To those who celebrate it, Happy Easter!
(Yeah, well, I didn’t use it when commentor Purple Girl sent it for the Year of the Rabbit, and this seemed as good an excuse as any.)
Who’s got plans?
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In my family, we take religious holidays, keep the food and presents, and throw away the religion. Easter is an excuse to eat chocolate, so that’s what I will be doing today. My kids are too old for the easter egg hunt *sigh*.
Same here. Annual chocolate festival.
Wife’s off to do the egg hunt with the nieces, I’m cleaning the house for inbound from Boston. (Reckon the house could use it anyway, but whatever).
Good morning AL and all BJers. It’s sunny in NYC; no specific plans for the day yet.
Thanks for playing White Rabbit. (It was the anthem of my freshman year in college — spent a lot of time listening to the Airplane.)
We’re doing the traditional BBQ pork ribs and beer for Easter. Hey, it’s close.
It’s the first nice day we’ve had this spring, so I’m going on a nice long bike ride a bit later. I’ve been waiting so long for this.
the Reverend boy
After church, two friends of mine and I are having some well-deserved cocktails, then brunch, then an after-dinner drink, then I’m going to Tea Dance at a local guest house.
I’m in lovely Absecon, NJ nursing a serious hangover. And I still have a two-and-a-half hour drive home.
EDIT: It wasn’t until coming to around 6am and hearing the morning news that I realized that it was Easter. I think I’m the world’s worst Catholic.
Southern Beale
A round up of some notorious apologies for the month of April. There are quite a few.
Southern Beale
It rained all night and I was up either closing windows or dealing with a dog who insisted on going outside at 3 am so I’m bleary eyed.
No church for us anymore. We used to do a sunrise service at the homeless shelter, which was followed by a brunch for the guests. That was a tremendous amount of work so these days now that the husband has decided church is too much work (!!) we enjoy sitting around watching travel shows on HD-Net and reading the paper and drinking coffee. Yeah, let someone else deal with the homeless, that’s the Easter spirit! /sarcasm.
Day 2 of family gathering here. Yesterday was a birthday for 3 and was Mexican food. Today is the family traditional feast of ham, sausage and all that goes with it. Actually traditionally it would be lamb except for the fact it’s not so popular among this family.
I am now going to make the spanokopita. The cheesecake and the Easter bread are done.
Happy Easter to all who celebrate.
Chicken and Waffles Gospel Brunch and Musical Tribute to Fats Navarro at The Green Parrot Bar in Key West, FL.
We got somethin’ right around here…
Have a swell day, all.
Supposed to rain here pretty much through the foreseeable future. I really need to get out and do some yard work, as our place is starting to look like the hobo shack on the block.
The prickly pear cactus has roused from its winter dormancy. Every spring I hack it back and give away chunks in hope of controlling its takeover of the front of the house but there’s no stopping this thing. Anybody want a piece of hostile, invasive blooming plant that you can’t go near?
Just another Sunday in Japan, but it was happy one for me. Woke up at 3am, headed to a very sacred and holy left point break and paddled out at dawn to catch the tiny last remnants of yesterdays swell. Surfing is the only true religion.
And for 1967 drug anthems, I’d have to go with Dear Mr. Fantasy
Steve Winwood is seriously tripping his fucking balls off in this 1972 concert
No real plans; playing with kitties, some weird low carb cooking, then hamburgers!
A day to pursue what one likes is a holiday.
Just popped a turkey on the watersmoker, gonna be in the upper 80’s today.
I had my fill of religion by the time I was 15, and everyone we celebrate holidays with on this side of the pond is sick, so this is working out to be another regular Sunday for us. Fortunately, the kid is too small to understand the Easter egg hunt thing, so she’s not aware that she’s missing out on anything.
Instead we went hiking and petted some lambs in the fields. As a result, I can’t bring myself to eat one today. We’ll have roast pork instead.
I found out yesterday that my wife had never seen Ace Ventura Pet Detective so we immediately rented and watched it. The plot is nothing and the script is sub-average but I’ve never seen a better extended physical comedy routine than Jim Carrey does in this film. As a piece of acting craft it’s a wonder.
Plus, cute doggies.
Easter is an excuse to roast a prime rib. The sons are coming over and we plan on eating early. After the feast they are going to help me tear out the old oven, cooktop and lower cabinets in preparation for a remodel. Fun Times!
Omnes Omnibus
@HRA: Lamb and Easter reminds a story my wife tells of her employer in Romania. She worked for a company that ran charter buses and had a rather large number of employees. During the year she worked for them after getting her undergrad degree and before moving here, they gave each of the employees a freshly butchered lamb as a bonus/gift at Easter. This may seem rather nice, but the company is headquartered in Bucharest, a city of 2 million, and most of its employees traveled by public transportation. Can you imagine carrying a lamb carcass through the subways of a major city a rush hour? FWIW my wife is about 5’1″ and weighs about 100 lbs. She believes that the owners got the lambs as settlement on a debt and needed to unload them in a tax deductible way.
I find that Holy Week is draining; no matter how many times I have lived through his crucifixion, my anxiety about his resurrection is undiminished – I am terrified that, this year, it won’t happen; that, that year, it didn’t. Anyone can be sentimental about the Nativity; any fool can feel like a Christian at Christmas. But Easter is the main event; if you don’t believe in the resurrection, you’re not a believer.
love owen meany. I think I know what he would say about today’s political climate, “IT’S MADE FOR TV.”
We’re doing a marinated pork loin on the grill, along with dill potato salad and sauteed collard greens. Planning to have a quiet day to enjoy the end of my spring break. We’ll probably take a walk later, then settle in for the Braves game.
I got good chocolate and Mrs P got lilies, the buds phased for continuous flowering for about 2 weeks, so we’re happy.
I was planning a no-work day around the house, but I don’t think my guilt will allow it. I’m still holding out, although I can see the lumber for the raised beds out the window, and it’s not getting any earlier in the growing season.
Southern Beale
Yeah, we had the pleasure of hearing John Irving speak at an event in Nashville 2 years ago. It was quite interesting, I had no idea that he’s had more books banned than any other contemporary best-selling author. Or something to that effect ….
Just flipped past Christiane Amanpour interviewing Franklin Graham, and her interview style seems to be a bit too relaxed.
Graham insisted Obama could end all of this birth certificate speculation by just producing his bc (which has already been done and verified) and Amanpour didn’t even challenge him. He also made a comment that Trump really could be a serious contender for President and he likes him.
Oh, and my favorite; his father really misses the good ol’ days when people were nicer to each other and politics wasn’t so mean spirited.
West of the Cascades
Choir practice (singing Leonard Cohen’s “Hallellujah” as the anthem today), Easter Egg Hunt (or “Spring Spheroid Hunt” if you prefer) for the kids at church, Easter worship service, then a bake sale.
Having gotten the ancillary bits to celebrating the resurrection out of the way, it’s back to the couch to watch the Sabres whack the Flyers out of the playoffs. Wanna see the Flyers as dead as Judas after hanging himself, to steal a biblical simile.
Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate, and Happy Spring Sunday to those of you who don’t.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Ugh! Cannot even imagine how your wife carried it and how she had to carry it. I had enough trouble carrying a whole ham (from boss of years past) on public transportation and I am 5’5 120 lbs.
Jay in Oregon
In Arizona, they passed a law giving the “Don’t Tread On Me” Gadsden flag favored by the Tea Party the same protection as the U.S. flag, the Arizona state flag, the flags of the various branches of the military, and Indian nation flags as it relates to the ability of homeowners’ associations to control what is members may display on or outside their homes.
Peeps contest winnahs!
Have a happy.
opie jeanne
Happy Easter to those who celebrate it. No church for us today. Still haven’t expended the effort to find a Methodist church nearby that isn’t full of crazy righties trying to take us all back to “true Christianity”, and that one experience kind of fried my hair.
About-to-be-divorced daughter is coming over, I’m roasting a chicken and making smashed potatoes with gluten-free gravy for her, deviled eggs, and will put together a little Easter basket with a chocolate bunny and some chocolate eggs, even though she’s 32.
After two gloriously warm sunny days, it’s raining today.
The Leonard Cohen Allelujah! sounds like it might work very well for today’s church service. When I was a teenager we performed “Sound of Silence” and “Turn Turn Turn” for our church congregation on Teen Sunday, and both were fairly well tolerated. On Easter we had a good enough choir, half of which were teens , that we took on the Hallelujah Chorus.
For Airplane fans, NPR’s Weekend Edition Sunday had an interview by Liane Hansen with Jorma Kaukonen and Jack Casady, whose guitar and bass can be heard on the cut in the main post. They’ve just released the first Hot Tuna studio album in ten years.
@opie jeanne: You’re a good mom. My mom still sends me Easter baskets, and I’m 48.
Slept through the early service. Gotta get a new alarm clock so I can’t operate it in my sleep.
We had drums and electric guitars in church today! I expected people to be shocked and horrified (we’re spiky Lutherans), but they liked it. Contemporary Christian music makes me gag, but it’s fun to sing. We did Michael W. Smith’s “Agnus Dei” and “Amazing Grace/My Chains Are Gone.” One of the guys in our parish is a pop-country artist who also plays keyboards for Trace Adkins, and he sang lead.
We also had a 17-century Italian motet, the “Sanctus” from Gounod’s St. Cecilia Mass, and a sweet little song by the pastor who made our parish what it is today, serving from 1922-1958.
opie jeanne, my mom was part of a quartet that did “contemporary” songs for our church in the early ’70s. The song I remember best was Cohen’s “Suzanne.” They saw Suzanne as a Christ figure.
The other three members, one of whom was my godfather, all died too damn soon. My friend gave me the reissue of that album on Easter a few years ago, and it took a long time for me to listen to that song without weeping uncontrollably.
But they are now with the Lord, who is risen indeed. Hallelujah!
@trollhattan: I like those. They are the Peeple’s Peeps Contest.
But the mother of them all is the Washington Post.
It’s where peeps go to get serious. I still haven’t seen all of this year’s slideshow. Been saving it as an Easter treat.
opie jeanne
@hamletta: He is risen, indeed.
What, they’re 90? You’re only “too old” if you can’t move your own wheelchair.
opie jeanne
@hamletta: Suzanne takes you down to a place near the river… that Suzanne? I have a nice recording of it by, of all people, Spanky and the Gang.
I’ve always loved that song, but I never went very deep into the meaning. It was the ’60s, after all and I was probably 17.
opie jeanne
@hamletta: This daughter and her soon-to-be-ex gave us tickets to A Prairie Home Companion at the Hollywood Bowl several years ago. Meryl Streep sang a song that had the entire audience weeping, remembering family that are gone. Goodbye to My Mama. Lily Tomlin was supposed to sing it with her but had a conflict and Meryl had a little help from Garrison, IIRC, but everyone was affected.
You know what’s sad?
I hadn’t known until this video that Jefferson Airplane’s singer (at least on this song) was a woman.
I always thought it was a feminine sounding man like many bands of the time had and I hadn’t watched any videos of Jefferson Airplane to dissuade me from that idea.
So there’s that random confession, you may commence mocking me for it.
@Cerberus: You are sad, not knowing I sing tenor for Our Lord!
But really, some of us wimmens have deep voices.
We are freaks. Hated freaks.
@opie jeanne: Oh, my, that recording is awful!
opie jeanne
@hamletta: I forgot to warn you, I have a degree in music but no taste at all.