–the hard way–to keep doggies on lockdown after bath. Inside, they make a wet mess trying to rub it off. Outside, they make themselves a muddy mess trying to rub it off, undoing all that work in minutes.
Our first Dal would somehow retract his front legs and propel himself, face down, like a high-speed plow across any handy rug or lawn. It was funny the first time.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
I’m thankful that today Constitutional Scholar and President Obama pronounced Bradley Manning guilty before his trial. Finally, some fierce backward looking.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Open thread stuff:
Can we have a pool on how many emails Cole’s gonna get about the new front pager?
Anyone have any good suggestions for where to donate a 1st edition Atlas Shrugged (yes, you read that correctly) that could sell it? The important criterion is that it must be an organization that would send the author shrieking with rage were she told about it. A friend of mine was young once, and owns one (I was never that young) and I’ve suggested it has a value, to a certain crowd.
Have a nice weekend all.
Sarah in Brooklyn
I spent my whole afternoon with cute dogs at the ASPCA here in New York, but boy oh boy, those BJ dogs are some cute darn dogs!!!
South of I-10
@schrodinger’s cat: Mine doesn’t like any dog that is not mine coming anywhere near her. The dogs are my brother’s dogs, she ran one out of the house and then laid in the doorway, daring her to try and come back in.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center come immediately to mind. Any hippie food co-op.
Pressworthy, to be sure.
Tim, Interrupted
I love that Boghan critter. He appears to be wearing a cheap toupee and that makes me laugh.
Can’t say I relate to why letting your dogs dry themselves on your furniture would be a good thing, but that’s just me.
Awwwwww, so cute. All of them. But, surely, Cole, you meant that your dad is vacuuming in the background?
And, I don’t like the penguin vid. It skeers me.
@asiangrrlMN: Pengies r teh awsum. And actually the little guy is food begging in the vid. But it is still pretty adorable.
Speaking of intriguing movies, I somehow get the feeling this one wasn’t quite legalized in Iran.
@Seth: That wasn’t yapping in my book, and I’m a diehard big dog person who tends to loathe dogs smaller than 60lbs. She’s a happy girl who was answering your silly question!
@South of I-10:
Nice! My 15 year old cat has taken to stalking the foster Rottie, and is out for blood. She views cats as fun chew toys, sooooo, I’m feeling like a blue helmet soldier these days.
@Elia Isquire:
Love the background on your page, and the dogs – both of them with the body language saying “We are TRYING to be patient with you…”
Thanks – that was funny, and I could really use a laugh or two this week – that and JC’s two vids up top gave me some giggles…
Dog is My Co-Pilot
So cute… I needed a smile this morning.